/********************************************************************* * * File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/client-tags.c,v $ * * Purpose : Functions related to client-specific tags. * * Copyright : Copyright (C) 2016 Fabian Keil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. * * The GNU General Public License should be included with * this file. If not, you can view it at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * **********************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #ifdef FEATURE_CLIENT_TAGS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "project.h" #include "list.h" #include "jcc.h" #include "miscutil.h" #include "errlog.h" struct client_specific_tag { char *name; time_t end_of_life; struct client_specific_tag *next; struct client_specific_tag *prev; }; /** * This struct represents tags that have been requested by clients */ struct requested_tags { char *client; /**< The IP address of the client that requested the tag */ /**< List of tags the client requested .... */ struct client_specific_tag *tags; struct requested_tags *next; struct requested_tags *prev; }; struct requested_tags *requested_tags; static void remove_tag_for_client(const char *client_address, const char *tag); /********************************************************************* * * Function : validate_tag_list * * Description : Validates the given tag list * * Parameters : * 1 : enabled_tags = The tags to validate * * Returns : void * *********************************************************************/ static void validate_tag_list(struct client_specific_tag *enabled_tags) { while (enabled_tags != NULL) { if (enabled_tags->name == NULL) { assert(enabled_tags->name != NULL); log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "validate_tag_list(): Tag without name detected"); } if (enabled_tags->next != NULL) { if (enabled_tags->next->prev != enabled_tags) { assert(enabled_tags->next->prev == enabled_tags); log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "validate_tag_list(): Invalid backlink detected"); } } enabled_tags = enabled_tags->next; } } /********************************************************************* * * Function : validate_requested_tags * * Description : Validates the requested_tags list * * Parameters : N/A * * Returns : void * *********************************************************************/ static jb_err validate_requested_tags() { struct requested_tags *requested_tag; for (requested_tag = requested_tags; requested_tag != NULL; requested_tag = requested_tag->next) { if (requested_tag->client == NULL) { assert(requested_tag->client != NULL); log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "validate_tag_list(): Client not registered"); } validate_tag_list(requested_tag->tags); if (requested_tag->next != NULL) { if (requested_tag->next->prev != requested_tag) { assert(requested_tag->next->prev == requested_tag); log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "validate_requested_tags(): Invalid backlink detected"); } } } return TRUE; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : get_client_specific_tag * * Description : Returns the data for a client-specific-tag specified * by name. * * Parameters : * 1 : tag_list = The tag list to check * 2 : name = The tag name to look up * * Returns : Pointer to tag structure or NULL on error. * *********************************************************************/ static struct client_tag_spec *get_client_specific_tag( struct client_tag_spec *tag_list, const char *name) { struct client_tag_spec *tag; for (tag = tag_list; tag != NULL; tag = tag->next) { if (tag->name != NULL && !strcmp(tag->name, name)) { return tag; } } log_error(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "No such tag: '%s'", name); return NULL; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : get_tags_for_client * * Description : Returns the list of tags the client opted-in. * * Parameters : * 1 : client_address = Address of the client * * Returns : Pointer to tag structure or NULL on error. * *********************************************************************/ static struct client_specific_tag *get_tags_for_client(const char *client_address) { struct requested_tags *requested_tag; for (requested_tag = requested_tags; requested_tag != NULL; requested_tag = requested_tag->next) { if (!strcmp(requested_tag->client, client_address)) { return requested_tag->tags; } } return NULL; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : get_tag_list_for_client * * Description : Provides a list of tag names the client opted-in. * Other tag attributes are not part of the list. * * Parameters : * 1 : tag_list = The list to fill in. * 2 : client_address = Address of the client * * Returns : Pointer to tag list. * *********************************************************************/ void get_tag_list_for_client(struct list *tag_list, const char *client_address) { struct client_specific_tag *enabled_tags; const time_t now = time(NULL); privoxy_mutex_lock(&client_tags_mutex); enabled_tags = get_tags_for_client(client_address); while (enabled_tags != NULL) { if (enabled_tags->end_of_life && (enabled_tags->end_of_life < now)) { struct client_specific_tag *next_tag = enabled_tags->next; log_error(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Tag '%s' for client %s expired %u seconds ago. Deleting it.", enabled_tags->name, client_address, (now - enabled_tags->end_of_life)); remove_tag_for_client(client_address, enabled_tags->name); enabled_tags = next_tag; continue; } else { enlist(tag_list, enabled_tags->name); } enabled_tags = enabled_tags->next; } privoxy_mutex_unlock(&client_tags_mutex); } /********************************************************************* * * Function : add_tag_for_client * * Description : Adds the tag for the client. * * Parameters : * 1 : client_address = Address of the client * 2 : tag = The tag to add. * 3 : time_to_live = 0, or the number of seconds * the tag remains activated. * * Returns : void * *********************************************************************/ static void add_tag_for_client(const char *client_address, const char *tag, const time_t time_to_live) { struct requested_tags *clients_with_tags; struct client_specific_tag *enabled_tags; validate_requested_tags(); if (requested_tags == NULL) { /* XXX: Code duplication. */ requested_tags = zalloc_or_die(sizeof(struct requested_tags)); requested_tags->client = strdup_or_die(client_address); requested_tags->tags = zalloc_or_die(sizeof(struct client_specific_tag)); requested_tags->tags->name = strdup_or_die(tag); requested_tags->tags->end_of_life = time_to_live ? (time(NULL) + time_to_live) : 0; validate_requested_tags(); return; } else { clients_with_tags = requested_tags; while (clients_with_tags->next != NULL) { if (!strcmp(clients_with_tags->client, client_address)) { break; } clients_with_tags = clients_with_tags->next; } if (strcmp(clients_with_tags->client, client_address)) { /* Client does not have tags yet, add new structure */ clients_with_tags->next = zalloc_or_die(sizeof(struct requested_tags)); clients_with_tags->next->prev = clients_with_tags; clients_with_tags = clients_with_tags->next; clients_with_tags->client = strdup_or_die(client_address); clients_with_tags->tags = zalloc_or_die(sizeof(struct client_specific_tag)); clients_with_tags->tags->name = strdup_or_die(tag); clients_with_tags->tags->end_of_life = time_to_live ? (time(NULL) + time_to_live) : 0; validate_requested_tags(); return; } } enabled_tags = clients_with_tags->tags; while (enabled_tags != NULL) { if (enabled_tags->next == NULL) { enabled_tags->next = zalloc_or_die(sizeof(struct client_specific_tag)); enabled_tags->next->name = strdup_or_die(tag); clients_with_tags->tags->end_of_life = time_to_live ? (time(NULL) + time_to_live) : 0; enabled_tags->next->prev = enabled_tags; break; } enabled_tags = enabled_tags->next; } validate_requested_tags(); } /********************************************************************* * * Function : remove_tag_for_client * * Description : Removes the tag for the client. * * Parameters : * 1 : client_address = Address of the client * 2 : tag = The tag to remove. * * Returns : void * *********************************************************************/ static void remove_tag_for_client(const char *client_address, const char *tag) { struct requested_tags *clients_with_tags; struct client_specific_tag *enabled_tags; validate_requested_tags(); clients_with_tags = requested_tags; while (clients_with_tags != NULL && clients_with_tags->client != NULL) { if (!strcmp(clients_with_tags->client, client_address)) { break; } clients_with_tags = clients_with_tags->next; } assert(clients_with_tags != NULL); if (clients_with_tags == NULL) { log_error(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Tried to remove tag %s for tag-less client %s", tag, client_address); } enabled_tags = clients_with_tags->tags; while (enabled_tags != NULL) { if (!strcmp(enabled_tags->name, tag)) { if (enabled_tags->next != NULL) { enabled_tags->next->prev = enabled_tags->prev; if (enabled_tags == clients_with_tags->tags) { /* Tag is first in line */ clients_with_tags->tags = enabled_tags->next; } } if (enabled_tags->prev != NULL) { /* Tag has preceding tag */ enabled_tags->prev->next = enabled_tags->next; } if (enabled_tags->prev == NULL && enabled_tags->next == NULL) { /* Tag is the only one */ if (clients_with_tags->next != NULL) { /* Client has following client */ clients_with_tags->next->prev = clients_with_tags->prev; } if (clients_with_tags->prev != NULL) { /* Client has preceding client */ clients_with_tags->prev->next = clients_with_tags->next; } freez(clients_with_tags->client); if (clients_with_tags == requested_tags) { /* Removing last tag */ freez(requested_tags); clients_with_tags = requested_tags; } else { freez(clients_with_tags); } } freez(enabled_tags->name); freez(enabled_tags); break; } enabled_tags = enabled_tags->next; } validate_requested_tags(); } /********************************************************************* * * Function : client_has_requested_tag * * Description : Checks whether or not the given client requested * the tag. * * Parameters : * 1 : client_address = Address of the client * 2 : tag = Tag to check. * * Returns : TRUE or FALSE. * *********************************************************************/ int client_has_requested_tag(const char *client_address, const char *tag) { struct client_specific_tag *enabled_tags; enabled_tags = get_tags_for_client(client_address); while (enabled_tags != NULL) { if (!strcmp(enabled_tags->name, tag)) { return TRUE; } enabled_tags = enabled_tags->next; } return FALSE; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : enable_client_specific_tag * * Description : Enables a client-specific-tag for the client * * Parameters : * 1 : csp = Current client state (buffers, headers, etc...) * 2 : tag_name = The name of the tag to enable * 3 : time_to_live = If not 0, the number of seconds the * tag should stay enabled. * * Returns : JB_ERR_OK on success, JB_ERR_MEMORY or JB_ERR_PARSE. * *********************************************************************/ jb_err enable_client_specific_tag(struct client_state *csp, const char *tag_name, const time_t time_to_live) { struct client_tag_spec *tag; privoxy_mutex_lock(&client_tags_mutex); tag = get_client_specific_tag(csp->config->client_tags, tag_name); if (tag == NULL) { privoxy_mutex_unlock(&client_tags_mutex); return JB_ERR_PARSE; } if (client_has_requested_tag(csp->ip_addr_str, tag_name)) { log_error(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Tag '%s' already enabled for client '%s'", tag->name, csp->ip_addr_str); } else { add_tag_for_client(csp->ip_addr_str, tag_name, time_to_live); log_error(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Tag '%s' enabled for client '%s'. TTL: %d.", tag->name, csp->ip_addr_str, time_to_live); } privoxy_mutex_unlock(&client_tags_mutex); return JB_ERR_OK; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : disable_client_specific_tag * * Description : Disables a client-specific-tag for the client * * Parameters : * 1 : csp = Current client state (buffers, headers, etc...) * 2 : tag_name = The name of the tag to disable * * Returns : JB_ERR_OK on success, JB_ERR_MEMORY or JB_ERR_PARSE. * *********************************************************************/ jb_err disable_client_specific_tag(struct client_state *csp, const char *tag_name) { struct client_tag_spec *tag; privoxy_mutex_lock(&client_tags_mutex); tag = get_client_specific_tag(csp->config->client_tags, tag_name); if (tag == NULL) { privoxy_mutex_unlock(&client_tags_mutex); return JB_ERR_PARSE; } if (client_has_requested_tag(csp->ip_addr_str, tag_name)) { remove_tag_for_client(csp->ip_addr_str, tag_name); log_error(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Tag '%s' disabled for client '%s'", tag->name, csp->ip_addr_str); } else { log_error(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Tag '%s' currently not set for client '%s'", tag->name, csp->ip_addr_str); } privoxy_mutex_unlock(&client_tags_mutex); return JB_ERR_OK; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : client_tag_match * * Description : Compare a client tag against a client tag pattern. * * Parameters : * 1 : pattern = a TAG pattern * 2 : tag = Client tag to match * * Returns : Nonzero if the tag matches the pattern, else 0. * *********************************************************************/ int client_tag_match(const struct pattern_spec *pattern, const struct list *tags) { struct list_entry *tag; if (!(pattern->flags & PATTERN_SPEC_CLIENT_TAG_PATTERN)) { /* * It's not a client pattern and thus shouldn't * be matched against client tags. */ return 0; } assert(tags); for (tag = tags->first; tag != NULL; tag = tag->next) { if (0 == regexec(pattern->pattern.tag_regex, tag->str, 0, NULL, 0)) { return 1; } } return 0; } #else #error Compiling client-tags.c without FEATURE_CLIENT_TAGS #endif /* def FEATURE_CLIENT_TAGS */