INTRODUCTION This document will guide you through the complete process necessary to create a Privoxy installer package (hereafter 'package') for any OS X version, starting from the Privoxy source code. ASSUMPTIONS 1. That the Privoxy Git project is available in a folder parallel to the one containing this file. - If building for release it MUST have been checked out from Git at whichever release tag you intend to build (as per the instructions in the Privoxy developer manual, i.e. git checkout v_X_Y_Z) 2. That you have Command Line Tools for Xcode installed, including the SDKs for each OS X version you intend your package(s) to support. 3. That your build machine runs Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) or a more recent release. PackageMaker is substantially different in Tiger and earlier versions of OS X (even the project file format is different). 4. All references to files and folders in this document should be assumed to be within the OSXPackageBuilder folder unless stated otherwise. OVERVIEW OF STEPS 1. Build the privoxy binary 1.1 Consider whether to use external or bundled PCRE. 1.2 Builds for the Sourceforge Privoxy project release set 2. Construct the package contents hierarchy 2.1 Update the supporting documentation for the release 2.2 Bring together all the contents ready to package 3. Build the package DETAILS 1. Build the privoxy binary Use (run via sudo) to create the privoxy group and user; these are a prerequisite for the build process. Use to build a privoxy binary for the desired (range of) platform(s) and to control whether or not to compile against the external PCRE library (see 1.1 below) or to support HTTPS URL inspection (see 1.2 below). The most compatible usage is: ./ leopardupwards which will build a Universal binary containing targets for PPC, i386 and x86_64 processor architectures that'll run on all Macintosh OS X versions from 10.5 (Leopard) and upwards, and has no dependency on an external PCRE or HTTPS library. The disadvantage of bundling multiple processor architectures is that the build is limited to using the bundled PCRE implementation, which is a Bad Idea™ (see section 1.1 for details). The most common usage is: ./ current -pcre -https which will build a binary targeting only x86_64 processors (note that OS X has supported only x86_64 since Snow Leopard) and compiles in support from an external PCRE and OpenSSL library. Running without supplying any parameters will cause it to list all the possible options, should you have an alternative target requirement. 1.1 Consider whether to use external or bundled PCRE. Privoxy uses the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) library when matching its rules against the folder-and-file part of a target URL. Privoxy's source ships with a version of the PCRE library that, whilst convenient, is very out of date (version 3). The recommendation is therefore to download, make and install the latest PCRE distribution to your build machine and compile Privoxy against that instead. To support this, takes an optional second parameter (-pcre) which tells it to look for an installation of the PCRE library in the standard location on the build machine (/usr/local/lib). The obvious corrollary is that you must have downloaded, configured, made and installed PCRE before building Privoxy if you wish to link to the external library. There are three important further considerations that this approach brings. Firstly, you must ensure when building PCRE that you build it to support the same minimum version of OS X that you wish Privoxy to support (note that by default PCRE's build process assumes the OS X version of the build machine is the minimum version to be supported). Failure to match the minimum supported versions will mean that, whilst Privoxy will still build, the external PCRE check will fail and you will end up compiling in the bundled PCRE, not linking to the external PCRE library as you'd intended. The second consideration when using external PCRE is that the PCRE build process allows only single-architecture libraries to be built, which means that the Privoxy binary you build must also be single-architecture. The outcome of not following this rule would be as above; you will succeed in building Privoxy but it will compile in the bundled PCRE rather than linking to the external library. The final consideration is that if you are building Privoxy for multiple different targets, you must also build PCRE independently for each of those targets and, when building that target's Privoxy release, ensure that the correct version of PCRE is present in /usr/local/lib. A sample command line that will build Privoxy with external PCRE to run on Snow Leopard and higher on 64 bit Intel Macs is: ./ snowleopardx64 -pcre This example assumes that a valid build of PCRE supporting x86_64 processors and a minimum OS X version of 10.6 is present in /usr/local/lib. 1.2 HTTPS Inspection Privoxy by default can only inspect and act upon HTTP URLs. The web is increasingly using HTTPS by default, so to ensure filtering can work for the widest set of web sites, support needs to be enabled for the HTTPS protocol. This means having an external OpenSSL library available (usually via Homebrew): ./ current -https 1.3 Builds for older macOS versions If you desire to build privacy to support 32 bit Intel or Motorola PPC processors, the following options exist but have not been tested in some years. ./ tigeri386 -pcre ./ tigerppc -pcre Note that in order to build each version, the pcre library fileset must be changed to match the architecture being built. It is up to you to build and manage the pcre library filesets. 2. Construct the package contents hierarchy This comprises two steps: - ensuring the supporting documentation is updated for the release - using the supplied script to bring all the package contents together 2.1 Update the supporting documentation for the release The file 'pkg resources/interface texts/ReadMe.txt' is displayed on one of the installer screens; it will need to be edited to give a precis of what this release of Privoxy brings. This can be distilled from the README for the latest Privoxy project release. If there is any late-breaking or important info, it should be added to 'pkg content skeleton/Applications/Privoxy/readme.rtfd. This file MUST be edited with TextEdit. Once you've saved changes, please also save the file out as a PDF version. 2.2 Bring together all the contents ready to package Use to build the hierarchy of folders and files necessary for building the package. This will construct a new folder named 'pkg content' and copy in the binary, documentation and supporting files. If you are bundling an external PCRE fileset (i.e. if you built privoxy to use an external PCRE library), use the optional switch -pcre to instruct to include the libpcre fileset, which it will source from the standard installed location on the build machine (/usr/local/lib). Remember that you must ensure the files at this location are for the architecture for which you are constructing the package contents. The typical command line then is: ./ -pcre 3. Build the macOS installation Package Project files are available for the freeware Packages app from - OS X 10.11+ PCRE&HTTPS.pkgproj - if you have built Privoxy against an external PCRE and HTTPS library (see 1.1 & 1.2 above). - OS X 10.6+ PCRE.pkgproj - if you have built Privoxy against an external PCRE library (see 1.1 above). - OS X 10.4+ PPC PCRE.pkgproj - if you have built Privoxy against an external PCRE library (see 1.1 above) and are targeting PowerPC Macs running 10.4 or 10.5. - OS X 10.4+ PPC PCRE.pkgproj - if you have built Privoxy against an external PCRE library (see 1.1 above) and are targeting 32 bit Intel Macs running 10.4 or 10.5. You should be able to follow your nose in terms of making appropriate changes per release. If using Apple's Packagemaker, several different project files are supplied though the procedure is the same regardless of which you need to use: - OS X 10.6+ PCRE.pmdoc - if you have built Privoxy against an external PCRE library (see 1.1 above). - OS X 10.5+ PCRE.pmdoc - if you have built Privoxy against an external PCRE library (see 1.1 above) but wish to target a minimum OS X version of 10.5. - OS X 10.5+.pmdoc - for OS X 10.5-minumum builds with the bundled PCRE library. - OS X 10.4+ PCRE.pmdoc - if you have built Privoxy against an external PCRE library (see 1.1 above) but wish to target a minimum OS X version of 10.4. - OS X 10.4.pmdoc - for OS X 10.4-minumum builds with the bundled PCRE library. Refer to the separate document "Packagemaker Instructions.txt" for complete instructions if using Apple's Packagemaker, or else with Packages just alter: 'Project' left menu->Settings tab->Update the Build Name Package name left menu->Settings tab->Update the Tag Version number Finally 'Build' menu, 'Build' to, uh, build the package itself. The package file is written to the ./build subfolder.