HTTP HTTP GET HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: close Content-Type: text/html X-Connection: swsclose Received your input. http Enabling client-tag to disable block action for follow-up request with trusted Referer # Limit the transfer rate for the second request so tag timed out by the time the next test is executed. -s --write-out '%{stderr}%{response_code}\n' --referer "http://p.p/client-tags" 'http://p.p/toggle-client-tag?tag=overrule-blocks&toggle-state=1&expires=1' --next -s --include --output log/curl%TESTNUMBER.out --write-out '%{stderr}%{response_code}\n' --limit-rate 10 http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/block-request/ 302 200