Privoxy: $title

Privoxy: $title


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\n"); exit; } /* * Cannot start with step 3: */ if (!isset($referrer_url)) { error_abort("invalid", "When submitting your feedback please start with step 1."); } /* * Cannot work on unknown problem: */ if (!isset($problem)) { error_abort("invalid", "You need to select the nature of the problem in step 1."); } /* * Don't accept unconfirmed URLs */ if (!isset($url_confirmed)) { error_abort("invalid", "When submitting URLs that this script can't retrieve, you need to check \"Yes, I'm sure\" step 2."); } /* * Handle optional text fields: */ if (!isset($name) || ($name == "")) { $name = "anonymous"; } /* * Open the logfile or fail: */ $fp = fopen($logfile, "a"); if(!$fp) { echo (" Internal Script Error

Privoxy: Internal Script Error

This script was unable to open its logfile.

Please mail its owner!

"); exit; } /* * Write Head (type, severity, user, client-ip) * and remarks field: */ fwrite($fp, "\n#FEEDBACK TYPE $problem SEVERITY $severity FROM $name ON $REMOTE_ADDR VERIFIED $url_confirmed TIME " . date("r") ."\n"); if (isset($remarks)) { $lines = explode("\n", $remarks); foreach ($lines as $line) { fwrite($fp, "#REMARKS: $line\n"); } } /* * Depending on the type of problem reported, * we need to write additional data: */ switch ($problem) { /* * Banner not blocked: */ case "P1": fwrite($fp, "#BLOCK-REFERRER: $referrer_url\n"); if (isset($num_images)) { for($i=0; $i < $num_images; $i++) { if (isset($block_image[$i])) { fwrite($fp, "#BLOCK-URL: $image_url[$i]\n"); $trackertext .= "Block image: $image_url[$i]\n"; } } } if (isset($manual_image_url) && ($manual_image_url != "")) { fwrite($fp, "#BLOCK-URL: $manual_image_url\n"); $trackertext .= "Block image: $manual_image_url\n"; } break; /* * Innocent image blocked: */ case "P2": fwrite($fp, "#UNBLOCK-REFERRER: $referrer_url\n"); if (isset($image_url) && ($image_url != "")) { fwrite($fp, "#UNBLOCK-URL: $image_url\n"); $trackertext .= "Unblock image: $image_url\n"; } break; /* * All other problems: */ default: fwrite($fp, "#PROBLEM-URL: $referrer_url\n"); break; } fclose($fp); /* * Notify our SF tracker that new data is waiting to be * processed */ switch($problem) { case "P1": $category_id="412811"; $summary = "Ad not blocked "; break; case "P2": $category_id="412810"; $summary = "Image blocked ";break; case "P3": $category_id="412812"; $summary = "Page plocked ";break; case "P4": $category_id="412813"; $summary = "Popups blocked ";break; case "P5": $category_id="412814"; $summary = "Other problem ";break; default: $category_id="412814"; $summary = "IMPOSSIBLE ";break; } $summary .= date("U"); /* Must be unique */ $priority = 3 * $severity; $details = urlencode("On " . date("r") . " new data was received from $name:\n" ."URL: $referrer_url\n$trackertext\nRemarks:\n\n$remarks"); $postfields = ( "group_id=11118&atid=460288&func=postadd&category_id=$category_id&artifact_group_id=195890" . "&priority=$priority&summary=$summary&details=$details" ); $ch = curl_init (""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postfields); ob_start(); curl_exec($ch); ob_end_clean(); curl_close ($ch); ?> Privoxy Action List Feedback - Result

Privoxy Action List Feedback - Result

Thank you very much for taking the time to submit your feedback!

It will be reviewed by the developers and used to improve the distribution actions file.

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