-const char parsers_rcs[] = "$Id: parsers.c,v 1.297 2014/11/12 11:59:47 fabiankeil Exp $";
+const char parsers_rcs[] = "$Id: parsers.c,v 1.298 2015/01/24 16:41:51 fabiankeil Exp $";
* File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/parsers.c,v $
* This is to protect the parsing of gzipped data,
* but it should(?) be valid for deflated data also.
- log_error(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Buffer too small decompressing iob");
+ log_error(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
+ "Insufficient data to start decompression. Bytes in buffer: %d",
+ csp->iob->eod - csp->iob->cur);