New version of CGI-based actionsfile editor.
authorjongfoster <>
Sun, 14 Oct 2001 22:12:49 +0000 (22:12 +0000)
committerjongfoster <>
Sun, 14 Oct 2001 22:12:49 +0000 (22:12 +0000)
Major changes, including:
- Completely new file parser and file output routines
- edit-actions CGI renamed edit-actions-for-url
- All CGIs now need a filename parameter, except for...
- New CGI edit-actions which doesn't need a filename,
  to allow you to start the editor up.
- edit-actions-submit now works, and now automatically
  redirects you back to the main edit-actions-list handler.

templates/edit-actions-for-url [moved from templates/edit-actions with 97% similarity]
templates/edit-actions-submit [deleted file]

index 312ecd7..22dc693 100644 (file)
--- a/cgiedit.c
+++ b/cgiedit.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-const char cgiedit_rcs[] = "$Id: cgiedit.c,v 1.1 2001/09/16 15:47:37 jongfoster Exp $";
+const char cgiedit_rcs[] = "$Id: cgiedit.c,v 1.2 2001/09/16 17:05:14 jongfoster Exp $";
  * File        :  $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/cgiedit.c,v $
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ const char cgiedit_rcs[] = "$Id: cgiedit.c,v 1.1 2001/09/16 15:47:37 jongfoster
  * Revisions   :
  *    $Log: cgiedit.c,v $
+ *    Revision 1.2  2001/09/16 17:05:14  jongfoster
+ *    Removing unused #include showarg.h
+ *
  *    Revision 1.1  2001/09/16 15:47:37  jongfoster
  *    First version of CGI-based edit interface.  This is very much a
  *    work-in-progress, and you can't actually use it to edit anything
@@ -42,43 +45,1303 @@ const char cgiedit_rcs[] = "$Id: cgiedit.c,v 1.1 2001/09/16 15:47:37 jongfoster
  *    to have any effect.
- **********************************************************************/
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include "config.h"
+ * FIXME: Following includes copied from cgi.c - which are actually needed?
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define snprintf _snprintf
+#endif /* def _WIN32 */
+#include "project.h"
+#include "cgi.h"
+#include "cgiedit.h"
+#include "cgisimple.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "encode.h"
+#include "actions.h"
+#include "miscutil.h"
+#include "errlog.h"
+const char cgiedit_h_rcs[] = CGIEDIT_H_VERSION;
+struct file_line
+   struct file_line * next;
+   char * raw;
+   char * prefix;
+   char * unprocessed;
+   int type;
+   union
+   {
+      struct action_spec action[1];
+      struct
+      {
+         char * name;
+         char * svalue;
+         int ivalue;
+      } setting;
+      /* Add more data types here... e.g.
+      struct url_spec url[1];
+      struct
+      {
+         struct action_spec action[1];
+         const char * name;
+      } alias;
+      */
+   } data;
+#define FILE_LINE_UNPROCESSED           1
+#define FILE_LINE_BLANK                 2
+#define FILE_LINE_ALIAS_HEADER          3
+#define FILE_LINE_ALIAS_ENTRY           4
+#define FILE_LINE_ACTION                5
+#define FILE_LINE_URL                   6
+#define FILE_LINE_SETTINGS_ENTRY        8
+/* FIXME: Following list of prototypes is not complete */
+/* FIXME: Following non-static functions should be prototyped in .h or made static */
+static int  simple_read_line(char **dest, FILE *fp);
+static int  edit_read_line  (FILE *fp, char **raw_out, char **prefix_out, char **data_out);
+       int  edit_read_file  (FILE *fp, struct file_line ** pfile);
+       int  edit_write_file (const char * filename, const struct file_line * file);
+       void edit_free_file  (struct file_line * file);
+/* FIXME: This should be in project.h and used everywhere */
+#define JB_ERR_OK         0 /* Success, no error                        */
+#define JB_ERR_MEMORY     1 /* Out of memory                            */
+#define JB_ERR_CGI_PARAMS 2 /* Missing or corrupt CGI parameters        */
+#define JB_ERR_FILE       3 /* Error opening, reading or writing a file */
+#define JB_ERR_PARSE      4 /* Error parsing file                       */
+#define JB_ERR_MODIFIED   5 /* File has been modified outside of the    */
+                            /* CGI actions editor.                      */
+ *
+ * Function    :  simple_read_line
+ *
+ * Description :  Read a single line from a file and return it.
+ *                This is basically a version of fgets() that malloc()s
+ *                it's own line buffer.  Note that the buffer will
+ *                always be a multiple of BUFFER_SIZE bytes long.
+ *                Therefore if you are going to keep the string for
+ *                an extended period of time, you should probably
+ *                strdup() it and free() the original, to save memory.
+ *
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *          1  :  dest = destination for newly malloc'd pointer to
+ *                line data.  Will be set to NULL on error.
+ *          2  :  fp = File to read from
+ *
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK     on success
+ *                JB_ERR_MEMORY on out-of-memory
+ *                JB_ERR_FILE   on EOF.
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+static int simple_read_line(char **dest, FILE *fp)
+   int len;
+   char * buf;
+   char * newbuf;
+   assert(fp);
+   assert(dest);
+   *dest = NULL;
+   if (NULL == (buf = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE)))
+   {
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+   }
+   *buf = '\0';
+   len = 0;
+   while (FOREVER)
+   {
+      newbuf = buf + len;
+      if ((!fgets(newbuf, BUFFER_SIZE, fp)) || (*newbuf == '\0'))
+      {
+         /* (*newbuf == '\0') should never happen unless fgets fails */
+         if (*buf == '\0')
+         {
+            free(buf);
+            return JB_ERR_FILE;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            *dest = buf;
+            return JB_ERR_OK;
+         }
+      }
+      len = strlen(buf);
+      if ((buf[len - 1] == '\n') || (buf[len - 1] == '\r'))
+      {
+         *dest = buf;
+         return JB_ERR_OK;
+      }
+      if (NULL == (newbuf = realloc(buf, len + BUFFER_SIZE)))
+      {
+         free(buf);
+         return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+      }
+      buf = newbuf;
+   }
+ *
+ * Function    :  edit_read_line
+ *
+ * Description :  Read a single non-empty line from a file and return
+ *                it.  Trims comments, leading and trailing whitespace
+ *                and respects escaping of newline and comment char.
+ *                Provides the line in 2 alternative forms: raw and
+ *                preprocessed.
+ *                - raw is the raw data read from the file.  If the 
+ *                  line is not modified, then this should be written
+ *                  to the new file.
+ *                - prefix is any comments and blank lines that were
+ *                  read from the file.  If the line is modified, then
+ *                  this should be written out to the file followed
+ *                  by the modified data.  (If this string is non-empty
+ *                  then it will have a newline at the end).
+ *                - data is the actual data that will be parsed
+ *                  further by appropriate routines.
+ *                On EOF, the 3 strings will all be set to NULL and
+ *                0 will be returned.
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *          1  :  fp = File to read from
+ *          2  :  raw_out = destination for newly malloc'd pointer to
+ *                raw line data.  May be NULL if you don't want it.
+ *          3  :  prefix_out = destination for newly malloc'd pointer to
+ *                comments.  May be NULL if you don't want it.
+ *          4  :  data_out = destination for newly malloc'd pointer to
+ *                line data with comments and leading/trailing spaces
+ *                removed, and line continuation performed.  May be
+ *                NULL if you don't want it.
+ *
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK     on success
+ *                JB_ERR_MEMORY on out-of-memory
+ *                JB_ERR_FILE   on EOF.
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+static int edit_read_line(FILE *fp, char **raw_out, char **prefix_out, char **data_out)
+   char *p;          /* Temporary pointer   */
+   char *linebuf;    /* Line read from file */
+   char *linestart;  /* Start of linebuf, usually first non-whitespace char */
+   char newline[3];  /* Used to store the newline - "\n", "\r", or "\r\n"   */
+   int contflag = 0; /* Nonzero for line continuation - i.e. line ends '\'  */
+   char *raw;        /* String to be stored in raw_out    */
+   char *prefix;     /* String to be stored in prefix_out */
+   char *data;       /* String to be stored in data_out   */
+   int rval = JB_ERR_OK;
+   assert(fp);
+   /* Set output parameters to NULL */
+   if (raw_out)
+   {
+      *raw_out    = NULL;
+   }
+   if (prefix_out)
+   {
+      *prefix_out = NULL;
+   }
+   if (data_out)
+   {
+      *data_out   = NULL;
+   }
+   /* Set string variables to new, empty strings. */
+   raw    = malloc(1);
+   prefix = malloc(1);
+   data   = malloc(1);
+   if ((raw == NULL) || (prefix == NULL) || (data == NULL))
+   {
+      freez(raw);
+      freez(prefix);
+      freez(data);
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+   }
+   *raw    = '\0';
+   *prefix = '\0';
+   *data   = '\0';
+   /* Main loop.  Loop while we need more data & it's not EOF. */
+   while ( (contflag || (*data == '\0'))
+        && (JB_ERR_OK == (rval = simple_read_line(&linebuf, fp))))
+   {
+      if (string_append(&raw,linebuf))
+      {
+         free(prefix);
+         free(data);
+         free(linebuf);
+         return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+      }
+      /* Trim off newline */
+      p = linebuf + strlen(linebuf);
+      if ((p != linebuf) && ((p[-1] == '\r') || (p[-1] == '\n')))
+      {
+         p--;
+         if ((p != linebuf) && ((p[-1] == '\r') || (p[-1] == '\n')))
+         {
+            p--;
+         }
+      }
+      strcpy(newline, p);
+      *p = '\0';
+      /* Line continuation? Trim escape and set flag. */
+      contflag = ((p != linebuf) && (*--p == '\\'));
+      if (contflag)
+      {
+         *p = '\0';
+      }
+      /* Trim leading spaces if we're at the start of the line */
+      linestart = linebuf;
+      if (*data == '\0')
+      {
+         /* Trim leading spaces */
+         while (*linestart && isspace((int)(unsigned char)*linestart))
+         {
+            linestart++;
+         }
+      }
+      /* Handle comment characters. */
+      p = linestart;
+      while ((p = strchr(p, '#')) != NULL)
+      {
+         /* Found a comment char.. */
+         if ((p != linebuf) && (*(p-1) == '\\'))
+         {
+            /* ..and it's escaped, left-shift the line over the escape. */
+            char *q = p - 1;
+            while ((*q = *(q + 1)) != '\0')
+            {
+               q++;
+            }
+            /* Now scan from just after the "#". */
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            /* Real comment.  Save it... */
+            if (p == linestart)
+            {
+               /* Special case:  Line only contains a comment, so all the
+                * previous whitespace is considered part of the comment.
+                * Undo the whitespace skipping, if any.
+                */
+               linestart = linebuf;
+               p = linestart;
+            }
+            string_append(&prefix,p);
+            if (string_append(&prefix,newline))
+            {
+               free(raw);
+               free(data);
+               free(linebuf);
+               return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+            }
+            *newline = '\0';
+            /* ... and chop off the rest of the line */
+            *p = '\0';
+         }
+      } /* END while (there's a # character) */
+      /* Write to the buffer */
+      if (*linestart)
+      {
+         if (string_append(&data, linestart))
+         {
+            free(raw);
+            free(prefix);
+            free(linebuf);
+            return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+         }
+      }
+      free(linebuf);
+   } /* END while(we need more data) */
+   /* Handle simple_read_line() errors - ignore EOF */
+   if ((rval != JB_ERR_OK) && (rval != JB_ERR_FILE))
+   {
+      free(raw);
+      free(prefix);
+      free(data);
+      return rval;
+   }
+   if (*raw)
+   {
+      /* Got at least some data */
+      /* Remove trailing whitespace */         
+      chomp(data);
+      if (raw_out)
+      {
+         *raw_out    = raw;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         free(raw);
+      }
+      if (prefix_out)
+      {
+         *prefix_out = prefix;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         free(prefix);
+      }
+      if (data_out)
+      {
+         *data_out   = data;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         free(data);
+      }
+      return(0);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      /* EOF and no data there. */
+      free(raw);
+      free(prefix);
+      free(data);
+      return JB_ERR_FILE;
+   }
+ *
+ * Function    :  edit_read_file
+ *
+ * Description :  Read a complete file into memory.  
+ *                Handles whitespace, comments and line continuation.
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *          1  :  fp = File to read from
+ *          2  :  pfile = Destination for a linked list of file_lines.
+ *                        Will be set to NULL on error.
+ *
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK     on success
+ *                JB_ERR_MEMORY on out-of-memory
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+int edit_read_file(FILE *fp, struct file_line ** pfile)
+   struct file_line * first_line; /* Keep for return value or to free */
+   struct file_line * cur_line;   /* Current line */
+   struct file_line * prev_line;  /* Entry with prev_line->next = cur_line */
+   int rval;
+   assert(fp);
+   assert(pfile);
+   *pfile = NULL;
+   cur_line = first_line = zalloc(sizeof(struct file_line));
+   if (cur_line == NULL)
+   {
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+   }
+   cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_UNPROCESSED;
+   rval = edit_read_line(fp, &cur_line->raw, &cur_line->prefix, &cur_line->unprocessed);
+   if (rval)
+   {
+      /* Out of memory or empty file. */
+      /* Note that empty file is not an error we propogate up */
+      free(cur_line);
+      return ((rval == JB_ERR_FILE) ? JB_ERR_OK : rval);
+   }
+   do
+   {
+      prev_line = cur_line;
+      cur_line = prev_line->next = zalloc(sizeof(struct file_line));
+      if (cur_line == NULL)
+      {
+         /* Out of memory */
+         edit_free_file(first_line);
+         return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+      }
+      cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_UNPROCESSED;
+      rval = edit_read_line(fp, &cur_line->raw, &cur_line->prefix, &cur_line->unprocessed);
+      if ((rval != JB_ERR_OK) && (rval != JB_ERR_FILE))
+      {
+         /* Out of memory */
+         edit_free_file(first_line);
+         return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+      }
+   }
+   while (rval != JB_ERR_FILE);
+   /* EOF */
+   /* We allocated one too many - free it */
+   prev_line->next = NULL;
+   free(cur_line);
+   *pfile = first_line;
+   return JB_ERR_OK;
+ *
+ * Function    :  edit_write_file
+ *
+ * Description :  Write a complete file to disk.
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *          1  :  filename = File to write to.
+ *          2  :  file = Data structure to write.
+ *
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK     on success
+ *                JB_ERR_FILE   on error writing to file.
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+int edit_write_file(const char * filename, const struct file_line * file)
+   FILE * fp;
+   assert(filename);
+   if (NULL == (fp = fopen(filename, "wt")))
+   {
+      return JB_ERR_FILE;
+   }
+   while (file != NULL)
+   {
+      if (file->raw)
+      {
+         if (fputs(file->raw, fp) < 0)
+         {
+            fclose(fp);
+            return JB_ERR_FILE;
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         if (file->prefix)
+         {
+            if (fputs(file->prefix, fp) < 0)
+            {
+               fclose(fp);
+               return JB_ERR_FILE;
+            }
+         }
+         if (file->unprocessed)
+         {
+            if (fputs(file->unprocessed, fp) < 0)
+            {
+               fclose(fp);
+               return JB_ERR_FILE;
+            }
+            if (fputs("\n", fp) < 0)
+            {
+               fclose(fp);
+               return JB_ERR_FILE;
+            }
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            /* FIXME: Write data from file->data->whatever */
+            assert(0);
+         }
+      }
+      file = file->next;
+   }
+   fclose(fp);
+   return JB_ERR_OK;
+ *
+ * Function    :  edit_free_file
+ *
+ * Description :  Free a complete file in memory.  
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *          1  :  file = Data structure to free.
+ *
+ * Returns     :  N/A
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+void edit_free_file(struct file_line * file)
+   struct file_line * next;
+   while (file != NULL)
+   {
+      next = file->next;
+      file->next = NULL;
+      freez(file->raw);
+      freez(file->prefix);
+      freez(file->unprocessed);
+      switch(file->type)
+      {
+         case 0: /* special case if memory zeroed */
+         case FILE_LINE_BLANK:
+         case FILE_LINE_ALIAS_HEADER:
+         case FILE_LINE_ALIAS_ENTRY:
+         case FILE_LINE_URL:
+            /* No data is stored for these */
+            break;
+         case FILE_LINE_ACTION:
+            free_action(file->data.action);
+            break;
+            freez(file->;
+            freez(file->data.setting.svalue);
+            break;
+         default:
+            /* Should never happen */
+            assert(0);
+            break;
+      }
+      file->type = 0; /* paranoia */
+      free(file);
+      file = next;
+   }
+ *
+ * Function    :  match_actions_file_header_line
+ *
+ * Description :  Match an actions file {{header}} line 
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *          1  :  line - String from file
+ *          2  :  name - Header to match against
+ *
+ * Returns     :  0 iff they match.
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+static int match_actions_file_header_line(const char * line, const char * name)
+   int len;
+   assert(line);
+   assert(name);
+   /* Look for "{{" */
+   if ((line[0] != '{') || (line[1] != '{'))
+   {
+      return 1;
+   }
+   line += 2;
+   /* Look for optional whitespace */
+   while ( (*line == ' ') || (*line == '\t') )
+   {
+      line++;
+   }
+   /* Look for the specified name (case-insensitive) */
+   len = strlen(name);
+   if (0 != strncmpic(line, name, len))
+   {
+      return 1;
+   }
+   line += len;
+   /* Look for optional whitespace */
+   while ( (*line == ' ') || (*line == '\t') )
+   {
+      line++;
+   }
+   /* Look for "}}" and end of string*/
+   if ((line[0] != '}') || (line[1] != '}') || (line[2] != '\0'))
+   {
+      return 1;
+   }
+   /* It matched!! */
+   return 0;
+ *
+ * Function    :  match_actions_file_header_line
+ *
+ * Description :  Match an actions file {{header}} line 
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *          1  :  line - String from file.  Must not start with
+ *                       whitespace (else infinite loop!)
+ *          2  :  name - Destination for name
+ *          2  :  name - Destination for value
+ *
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK     on success
+ *                JB_ERR_MEMORY on out-of-memory
+ *                JB_ERR_PARSE  if there's no "=" sign, or if there's
+ *                              nothing before the "=" sign (but empty
+ *                              values *after* the "=" sign are legal).
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+static int split_line_on_equals(const char * line, char ** pname, char ** pvalue)
+   const char * name_end;
+   const char * value_start;
+   int name_len;
+   assert(line);
+   assert(pname);
+   assert(pvalue);
+   assert(*line != ' ');
+   assert(*line != '\t');
+   *pname = NULL;
+   *pvalue = NULL;
+   value_start = strchr(line, '=');
+   if ((value_start == NULL) || (value_start == line))
+   {
+      return JB_ERR_PARSE;
+   }
+   name_end = value_start - 1;
+   /* Eat any whitespace before the '=' */
+   while ((*name_end == ' ') || (*name_end == '\t'))
+   {
+      /*
+       * we already know we must have at least 1 non-ws char
+       * at start of buf - no need to check
+       */
+      name_end--;
+   }
+   name_len = name_end - line + 1; /* Length excluding \0 */
+   if (NULL == (*pname = (char *) malloc(name_len + 1)))
+   {
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+   }
+   strncpy(*pname, line, name_len);
+   (*pname)[name_len] = '\0';
+   /* Eat any the whitespace after the '=' */
+   value_start++;
+   while ((*value_start == ' ') || (*value_start == '\t'))
+   {
+      value_start++;
+   }
+   if (NULL == (*pvalue = strdup(value_start)))
+   {
+      free(*pname);
+      *pname = NULL;
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+   }
+   return JB_ERR_OK;
+ *
+ * Function    :  edit_parse_actions_file
+ *
+ * Description :  Parse an actions file in memory.  
+ *
+ *                Passed linked list must have the "data" member
+ *                zeroed, and must contain valid "next" and
+ *                "unprocessed" fields.  The "raw" and "prefix"
+ *                fields are ignored, and "type" is just overwritten.
+ *
+ *                Note that on error the file may have been
+ *                partially parsed.
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *          1  :  file = Actions file to be parsed in-place.
+ *
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK     on success
+ *                JB_ERR_MEMORY on out-of-memory
+ *                JB_ERR_PARSE  on error
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+int edit_parse_actions_file(struct file_line * file)
+   struct file_line * cur_line;
+   int len;
+   const char * text; /* Text from a line */
+   char * name;  /* For lines of the form name=value */
+   char * value; /* For lines of the form name=value */
+   struct action_alias * alias_list = NULL;
+   int rval = JB_ERR_OK;
+   /* alias_list contains the aliases defined in this file.
+    * It might be better to use the "" fields
+    * in the relavent places instead.
+    */
+   cur_line = file;
+   /* A note about blank line support: Blank lines should only 
+    * ever occur as the last line in the file.  This function
+    * is more forgiving than that - FILE_LINE_BLANK can occur
+    * anywhere.
+    */
+   /* Skip leading blanks.  Should only happen if file is
+    * empty (which is valid, but pointless).
+    */
+   while ( (cur_line != NULL)
+        && (cur_line->unprocessed[0] == '\0') )
+   {
+      /* Blank line */
+      cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_BLANK;
+      cur_line = cur_line->next;
+   }
+   if ( (cur_line != NULL)
+     && (cur_line->unprocessed[0] != '{') )
+   {
+      /* File doesn't start with a header */
+      return JB_ERR_PARSE;
+   }
+   if ( (cur_line != NULL) && (0 ==
+      match_actions_file_header_line(cur_line->unprocessed, "settings") ) )
+   {
+      cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_SETTINGS_HEADER;
+      cur_line = cur_line->next;
+      while ((cur_line != NULL) && (cur_line->unprocessed[0] != '{'))
+      {
+         if (cur_line->unprocessed[0])
+         {
+            cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_SETTINGS_ENTRY;
+            rval = split_line_on_equals(cur_line->unprocessed,
+                     &cur_line->,
+                     &cur_line->data.setting.svalue);
+            if (rval != JB_ERR_OK)
+            {
+               /* Line does not contain a name=value pair, or out-of-memory */
+               return rval;
+            }
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_BLANK;
+         }
+         cur_line = cur_line->next;
+      }
+   }
+   if ( (cur_line != NULL) && (0 ==
+      match_actions_file_header_line(cur_line->unprocessed, "description") ) )
+   {
+      cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_DESCRIPTION_HEADER;
+      cur_line = cur_line->next;
+      while ((cur_line != NULL) && (cur_line->unprocessed[0] != '{'))
+      {
+         if (cur_line->unprocessed[0])
+         {
+            cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_DESCRIPTION_ENTRY;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_BLANK;
+         }
+         cur_line = cur_line->next;
+      }
+   }
+   if ( (cur_line != NULL) && (0 ==
+      match_actions_file_header_line(cur_line->unprocessed, "alias") ) )
+   {
+      cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_ALIAS_HEADER;
+      cur_line = cur_line->next;
+      while ((cur_line != NULL) && (cur_line->unprocessed[0] != '{'))
+      {
+         if (cur_line->unprocessed[0])
+         {
+            /* define an alias */
+            struct action_alias * new_alias;
+            cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_ALIAS_ENTRY;
+            rval = split_line_on_equals(cur_line->unprocessed, &name, &value);
+            if (rval != JB_ERR_OK)
+            {
+               /* Line does not contain a name=value pair, or out-of-memory */
+               return rval;
+            }
+            if ((new_alias = zalloc(sizeof(*new_alias))) == NULL)
+            {
+               /* Out of memory */
+               free(name);
+               free(value);
+               free_alias_list(alias_list);
+               return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+            }
+            if (get_actions(value, alias_list, new_alias->action))
+            {
+               /* Invalid action or out of memory */
+               free(name);
+               free(value);
+               free(new_alias);
+               free_alias_list(alias_list);
+               return JB_ERR_PARSE; /* FIXME: or JB_ERR_MEMORY */
+            }
+            free(value);
+            new_alias->name = name;
+            /* add to list */
+            new_alias->next = alias_list;
+            alias_list = new_alias;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_BLANK;
+         }
+         cur_line = cur_line->next;
+      }
+   }
+   /* Header done, process the main part of the file */
+   while (cur_line != NULL)
+   {
+      /* At this point, (cur_line->unprocessed[0] == '{') */
+      assert(cur_line->unprocessed[0] == '{');
+      text = cur_line->unprocessed + 1;
+      len = strlen(text) - 1;
+      if (text[len] != '}')
+      {
+         /* No closing } on header */
+         free_alias_list(alias_list);
+         return JB_ERR_PARSE;
+      }
+      if (text[0] == '{')
+      {
+         /* An invalid {{ header.  */
+         free_alias_list(alias_list);
+         return JB_ERR_PARSE;
+      }
+      while ( (*text == ' ') || (*text == '\t') )
+      {
+         text++;
+         len--;
+      }
+      while ( (len > 0)
+           && ( (text[len - 1] == ' ')
+             || (text[len - 1] == '\t') ) )
+      {
+         len--;
+      }
+      if (len <= 0)
+      {
+         /* A line containing just { } */
+         free_alias_list(alias_list);
+         return JB_ERR_PARSE;
+      }
+      cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_ACTION;
+      /* Remove {} and make copy */
+      if (NULL == (value = (char *) malloc(len + 1)))
+      {
+         /* Out of memory */
+         free_alias_list(alias_list);
+         return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+      }
+      strncpy(value, text, len);
+      value[len] = '\0';
+      /* Get actions */
+      if (get_actions(value, alias_list, cur_line->data.action))
+      {
+         /* Invalid action or out of memory */
+         free(value);
+         free_alias_list(alias_list);
+         return JB_ERR_PARSE; /* FIXME: or JB_ERR_MEMORY */
+      }
+      /* Done with string - it was clobbered anyway */
+      free(value);
+      /* Process next line */
+      cur_line = cur_line->next;
+      /* Loop processing URL patterns */
+      while ((cur_line != NULL) && (cur_line->unprocessed[0] != '{'))
+      {
+         if (cur_line->unprocessed[0])
+         {
+            /* Could parse URL here, but this isn't currently needed */
+            cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_URL;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            cur_line->type = FILE_LINE_BLANK;
+         }
+         cur_line = cur_line->next;
+      }
+   } /* End main while(cur_line != NULL) loop */
+   free_alias_list(alias_list);
+   return JB_ERR_OK;
+ *
+ * Function    :  edit_read_file
+ *
+ * Description :  Read a complete actions file into memory and
+ *                parses it.
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *          1  :  filename = Path to file to read from
+ *          2  :  pfile = Destination for a linked list of file_lines.
+ *                        Will be set to NULL on error.
+ *
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK     on success
+ *                JB_ERR_MEMORY on out-of-memory
+ *                JB_ERR_FILE   if the file cannot be opened or
+ *                              contains no data
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+int edit_read_actions_file(const char * filename, struct file_line ** pfile)
+   struct file_line * file;
+   FILE * fp;
+   int rval;
+   assert(filename);
+   assert(pfile);
+   *pfile = NULL;
+   if (NULL == (fp = fopen(filename,"rt")))
+   {
+      return JB_ERR_FILE;
+   }
+   rval = edit_read_file(fp, &file);
+   fclose(fp);
+   if (JB_ERR_OK != rval)
+   {
+      return rval;
+   }
+   if (JB_ERR_OK != (rval = edit_parse_actions_file(file)))
+   {
+      edit_free_file(file);
+      return rval;
+   }
+   *pfile = file;
+   return JB_ERR_OK;
+ *
+ * Function    :  get_file_name_param
+ *
+ * Description :  Get the name of the file to edit from the parameters
+ *                passed to a CGI function.  This function handles
+ *                security checks such as blocking urls containing
+ *                "/" or ".", prepending the config file directory,
+ *                and adding the specified suffix.
+ *
+ *                (This is an essential security check, otherwise
+ *                users may be able to pass "../../../etc/passwd"
+ *                and overwrite the password file [linux], "prn:"
+ *                and print random data [Windows], etc...)
+ *
+ *                This function only allows filenames contining the
+ *                characters '-', '_', 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', and '0'-'9'.
+ *                That's probably too restrictive but at least it's
+ *                secure.
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *           1 :  csp = Current client state (buffers, headers, etc...)
+ *           2 :  parameters = map of cgi parameters
+ *           3 :  suffix = File extension, e.g. ".actions"
+ *           4 :  pfilename = destination for full filename.  Caller
+ *                free()s.  Set to NULL on error.
+ *           5 :  pparam = destination for partial filename,
+ *                suitable for use in another URL.  Allocated as part
+ *                of the map "parameters", so don't free it.
+ *                Set to NULL if not specified.
+ *
+ * CGI Parameters : None
+ *
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK         on success
+ *                JB_ERR_MEMORY     on out-of-memory
+ *                JB_ERR_CGI_PARAMS if "filename" was not specified
+ *                                  or is not valid.
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+static int get_file_name_param(struct client_state *csp,
+                                     struct map *parameters,
+                               char *suffix,
+                               char **pfilename,
+                               const char **pparam)
+   const char *param;
+   const char *s;
+   char *name;
+   char *fullpath;
+   char ch;
+   int len;
+   assert(csp);
+   assert(parameters);
+   assert(suffix);
+   assert(pfilename);
+   assert(pparam);
+   *pfilename = NULL;
+   *pparam = NULL;
+   param = lookup(parameters, "filename");
+   if (!*param)
+   {
+      return JB_ERR_CGI_PARAMS;
+   }
+   *pparam = param;
+   len = strlen(param);
+   if (len >= FILENAME_MAX)
+   {
+      /* Too long. */
+      return JB_ERR_CGI_PARAMS;
+   }
+   /* Check every character to see if it's legal */
+   s = param;
+   while ((ch = *s++) != '\0')
+   {
+      if ( ((ch < 'A') || (ch > 'Z'))
+        && ((ch < 'a') || (ch > 'z'))
+        && ((ch < '0') || (ch > '9'))
+        && (ch != '-')
+        && (ch != '_') )
+      {
+         /* Probable hack attempt. */
+         return JB_ERR_CGI_PARAMS;
+      }
+   }
+   /* Append extension */
+   name = malloc(len + strlen(suffix) + 1);
+   if (name == NULL)
+   {
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+   }
+   strcpy(name, param);
+   strcpy(name + len, suffix);
+   /* Prepend path */
+   fullpath = make_path(csp->config->confdir, name);
+   free(name);
+   if (fullpath == NULL)
+   {
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
+   }
+   /* Success */
+   *pfilename = fullpath;
+   return JB_ERR_OK;
+ *
+ * Function    :  get_number_param
+ *
+ * Description :  Get a non-negative integer from the parameters
+ *                passed to a CGI function.
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *           1 :  csp = Current client state (buffers, headers, etc...)
+ *           2 :  parameters = map of cgi parameters
+ *           3 :  name = Name of CGI parameter to read
+ *           4 :  pvalue = destination for value.
+ *                         Set to -1 on error.
+ *
+ * CGI Parameters : None
+ *
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK         on success
+ *                JB_ERR_MEMORY     on out-of-memory
+ *                JB_ERR_CGI_PARAMS if "filename" was not specified
+ *                                  or is not valid.
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+static int get_number_param(struct client_state *csp,
+                                  struct map *parameters,
+                            char *name,
+                            int *pvalue)
+   const char *param;
+   char ch;
+   int value;
-#include "config.h"
+   assert(csp);
+   assert(parameters);
+   assert(name);
+   assert(pvalue);
- * FIXME: Following includes copied from cgi.c - which are actually needed?
- */
+   *pvalue = -1;
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
+   param = lookup(parameters, name);
+   if (!*param)
+   {
+      return JB_ERR_CGI_PARAMS;
+   }
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define snprintf _snprintf
-#endif /* def _WIN32 */
+   /* We don't use atoi because I want to check this carefully... */
-#include "project.h"
-#include "cgi.h"
-#include "cgiedit.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "encode.h"
-#include "ssplit.h"
-#include "jcc.h"
-#include "filters.h"
-#include "actions.h"
-#include "errlog.h"
-#include "miscutil.h"
-#include "loadcfg.h"
+   value = 0;
+   while ((ch = *param++) != '\0')
+   {
+      if ((ch < '0') || (ch > '9'))
+      {
+         return JB_ERR_CGI_PARAMS;
+      }
-const char cgiedit_h_rcs[] = CGIEDIT_H_VERSION;
+      ch -= '0';
+      /* Note:
+       *
+       * <limits.h> defines INT_MAX
+       *
+       * (INT_MAX - ch) / 10 is the largest number that 
+       *     can be safely multiplied by 10 then have ch added.
+       */
+      if (value > ((INT_MAX - ch) / 10))
+      {
+         return JB_ERR_CGI_PARAMS;
+      }
+      value = value * 10 + ch;
+   }
+   /* Success */
+   *pvalue = value;
+   return JB_ERR_OK;
+ *
+ * Function    :  cgi_edit_actions
+ *
+ * Description :  CGI function that allows the user to choose which
+ *                actions file to edit.
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *           1 :  csp = Current client state (buffers, headers, etc...)
+ *           2 :  rsp = http_response data structure for output
+ *           3 :  parameters = map of cgi parameters
+ *
+ * CGI Parameters : None
+ *
+ * Returns     :  0 on success, nonzero on error
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+int cgi_edit_actions(struct client_state *csp,
+                     struct http_response *rsp,
+                           struct map *parameters)
+   /* FIXME: Incomplete */
+   rsp->status = strdup("302 Local Redirect from Junkbuster");
+   enlist_unique_header(rsp->headers, "Location", "");
+   return 0;
@@ -86,7 +1349,8 @@ const char cgiedit_h_rcs[] = CGIEDIT_H_VERSION;
  * Function    :  cgi_edit_actions_list
  * Description :  CGI function that edits the actions list.
- *
+ *                FIXME: This function shouldn't FATAL ever.
+ *                FIXME: This function doesn't check the retval of map()
  * Parameters  :
  *           1 :  csp = Current client state (buffers, headers, etc...)
  *           2 :  rsp = http_response data structure for output
@@ -94,98 +1358,154 @@ const char cgiedit_h_rcs[] = CGIEDIT_H_VERSION;
  * CGI Parameters : None
- * Returns     :  0
+ * Returns     :  0 on success, 1 on error.
 int cgi_edit_actions_list(struct client_state *csp, struct http_response *rsp,
                                 struct map *parameters)
-   struct file_list *fl;
-   struct url_actions *actions;
-   char * actions_html;
-   char * next_actions_html;
    char * section_template;
    char * url_template;
    char * sections;
    char * urls;
-   struct map * exports = default_exports(csp, NULL);
-   struct map * section_exports;
-   struct map * url_exports;
-   int urlid;
    char buf[50];
    char * s;
+   struct map * exports;
+   struct map * section_exports;
+   struct map * url_exports;
+   struct file_line * file;
+   struct file_line * cur_line;
+   int line_number = 0;
    int url_1_2;
+   int rval;
+   char * filename;
+   char * filename_param;
-   if (((fl = csp->actions_list) == NULL) || ((actions = fl->f) == NULL))
+   rval = get_file_name_param(csp, parameters, ".action", &filename, &filename_param);
+   if (rval)
-      /* FIXME: Oops, no file to edit */
-      free_map(exports);
-      return cgi_default(csp, rsp, parameters);
+      /* No filename specified. */
+      /* FIXME: Shouldn't FATAL here */
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "No filename specified");
+      return 1;
+   }
+   if (edit_read_actions_file(filename, &file))
+   {
+      /* FIXME: Shouldn't FATAL here */
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Cannot load file '%s' for editing", filename);
+      return 1;
+   }
+   free(filename);
+   if (NULL == (exports = default_exports(csp, NULL)))
+   {
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Out of memory in cgi_edit_actions_list");
+      return 1;
+   map(exports, "filename", 1, filename_param, 1);
    /* Should do all global exports above this point */
-   section_template = template_load(csp, "edit-actions-list-section");
-   url_template = template_load(csp, "edit-actions-list-url");
+   if (NULL == (section_template = template_load(csp, "edit-actions-list-section")))
+   {
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Out of memory in cgi_edit_actions_list");
+      return 1;
+   }
+   if (NULL == (url_template = template_load(csp, "edit-actions-list-url")))
+   {
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Out of memory in cgi_edit_actions_list");
+      return 1;
+   }
    template_fill(&section_template, exports);
    template_fill(&url_template, exports);
-   urlid = 0;
-   sections = strdup("");
+   /* Find start of actions in file */
+   cur_line = file;
+   line_number = 1;
+   while ((cur_line != NULL) && (cur_line->type != FILE_LINE_ACTION))
+   {
+      cur_line = cur_line->next;
+      line_number++;
+   }
-   ++urlid;
-   actions = actions->next;
-   if (actions != NULL)
+   if (NULL == (sections = strdup("")))
-      actions_html = actions_to_html(actions->action);
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Out of memory in cgi_edit_actions_list");
+      return 1;
-   while (actions != NULL)
+   while ((cur_line != NULL) && (cur_line->type == FILE_LINE_ACTION))
-      section_exports = new_map();
+      if (NULL == (section_exports = new_map()))
+      {
+         log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Out of memory in cgi_edit_actions_list");
+         return 1;
+      }
-      snprintf(buf, 50, "%d", urlid);
+      snprintf(buf, 50, "%d", line_number);
       map(section_exports, "sectionid", 1, buf, 1);
-      map(section_exports, "actions", 1, actions_html, 1);
+      if (NULL == (s = actions_to_html(cur_line->data.action)))
+      {
+         log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Out of memory in cgi_edit_actions_list");
+         return 1;
+      }
+      map(section_exports, "actions", 1, s, 0);
       /* Should do all section-specific exports above this point */
-      urls = strdup("");
+      if (NULL == (urls = strdup("")))
+      {
+         log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Out of memory in cgi_edit_actions_list");
+         return 1;
+      }
       url_1_2 = 2;
-      next_actions_html = NULL;
-      do
-      {
-         freez(next_actions_html);
+      cur_line = cur_line->next;
+      line_number++;
-         url_exports = new_map();
+      while ((cur_line != NULL) && (cur_line->type == FILE_LINE_URL))
+      {
+         if (NULL == (url_exports = new_map()))
+         {
+            log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Out of memory in cgi_edit_actions_list");
+            return 1;
+         }
-         snprintf(buf, 50, "%d", urlid);
+         snprintf(buf, 50, "%d", line_number);
          map(url_exports, "urlid", 1, buf, 1);
          snprintf(buf, 50, "%d", url_1_2);
          map(url_exports, "url-1-2", 1, buf, 1);
-         s = html_encode(actions->url->spec);
-         map(url_exports, "url", 1, s, 1);
+         if (NULL == (s = html_encode(cur_line->unprocessed)))
+         {
+            log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Out of memory in cgi_edit_actions_list");
+            return 1;
+         }
+         map(url_exports, "url", 1, s, 0);
-         s = strdup(url_template);
+         if (NULL == (s = strdup(url_template)))
+         {
+            log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Out of memory in cgi_edit_actions_list");
+            return 1;
+         }
          template_fill(&s, section_exports);
          template_fill(&s, url_exports);
          urls = strsav(urls, s);
-         ++urlid;
          url_1_2 = 3 - url_1_2;
-         actions = actions->next;
-         if (actions)
-         {
-            next_actions_html = actions_to_html(actions->action);
-         }
+         cur_line = cur_line->next;
+         line_number++;
-      while (actions && (0 == strcmp(actions_html, next_actions_html)));
       map(section_exports, "urls", 1, urls, 0);
@@ -195,11 +1515,10 @@ int cgi_edit_actions_list(struct client_state *csp, struct http_response *rsp,
       template_fill(&s, section_exports);
       sections = strsav(sections, s);
-      freez(actions_html);
-      actions_html = next_actions_html;
+   edit_free_file(file);
    map(exports, "sections", 1, sections, 0);
    /* Could also do global exports here, but it wouldn't be as fast */
@@ -208,7 +1527,7 @@ int cgi_edit_actions_list(struct client_state *csp, struct http_response *rsp,
    template_fill(&rsp->body, exports);
-   return(0);
+   return 0;
@@ -234,11 +1553,14 @@ int cgi_edit_actions_list(struct client_state *csp, struct http_response *rsp,
  * CGI Parameters : None
- * Returns     :  0 on success, nonzero on error.
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK     on success
+ *                JB_ERR_MEMORY on out-of-memory
-static int map_radio(struct map * exports, const char * optionname, 
-                     const char * values, char value)
+static int map_radio(struct map * exports,
+                     const char * optionname, 
+                     const char * values,
+                     char value)
    int len;
    char * buf;
@@ -253,7 +1575,7 @@ static int map_radio(struct map * exports, const char * optionname,
    buf = malloc(len + 3);
    if (buf == NULL)
-      return 1;
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
    strcpy(buf, optionname);
@@ -269,7 +1591,7 @@ static int map_radio(struct map * exports, const char * optionname,
          if (map(exports, buf, 1, "", 1))
-            return 1;
+            return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
@@ -278,10 +1600,10 @@ static int map_radio(struct map * exports, const char * optionname,
    if (map(exports, buf, 0, "checked", 1))
-      return 1;
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;
-   return 0;
+   return JB_ERR_OK;
@@ -289,83 +1611,112 @@ static int map_radio(struct map * exports, const char * optionname,
  * Function    :  actions_to_radio
- * Description :  Converts a actionsfile entry FIXME
+ * Description :  Converts a actionsfile entry into settings for
+ *                radio buttons and edit boxes on a HTML form.
  * Parameters  :
- *          1  :  exports = FIXME
- *          2  :  action  = FIXME
+ *          1  :  exports = List of substitutions to add to.
+ *          2  :  action  = Action to read
- * Returns     :  0 on success, nonzero on error.
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK     on success
+ *                JB_ERR_MEMORY on out-of-memory
-static int actions_to_radio(struct map * exports, struct action_spec *action)
+static int actions_to_radio(struct map * exports, const struct action_spec *action)
    unsigned mask = action->mask;
    unsigned add  = action->add;
    int mapped_param;
    int checked;
+   char current_mode;
+   assert(exports);
+   assert(action);
+   mask = action->mask;
+   add  = action->add;
    /* sanity - prevents "-feature +feature" */
    mask |= add;
-#define DEFINE_ACTION_BOOL(name, bit)       \
-   if (!(mask & bit))                       \
-   {                                        \
-      map_radio(exports, name, "ynx", 'n'); \
-   }                                        \
-   else if (add & bit)                      \
-   {                                        \
-      map_radio(exports, name, "ynx", 'y'); \
-   }                                        \
-   else                                     \
-   {                                        \
-      map_radio(exports, name, "ynx", 'x'); \
+#define DEFINE_ACTION_BOOL(name, bit)                 \
+   if (!(mask & bit))                                 \
+   {                                                  \
+      current_mode = 'n';                             \
+   }                                                  \
+   else if (add & bit)                                \
+   {                                                  \
+      current_mode = 'y';                             \
+   }                                                  \
+   else                                               \
+   {                                                  \
+      current_mode = 'x';                             \
+   }                                                  \
+   if (map_radio(exports, name, "ynx", current_mode)) \
+   {                                                  \
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;                           \
-#define DEFINE_ACTION_STRING(name, bit, index)  \
-   DEFINE_ACTION_BOOL(name, bit);               \
+#define DEFINE_ACTION_STRING(name, bit, index)        \
+   DEFINE_ACTION_BOOL(name, bit);                     \
    mapped_param = 0;
-#define DEFINE_CGI_PARAM_RADIO(name, bit, index, value, is_default) \
-   if (add & bit)                                        \
-   {                                                     \
-      checked = !strcmp(action->string[index], value);   \
-   }                                                     \
-   else                                                  \
-   {                                                     \
-      checked = is_default;                              \
-   }                                                     \
-   mapped_param |= checked;                              \
-   map(exports, name "-param-" value, 1, (checked ? "checked" : ""), 1);
-#define DEFINE_CGI_PARAM_CUSTOM(name, bit, index, default_val)    \
-   map(exports, name "-param-custom", 1,                      \
-      ((!mapped_param) ? "checked" : ""), 1);                     \
-   map(exports, name "-param", 1,                             \
-      (((add & bit) && !mapped_param) ?                           \
-      action->string[index] : default_val), 1);
-#define DEFINE_CGI_PARAM_NO_RADIO(name, bit, index, default_val)  \
-   map(exports, name "-param", 1,                             \
-      ((add & bit) ? action->string[index] : default_val), 1);
-#define DEFINE_ACTION_MULTI(name, index)        \
-   if (action->multi_add[index]->first)         \
-   {                                            \
-      map_radio(exports, name, "ynx", 'y');     \
-   }                                            \
-   else if (action->multi_remove_all[index])    \
-   {                                            \
-      map_radio(exports, name, "ynx", 'n');     \
-   }                                            \
-   else if (action->multi_remove[index]->first) \
-   {                                            \
-      map_radio(exports, name, "ynx", 'y');     \
-   }                                            \
-   else                                         \
-   {                                            \
-      map_radio(exports, name, "ynx", 'x');     \
+#define DEFINE_CGI_PARAM_RADIO(name, bit, index, value, is_default)  \
+   if (add & bit)                                                    \
+   {                                                                 \
+      checked = !strcmp(action->string[index], value);               \
+   }                                                                 \
+   else                                                              \
+   {                                                                 \
+      checked = is_default;                                          \
+   }                                                                 \
+   mapped_param |= checked;                                          \
+   if (map(exports, name "-param-" value, 1, (checked ? "checked" : ""), 1)) \
+   {                                                                 \
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;                                          \
+   }
+#define DEFINE_CGI_PARAM_CUSTOM(name, bit, index, default_val)       \
+   if (map(exports, name "-param-custom", 1,                         \
+           ((!mapped_param) ? "checked" : ""), 1))                   \
+   {                                                                 \
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;                                          \
+   }                                                                 \
+   if (map(exports, name "-param", 1,                                \
+           (((add & bit) && !mapped_param) ?                         \
+           action->string[index] : default_val), 1))                 \
+   {                                                                 \
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;                                          \
+   }
+#define DEFINE_CGI_PARAM_NO_RADIO(name, bit, index, default_val)     \
+   if (map(exports, name "-param", 1,                                \
+           ((add & bit) ? action->string[index] : default_val), 1))  \
+   {                                                                 \
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;                                          \
+   }
+#define DEFINE_ACTION_MULTI(name, index)              \
+   if (action->multi_add[index]->first)               \
+   {                                                  \
+      current_mode = 'y';                             \
+   }                                                  \
+   else if (action->multi_remove_all[index])          \
+   {                                                  \
+      current_mode = 'n';                             \
+   }                                                  \
+   else if (action->multi_remove[index]->first)       \
+   {                                                  \
+      current_mode = 'y';                             \
+   }                                                  \
+   else                                               \
+   {                                                  \
+      current_mode = 'x';                             \
+   }                                                  \
+   if (map_radio(exports, name, "ynx", current_mode)) \
+   {                                                  \
+      return JB_ERR_MEMORY;                           \
 #define DEFINE_ACTION_ALIAS 0 /* No aliases for output */
@@ -380,7 +1731,7 @@ static int actions_to_radio(struct map * exports, struct action_spec *action)
-   return 0;
+   return JB_ERR_OK;
@@ -397,73 +1748,208 @@ static int actions_to_radio(struct map * exports, struct action_spec *action)
  * CGI Parameters : None
- * Returns     :  0
+ * Returns     :  0 on success, nonzero on error
-int cgi_edit_actions(struct client_state *csp, struct http_response *rsp,
-                           struct map *parameters)
+int cgi_edit_actions_for_url(struct client_state *csp,
+                             struct http_response *rsp,
+                                   struct map *parameters)
-   struct file_list *fl;
-   struct url_actions *actions;
-   struct map * exports = default_exports(csp, NULL);
+   struct map * exports;
    int sectionid;
-   int i;
-   const char * s;
-   char c;
-   if (((fl = csp->actions_list) == NULL) || ((actions = fl->f) == NULL))
+   struct file_line * file;
+   struct file_line * cur_line;
+   int line_number;
+   int rval;
+   char * filename;
+   char * filename_param;
+   rval = get_file_name_param(csp, parameters, ".action", &filename, &filename_param);
+   if (rval)
-      /* FIXME: Oops, No file to edit */
-      free_map(exports);
-      return cgi_default(csp, rsp, parameters);
+      /* No filename specified. */
+      /* FIXME: Shouldn't FATAL here */
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "No filename specified");
+      return 1;
-   s = lookup(parameters, "section");
-   if (!*s)
+   if (get_number_param(csp, parameters, "section", &sectionid))
-      /* FIXME: Oops, No file to edit */
-      free_map(exports);
+      /* FIXME: Shouldn't FATAL here */
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "No 'section' parameter");
       return cgi_default(csp, rsp, parameters);
-   sectionid = 0;
-   while ((c = *s++) != '\0')
+   if (edit_read_actions_file(filename, &file))
-      /* Note:
-       * (((unsigned)(-1)) >> 1) == MAXINT.
-       * (MAXINT - 9) / 10 is the largest number that 
-       * can be safely multiplied by 10 then have 9 added.
-       */
-      if (c < '0' || c > '9' || sectionid > ((((unsigned)(-1)) >> 1) - 9) / 10)
-      {
-         /* FIXME: Oops, bad paramaters */
-         free_map(exports);
-         return cgi_default(csp, rsp, parameters);
-      }
-      sectionid *= 10;
-      sectionid += c - '0';
+      /* FIXME: Shouldn't FATAL here */
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Cannot load file '%s' for editing", filename);
+      return 1;
+   cur_line = file;
-   for (i = 0; actions != NULL && i < sectionid; i++)
+   for (line_number = 1; (cur_line != NULL) && (line_number < sectionid); line_number++)
-      actions = actions->next;
+      cur_line = cur_line->next;
-   if (actions == NULL || i != sectionid || sectionid < 1)
+   if ( (cur_line == NULL)
+     || (line_number != sectionid)
+     || (sectionid < 1)
+     || (cur_line->type != FILE_LINE_ACTION))
-      free_map(exports);
-      return cgi_default(csp, rsp, parameters);
+      /* FIXME: Shouldn't FATAL here */
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Bad sectionid!");
+      return 1;
-   /* FIXME: need to fill in exports here */
-   actions_to_radio(exports, actions->action);
+   exports = default_exports(csp, NULL);
+   map(exports, "filename", 1, filename_param, 1);
+   map(exports, "section", 1, lookup(parameters, "section"), 1);
+   actions_to_radio(exports, cur_line->data.action);
-   rsp->body = template_load(csp, "edit-actions");
+   edit_free_file(file);
+   rsp->body = template_load(csp, "edit-actions-for-url");
    template_fill(&rsp->body, exports);
-   return(0);
+   return 0;
+ *
+ * Function    :  actions_from_radio
+ *
+ * Description :  Converts a map of parameters passed to a CGI function
+ *                into an actionsfile entry.
+ *
+ * Parameters  :
+ *          1  :  parameters = parameters to the CGI call
+ *          2  :  action  = Action to change.  Must be valid before
+ *                          the call, actions not specified will be
+ *                          left unchanged.
+ *
+ * Returns     :  JB_ERR_OK     on success
+ *                JB_ERR_MEMORY on out-of-memory
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+static int actions_from_radio(const struct map * parameters,
+                              struct action_spec *action)
+   const char * param;
+   char * param_dup;
+   char ch;
+   assert(parameters);
+   assert(action);
+#define DEFINE_ACTION_BOOL(name, bit)                 \
+   if (NULL != (param = lookup(parameters, name)))    \
+   {                                                  \
+      ch = toupper((int)param[0]);                    \
+      if (ch == 'Y')                                  \
+      {                                               \
+         action->add  |= bit;                         \
+         action->mask |= bit;                         \
+      }                                               \
+      else if (ch == 'N')                             \
+      {                                               \
+         action->add  &= ~bit;                        \
+         action->mask &= ~bit;                        \
+      }                                               \
+      else if (ch == 'X')                             \
+      {                                               \
+         action->add  &= ~bit;                        \
+         action->mask |= bit;                         \
+      }                                               \
+   }
+#define DEFINE_ACTION_STRING(name, bit, index)                    \
+   if (NULL != (param = lookup(parameters, name)))                \
+   {                                                              \
+      ch = toupper((int)param[0]);                                \
+      if (ch == 'Y')                                              \
+      {                                                           \
+         param = lookup(parameters, name "-mode");                \
+         if ((*param == '\0') || (0 == strcmp(param, "CUSTOM")))  \
+         {                                                        \
+            param = lookup(parameters, name "-param");            \
+         }                                                        \
+         if (*param != '\0')                                      \
+         {                                                        \
+            if (NULL == (param_dup = strdup(param)))              \
+            {                                                     \
+               return JB_ERR_MEMORY;                              \
+            }                                                     \
+            freez(action->string[index]);                         \
+            action->add  |= bit;                                  \
+            action->mask |= bit;                                  \
+            action->string[index] = param_dup;                    \
+         }                                                        \
+      }                                                           \
+      else if (ch == 'N')                                         \
+      {                                                           \
+         if (action->add & bit)                                   \
+         {                                                        \
+            freez(action->string[index]);                         \
+         }                                                        \
+         action->add  &= ~bit;                                    \
+         action->mask &= ~bit;                                    \
+      }                                                           \
+      else if (ch == 'X')                                         \
+      {                                                           \
+         if (action->add & bit)                                   \
+         {                                                        \
+            freez(action->string[index]);                         \
+         }                                                        \
+         action->add  &= ~bit;                                    \
+         action->mask |= bit;                                     \
+      }                                                           \
+   }
+#define DEFINE_ACTION_MULTI(name, index)                          \
+   if (NULL != (param = lookup(parameters, name)))                \
+   {                                                              \
+      ch = toupper((int)param[0]);                                \
+      if (ch == 'Y')                                              \
+      {                                                           \
+         /* FIXME */                                              \
+      }                                                           \
+      else if (ch == 'N')                                         \
+      {                                                           \
+         list_remove_all(action->multi_add[index]);               \
+         list_remove_all(action->multi_remove[index]);            \
+         action->multi_remove_all[index] = 1;                     \
+      }                                                           \
+      else if (ch == 'X')                                         \
+      {                                                           \
+         list_remove_all(action->multi_add[index]);               \
+         list_remove_all(action->multi_remove[index]);            \
+         action->multi_remove_all[index] = 0;                     \
+      }                                                           \
+   }
+#define DEFINE_CGI_PARAM_CUSTOM(name, bit, index, default_val)
+#define DEFINE_CGI_PARAM_RADIO(name, bit, index, value, is_default)
+#define DEFINE_CGI_PARAM_NO_RADIO(name, bit, index, default_val)
+#define DEFINE_ACTION_ALIAS 0 /* No aliases for URL parsing */
+#include "actionlist.h"
+   return JB_ERR_OK;
@@ -480,21 +1966,128 @@ int cgi_edit_actions(struct client_state *csp, struct http_response *rsp,
  * CGI Parameters : None
- * Returns     :  0
+ * Returns     :  0 on success, nonzero on error
 int cgi_edit_actions_submit(struct client_state *csp, struct http_response *rsp,
                            struct map *parameters)
-   struct map * exports = default_exports(csp, NULL);
+   struct map * exports;
+   int sectionid;
+   char * actiontext;
+   char * newtext;
+   int len;
-   map(exports, "cgi-parameters", 1, dump_map(parameters), 0);
+   struct file_line * file;
+   struct file_line * cur_line;
+   int line_number;
+   int rval;
+   char * filename;
+   const char * filename_param;
+   char * target;
-   rsp->body = template_load(csp, "edit-actions-submit");
-   template_fill(&rsp->body, exports);
-   free_map(exports);
+   rval = get_file_name_param(csp, parameters, ".action", &filename, &filename_param);
+   if (rval)
+   {
+      /* No filename specified. */
+      /* FIXME: Shouldn't FATAL here */
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "No filename specified");
+      return 1;
+   }
+   if (get_number_param(csp, parameters, "section", &sectionid))
+   {
+      /* FIXME: Shouldn't FATAL here */
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "No 'section' parameter");
+      return cgi_default(csp, rsp, parameters);
+   }
+   if (edit_read_actions_file(filename, &file))
+   {
+      /* FIXME: Shouldn't FATAL here */
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Cannot load file '%s' for editing", filename);
+      return 1;
+   }
+   cur_line = file;
+   for (line_number = 1; (cur_line != NULL) && (line_number < sectionid); line_number++)
+   {
+      cur_line = cur_line->next;
+   }
+   if ( (cur_line == NULL)
+     || (line_number != sectionid)
+     || (sectionid < 1)
+     || (cur_line->type != FILE_LINE_ACTION))
+   {
+      edit_free_file(file);
+      return cgi_default(csp, rsp, parameters);
+   }
+   if (actions_from_radio(parameters, cur_line->data.action))
+   {
+      /* Out of memory */
+      edit_free_file(file);
+      return 1;
+   }
+   if (NULL == (actiontext = actions_to_text(cur_line->data.action)))
+   {
+      /* Out of memory */
+      edit_free_file(file);
+      return 1;
+   }
+   len = strlen(actiontext);
+   if (NULL == (newtext = malloc(len + 2)))
+   {
+      /* Out of memory */
+      free(actiontext);
+      edit_free_file(file);
+      return 1;
+   }
+   strcpy(newtext, actiontext);
+   free(actiontext);
+   newtext[0]       = '{';
+   newtext[len]     = '}';
+   newtext[len + 1] = '\0';
+   freez(cur_line->raw);
+   freez(cur_line->unprocessed);
+   cur_line->unprocessed = newtext;
+   if (edit_write_file(filename, file))
+   {
+      /* Error writing file */
+      edit_free_file(file);
+      /* FIXME: Shouldn't FATAL here */
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Cannot save file '%s' after editing", filename);
+      return 1;
+   }
+   edit_free_file(file);
+   free(filename);
-   return(0);
+   target = strdup("");
+   string_append(&target, filename_param);
+   if (target == NULL)
+   {
+      /* Out of memory */
+      /* FIXME: Shouldn't FATAL here */
+      log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Out of memory");
+      return 1;
+   }
+   rsp->status = strdup("302 Local Redirect from Junkbuster");
+   enlist_unique_header(rsp->headers, "Location", target);
+   free(target);
+   return 0;
+   /* return cgi_edit_actions_list(csp, rsp, parameters); */
index 038bdac..6604cf6 100644 (file)
--- a/cgiedit.h
+++ b/cgiedit.h
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#define CGIEDIT_H_VERSION "$Id: cgiedit.h,v 1.15 2001/09/16 15:02:35 jongfoster Exp $"
+#define CGIEDIT_H_VERSION "$Id: cgiedit.h,v 1.1 2001/09/16 15:47:37 jongfoster Exp $"
- * File        :  $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/cgi.h,v $
+ * File        :  $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/cgiedit.h,v $
  * Purpose     :  CGI-based actionsfile editor.
  *                Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
  * Revisions   :
- *    $Log: cgi.h,v $
+ *    $Log: cgiedit.h,v $
+ *    Revision 1.1  2001/09/16 15:47:37  jongfoster
+ *    First version of CGI-based edit interface.  This is very much a
+ *    work-in-progress, and you can't actually use it to edit anything
+ *    yet.  You must #define FEATURE_CGI_EDIT_ACTIONS for these changes
+ *    to have any effect.
+ *
@@ -54,6 +60,9 @@ extern "C" {
 extern int cgi_edit_actions        (struct client_state *csp,
                                     struct http_response *rsp,
                                     struct map *parameters);
+extern int cgi_edit_actions_for_url(struct client_state *csp,
+                                    struct http_response *rsp,
+                                    struct map *parameters);
 extern int cgi_edit_actions_list   (struct client_state *csp,
                                     struct http_response *rsp,
                                     struct map *parameters);
similarity index 97%
rename from templates/edit-actions
rename to templates/edit-actions-for-url
index af1ced7..a2b98f8 100644 (file)
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ function disable_unless(target, checkbox)
 <form method="GET" action="http://i.j.b/edit-actions-submit" id="myform">
+  <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="@filename@">
+  <input type="hidden" name="section" value="@section@">
   <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0">
     <tr align="left">
@@ -188,16 +190,16 @@ function disable_unless(target, checkbox)
     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="hide_from_opts">
-      <td colspan="4"><input type="radio" name="from-mode" value="block"
+      <td colspan="4"><input type="radio" name="hide-from-mode" value="block"
         onclick="disable_unless(from_param, from_mode_set)"
         @hide-from-param-block@ id="from_mode_block"><label
         for="from_mode_block">Remove completely</label><br>
-        <input type="radio" name="from-mode" value="CUSTOM" 
+        <input type="radio" name="hide-from-mode" value="CUSTOM" 
         onclick="disable_unless(from_param, from_mode_set)"
         @hide-from-param-custom@ id="from_mode_set"><label
         for="from_mode_set">Fake e-mail address:</label><br>
-        <input type="text" name="from-param" id="from_param" size="40"
-        value="@hide-from-param@"></td>
+        <input type="text" name="hide-from-param" id="from_param"
+        size="40" value="@hide-from-param@"></td>
     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top">
       <td class="action">+hide-referer</td>
index b975947..ff6ebd7 100644 (file)
@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ function edit_pattern(b,p,ct)
        nt=window.prompt("Edit this URL pattern:",ct);
        if ((nt!=null)&&(nt!=ct)&&(nt!=""))
-       { window.location.href="http://i.j.b/change-pattern?section="+b+"&pattern="+p+"&newval="+escape(nt)+"#s"+b+"url"+p; }
+       { window.location.href="http://i.j.b/edit-actions-url?filename=@filename@&filename=@filename@&section="+b+"&pattern="+p+"&newval="+escape(nt)+"#s"+b+"url"+p; }
 function add_pattern(b)
        nt=window.prompt("Enter URL pattern to add:", "");
        if ((nt!=null)&&(nt!=""))
-       { window.location.href="http://i.j.b/change-pattern?section="+b+"&pattern=new&newval="+escape(nt)+"#s"+b+"urls"; }
+       { window.location.href="http://i.j.b/edit-actions-add-url?filename=@filename@&section="+b+"&newval="+escape(nt)+"#s"+b+"urls"; }
 function edit_actions(b)
-       window.location.href="http://i.j.b/edit-actions?section="+b;
+       window.location.href="http://i.j.b/edit-actions-for-url?filename=@filename@&section="+b;
 function not_yet()
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ function not_yet()
+<h1>Editing @filename@.action</h1>
diff --git a/templates/edit-actions-submit b/templates/edit-actions-submit
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b9635ba..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
-<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
-<title>JunkBuster: Edit actions</title>
-<style type="text/css">
-body         { font-family: Helvetica, Helv, Arial, Sans-Serif, sans-serif }