listen-address ca-directory ../ca-directory ca-cert-file privoxy-test-cacert.crt ca-key-file privoxy-test-cakey.pem ca-password blafasel # We don't check certificate anyway trusted-cas-file privoxy-test-cacert.crt certificate-directory ../certs debug 1 # Log the destination for each request Privoxy let through. See also debug 1024. debug 2 # show each connection status debug 4 # show tagging-related messages debug 8 # show header parsing debug 32 # debug force feature debug 64 # debug regular expression filters debug 128 # debug redirects debug 256 # debug GIF de-animation debug 512 # Common Log Format debug 1024 # Log the destination for requests Privoxy didn't let through, and the reason why. debug 4096 # Startup banner and warnings. debug 8192 # Non-fatal errors filterfile ../../../default.filter actionsfile ./chunked-transfer-encoding.action