-const char cgi_rcs[] = "$Id: cgi.c,v 1.130 2011/04/19 13:00:47 fabiankeil Exp $";
+const char cgi_rcs[] = "$Id: cgi.c,v 1.131 2011/06/23 14:01:01 fabiankeil Exp $";
* File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/cgi.c,v $
"file a bug report</a>.</p>\r\n"
- char errnumbuf[30];
- /*
- * Due to sizeof(errnumbuf), body_size will be slightly
- * bigger than necessary but it doesn't really matter.
- */
- const size_t body_size = strlen(body_prefix) + sizeof(errnumbuf) + strlen(body_suffix) + 1;
+ /* Includes room for larger error numbers in the future. */
+ const size_t body_size = sizeof(body_prefix) + sizeof(body_suffix) + 5;
rsp->is_static = 0;
rsp->crunch_reason = INTERNAL_ERROR;
- snprintf(errnumbuf, sizeof(errnumbuf), "%d", error_to_report);
rsp->body = malloc(body_size);
if (rsp->body == NULL)
- strlcpy(rsp->body, body_prefix, body_size);
- strlcat(rsp->body, errnumbuf, body_size);
- strlcat(rsp->body, body_suffix, body_size);
+ snprintf(rsp->body, body_size, "%s%d%s", body_prefix, error_to_report, body_suffix);
rsp->status = strdup(status);
if (rsp->status == NULL)