-const char miscutil_rcs[] = "$Id: miscutil.c,v 1.80 2016/01/16 12:33:36 fabiankeil Exp $";
+const char miscutil_rcs[] = "$Id: miscutil.c,v 1.81 2016/02/26 12:29:17 fabiankeil Exp $";
* File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/miscutil.c,v $
strcat(old_zone, zone);
#ifdef _WIN32
+ /* http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/putenv.3.html
+ * int putenv(char *string);
+ * The string pointed to by string becomes part of the environment, so altering the
+ * string changes the environment.
+ * In other words, the memory pointed to by *string is used until
+ * a) another call to putenv() with the same e-var name
+ * b) the program exits
+ *
+ * Windows e-vars don't work that way, so let's not leak memory.
+ */
#endif /* def _WIN32 */