5. Testing Guidelines

To be filled.

5.1. Testplan for releases

Explain release numbers. major, minor. developer releases. etc.

  1. Remove any existing rpm with rpm -e

  2. Remove any file that was left over. This includes (but is not limited to)

    • /var/log/privoxy

    • /etc/privoxy

    • /usr/sbin/privoxy

    • /etc/init.d/privoxy

    • /usr/doc/privoxy*

  3. Install the rpm. Any error messages?

  4. start,stop,status Privoxy with the specific script (e.g. /etc/rc.d/init/privoxy stop). Reboot your machine. Does autostart work?

  5. Start browsing. Does Privoxy work? Logfile written?

  6. Remove the rpm. Any error messages? All files removed?