static jb_err get_request_destination_elsewhere(struct client_state *csp, struct list *headers)
- char *req;
if (!(csp->config->feature_flags & RUNTIME_FEATURE_ACCEPT_INTERCEPTED_REQUESTS))
log_error(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "%s's request: \'%s\' is invalid."
/* We can't work without destination. Go spread the news.*/
- req = list_to_text(headers);
- chomp(req);
/* XXX: Use correct size */
log_error(LOG_LEVEL_CLF, "%s - - [%T] \"%s\" 400 0",
csp->ip_addr_str, csp->http->cmd);
- "Privoxy was unable to get the destination for %s's request:\n%s\n%s",
- csp->ip_addr_str, csp->http->cmd, req);
- freez(req);
+ "Privoxy was unable to get the destination for %s's request: %s",
+ csp->ip_addr_str, csp->http->cmd);
write_socket_delayed(csp->cfd, MISSING_DESTINATION_RESPONSE,
strlen(MISSING_DESTINATION_RESPONSE), get_write_delay(csp));