Action Description Enable Disable No Change
+add-header Adds HTTP headers.
  To edit the settings for this option, and then click "Submit".
+block Block the request
+deanimate-gifs Replace animated GIFs with their (first/last) frame.
  Use the   
+fast-redirects Bypass some tracking URLs.
+filter Filter the website through the re_filterfile
+hide-forwarded Block any existing X-Forwarded-for header, and do not add a new one.
+hide-from Stop old web browsers from sending the user's e-mail address with every request.

+hide-referer Helps prevent tracking by not sending the URL of the previous web page. 
  (breaks images on some free web hosts).
(fools checks for in-site links.)

+hide-user-agent Pretend to be using a different web browser.  (Breaks many web sites).
  User Agent string to send:
+image Request is for an image (only useful in conjunction with the +block and +image-blocker options).
+image-blocker Specifies how to block images.  Disable to always send a HTML "blocked" page.

+no-cookies-read Prevent the website from reading cookies
+no-cookies-set Prevent the website from setting cookies
+no-popups Filter the website through a built-in filter to disable JavaScript pop-up windows.
+vanilla-wafer If you use a jarfile, automatically adds a special wafer.
+wafer Adds user-specified cookies.
  To edit the settings for this option, and then click "Submit".


# # GPL2+ # # Available variables: # # deanimate-gifs-param-first # deanimate-gifs-param-last # hide-from-param-block # hide-from-param-custom # hide-from-param # hide-referer-param-forge # hide-referer-param-block # hide-referer-param-custom # hide-referer-param # hide-user-agent-param # image-blocker-param-logo # image-blocker-param-blank # image-blocker-param-custom # image-blocker-param-logo # #