3 /*********************************************************************
5 * File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/acconfig.h,v $
7 * Purpose : This file should be the first thing included in every
8 * .c file. (Before even system headers). It contains
9 * #define statements for various features. It was
10 * introduced because the compile command line started
11 * getting ludicrously long with feature defines.
13 * Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001 the SourceForge
14 * IJBSWA team. http://ijbswa.sourceforge.net
16 * Based on the Internet Junkbuster originally written
17 * by and Copyright (C) 1997 Anonymous Coders and
18 * Junkbusters Corporation. http://www.junkbusters.com
20 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it
21 * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
22 * Public License as published by the Free Software
23 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
24 * your option) any later version.
26 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will
27 * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
28 * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
29 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
30 * License for more details.
32 * The GNU General Public License should be included with
33 * this file. If not, you can view it at
34 * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
35 * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
36 * Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
39 * $Log: acconfig.h,v $
40 * Revision 1.10 2001/07/30 22:08:36 jongfoster
41 * Tidying up #defines:
42 * - All feature #defines are now of the form FEATURE_xxx
43 * - Permanently turned off WIN_GUI_EDIT
44 * - Permanently turned on WEBDAV and SPLIT_PROXY_ARGS
46 * Revision 1.9 2001/07/29 19:08:52 jongfoster
48 * Also added protection against using a MinGW32 or CygWin version of
49 * config.h from within MS Visual C++
51 * Revision 1.8 2001/07/29 17:09:17 jongfoster
52 * Major changes to build system in order to fix these bugs:
53 * - pthreads under Linux was broken - changed -lpthread to -pthread
54 * - Compiling in MinGW32 mode under CygWin now correctly detects
55 * which shared libraries are available
56 * - Solaris support (?) (Not tested under Solaris yet)
58 * Revision 1.7 2001/07/25 22:53:59 jongfoster
59 * Will #error if pthreads is enabled under BeOs
61 * Revision 1.6 2001/07/15 17:54:29 jongfoster
62 * Renaming #define STATIC to STATIC_PCRE
63 * Adding new #define FEATURE_PTHREAD that will be used to enable
64 * POSIX threads support.
66 * Revision 1.5 2001/07/13 13:48:37 oes
67 * - (Fix:) Copied CODE_STATUS #define from config.h.in
68 * - split REGEX #define into REGEX_GNU and REGEX_PCRE
70 * (REGEX = REGEX_GNU || REGEX_PCRE per project.h)
71 * - Moved STATIC (for pcre) here from Makefile.in
72 * - Introduced STATIC_PCRS #define to allow for dynaimc linking with
74 * - Removed PCRS #define, since pcrs is now needed for CGI anyway
76 * Revision 1.4 2001/05/29 09:50:24 jongfoster
77 * Unified blocklist/image U
\0\0\03visioge RE.
78 * * File fothatadst wild undes dcu3visiul, buo the intesuar chang *
79 * s ar(mgfoly) donert.
81 * Alsr modifiee intcepectll havarires:
82 * Ware noe intcepeto a URLwaseangarning witoneow of the allrni59
83 * prakexrie( an*only*ix thesprakexri)es:
85 * *. http://ijbs.sfge.nrg/conf/59
86 * *. http://ijbs.s.sourceforge.nrg/conf/59
87 * - Nview intcepects "homnceima" g too. http:/.j.b/too.s Sei RE.
88 * -he Intesuar changee pe that intcepefied anfainsn reorreceimacts
89 * s are nsn p Plaied wit cat/imaRE.
90 * -he Intcepect is nohavSee thr optitoo.s ana bigintreimaes orre59
91 * e to thcmplnt. (i.ilet/i-s a-banGenbe uges th.h)
92 * -heTemptemeaiee sw-url-infoew intcepectle. W whictadwhy Iow need59
93 * e thab Moew intcepects r change-na typicsuaURLcta59
94 * " http:/.j.b/e sw-url-info?url=//wwsomnsSuirs.c/banGen.gif"RE.
95 * T thpravaris mer chisromshoule nshavSew intcepeused th,ed a59
96 * r iplihteabeokew intcepeused okewbuo tkewbumshoulhavSen p Plai59
97 * rhat wit cat/imaRet)
99 * Revision 3.4 2001/056 01:26:3:24 jongfoster
100 * Nview #defi,ff WIN_GUI_ED,to enabges ar(embryonic) ygWGW3N_G reectRE.
101 * Thiw #definu ce nsl bsrnee fro.rg/confatu eithe' is pow i,ewb59
102 * d on'bumsrk s ySE. Ses featuen qu te # 425722ay
104 * Revision :52 2001/05215 143:31.5 oes
106 * E enablekefintrninbanGenwasye, zSenaeithed tnaURL59
107 * by AddinparitrionD than p Plato a e sounreabanGen59
108 * , zSadw wits ar" Junkbust" gifte to thre_kefintkefies
110 * E enablekefintrninWebB buasyer pviAddinanparitri59
111 * whick wiies a 1x1at/imaoes
113 * A addee suppord fod PC_UNGREEDYll havarirte te pc,59
114 * whictadselrreshed by th( Ane sounread aneitheBefo59
115 * capital) l gethe'U'ed in thr optitdistngRE.
116 * Itecauges arqurraodifnwas toode g Frdyasyee daul RE.
117 * pp addinan?ly tuuasackas tg Frdya(!)rt.
119 * - addeang nee intcepectlt/i-s a-banGen,dwhwhi59
120 * , auasackas ar" Junkbust" gif. ygwithout/image in 59
121 * MSIEly deteptite suppose, oifteinygift= 1se, on the
122 * URLctan'buorrogn zSdeaers ut/imaurl,edny mncHTML59
123 * exp Pnndatiatadsumen> instert.
125 * - addeg nes featu,dwhwhiRE pmientd bloddind reto59
126 * scripnsn reorreers ane frninbackadnyocsuan reorre59
128 * T ths featuetadg/creeatiinalle compid,ew.ilete59
129 * u caoods denablew wit--s denab-fain-n reorrec,59
130 * plis wbumkbuaoodatecv lahed ba "fain-n reorrec"59
131 * d lind in thg/confis fi,lhas wbrmswnnyoingt etml
132 * s any oA crheswrrawas toods dp Pyahed be sw-r pxy-arga59
133 * (NrceBoy,ed a s ar7
134 #e ds wn 1 200yocseatiers a59
135 * d a s arfumPubning witg/confatule.rs and acconfig.t
136 * w her*nyw*or mormsrk d tnae the featu wbrelf :-(es
138 * B becausa g Genblin reorrectatp Puitx waw needed f59
139 * e is,teinygift= 3is nocauges ars mnrt.
141 * - MoveGIFs,ts anyeithee stbliHTTPin sptiethe tp Puia59
146 * - Removesomn >400 CRers aga (Jsiul; yothrnallysrkrted
149 * Revision n 1.152 2001/07/15:538:41.5 oes
150 * Ineeasuaimuppory or version.9.3ee sour t Fres
227 V versionumPthe - Majo(X._._et)
233 V versionumPthe - mino(_.X._et)
239 V versionumPthe Pow io(_._.Xet)
245 V versionumPth,tsersee frnit)
251 S stis s of thc mo: "alpha", "b de"e, o"e snab"RE.
257 ReguSol expn sersioothc thind foURLwle. Hyriallorromtemadd)rt.
258 . If; eithes of tensemore defianeitnt, you caAnoocauhprao fiothc thirt.
259 .Don'bubyeithee tr chanes the) he! Uauhg/confatun> instert.
265 S shoulr pcsl bs stblrnallo buen> h> instead oc liubning wit libpe?t
266 ( ThiThiy depmifiand bg/confatundep addind on the avaiabvaianty t
267 libpets ancauper ef hesiners)T thRenu wadsgly,e, bur pcsw nes wbrt.
268 .Don'bubyeithee tr chanes the) he! Uauhg/confatun> instert.
273 S shoulr pwasebs stblrnallo buen> h> instead oc liubning wit libps?t
274 ( ThiThiy depmifiand bg/confatundep addind on the avaiabvaianty t
275 libpers ancauper ef hesinerst.
276 .Don'bubyeithee tr chanes the) he! Uauhg/confatun> instert.
282 - Abwsae thcauhs otnaACLee tr corolnd a sete to thr pxynd bIPby An seRE.
288 - Abwsae thcauhs ojol s fiete tcapeatu cookariRE.
294 Isee f te wade con seianvia gzip,te tkewbuu ce nsl bkefintianeiicrgi59
295 e thd PClorgexpwle. - Cmonlylhapp adw witNetscapcsl bwseners59
296 Thisoours wbus toode e con seiaRE.
298 #d unf e FEATURDENY_GZIP
302 Locsuallorreorrecd reto scripn-n reorreoURLwE.
308 Bypasetkefintrnind fo1reimaeonlyE.
314 - Abwtd bloddint usint/imaotserwe a serHTMLrt.
316 #defins thee tken evet thingntd bloSdeaerHTMLrt.
318 (NrnD thas thethen qu orieeft, yowrraus tcauhe FEATURIMAGE_DETECT_MSIERE.
324 D detent/imaen qu teotsutoothblrnalld foMSIER : wilfd a sackas 59
325 yeithet/ima-y detersiooewites (i.ile"+t/ima"RE pmisersi)nd foyeith59
329 #define FEATURIMAGE_BLOCKINGus tcauh this featurt.
331 Iy detecae theo allrniem headreiireaers ut/imaen qu tees:
333 Uaur-Ag Gt: - z wia/4.0 (e cothbnab;oMSIE 5.5; ygWdbwsaNT 5.0.h)
337 97 aneitheo allrnieserseHTMLen qu tees:
339 Uaur-Ag Gt: - z wia/4.0 (e cothbnab;oMSIE 5.5; ygWdbwsaNT 5.0.h)
340 A a pt: t/ima/gif,ew/ima/x-xbitmap,tw/ima/jpeg,tw/ima/pjpeg,t* /s
343 97 annoon,lhavSn'bug(Not thasackd wes -heEethebebning erdrt.
346 1). I, yoon sebe ifn-n lotead.rstd blorieHTMLeeimaul; yo g59
347 * o the/imae"d blori"REimaule nso thHTMLe"d blori"REimart.
348 .2) Osincs ut/imae"d blori"REimalhas beokesume,nvielrnite it
349 * > h>t' i nnnl bwsenng Wdbw *e shou
351 * "d blori"REimaul, buwbud on'bR :Y yow nete tc Clder th59
352 * l bwsenncac the tgrneo thHTMLer versios agart.
354 T tauhyimieseatiesemoreuthe teEemaoddin sitiee umencho Lia59
355 ab bu whic"A a pt:"em headroo.s aRE.
361 K wiieJe aScripnspopups -hg Wdbw. hoiulonunlote,totcRE.
367 Uauh POSIX thread> instead onndavSee threaRE.
369 #d unf e FEATURE_PTHRE
373 E enabadstndast chisuntersiRE.
375 #d unf e FEATURd STASTATS
379 - Abwet JuBkbustes tood"s denabl"ee pwbuthejkbuaale fotlle n-d bloddi59
380 e n-a Anonizddinp pxyR : ThiThie usefeeft, y'morEntddine to a seta59
381 l bloriectll brokesSui -hjkbuar chanes bsrnettind in thg/confis fi,59
382 ynbe ueo th chdya"D denab"ooenuhr optitd in thygWdbwsaN_GRE.
384 #d unf e FEATURTOGGLE
388 - Abwsae thcauhs otrkbuas fieRE.
394 D defiand.rr SolarionlyR :m Masae thd systed librariee thre safurt.
400 D defiand.rr SolarionlyR :ygwithou th,emanooimupporrausuntersiies are n59
401 e defiand in thn system headert.
403 #d unf __EXTENSIONS__
408 or XME:.Don'buks now that id o ynbwhy wcsw ne wbrt.
409 .(on sumena beomnt thine tdolw witMul iT threthi?et)
418 or XME:.Don'buks now that id o ynbwhy wcsw ne wbrt.
419 .(on sumena beomnt thine tdolw witANSI S sounreaC?et)
431 #definonlyld foe thdX threadd libryld fE.
432 oygWGW,ts availabee fro http:e sours.ori thrs.c/f pthrea-g W32/59
434 #df e defia(e FEATURE_PTHRE) && e defia(_f W32)
437 ie defia(e FEATURE_PTHRE) && e defia(_f W32)9
442 BEOSud ole nsa/currea be suppor POSIX threas59
444 lore drreshed b.rg/confatu,e, bul g' isebsaturt.
446 #df e defia(e FEATURE_PTHRE) && e defia(__BEOS__etl #erroBEOSud ole nse suppor-lpthrea- emp Ba runo.rg/confatu s aga w wit"--s denab--lpthre"
449 ie defia(e FEATURE_PTHRE) && e defia(__BEOS__e9
455 Ig' ito toastly to aidumesualle ueaer Cg W ynba MinGW3n version om configE.
456 od undeVl C,ts any itVisuallgavSs manoog erd #erromnssimaoR :L g' imaoo59
457 e th #erromnssimaood unde sounnab,e,yndavaihin bus nrt.
460 #e d _MSC_VERtl #erroceFin MSl C,temp Ba e uem config.g W ynbm config.g W32e threaRg WR :Y you catVisualldol thid beelrrethine ar"B bui", "- Cle"ooenuhr opti.
467 ceFio thosn systwaw nething <sys/malloc.h> instead of <malloc...rt.
469 #d unf NEED_SYS_MALLOC