########################################################## # # CGI-Output template for the junkbuster. # # Lines *starting* with '#' are ignored. # Symbols are enclosed in @ characters. # # Usable symbols in this file: # redirect-url, version, home-page, # invocation-args, options, gateway-protocols # statistics, # Internet Junkbuster Status

Internet JUNKBUSTER version @version@ Proxy Status

Homepage: @home-page@

The program was invoked as follows


And the following options were givem in the config file:

FIXME: Which?

It supports the following gateway protocols:

@gateway-protocols@ @statistics@

The following files are in use:

(Click filenames to view)

@clist@ @flist@ @alist@ @rlist@ @tlist@ @rcs-and-defines@

Please feel free to mail the developers with any problems you might have