1 #################################################################################
3 # File : default.filter
5 # Purpose : Rules to process the content of web pages
7 # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001-2022 the
8 # Privoxy team. https://www.privoxy.org/
10 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it
11 # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
12 # Public License as published by the Free Software
13 # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
14 # your option) any later version.
16 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will
17 # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
18 # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
19 # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
20 # License for more details.
22 # The GNU General Public License should be included with
23 # this file. If not, you can view it at
24 # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
25 # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
26 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
28 #################################################################################
32 # Generally filters start with a line like "FILTER: name description".
33 # They are then referrable from the actionsfile with +filter{name}
35 # FILTER marks a filter as content filter, other filter
39 # Inside the filters, write one Perl-Style substitution (job) per line.
40 # Jobs that precede the first FILTER: line are ignored.
42 # For Details see the pcrs manpage contained in this distribution.
43 # (and the perlre, perlop and pcre manpages)
45 # Note that you are free to choose the delimiter as you see fit.
47 # Note2: In addition to the Perl options gimsx, the following nonstandard
48 # options are supported:
50 # 'U' turns the default to ungreedy matching. Add ? to quantifiers to
51 # switch back to greedy.
53 # 'T' (trivial) prevents parsing for backreferences in the substitute.
54 # Use if you want to include text like '$&' in your substitute without
57 # 'D' (Dynamic) allows the use of variables. Supported variables are:
58 # $host, $listen-address, $origin (the IP address the request came
59 # from), $path and $url.
61 # Note that '$' is a bad choice as delimiter for dynamic filters as you
62 # might end up with unintended variables if you use a variable name
63 # directly after the delimiter. Variables will be resolved without
64 # escaping anything, therefore you also have to be careful not to chose
65 # delimiters that appear in the replacement text. For example '<' should
66 # be save, while '?' will sooner or later cause conflicts with $url.
68 #################################################################################
71 #################################################################################
73 # js-annoyances: Get rid of particularly annoying JavaScript abuse.
75 #################################################################################
76 FILTER: js-annoyances Get rid of particularly annoying JavaScript abuse.
78 # Note: Most of these jobs would be safer if restricted to a
79 # <script> context as in:
81 # s/(<script.*)nasty-item(?=.*<\/script>)/$1replacement/sigU
83 # but that would make them match only the first occurrence of
84 # nasty-item in each <script>. We need nestable jobs!
86 # Get rid of Javascript referrer tracking.
87 # Test page: http://www.javascript-page.com/referrer.html
89 s|(?:\w+\.)+referrer|false.toString()|gisU
91 # The status bar is for displaying link targets, not pointless blahblah
93 s@([\W]\s*)((?:this|window)\.(?:default)?status)\s*=\s*((['"]).*?\4)@$1$2 =\
94 (typeof(this.href) != 'undefined')?($3 + ' URL: ' + this.href):($2)@ig
96 s/(?:(?:this|window)\.(?:default)?status)\s*=\s*\w*\s*;//ig
98 # Kill OnUnload popups. Yummy.
99 # Test: http://www.zdnet.com/zdsubs/yahoo/tree/yfs.html
101 s/(<body\s+[^>]*)onunload/$1never/siU
102 s|(<script.*)window\.onunload(?=.*</script>)|$1never|sigU
104 # If we allow window.open, we want normal window features:
105 # Test: http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/notitle.html
107 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+resizable=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU
108 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+location=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU
109 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+status=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU
110 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+scroll(?:ing|bars)=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2auto$2/sigU
111 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+menubar=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU
112 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+toolbar=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU
113 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+directories=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU
114 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+fullscreen=)(["']?)(?:yes|1)\2/$1$2no$2/sigU
115 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+always(?:raised|lowered)=)(["']?)(?:yes|1)\2/$1$2no$2/sigU
116 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+z-?lock=)(["']?)(?:yes|1)\2/$1$2no$2/sigU
117 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+hotkeys=)(["']?)(?:yes|1)\2/$1$2no$2/sigU
118 s/(open\s*\([^\)]+titlebar=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU
121 #################################################################################
123 # js-events: Kill JavaScript event bindings and timers (Radically destructive! Only for extra nasty sites).
125 #################################################################################
126 FILTER: js-events Kill JavaScript event bindings and timers (Radically destructive! Only for extra nasty sites).
128 s/(on|event\.)((mouse(over|out|down|up|move))|(un)?load|contextmenu|selectstart)/never/ig
129 # Not events, but abused on the same type of sites:
130 s/(alert|confirm)\s*\(/concat(/ig
131 s/set(timeout|interval)\(/concat(/ig
133 #################################################################################
135 # html-annoyances: Get rid of particularly annoying HTML abuse.
137 #################################################################################
138 FILTER: html-annoyances Get rid of particularly annoying HTML abuse.
140 # New browser windows (if allowed -- see no-popups filter below) should be
141 # resizeable and have a location and status bar
143 s/(<a\s+href[^>]+resizable=)(['"]?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/igU
144 s/(<a\s+href[^>]+location=)(['"]?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/igU
145 s/(<a\s+href[^>]+status=)(['"]?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/igU
146 s/(<a\s+href[^>]+scrolling=)(['"]?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2auto$2/igU
147 s/(<a\s+href[^>]+menubar=)(['"]?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/igU
149 # The <BLINK> and <MARQUEE> tags were crimes!
151 s-</?(blink|marquee).*>--sigU
154 #################################################################################
156 # content-cookies: Kill cookies that come in the HTML or JS content.
158 #################################################################################
159 FILTER: content-cookies Kill cookies that come in the HTML or JS content.
161 # JS cookies, except those used by antiadbuster.com to detect us:
163 s|(\w+\.)+cookie(?=[ \t\r\n]*=)(?!='aab)|ZappedCookie|ig
167 s|<meta\s+http-equiv=['"]?set-cookie.*>|<!-- ZappedCookie -->|igU
170 #################################################################################
172 # refresh-tags: Kill automatic refresh tags if refresh time is larger than 9 seconds.
174 #################################################################################
175 FILTER: refresh-tags Kill automatic refresh tags if refresh time is larger than 9 seconds.
177 # Note: Only deactivates refreshes with more than 9 seconds delay to
178 # preserve monster-stupid but common redirections via meta tags.
180 s@<meta\s+http-equiv\s*=\s*(['"]?)refresh\1\s+content\s*=\s*(['"]?)\d{2,}\s*(;(?:\s*url\s*=\s*)?([^>\2]*))?\2@<link rev="x-refresh" href="$4"@ig
183 #################################################################################
185 # unsolicited-popups: Disable unsolicited pop-up windows.
187 #################################################################################
188 FILTER: unsolicited-popups Disable only unsolicited pop-up windows.
190 s+([^'"]\s*<head.*>)(?=\s*[^'"])+$1<script>function PrivoxyWindowOpen(){return(null);}</script>+isU
191 s@([^\w\s.]\s*)((?:map)?(window|this|parent)\.?)?open\s*\(@$1PrivoxyWindowOpen(@ig
192 s+([^'"]\s*</html>)(?!\s*(\\n|'|"))+$1<script>function PrivoxyWindowOpen(a, b, c){return(window.open(a, b, c));}</script>+iU
195 ##################################################################################
197 # all-popups: Kill all popups in JavaScript and HTML.
199 #################################################################################
200 FILTER: all-popups Kill all popups in JavaScript and HTML.
202 s@((\W\s*)(?:map)?(window|this|parent)\.?)open\s*\\?\(@$1concat(@ig # JavaScript
203 #s/\starget\s*=\s*(['"]?)_?(blank|new)\1?/ notarget/ig # HTML
204 s/\starget\s*=\s*(['"]?)_?(blank|new)\1?/ /ig # (X)HTML
206 ##################################################################################
208 # img-reorder: Reorder attributes in <img> tags to make the banners-by-* filters more effective.
210 #################################################################################
211 FILTER: img-reorder Reorder attributes in <img> tags to make the banners-by-* filters more effective.
213 # In the first step src is moved to the start, then width is moved to the second
214 # place to guarantee an order of src, width, height. Also does some white-space
217 # This makes banners-by-size more effective and allows both banners-by-size
218 # and banners-by-link to preserve the original image URL in the title attribute.
220 s|<img\s+?([^>]*)\ssrc\s*=\s*(['"])([^>'" ]+)\2|<img src=$2$3$2 $1|siUg
221 s|<img\s+?([^>]*)\ssrc\s*=\s*([^'">\\\s]+)|<img src=$2 $1|sig
222 s|(<img[^>]+height)\s*=\s*|$1=|siUg
224 s|<img (src=(?:(['"])[^>'" ]*\2\|[^'">\\\s]+?))([^>]*)\s+width\s*=\s*((["']?)\d+?\5)(?=[\s>])|<img $1 width=$4$3|siUg
227 #################################################################################
229 # banners-by-size: Kill banners by size.
231 #################################################################################
233 # Standard banner sizes taken from http://www.iab.net/iab_banner_standards/bannersizes.html
235 # Note: Use http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=trans for a transparent 1x1 image
236 # Use http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=pattern for a grey/white pattern image
237 # Use http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto to auto-select.
239 # Note2: Use img-reorder before this filter to ensure maximum matching success
241 #################################################################################
242 FILTER: banners-by-size Kill banners by size.
245 s@<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)88\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)31\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\
246 <img src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed-$2-by-size" $3 $5@sig
247 # 120*60, 120*90, 120*240, 120*600
248 s@<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)120\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)(?:600?|90|240)\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\
249 <img src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed-$2-by-size" $3 $5@sig
251 s@<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)125\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)125\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\
252 <img src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed-$2-by-size" $3 $5@sig
254 s@<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)160\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)600\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\
255 <img src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed-$2-by-size" $3 $5@sig
257 s@<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)180\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)150\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\
258 <img src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed-$2-by-size" $3 $5@sig
259 # 234*60, 468*60 (Most Banners!)
260 s@<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)(?:234|468)\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)60\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\
261 <img src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed-$2-by-size" $3 $5@sig
263 s@<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)240\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)400\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\
264 <img src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed-$2-by-size" $3 $5@sig
266 s@<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)(?:250|300)\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)250\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\
267 <img src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed-$2-by-size" $3 $5@sig
269 s@<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)336\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)280\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\
270 <img src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed-$2-by-size" $3 $5@sig
272 # Note: 200*50 was also proposed, but it probably causes too much collateral damage:
274 #s@<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)200\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)50\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\
275 # <img src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed-$2-by-size" $3 $5@sig
278 #################################################################################
280 # banners-by-link: Kill banners by their links to known clicktrackers (Experimental).
282 #################################################################################
283 FILTER: banners-by-link Kill banners by their links to known clicktrackers.
285 # Common case with width and height attributes:
287 s@<a\s+href\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\1\s]*?(?:\
288 adclick # See www.dn.se \
289 | advert # see dict.leo.org \
290 | atwola\.com/(?:link|redir) # see www.cnn.com \
291 | doubleclick\.net/jump/ # redirs for doublecklick.net ads \
293 | (?<!&type=)tracker # (&type=tracker is used in sf's project statistics) \
294 | adlog\.pl # see sf.net \
295 )[^>\1\s]*)\1[^>]*>\s*<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\3\s]+)\3)?[^>]*((?:width|height)\s*=\s*(['"]?)\d+?\6)[^>]*((?:width|height)\s*=\s*(['"]?)\d+?\8)[^>]*?(?=/?>)\
296 @<img $5 $7 src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed $4 by link to $2"@sigx
298 # Rare case w/o explicit dimensions:
300 s@<a\s+href\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\1\s]*?(?:ad(?:click|vert)|atwola\.com/(?:link|redir)|doubleclick\.net/jump/|(?<!&type=)tracker|counter|adlog\.pl)[^>\1\s]*)\1[^>]*>\s*<img\s+(?:src\s*=\s*(['"]?)([^>\\\3\s]+)\3)?[^>]*?(?=/?>)@<img src="http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=auto" border="0" title="Killed $4 by link to $2"@sig
303 ################################################################################
305 # webbugs: Squish WebBugs (1x1 invisible GIFs used for user tracking).
307 #################################################################################
308 FILTER: webbugs Squish WebBugs (1x1 invisible GIFs used for user tracking).
310 s@<img[^>]*\s(?:width|height)\s*=\s*['"]?[01](?=\D)[^>]*\s(?:width|height)\s*=\s*['"]?[01](?=\D)[^>]*?>@@siUg
313 #################################################################################
315 # tiny-textforms: Extend those tiny textareas up to 40x80 and kill the hard wrap.
317 #################################################################################
318 FILTER: tiny-textforms Extend those tiny textareas up to 40x80 and kill the hard wrap.
320 s/(<textarea[^>]*?)(?:\s*(?:rows|cols)=(['"]?)\d+\2)+/$1 rows=$2\40$2 cols=$2\80$2/ig
321 s/(<textarea[^>]*?)wrap=(['"]?)hard\2/$1/ig
324 #################################################################################
326 # jumping-windows: Prevent windows from resizing and moving themselves.
328 #################################################################################
329 FILTER: jumping-windows Prevent windows from resizing and moving themselves.
331 s/(?<=[\W])(?:window|this|self)\.(?:move|resize)(?:to|by)\(/''.concat(/ig
333 #################################################################################
335 # frameset-borders: Give frames a border, make them resizable and scrollable.
337 #################################################################################
338 FILTER: frameset-borders Give frames a border and make them resizable.
340 s/(<frameset\s+[^>]*)framespacing=(['"]?)(no|0)\2/$1/igU
341 s/(<frameset\s+[^>]*)frameborder=(['"]?)(no|0)\2/$1/igU
342 s/(<frameset\s+[^>]*)border=(['"]?)(no|0)\2/$1/igU
343 s/(<frame\s+[^>]*)noresize/$1/igU
344 s/(<frame\s+[^>]*)frameborder=(['"]?)(no|0)\2/$1/igU
345 s/(<frame\s+[^>]*)scrolling=(['"]?)(no|0)\2/$1/igU
348 #################################################################################
350 # iframes: Remove all detected iframes. Should only be enabled for
351 # individual sites after testing that the iframes are optional.
353 #################################################################################
354 FILTER: iframes Removes all detected iframes. Should only be enabled for individual sites.
355 s@<iframe.*</iframe>@<!-- iframe removed by Privoxy's iframe filter -->@Uisg
358 #################################################################################
360 # demoronizer: Correct Microsoft's abuse of standardized character sets, which
361 # leave the browser to (mis)-interpret unknown characters, with
362 # sometimes bizarre results on non-MS platforms.
364 # credit: ripped from the demoroniser.pl script by:
365 # John Walker -- January 1998, http://www.fourmilab.ch/webtools/demoroniser
367 #################################################################################
368 FILTER: demoronizer Fix MS's non-standard use of standard charsets.
370 s/(&\#[0-2]\d\d)\s/$1; /g
371 # per Robert Lynch: http://slate.msn.com//?id=2067547, just a guess.
372 # Must come before x94 below.
373 s/\xE2\x80\x94/ -- /g
385 # Bullet type character.
389 #s-\x98-<sup>~</sup>-g
390 #s-\x99-<sup>TM</sup>-g
395 #################################################################################
397 # shockwave-flash: Kill embedded Shockwave Flash objects.
398 # Note: Better just block "/.*\.swf$"!
400 #################################################################################
401 FILTER: shockwave-flash Kill embedded Shockwave Flash objects.
403 s|<object [^>]*macromedia.*</object>|<!-- Squished Shockwave Object -->|sigU
404 s|<embed [^>]*(application/x-shockwave-flash\|\.swf).*>(.*</embed>)?|<!-- Squished Shockwave Flash Embed -->|sigU
407 #################################################################################
409 # quicktime-kioskmode: Make Quicktime movies saveable.
411 #################################################################################
412 FILTER: quicktime-kioskmode Make Quicktime movies saveable.
414 s/(<embed\s+[^>]*)kioskmode\s*=\s*(["']?)true\2/$1/ig
417 #################################################################################
419 # fun: Text replacements for subversive browsing fun!
421 #################################################################################
422 FILTER: fun Text replacements for subversive browsing fun!
426 s/microsoft(?!\.[^\s])/MicroSuck/ig
428 # Buzzword Bingo (example for extended regex syntax)
430 s* (?:industry|world)[ -]leading \
432 | customer[ -]focused \
434 | award[ -]winning # Comments are OK, too! \
435 | high[ -]performance \
436 | solutions[ -]based \
440 *$0<sup><font color="red"><b>Bingo!</b></font></sup> \
445 s/(M|m)edien(?![^<]*>)/$1ädchen/Ug
447 #################################################################################
449 # crude-parental: Crude parental filtering. Use with a suitable blocklist.
450 # Pages are "blocked" based on keyword matching.
452 #################################################################################
453 FILTER: crude-parental Crude parental filtering. Note that this filter doesn't work reliably.
455 # (Note: Middlesex, Sussex and Essex are counties in the UK, not rude words)
456 # (Note #2: Is 'sex' a rude word?!)
458 s%^.*(?<!middle)(?<!sus)(?<!es)sex.*$%<html><head><title>Blocked</title></head><body>\
459 <h3>Blocked by <a href="http://p.p/">Privoxy's</a> crude-parental filter due to possible adult content.</h3></body></html>\n%is
461 s+^.*warez.*$+<html><head><title>No Warez</title></head><body><h3>You're not searching for illegal stuff, are you?</h3></body></html>\n+is
463 # Remove by description
465 (?:(suck|lick|tongue|rub|fuck|fingering|finger|chicks?)\s*)?\
466 (?:(her|your|my|hard|with|big|wet|tight|pink|hot|moist|young|teen)\s*)+\
467 (dicks?|penis|cocks?|balls?|tits?|pussy|cunt|clit|ass|mouth).*$\
468 @This page has been blocked by <a href="http://p.p/">Privoxy's</a> crude-parental \
469 content filter based on the description.\n\
474 (download|broadband|view|watch|free|get|extreem)?\s*\
475 (sex|xxx|porn|cumshot|fuck(ing|s)?|anal|ass|asian|adult|Amateur|org(y|ies)|close ups?|hand?job|nail(ed)?)+\s*\
476 (movies?|pics?|videos?|dvds?|dvd's|links?).*$\
477 @This page has been blocked by <a href="http://p.p/">Privoxy's</a> crude-parental \
478 content filter based on link text.\n\
481 #Remove by age disclaimer
483 (models?|chicks?|girls?|women|persons)\s*\
484 (who|are|were)+ (over|at least) (16|18|21) years (old|of age).*$\
485 @This page has been blocked by <a href="http://p.p/">Privoxy's</a> crude-parental \
486 content filter because of an age disclaimer.\n\
489 #Remove by regulations
490 s@^.*(Section 2257|18 U.?S.?C.? 2257).*$\
491 @This page has been blocked by <a href="http://p.p/">Privoxy's</a> crude-parental \
492 content filter because of an regulations text.\n\
496 #################################################################################
498 # IE-Exploits: Disable some known Internet Explorer bug exploits.
500 #################################################################################
501 FILTER: ie-exploits Disable some known Internet Explorer bug exploits.
503 # Note: This is basically a demo and waits for someone more interested in IE
504 # security (sic!) to take over.
506 # Cross-site-scripting:
508 s%f\("javascript:location.replace\('mk:@MSITStore:C:'\)"\);%alert\("This page looks like it tries to use a vulnerability described here:\n http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1/298748/2002-11-02/2002-11-08/2"\);%siU
510 # Address bar spoofing (http://www.secunia.com/advisories/10395/):
512 s/(<a[^>]*href[^>]*)(?:\x01|\x02|\x03|%0[012])@/$1MALICIOUS-LINK@/ig
516 s%<script language="JavaScript">(window\.open|1;''\.concat)\("readme\.eml", null, "resizable=no,top=6000,left=6000"\)</script>%<br><font size="7"> WARNING: This Server is infected with <a href="http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-26.html">Nimda</a>!</font>%g
519 #################################################################################
522 # site-specifics: Cure for site-specific problems. Don't apply generally!
524 # Note: The fixes contained here are so specific to the problems of the
525 # particular web sites they are designed for that they would be a
526 # waste of CPU cycles (or even destructive!) on 99.9% of the web
527 # sites where they don't apply.
529 #################################################################################
530 FILTER: site-specifics Cure for site-specific problems. Don't apply generally!
532 # www.spiegel.de excludes X11 users from viewing Flash5 objects - shame.
533 # Apply to: www.spiegel.de/static/js/flash-plugin.js
535 s/indexOf\("x11"\)/indexOf("x13")/
537 # www.quelle-bausparkasse.de uses a very stupid redirect mechanism that
538 # relies on a webbug being present. Can we tolerate that? No!
539 # Apply to: www.quelle-bausparkasse.de/$
543 # groups.yahoo.com has splash pages that one needs to click through in
544 # order to access the actual messages. Let the browser do that. Thanks
545 # to Paul Jobson for this one:
547 s|<a href="(.+?)">(?:Continue to message\|Weiter zu Nachricht)</a>|<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=$1">|ig
549 # monster.com has two very similar gimmicks:
551 s|<input type="hidden" name="REDIRECT" value="(.+?)">|<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=$1">|i
553 s|<IMG SRC="http://media.monster.com/mm/usen/my/no_thanks_211x40.gif".+?>|<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=http://my.monster.com/resume.asp">|i
555 # nytimes.com triggers popups through the onload handler of dummy images
556 # to fool popup-blockers.
558 s|(<img [^>]*)onload|$1never|sig
560 # Pre-check all the "Discard" buttons in GNU Mailman's web interface.
561 # (This saves a lot of mouse aiming practice when flushing spamtraps)
563 s|(<INPUT name="\d{2,4}" type="RADIO" value="0") CHECKED |$1|g
564 s|<INPUT name="\d{2,4}" type="RADIO" value="3" |$0 checked|g
566 #################################################################################
568 # no-ping: Removes non-standard ping attributes in <a> and <area> tags.
570 #################################################################################
571 FILTER: no-ping Removes non-standard ping attributes in <a> and <area> tags.
572 s@(<a(?:rea)?[^>]*?)\sping=(['"]?)([^"'>]+)\2([>\s]?)@\
573 <strong style="color:white; background-color:red;" title="Privoxy removed ping target '$3'">PING!</strong>\n$1$4@ig
575 #################################################################################
577 # allow-autocompletion: Changes autocomplete="off" on form and input fields
578 # to "on" to allow autocompletion.
580 #################################################################################
581 FILTER: allow-autocompletion Changes autocomplete="off" on form and input fields to "on" to allow autocompletion.
583 s@(<(?:input|form|select|textarea)\s[^>]+autocomplete=)(['"]?)(?:off|0)\2@$1$2on$2@igsU
585 #################################################################################
587 # github: Removes the annoying "Sign-Up" banner and the Cookie disclaimer.
589 #################################################################################
590 FILTER: github Removes the annoying "Sign-Up" banner and the Cookie disclaimer.
592 s@<signup-prompt.*</signup-prompt>@@Uis
593 s@(<div) (class="hx_cookie-banner)@$1 style="display:none;" $2@
595 #################################################################################
597 # imdb: Removes some ads on IMDb.
599 #################################################################################
600 FILTER: imdb Removes some ads on IMDb.
602 s@(<div id="top_ad_wrapper")@$1 style="display:none"@
603 s@<iframe[^>]*id="top_ad"[^>]*>.*</iframe>@<!-- Iframe removed by Privoxy's imdb filter -->@
604 s@<iframe[^>]*onload="doWithAds.call[^>]*></iframe>@<!-- Iframe removed by Privoxy's imdb filter -->@g
606 #################################################################################
608 # google: CSS-based block for Google text ads. Also removes
609 # a width limitation and the toolbar advertisement.
611 #################################################################################
612 FILTER: google CSS-based block for Google text ads. Also removes a width limitation and the toolbar advertisement.
614 s@</head>[^\\]@<style type="text/css">\n\
615 /* Style sheet inserted by Privoxy's google filter. */\n\
616 \#fbc, \#fbl, \#ra, .rhh {visibility: hidden !important;}\n\
617 \#tpa1,\#tpa2,\#tpa3,\#tpa4,\#tpa5,\#tpa5, \#spl, .ch, \#ads,\
618 \#toolbar, \#google_ads_frame, \#mbEnd {display: none !important;}\n\
619 .main_body, .j, \#res, .med, .hd, .g, .s\n\
620 {width: 99%; max-width: 100%; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0;}\n\
622 s@<div style=\"padding-top:11px;min-width:500px\">@<div id="main_body">@
623 s@(<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=25% align=right bgcolor=\#ffffff border=0\
624 |</font></td></tr></tbody></table><table align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"\#ffffff\"\
625 |<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=right bgcolor=\#ffffff border=0\
626 |<table style=\"clear:both\" align=right width=25% cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"\
627 border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"\#ffffff\")@$0 id="ads"@
628 s@(<br clear=all><table)( border=0 cellpadding=9><tr><td)@$1 id="toolbar"$2@
630 #################################################################################
632 # yahoo: CSS-based block for Yahoo text ads. Also removes a width limitation.
634 #################################################################################
635 FILTER: yahoo CSS-based block for Yahoo text ads. Also removes a width limitation.
637 s@</head>@\n<style type="text/css">\n\
638 /* Style sheet inserted by Privoxy's yahoo filter. */\n\
639 \#symadbn, \#ymadbn, .yschbox, .yschhd, .bbox, \#yschsec, \#sec,\
640 \#yschanswr, .yschftad, .yschspn, .yschspns, \#ygrp-sponsored-links,\
641 \#nwad, \#MWA2, \#MSCM, \#yregad, \#sponsored-links,\
642 \#ks-ypn-ads, .ad, \#east, \#ygrp-vital, .ads {display: none !important;}\n\
643 \#yschpri, \#yschweb, \#pri, \#web, \#main, .yschttl, .abstr, .res \n\
644 {width: 99% !important; max-width: 100% !important;}\n\
645 .yschttl, .res, .res.indent, \#web {padding: 0px; margin: 0px !important;}\n\
646 \#web {padding-left: 0.5em}\n\
647 \#yschqcon, \#yschtg {width: auto !important; /* No useless horizontal scrollbar please */}\n\
648 \#composebox \#compose_editorArea {width: 70% !important; /* reasonably sized reply textarea please */\n\
651 s@(<textarea\s+id="composeArea"[^>]*)width:545px;@$1width:70%;@isU
653 #################################################################################
655 # msn: CSS-based block for MSN text ads. Also removes tracking URLs
656 # and a width limitation.
658 #################################################################################
659 FILTER: msn CSS-based block for MSN text ads. Also removes tracking URLs and a width limitation.
661 s@</head>@<style type="text/css">\n\
662 /* Style sheet inserted by Privoxy's msn filter. */\n\
663 .msn_ads, \#at, \#ar, .mktmsg {display: none !important;}\n\
664 \#results, \#b_results, .flank, .results_area_flank, .results_area_stroke,\n\
665 \#results_area, \#content, .sb_tlst, .sa_cc, .sb_ph, \#sw_main,\n\
666 .content, .b_content, \#sw_foot, \#bf, \#sw_content, \#sidebar, \#pag\n\
667 {width: 99% !important; min-width: 99% !important;\n\
668 max-width: 100% !important; /* width:100% sometimes causes horizontal scrollbars */}\n\
669 /* Remove 'related' ads */\n\
670 .b_ad, .b_adlabel {clear: both; display:none;}\n\
671 /* Remove "suggestions". They are next to worthless but partly overlap with the search results */\n\
672 .suggestion, \#nys_right, \#nys {clear: both; display:none;}\n\
673 /* Remove "Related searches" at the left side of the main results.\n\
674 They are next to worthless, too, and also are still present below the main search results */\n\
675 \#b_results > .b_ans {clear: both; display:none;}\n\
677 /* Overlay ads to enable Facebook 'likes' in search results. */\n\
678 .sn_container {display:none !important;}\n\
679 \#content, \#b_content {padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px}\n\
681 # Are these ids still in use?
682 s@(<div[^>]*) id=(["']?)ads_[^\2]*\2@$1 class="msn_ads"@Uig
683 s@(<div[^>]*) class=(["']?)sb_ads[^\2]*\2@$1 class="msn_ads"@Uig
684 s@(<a[^>]*href=\")http://g.msn.com/.*\?(http://.*)(&&DI=.*)(\")@$1$2$4@Ug
685 s@(<a[^>]*)gping=\".*\"@$1 title="URL cleaned up by Privoxy's msn filter"@Ug
687 #################################################################################
689 # blogspot: Cleans up some Blogspot blogs. Read the fine print before using this.
691 # This filter also intentionally removes some navigation stuff and
692 # sets the page width to 100%. As a result, some rounded "corners" would
693 # appear to early or not at all and as fixing this would require a browser
694 # that understands background-size (CSS3), they are removed instead.
696 # When applied to feeds, it removes comment titles that
697 # only contain the beginning of the actual comment.
699 #################################################################################
700 FILTER: blogspot Cleans up some Blogspot blogs. Read the fine print before using this.
702 s@</head>@<style type="text/css">\n\
703 /* Style sheet inserted by Privoxy's blogspot filter. */\n\
704 \#powered-by {display: none !important;}\n\
705 \#wrap4, \#wrapper {margin-top: 0px }\n\
706 \#blogheader, \#header {margin-top: 0.5em !important}\n\
707 \#content {width: 98% }\n\
708 \#main {width: 70% }\n\
709 \#sidebar {width: 29% }\n\
710 .post-body {overflow: auto;}\n\
711 .blogComments {width: 100%; overflow: auto;}\n</style>\n$0@
712 s@<body.*(?:<div id="space-for-ie"></div>|(<div id="(?:content|wrap4|wrapper)))@<body>\
713 <!-- Privoxy's blogspot filter ditched some garbage here -->$1@Us
714 s@(<div style=\"[^\"]*width:)30em@$1 100%@
715 s@background:url\(\"http://www.blogblog.com/rounders[^\"]*\"\).*;@/*$0*/@Ug
716 s@(background:\#[a-f\d]{3})( url\(\"http://www.blogblog.com/rounders[^\"]*\"\).*;)@$1 ;/*$2*/@Ug
717 # Do the feed filtering magic as described above.
718 s@<title(?:\s+type=\'text\')?>([^<]*)(?:\.\.\.)?\s*</title>\s*\
719 (<content(?:\s+type=\'(?:html|text)\')?>\s*\1)@<title></title>$2@ig
722 #################################################################################
724 # bundeswehr.de: Hide the cookie and privacy info banner on bundeswehr.de.
726 # The relevant parts of the page work without accepting cookies.
728 #################################################################################
729 FILTER: bundeswehr.de Hide the cookie and privacy info banner on bundeswehr.de
730 s@<div class="privacy-protection-banner__container"@$0 style="display: none"@
732 #################################################################################
734 # sourceforge: Reduces the amount of ads for proprietary software on SourceForge.
736 #################################################################################
737 FILTER: sourceforge Reduces the amount of ads for proprietary software on SourceForge.
739 s@<div id="banner-sterling"@$0 style="display:none;"@
740 s@<section id="nels"@$0 style="display:none;"@
741 s@<aside class="m-wide-widget m-wide-projects-widget "@$0 style="display:none;"@
742 s@<div id="newsletter-floating"@$0 style="display:none;"@
743 s@<div class="sterling" id="banner-sterling"@$0 style="display:none;"@
745 #################################################################################
747 # x-httpd-php-to-html: Changes the Content-Type header from
748 # x-httpd-php to html. "Content-Type: x-httpd-php"
749 # is set by clueless PHP users and causes many
750 # browsers do open a download menu instead of
751 # rendering the page.
753 #################################################################################
754 SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: x-httpd-php-to-html Changes the Content-Type header from x-httpd-php to html.
756 s@^(Content-Type:)\s*application/x-httpd-php@$1 text/html@i
758 #################################################################################
760 # html-to-xml: Changes the Content-Type header from html to xml.
762 #################################################################################
763 SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: html-to-xml Changes the Content-Type header from html to xml.
765 s@^(Content-Type:)\s*text/html(;.*)?$@$1 application/xhtml+xml$2@i
767 #################################################################################
769 # xml-to-html: Changes the Content-Type header from xml to html.
771 #################################################################################
772 SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: xml-to-html Changes the Content-Type header from xml to html.
774 s@^(Content-Type:)\s*(?:application|text)/(?:xhtml\+)?xml(;.*)?$@$1 text/html$2@i
776 #################################################################################
778 # hide-tor-exit-notation: Remove the Tor exit node notation in Host and Referer headers.
780 # Note: If Privoxy and Tor are chained and Privoxy is configured to
781 # use socks4a, one can use http://www.example.org.foobar.exit/
782 # to access the host www.example.org through Tor exit node foobar.
784 # As the HTTP client isn't aware of this notation, it treats the
785 # whole string "www.example.org.foobar.exit" as host and uses it
786 # for the "Host" and "Referer" headers. From the server's point of
787 # view the resulting headers are invalid and can cause problems.
789 # An invalid "Referer" header can trigger "hot-linking" protections,
790 # an invalid "Host" header will make it impossible for the server to
791 # find the right vhost (several domains hosted on the same IP address).
793 # This filter removes the "foo.exit" part in those headers
794 # to prevent the mentioned problems. Note that it only modifies
795 # the HTTP headers, it doesn't make it impossible for the server
796 # to detect your Tor exit node based on the IP address the request is
799 #################################################################################
800 CLIENT-HEADER-FILTER: hide-tor-exit-notation Removes the Tor exit node notation in Host and Referer headers.
802 s@^((?:Referer|Host):\s*(?:https?://)?[^/]*)\.[^\./]*?\.exit@$1@i
804 #################################################################################
806 # no-brotli-accepted: Strips "br" from the Accept-Encoding header as Privoxy
807 # currently doesn't support Brotli.
809 #################################################################################
810 CLIENT-HEADER-FILTER: no-brotli-accepted Strip "br" from Accept-Encoding header
812 s@(^Accept-Encoding:.*?)(?:br, |, br|br)@$1@i
814 #################################################################################
816 # less-download-windows: Prevents annoying download windows for content types
817 # the browser can handle itself.
819 #################################################################################
820 SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: less-download-windows Prevent annoying download windows for content types the browser can handle itself.
822 s@^Content-Disposition:.*filename=(["']?).*\.(png|gif|jpe?g|diff?|d?patch|c|h|pl|shar)\1.*$@@i
823 s@^(Content-Type:)\s*(?:message/(?:news|rfc822)|text/x-.*|application/x-sh(?:\s|$))\s*@$1 text/plain@i
825 #################################################################################
827 # image-requests: Tags detected image requests as "IMAGE-REQUEST". Whether
828 # or not the detection actually works depends on the browser.
830 #################################################################################
831 CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: image-requests Tags detected image requests as "IMAGE-REQUEST".
833 s@^Accept:\s*image/.*@IMAGE-REQUEST@i
835 #################################################################################
837 # css-requests: Tags detected CSS requests as "CSS-REQUEST". Whether
838 # or not the detection actually works depends on the browser.
840 #################################################################################
841 CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: css-requests Tags detected CSS requests as "CSS-REQUEST".
843 s@^Accept:\s*text/css.*@CSS-REQUEST@i
845 #################################################################################
847 # range-requests: Tags range requests as "RANGE-REQUEST".
849 # By default Privoxy removes Range headers for requests to
850 # ressources that will be filtered to make sure the filters
851 # get the whole picture. Otherwise Range requests could be
852 # intentionally used to circumvent filters or, less likely,
853 # filtering a partial response may damage it because it matched
854 # a pattern that the ressource as a whole wouldn't.
856 # Range requests can be useful and save bandwidth so instead
857 # of removing Range headers for requests to ressources that
858 # will be filtered, you may prefer to simply disable filtering
859 # for those requests.
861 # That's what this tagger is all about. After enabling it,
862 # you can disable filtering for range requests using the following
865 # {-filter -deanimate-gifs}
868 #################################################################################
869 CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: range-requests Tags range requests as "RANGE-REQUEST".
871 s@^Range:.*@RANGE-REQUEST@i
873 #################################################################################
875 # client-ip-address: Tags the request with the client's IP address.
877 #################################################################################
878 CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: client-ip-address Tags the request with the client's IP address.
880 s@^\w*\s+.*\s+HTTP/\d\.\d\s*@IP-ADDRESS: $origin@D
882 #################################################################################
884 # listen-address: Tags the request with the listen-address on which the request
887 #################################################################################
888 CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: listen-address Tags the request with the listen-address on which the request came in.
890 s@^\w*\s+.*\s+HTTP/\d\.\d\s*@LISTEN-ADDRESS: $listen-address@D
892 #################################################################################
894 # http-method: Tags the request with its HTTP method.
896 #################################################################################
897 CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: http-method Tags the request with its HTTP method.
899 s@^(\w*).*HTTP/\d\.\d\s*$@$1@i
901 #################################################################################
903 # allow-post: Tags POST requests as "ALLOWED-POST".
905 #################################################################################
906 CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: allow-post Tags POST requests as "ALLOWED-POST".
908 s@^(?:POST)\s+.*\s+HTTP/\d\.\d\s*@ALLOWED-POST@i
910 #################################################################################
912 # complete-url: Tags the request with the whole request URL.
914 #################################################################################
915 CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: complete-url Tags the request with the whole request URL.
917 s@^\w*\s+(.*)\s+HTTP/\d\.\d\s*$@$1@i
919 #################################################################################
921 # user-agent: Tags the request with the complete User-Agent header.
923 #################################################################################
924 CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: user-agent Tags the request with the complete User-Agent header.
926 s@^User-Agent:.*@$0@i
928 #################################################################################
930 # referer: Tags the request with the complete Referer header.
932 #################################################################################
933 CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: referer Tags the request with the complete Referer header.
937 #################################################################################
939 # content-type: Tags the request with the content type declared by the server.
941 #################################################################################
942 SERVER-HEADER-TAGGER: content-type Tags the request with the content type declared by the server.
944 s@^Content-Type:\s*([^;]+).*@$1@i
946 #################################################################################
948 # privoxy-control: The taggers create tags with the content of X-Privoxy-Control
949 # headers, the filters remove said headers.
951 #################################################################################
952 CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: privoxy-control Creates tags with the content of X-Privoxy-Control headers.
954 s@^X-Privoxy-Control:\s*@@i
956 CLIENT-HEADER-FILTER: privoxy-control Removes X-Privoxy-Control headers.
958 s@^X-Privoxy-Control:.*@@i
960 SERVER-HEADER-TAGGER: privoxy-control Creates tags with the content of X-Privoxy-Control headers.
962 s@^X-Privoxy-Control:\s*@@i
964 SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: privoxy-control Removes X-Privoxy-Control headers.
966 s@^X-Privoxy-Control:.*@@i
968 #################################################################################
970 # client-body: Modify client request body
972 #################################################################################
973 CLIENT-BODY-FILTER: remove-first-byte Removes the first byte from the request body
976 CLIENT-BODY-FILTER: remove-test Removes "test" everywhere in the request body
979 CLIENT-BODY-FILTER: overwrite-test-value Overwrites the value of the "test" variable with blafasel
980 s@(test=)[^&\s]*@$1blafasel@g