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6       Privoxy 3.0.25 User Manual
7     </title>
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18       <div class="TITLEPAGE">
19         <h1 class="TITLE">
20           <a name="AEN2">Privoxy 3.0.25 User Manual</a>
21         </h1>
22         <p class="PUBDATE">
23           <sub><a href="copyright.html">Copyright</a> &copy; 2001-2016 by <a
24           href="https://www.privoxy.org/" target="_top">Privoxy
25           Developers</a></sub><br>
26         </p>
27         <p class="PUBDATE">
28           $Id: user-manual.sgml,v 2.213 2016/05/27 15:24:13 fabiankeil Exp
29           $<br>
30         </p>
31         <div>
32           <div class="ABSTRACT">
33             <a name="AEN9"></a>
34             <p>
35               The <i class="CITETITLE">Privoxy User Manual</i> gives users
36               information on how to install, configure and use <a href=
37               "https://www.privoxy.org/" target="_top">Privoxy</a>.
38             </p>
39             <p>
40               Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering
41               capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and
42               HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other
43               obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a flexible configuration
44               and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. It
45               has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user
46               networks.
47             </p>
48             <p>
49               Privoxy is Free Software and licensed under the GNU GPLv2.
50             </p>
51             <p>
52               Privoxy is an associated project of Software in the Public
53               Interest (SPI).
54             </p>
55             <p>
56               Helping hands and donations are welcome:
57             </p>
58             <ul>
59               <li>
60                 <p>
61                   <a href=
62                   "https://www.privoxy.org/faq/general.html#PARTICIPATE"
63                   target=
64                   "_top">https://www.privoxy.org/faq/general.html#PARTICIPATE</a>
65                 </p>
66               </li>
67               <li>
68                 <p>
69                   <a href="https://www.privoxy.org/faq/general.html#DONATE"
70                   target=
71                   "_top">https://www.privoxy.org/faq/general.html#DONATE</a>
72                 </p>
73               </li>
74             </ul>
76             <p>
77               You can find the latest version of the <i class=
78               "CITETITLE">Privoxy User Manual</i> at <a href=
79               "https://www.privoxy.org/user-manual/" target=
80               "_top">https://www.privoxy.org/user-manual/</a>. Please see the
81               <a href="contact.html">Contact section</a> on how to contact
82               the developers.
83             </p>
84           </div>
85         </div>
86         <hr>
87       </div>
88       <div class="TOC">
89         <dl>
90           <dt>
91             <b>Table of Contents</b>
92           </dt>
93           <dt>
94             1. <a href="introduction.html">Introduction</a>
95           </dt>
96           <dd>
97             <dl>
98               <dt>
99                 1.1. <a href="introduction.html#FEATURES">Features</a>
100               </dt>
101             </dl>
102           </dd>
103           <dt>
104             2. <a href="installation.html">Installation</a>
105           </dt>
106           <dd>
107             <dl>
108               <dt>
109                 2.1. <a href="installation.html#INSTALLATION-PACKAGES">Binary
110                 Packages</a>
111               </dt>
112               <dd>
113                 <dl>
114                   <dt>
115                     2.1.1. <a href=
116                     "installation.html#INSTALLATION-DEB">Debian and
117                     Ubuntu</a>
118                   </dt>
119                   <dt>
120                     2.1.2. <a href=
121                     "installation.html#INSTALLATION-PACK-WIN">Windows</a>
122                   </dt>
123                   <dt>
124                     2.1.3. <a href=
125                     "installation.html#INSTALLATION-OS2">OS/2</a>
126                   </dt>
127                   <dt>
128                     2.1.4. <a href="installation.html#INSTALLATION-MAC">Mac
129                     OS X</a>
130                   </dt>
131                   <dt>
132                     2.1.5. <a href=
133                     "installation.html#OS-X-INSTALL-FROM-PACKAGE">Installation
134                     from ready-built package</a>
135                   </dt>
136                   <dt>
137                     2.1.6. <a href=
138                     "installation.html#OS-X-INSTALL-FROM-SOURCE">Installation
139                     from source</a>
140                   </dt>
141                   <dt>
142                     2.1.7. <a href=
143                     "installation.html#INSTALLATION-FREEBSD">FreeBSD</a>
144                   </dt>
145                 </dl>
146               </dd>
147               <dt>
148                 2.2. <a href="installation.html#INSTALLATION-SOURCE">Building
149                 from Source</a>
150               </dt>
151               <dt>
152                 2.3. <a href=
153                 "installation.html#INSTALLATION-KEEPUPDATED">Keeping your
154                 Installation Up-to-Date</a>
155               </dt>
156             </dl>
157           </dd>
158           <dt>
159             3. <a href="whatsnew.html">What's New in this Release</a>
160           </dt>
161           <dd>
162             <dl>
163               <dt>
164                 3.1. <a href="whatsnew.html#UPGRADERSNOTE">Note to
165                 Upgraders</a>
166               </dt>
167             </dl>
168           </dd>
169           <dt>
170             4. <a href="quickstart.html">Quickstart to Using Privoxy</a>
171           </dt>
172           <dd>
173             <dl>
174               <dt>
175                 4.1. <a href=
176                 "quickstart.html#QUICKSTART-AD-BLOCKING">Quickstart to Ad
177                 Blocking</a>
178               </dt>
179             </dl>
180           </dd>
181           <dt>
182             5. <a href="startup.html">Starting Privoxy</a>
183           </dt>
184           <dd>
185             <dl>
186               <dt>
187                 5.1. <a href="startup.html#START-DEBIAN">Debian</a>
188               </dt>
189               <dt>
190                 5.2. <a href="startup.html#START-FREEBSD">FreeBSD and
191                 ElectroBSD</a>
192               </dt>
193               <dt>
194                 5.3. <a href="startup.html#START-WINDOWS">Windows</a>
195               </dt>
196               <dt>
197                 5.4. <a href="startup.html#START-UNICES">Generic instructions
198                 for Unix derivates (Solaris, NetBSD, HP-UX etc.)</a>
199               </dt>
200               <dt>
201                 5.5. <a href="startup.html#START-OS2">OS/2</a>
202               </dt>
203               <dt>
204                 5.6. <a href="startup.html#START-MACOSX">Mac OS X</a>
205               </dt>
206               <dt>
207                 5.7. <a href="startup.html#CMDOPTIONS">Command Line
208                 Options</a>
209               </dt>
210             </dl>
211           </dd>
212           <dt>
213             6. <a href="configuration.html">Privoxy Configuration</a>
214           </dt>
215           <dd>
216             <dl>
217               <dt>
218                 6.1. <a href=
219                 "configuration.html#CONTROL-WITH-WEBBROWSER">Controlling
220                 Privoxy with Your Web Browser</a>
221               </dt>
222               <dt>
223                 6.2. <a href="configuration.html#CONFOVERVIEW">Configuration
224                 Files Overview</a>
225               </dt>
226             </dl>
227           </dd>
228           <dt>
229             7. <a href="config.html">The Main Configuration File</a>
230           </dt>
231           <dd>
232             <dl>
233               <dt>
234                 7.1. <a href="config.html#LOCAL-SET-UP">Local Set-up
235                 Documentation</a>
236               </dt>
237               <dd>
238                 <dl>
239                   <dt>
240                     7.1.1. <a href="config.html#USER-MANUAL">user-manual</a>
241                   </dt>
242                   <dt>
243                     7.1.2. <a href=
244                     "config.html#TRUST-INFO-URL">trust-info-url</a>
245                   </dt>
246                   <dt>
247                     7.1.3. <a href=
248                     "config.html#ADMIN-ADDRESS">admin-address</a>
249                   </dt>
250                   <dt>
251                     7.1.4. <a href=
252                     "config.html#PROXY-INFO-URL">proxy-info-url</a>
253                   </dt>
254                 </dl>
255               </dd>
256               <dt>
257                 7.2. <a href="config.html#CONF-LOG-LOC">Configuration and Log
258                 File Locations</a>
259               </dt>
260               <dd>
261                 <dl>
262                   <dt>
263                     7.2.1. <a href="config.html#CONFDIR">confdir</a>
264                   </dt>
265                   <dt>
266                     7.2.2. <a href="config.html#TEMPLDIR">templdir</a>
267                   </dt>
268                   <dt>
269                     7.2.3. <a href=
270                     "config.html#TEMPORARY-DIRECTORY">temporary-directory</a>
271                   </dt>
272                   <dt>
273                     7.2.4. <a href="config.html#LOGDIR">logdir</a>
274                   </dt>
275                   <dt>
276                     7.2.5. <a href="config.html#ACTIONSFILE">actionsfile</a>
277                   </dt>
278                   <dt>
279                     7.2.6. <a href="config.html#FILTERFILE">filterfile</a>
280                   </dt>
281                   <dt>
282                     7.2.7. <a href="config.html#LOGFILE">logfile</a>
283                   </dt>
284                   <dt>
285                     7.2.8. <a href="config.html#TRUSTFILE">trustfile</a>
286                   </dt>
287                 </dl>
288               </dd>
289               <dt>
290                 7.3. <a href="config.html#DEBUGGING">Debugging</a>
291               </dt>
292               <dd>
293                 <dl>
294                   <dt>
295                     7.3.1. <a href="config.html#DEBUG">debug</a>
296                   </dt>
297                   <dt>
298                     7.3.2. <a href=
299                     "config.html#SINGLE-THREADED">single-threaded</a>
300                   </dt>
301                   <dt>
302                     7.3.3. <a href="config.html#HOSTNAME">hostname</a>
303                   </dt>
304                 </dl>
305               </dd>
306               <dt>
307                 7.4. <a href="config.html#ACCESS-CONTROL">Access Control and
308                 Security</a>
309               </dt>
310               <dd>
311                 <dl>
312                   <dt>
313                     7.4.1. <a href=
314                     "config.html#LISTEN-ADDRESS">listen-address</a>
315                   </dt>
316                   <dt>
317                     7.4.2. <a href="config.html#TOGGLE">toggle</a>
318                   </dt>
319                   <dt>
320                     7.4.3. <a href=
321                     "config.html#ENABLE-REMOTE-TOGGLE">enable-remote-toggle</a>
322                   </dt>
323                   <dt>
324                     7.4.4. <a href=
325                     "config.html#ENABLE-REMOTE-HTTP-TOGGLE">enable-remote-http-toggle</a>
326                   </dt>
327                   <dt>
328                     7.4.5. <a href=
329                     "config.html#ENABLE-EDIT-ACTIONS">enable-edit-actions</a>
330                   </dt>
331                   <dt>
332                     7.4.6. <a href=
333                     "config.html#ENFORCE-BLOCKS">enforce-blocks</a>
334                   </dt>
335                   <dt>
336                     7.4.7. <a href="config.html#ACLS">ACLs: permit-access and
337                     deny-access</a>
338                   </dt>
339                   <dt>
340                     7.4.8. <a href=
341                     "config.html#BUFFER-LIMIT">buffer-limit</a>
342                   </dt>
343                   <dt>
344                     7.4.9. <a href=
345                     "config.html#ENABLE-PROXY-AUTHENTICATION-FORWARDING">enable-proxy-authentication-forwarding</a>
346                   </dt>
347                 </dl>
348               </dd>
349               <dt>
350                 7.5. <a href="config.html#FORWARDING">Forwarding</a>
351               </dt>
352               <dd>
353                 <dl>
354                   <dt>
355                     7.5.1. <a href="config.html#FORWARD">forward</a>
356                   </dt>
357                   <dt>
358                     7.5.2. <a href="config.html#SOCKS">forward-socks4,
359                     forward-socks4a, forward-socks5 and forward-socks5t</a>
360                   </dt>
361                   <dt>
362                     7.5.3. <a href=
363                     "config.html#ADVANCED-FORWARDING-EXAMPLES">Advanced
364                     Forwarding Examples</a>
365                   </dt>
366                   <dt>
367                     7.5.4. <a href=
368                     "config.html#FORWARDED-CONNECT-RETRIES">forwarded-connect-retries</a>
369                   </dt>
370                 </dl>
371               </dd>
372               <dt>
373                 7.6. <a href="config.html#MISC">Miscellaneous</a>
374               </dt>
375               <dd>
376                 <dl>
377                   <dt>
378                     7.6.1. <a href=
379                     "config.html#ACCEPT-INTERCEPTED-REQUESTS">accept-intercepted-requests</a>
380                   </dt>
381                   <dt>
382                     7.6.2. <a href=
383                     "config.html#ALLOW-CGI-REQUEST-CRUNCHING">allow-cgi-request-crunching</a>
384                   </dt>
385                   <dt>
386                     7.6.3. <a href=
387                     "config.html#SPLIT-LARGE-FORMS">split-large-forms</a>
388                   </dt>
389                   <dt>
390                     7.6.4. <a href=
391                     "config.html#KEEP-ALIVE-TIMEOUT">keep-alive-timeout</a>
392                   </dt>
393                   <dt>
394                     7.6.5. <a href=
395                     "config.html#TOLERATE-PIPELINING">tolerate-pipelining</a>
396                   </dt>
397                   <dt>
398                     7.6.6. <a href=
399                     "config.html#DEFAULT-SERVER-TIMEOUT">default-server-timeout</a>
400                   </dt>
401                   <dt>
402                     7.6.7. <a href=
403                     "config.html#CONNECTION-SHARING">connection-sharing</a>
404                   </dt>
405                   <dt>
406                     7.6.8. <a href=
407                     "config.html#SOCKET-TIMEOUT">socket-timeout</a>
408                   </dt>
409                   <dt>
410                     7.6.9. <a href=
411                     "config.html#MAX-CLIENT-CONNECTIONS">max-client-connections</a>
412                   </dt>
413                   <dt>
414                     7.6.10. <a href=
415                     "config.html#HANDLE-AS-EMPTY-DOC-RETURNS-OK">handle-as-empty-doc-returns-ok</a>
416                   </dt>
417                   <dt>
418                     7.6.11. <a href=
419                     "config.html#ENABLE-COMPRESSION">enable-compression</a>
420                   </dt>
421                   <dt>
422                     7.6.12. <a href=
423                     "config.html#COMPRESSION-LEVEL">compression-level</a>
424                   </dt>
425                   <dt>
426                     7.6.13. <a href=
427                     "config.html#CLIENT-HEADER-ORDER">client-header-order</a>
428                   </dt>
429                   <dt>
430                     7.6.14. <a href=
431                     "config.html#CLIENT-SPECIFIC-TAG">client-specific-tag</a>
432                   </dt>
433                   <dt>
434                     7.6.15. <a href=
435                     "config.html#CLIENT-TAG-LIFETIME">client-tag-lifetime</a>
436                   </dt>
437                   <dt>
438                     7.6.16. <a href=
439                     "config.html#TRUST-X-FORWARDED-FOR">trust-x-forwarded-for</a>
440                   </dt>
441                 </dl>
442               </dd>
443               <dt>
444                 7.7. <a href="config.html#WINDOWS-GUI">Windows GUI
445                 Options</a>
446               </dt>
447             </dl>
448           </dd>
449           <dt>
450             8. <a href="actions-file.html">Actions Files</a>
451           </dt>
452           <dd>
453             <dl>
454               <dt>
455                 8.1. <a href="actions-file.html#RIGHT-MIX">Finding the Right
456                 Mix</a>
457               </dt>
458               <dt>
459                 8.2. <a href="actions-file.html#HOW-TO-EDIT">How to Edit</a>
460               </dt>
461               <dt>
462                 8.3. <a href="actions-file.html#ACTIONS-APPLY">How Actions
463                 are Applied to Requests</a>
464               </dt>
465               <dt>
466                 8.4. <a href="actions-file.html#AF-PATTERNS">Patterns</a>
467               </dt>
468               <dd>
469                 <dl>
470                   <dt>
471                     8.4.1. <a href="actions-file.html#HOST-PATTERN">The Host
472                     Pattern</a>
473                   </dt>
474                   <dt>
475                     8.4.2. <a href="actions-file.html#PATH-PATTERN">The Path
476                     Pattern</a>
477                   </dt>
478                   <dt>
479                     8.4.3. <a href="actions-file.html#TAG-PATTERN">The
480                     Request Tag Pattern</a>
481                   </dt>
482                   <dt>
483                     8.4.4. <a href=
484                     "actions-file.html#NEGATIVE-TAG-PATTERNS">The Negative
485                     Request Tag Patterns</a>
486                   </dt>
487                   <dt>
488                     8.4.5. <a href="actions-file.html#CLIENT-TAG-PATTERN">The
489                     Client Tag Pattern</a>
490                   </dt>
491                 </dl>
492               </dd>
493               <dt>
494                 8.5. <a href="actions-file.html#ACTIONS">Actions</a>
495               </dt>
496               <dd>
497                 <dl>
498                   <dt>
499                     8.5.1. <a href=
500                     "actions-file.html#ADD-HEADER">add-header</a>
501                   </dt>
502                   <dt>
503                     8.5.2. <a href="actions-file.html#BLOCK">block</a>
504                   </dt>
505                   <dt>
506                     8.5.3. <a href=
507                     "actions-file.html#CHANGE-X-FORWARDED-FOR">change-x-forwarded-for</a>
508                   </dt>
509                   <dt>
510                     8.5.4. <a href=
511                     "actions-file.html#CLIENT-HEADER-FILTER">client-header-filter</a>
512                   </dt>
513                   <dt>
514                     8.5.5. <a href=
515                     "actions-file.html#CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER">client-header-tagger</a>
516                   </dt>
517                   <dt>
518                     8.5.6. <a href=
519                     "actions-file.html#CONTENT-TYPE-OVERWRITE">content-type-overwrite</a>
520                   </dt>
521                   <dt>
522                     8.5.7. <a href=
523                     "actions-file.html#CRUNCH-CLIENT-HEADER">crunch-client-header</a>
524                   </dt>
525                   <dt>
526                     8.5.8. <a href=
527                     "actions-file.html#CRUNCH-IF-NONE-MATCH">crunch-if-none-match</a>
528                   </dt>
529                   <dt>
530                     8.5.9. <a href=
531                     "actions-file.html#CRUNCH-INCOMING-COOKIES">crunch-incoming-cookies</a>
532                   </dt>
533                   <dt>
534                     8.5.10. <a href=
535                     "actions-file.html#CRUNCH-SERVER-HEADER">crunch-server-header</a>
536                   </dt>
537                   <dt>
538                     8.5.11. <a href=
539                     "actions-file.html#CRUNCH-OUTGOING-COOKIES">crunch-outgoing-cookies</a>
540                   </dt>
541                   <dt>
542                     8.5.12. <a href=
543                     "actions-file.html#DEANIMATE-GIFS">deanimate-gifs</a>
544                   </dt>
545                   <dt>
546                     8.5.13. <a href=
547                     "actions-file.html#DOWNGRADE-HTTP-VERSION">downgrade-http-version</a>
548                   </dt>
549                   <dt>
550                     8.5.14. <a href=
551                     "actions-file.html#EXTERNAL-FILTER">external-filter</a>
552                   </dt>
553                   <dt>
554                     8.5.15. <a href=
555                     "actions-file.html#FAST-REDIRECTS">fast-redirects</a>
556                   </dt>
557                   <dt>
558                     8.5.16. <a href="actions-file.html#FILTER">filter</a>
559                   </dt>
560                   <dt>
561                     8.5.17. <a href=
562                     "actions-file.html#FORCE-TEXT-MODE">force-text-mode</a>
563                   </dt>
564                   <dt>
565                     8.5.18. <a href=
566                     "actions-file.html#FORWARD-OVERRIDE">forward-override</a>
567                   </dt>
568                   <dt>
569                     8.5.19. <a href=
570                     "actions-file.html#HANDLE-AS-EMPTY-DOCUMENT">handle-as-empty-document</a>
571                   </dt>
572                   <dt>
573                     8.5.20. <a href=
574                     "actions-file.html#HANDLE-AS-IMAGE">handle-as-image</a>
575                   </dt>
576                   <dt>
577                     8.5.21. <a href=
578                     "actions-file.html#HIDE-ACCEPT-LANGUAGE">hide-accept-language</a>
579                   </dt>
580                   <dt>
581                     8.5.22. <a href=
582                     "actions-file.html#HIDE-CONTENT-DISPOSITION">hide-content-disposition</a>
583                   </dt>
584                   <dt>
585                     8.5.23. <a href=
586                     "actions-file.html#HIDE-IF-MODIFIED-SINCE">hide-if-modified-since</a>
587                   </dt>
588                   <dt>
589                     8.5.24. <a href=
590                     "actions-file.html#HIDE-FROM-HEADER">hide-from-header</a>
591                   </dt>
592                   <dt>
593                     8.5.25. <a href=
594                     "actions-file.html#HIDE-REFERRER">hide-referrer</a>
595                   </dt>
596                   <dt>
597                     8.5.26. <a href=
598                     "actions-file.html#HIDE-USER-AGENT">hide-user-agent</a>
599                   </dt>
600                   <dt>
601                     8.5.27. <a href=
602                     "actions-file.html#LIMIT-CONNECT">limit-connect</a>
603                   </dt>
604                   <dt>
605                     8.5.28. <a href=
606                     "actions-file.html#LIMIT-COOKIE-LIFETIME">limit-cookie-lifetime</a>
607                   </dt>
608                   <dt>
609                     8.5.29. <a href=
610                     "actions-file.html#PREVENT-COMPRESSION">prevent-compression</a>
611                   </dt>
612                   <dt>
613                     8.5.30. <a href=
614                     "actions-file.html#OVERWRITE-LAST-MODIFIED">overwrite-last-modified</a>
615                   </dt>
616                   <dt>
617                     8.5.31. <a href="actions-file.html#REDIRECT">redirect</a>
618                   </dt>
619                   <dt>
620                     8.5.32. <a href=
621                     "actions-file.html#SERVER-HEADER-FILTER">server-header-filter</a>
622                   </dt>
623                   <dt>
624                     8.5.33. <a href=
625                     "actions-file.html#SERVER-HEADER-TAGGER">server-header-tagger</a>
626                   </dt>
627                   <dt>
628                     8.5.34. <a href=
629                     "actions-file.html#SESSION-COOKIES-ONLY">session-cookies-only</a>
630                   </dt>
631                   <dt>
632                     8.5.35. <a href=
633                     "actions-file.html#SET-IMAGE-BLOCKER">set-image-blocker</a>
634                   </dt>
635                   <dt>
636                     8.5.36. <a href="actions-file.html#SUMMARY">Summary</a>
637                   </dt>
638                 </dl>
639               </dd>
640               <dt>
641                 8.6. <a href="actions-file.html#ALIASES">Aliases</a>
642               </dt>
643               <dt>
644                 8.7. <a href="actions-file.html#ACT-EXAMPLES">Actions Files
645                 Tutorial</a>
646               </dt>
647               <dd>
648                 <dl>
649                   <dt>
650                     8.7.1. <a href=
651                     "actions-file.html#MATCH-ALL">match-all.action</a>
652                   </dt>
653                   <dt>
654                     8.7.2. <a href=
655                     "actions-file.html#DEFAULT-ACTION">default.action</a>
656                   </dt>
657                   <dt>
658                     8.7.3. <a href=
659                     "actions-file.html#USER-ACTION">user.action</a>
660                   </dt>
661                 </dl>
662               </dd>
663             </dl>
664           </dd>
665           <dt>
666             9. <a href="filter-file.html">Filter Files</a>
667           </dt>
668           <dd>
669             <dl>
670               <dt>
671                 9.1. <a href="filter-file.html#FILTER-FILE-TUT">Filter File
672                 Tutorial</a>
673               </dt>
674               <dt>
675                 9.2. <a href="filter-file.html#PREDEFINED-FILTERS">The
676                 Pre-defined Filters</a>
677               </dt>
678               <dt>
679                 9.3. <a href=
680                 "filter-file.html#EXTERNAL-FILTER-SYNTAX">External filter
681                 syntax</a>
682               </dt>
683             </dl>
684           </dd>
685           <dt>
686             10. <a href="templates.html">Privoxy's Template Files</a>
687           </dt>
688           <dt>
689             11. <a href="contact.html">Contacting the Developers, Bug
690             Reporting and Feature Requests</a>
691           </dt>
692           <dd>
693             <dl>
694               <dt>
695                 11.1. <a href="contact.html#SUFFICIENT-INFORMATION">Please
696                 provide sufficient information</a>
697               </dt>
698               <dt>
699                 11.2. <a href="contact.html#CONTACT-SUPPORT">Get Support</a>
700               </dt>
701               <dt>
702                 11.3. <a href="contact.html#REPORTING">Reporting Problems</a>
703               </dt>
704               <dd>
705                 <dl>
706                   <dt>
707                     11.3.1. <a href="contact.html#CONTACT-ADS">Reporting Ads
708                     or Other Configuration Problems</a>
709                   </dt>
710                   <dt>
711                     11.3.2. <a href="contact.html#CONTACT-BUGS">Reporting
712                     Bugs</a>
713                   </dt>
714                 </dl>
715               </dd>
716               <dt>
717                 11.4. <a href="contact.html#SECURITY-CONTACT">Reporting
718                 security problems</a>
719               </dt>
720               <dt>
721                 11.5. <a href="contact.html#MAILING-LISTS">Mailing Lists</a>
722               </dt>
723               <dt>
724                 11.6. <a href="contact.html#SF-TRACKERS">SourceForge support
725                 trackers</a>
726               </dt>
727             </dl>
728           </dd>
729           <dt>
730             12. <a href="copyright.html">Privoxy Copyright, License and
731             History</a>
732           </dt>
733           <dd>
734             <dl>
735               <dt>
736                 12.1. <a href="copyright.html#LICENSE">License</a>
737               </dt>
738               <dt>
739                 12.2. <a href="copyright.html#HISTORY">History</a>
740               </dt>
741               <dt>
742                 12.3. <a href="copyright.html#AUTHORS">Authors</a>
743               </dt>
744             </dl>
745           </dd>
746           <dt>
747             13. <a href="seealso.html">See Also</a>
748           </dt>
749           <dt>
750             14. <a href="appendix.html">Appendix</a>
751           </dt>
752           <dd>
753             <dl>
754               <dt>
755                 14.1. <a href="appendix.html#REGEX">Regular Expressions</a>
756               </dt>
757               <dt>
758                 14.2. <a href="appendix.html#INTERNAL-PAGES">Privoxy's
759                 Internal Pages</a>
760               </dt>
761               <dt>
762                 14.3. <a href="appendix.html#CHAIN">Chain of Events</a>
763               </dt>
764               <dt>
765                 14.4. <a href="appendix.html#ACTIONSANAT">Troubleshooting:
766                 Anatomy of an Action</a>
767               </dt>
768             </dl>
769           </dd>
770         </dl>
771       </div>
772     </div>
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