Various updates, including 7 or 8 new FAQs, and updates/changes to various
[privoxy.git] / standard.action
1 ######################################################################
3 #  File        :  $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/standard.action,v $
5 #  $Id: standard.action,v 1.8 2006/08/03 02:46:41 david__schmidt Exp $
6 #
7 #  Purpose     :  Provide prefedined sets of actions, see
8 #       
9 #
10 #  Copyright   :  Written by and Copyright 2002-2006
11 #                 Privoxy team.
12 #
13 ######################################################################
15 ######################################################################
16 #
18 #
19 #          This is not a user modifiable configuration file!
20 #          Local customizations and preferences should go in 
21 #          user.action  and/or user.filter. Or use the custom editor at
22 #          http://p.p/. Thanks.
23 #
24 ######################################################################
26 ################
27 #
28 # Cautious settings -- safe for all sites, but offer little privacy protection
29 #
30 { \
31 -add-header \
32 -block \
33 -content-type-overwrite \
34 -crunch-client-header \
35 -crunch-if-none-match \
36 -crunch-outgoing-cookies \
37 -crunch-incoming-cookies \
38 -crunch-server-header \
39 -deanimate-gifs \
40 -downgrade-http-version \
41 -fast-redirects \
42 +filter{js-annoyances} \
43 -filter{js-events} \
44 +filter{html-annoyances} \
45 -filter{content-cookies} \
46 -filter{refresh-tags} \
47 +filter{unsolicited-popups} \
48 -filter{all-popups} \
49 -filter{img-reorder} \
50 +filter{banners-by-size} \
51 -filter{banners-by-link} \
52 +filter{webbugs} \
53 -filter{tiny-textforms} \
54 -filter{jumping-windows} \
55 -filter{frameset-borders} \
56 -filter{demoronizer} \
57 -filter{shockwave-flash} \
58 -filter{quicktime-kioskmode} \
59 -filter{fun} \
60 -filter{crude-parental} \
61 -filter{ie-exploits} \
62 -filter{site-specifics} \
63 -filter-client-headers \
64 -filter-server-headers \
65 -force-text-mode \
66 -handle-as-empty-document \
67 -handle-as-image \
68 -hide-accept-language \
69 -hide-content-disposition \
70 -hide-if-modified-since \
71 +hide-forwarded-for-headers \
72 +hide-from-header{block} \
73 -hide-referrer \
74 -hide-user-agent \
75 -inspect-jpegs \
76 -kill-popups \
77 -limit-connect \
78 +prevent-compression \
79 -overwrite-last-modified \
80 -redirect \
81 -send-vanilla-wafer \
82 -send-wafer \
83 -session-cookies-only \
84 +set-image-blocker{pattern} \
85 -treat-forbidden-connects-like-blocks \
86 }
87 standard.Cautious
89 ################
90 #
91 # Medium settings -- safe for most sites, with reasonable protection/damage tradeoff
92 #
93 { \
94 -add-header \
95 -block \
96 -content-type-overwrite \
97 -crunch-client-header \
98 -crunch-if-none-match \
99 -crunch-outgoing-cookies \
100 -crunch-incoming-cookies \
101 -crunch-server-header \
102 +deanimate-gifs{last} \
103 -downgrade-http-version \
104 -fast-redirects \
105 +filter{js-annoyances} \
106 -filter{js-events} \
107 +filter{html-annoyances} \
108 -filter{content-cookies} \
109 +filter{refresh-tags} \
110 +filter{unsolicited-popups} \
111 -filter{all-popups} \
112 +filter{img-reorder} \
113 +filter{banners-by-size} \
114 -filter{banners-by-link} \
115 +filter{webbugs} \
116 -filter{tiny-textforms} \
117 +filter{jumping-windows} \
118 -filter{frameset-borders} \
119 -filter{demoronizer} \
120 -filter{shockwave-flash} \
121 -filter{quicktime-kioskmode} \
122 -filter{fun} \
123 -filter{crude-parental} \
124 +filter{ie-exploits} \
125 -filter{site-specifics} \
126 -filter-client-headers \
127 -filter-server-headers \
128 -force-text-mode \
129 -handle-as-empty-document \
130 -handle-as-image \
131 -hide-accept-language \
132 -hide-content-disposition \
133 -hide-if-modified-since \
134 +hide-forwarded-for-headers \
135 +hide-from-header{block} \
136 +hide-referrer{forge} \
137 -hide-user-agent \
138 -inspect-jpegs \
139 -kill-popups \
140 -limit-connect \
141 +prevent-compression \
142 -overwrite-last-modified \
143 -redirect \
144 -send-vanilla-wafer \
145 -send-wafer \
146 +session-cookies-only \
147 +set-image-blocker{pattern} \
148 -treat-forbidden-connects-like-blocks \
149 }
150 standard.Medium
152 ################
153 #
154 # Advanced settings -- fun but risky (and include new filters)
155 #
156 { \
157 +add-header{X-User-Tracking: sucks} \
158 -block \
159 -content-type-overwrite \
160 -crunch-client-header \
161 -crunch-if-none-match \
162 +crunch-outgoing-cookies \
163 +crunch-incoming-cookies \
164 -crunch-server-header \
165 +deanimate-gifs{last} \
166 -downgrade-http-version \
167 +fast-redirects{check-decoded-url} \
168 +filter{js-annoyances} \
169 -filter{js-events} \
170 +filter{html-annoyances} \
171 +filter{content-cookies} \
172 +filter{refresh-tags} \
173 +filter{unsolicited-popups} \
174 -filter{all-popups} \
175 +filter{img-reorder} \
176 +filter{banners-by-size} \
177 +filter{banners-by-link} \
178 +filter{webbugs} \
179 -filter{tiny-textforms} \
180 +filter{jumping-windows} \
181 +filter{frameset-borders} \
182 +filter{demoronizer} \
183 -filter{shockwave-flash} \
184 +filter{quicktime-kioskmode} \
185 +filter{fun} \
186 -filter{crude-parental} \
187 -filter{ie-exploits} \
188 -filter{site-specifics} \
189 -filter-client-headers \
190 -filter-server-headers \
191 -force-text-mode \
192 -handle-as-empty-document \
193 -handle-as-image \
194 -hide-accept-language \
195 -hide-content-disposition \
196 -hide-if-modified-since \
197 +hide-forwarded-for-headers \
198 +hide-from-header{block} \
199 +hide-referrer{forge} \
200 -hide-user-agent \
201 -inspect-jpegs \
202 -kill-popups \
203 -limit-connect \
204 +prevent-compression \
205 -overwrite-last-modified \
206 -redirect \
207 -send-vanilla-wafer \
208 -send-wafer \
209 -session-cookies-only \
210 +set-image-blocker{pattern} \
211 -treat-forbidden-connects-like-blocks \
212 }
213 standard.Adventuresome