-const char jbsockets_rcs[] = "$Id: jbsockets.c,v 1.100 2011/04/27 18:11:05 fabiankeil Exp $";
+const char jbsockets_rcs[] = "$Id: jbsockets.c,v 1.101 2011/05/03 09:55:35 fabiankeil Exp $";
* File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/jbsockets.c,v $
/* Connection established, no need to try other addresses. */
- log_error(LOG_LEVEL_CONNECT, "Could not connect to [%s]:%s: %s.",
- csp->http->host_ip_addr_str, service, strerror(socket_error));
+ if (rp->ai_next != NULL)
+ {
+ /*
+ * There's another address we can try, so log that this
+ * one didn't work out. If the last one fails, too,
+ * it will get logged outside the loop body so we don't
+ * have to mention it here.
+ */
+ log_error(LOG_LEVEL_CONNECT, "Could not connect to [%s]:%s: %s.",
+ csp->http->host_ip_addr_str, service, strerror(socket_error));
+ }