X-Git-Url: http://www.privoxy.org/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fwebserver%2Fuser-manual%2Factions-file.html;h=17f6e835725614bf6c13482f25ea90e2eec84800;hb=1c4bd7276a5f733e283c0484803bfca670f76654;hp=64c5b9b372ef34a405710643429a66aa64338c4b;hpb=d74ec2c8f9726f42df2ce1e45749d74dee43b781;p=privoxy.git diff --git a/doc/webserver/user-manual/actions-file.html b/doc/webserver/user-manual/actions-file.html index 64c5b9b3..17f6e835 100644 --- a/doc/webserver/user-manual/actions-file.html +++ b/doc/webserver/user-manual/actions-file.html @@ -1,3754 +1,3698 @@ -Actions Files
Privoxy 3.0.4 User Manual

8. Actions Files

The actions files are used to define what actions - Privoxy takes for which URLs, and thus determine - how ad images, cookies and various other aspects of HTTP content and - transactions are handled, and on which sites (or even parts thereof). There - are three such files included with Privoxy - with differing purposes: -


The list of actions files to be used are defined in the main configuration - file, and are processed in the order they are defined (e.g. - default.action is typically process before - user.action). The content of these can all be viewed and - edited from http://config.privoxy.org/show-status.

An actions file typically has multiple sections. If you want to use - "aliases" in an actions file, you have to place the (optional) - alias section at the top of that file. - Then comes the default set of rules which will apply universally to all - sites and pages (be very careful with using such a - universal set in user.action or any other actions file after - default.action, because it will override the result - from consulting any previous file). And then below that, - exceptions to the defined universal policies. You can regard - user.action as an appendix to default.action, - with the advantage that is a separate file, which makes preserving your - personal settings across Privoxy upgrades easier.

- Actions can be used to block anything you want, including ads, banners, or - just some obnoxious URL that you would rather not see. Cookies can be accepted - or rejected, or accepted only during the current browser session (i.e. not - written to disk), content can be modified, JavaScripts tamed, user-tracking - fooled, and much more. See below for a complete list - of actions.

8.1. Finding the Right Mix

Note that some actions, like cookie suppression - or script disabling, may render some sites unusable that rely on these - techniques to work properly. Finding the right mix of actions is not always easy and - certainly a matter of personal taste. In general, it can be said that the more - "aggressive" your default settings (in the top section of the - actions file) are, the more exceptions for "trusted" sites you - will have to make later. If, for example, you want to crunch all cookies per - default, you'll have to make exceptions from that rule for sites that you - regularly use and that require cookies for actually useful puposes, like maybe - your bank, favorite shop, or newspaper.

We have tried to provide you with reasonable rules to start from in the - distribution actions files. But there is no general rule of thumb on these - things. There just are too many variables, and sites are constantly changing. - Sooner or later you will want to change the rules (and read this chapter again :).

8.2. How to Edit

The easiest way to edit the actions files is with a browser by - using our browser-based editor, which can be reached from http://config.privoxy.org/show-status. - The editor allows both fine-grained control over every single feature on a - per-URL basis, and easy choosing from wholesale sets of defaults like - "Cautious", "Medium" or "Adventuresome". - Warning: the "Adventuresome" setting is not only more aggressive, - but includes settings that are fun and subversive, and which some may find of - dubious merit!

If you prefer plain text editing to GUIs, you can of course also directly edit the - the actions files. Look at default.action which is richly - commented.

8.3. How Actions are Applied to URLs

Actions files are divided into sections. There are special sections, - like the "alias" sections which will - be discussed later. For now let's concentrate on regular sections: They have a - heading line (often split up to multiple lines for readability) which consist - of a list of actions, separated by whitespace and enclosed in curly braces. - Below that, there is a list of URL patterns, each on a separate line.

To determine which actions apply to a request, the URL of the request is - compared to all patterns in each "action file" file. Every time it matches, the list of - applicable actions for the URL is incrementally updated, using the heading - of the section in which the pattern is located. If multiple matches for - the same URL set the same action differently, the last match wins. If not, - the effects are aggregated. E.g. a URL might match a regular section with - a heading line of { - +handle-as-image }, - then later another one with just { - +block }, resulting - in both actions to apply.

You can trace this process for any given URL by visiting http://config.privoxy.org/show-url-info.

More detail on this is provided in the Appendix, Anatomy of an Action.

8.4. Patterns

- As mentioned, Privoxy uses "patterns" - to determine what actions might apply to which sites and pages your browser - attempts to access. These "patterns" use wild card type - pattern matching to achieve a high degree of - flexibility. This allows one expression to be expanded and potentially match - against many similar patterns.

Generally, a Privoxy pattern has the form - <domain>/<path>, where both the - <domain> and <path> are - optional. (This is why the special / pattern matches all - URLs). Note that the protocol portion of the URL pattern (e.g. - http://) should not be included in - the pattern. This is assumed already!


is a domain-only pattern and will match any request to www.example.com, - regardless of which document on that server is requested. -


means exactly the same. For domain-only patterns, the trailing / may - be omitted. -


matches only the single document /index.html - on www.example.com. -


matches the document /index.html, regardless of the domain, - i.e. on any web server. -


matches nothing, since it would be interpreted as a domain name and - there is no top-level domain called .html. -

8.4.1. The Domain Pattern

The matching of the domain part offers some flexible options: if the - domain starts or ends with a dot, it becomes unanchored at that end. - For example:


matches any domain that ENDS in - .example.com -


matches any domain that STARTS with - www. -


matches any domain that CONTAINS .example. - (Correctly speaking: It matches any FQDN that contains example as a domain.) -

Additionally, there are wild-cards that you can use in the domain names - themselves. They work pretty similar to shell wild-cards: "*" - stands for zero or more arbitrary characters, "?" stands for - any single character, you can define character classes in square - brackets and all of that can be freely mixed:


matches "adserver.example.com", - "ads.example.com", etc but not "sfads.example.com" -


matches all of the above, and then some. -


matches www.ipix.com, - pictures.epix.com, a.b.c.d.e.upix.com etc. -


matches www1.example.com, - www4.example.cc, wwwd.example.cy, - wwwz.example.com etc., but not - wwww.example.com. -

8.4.2. The Path Pattern

Privoxy uses Perl compatible regular expressions - (through the PCRE library) for - matching the path.

There is an Appendix with a brief quick-start into regular - expressions, and full (very technical) documentation on PCRE regex syntax is available on-line - at http://www.pcre.org/man.txt. - You might also find the Perl man page on regular expressions (man perlre) - useful, which is available on-line at http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.6/pod/perlre.html.

Note that the path pattern is automatically left-anchored at the "/", - i.e. it matches as if it would start with a "^" (regular expression speak - for the beginning of a line).

Please also note that matching in the path is CASE INSENSITIVE - by default, but you can switch to case sensitive at any point in the pattern by using the - "(?-i)" switch: www.example.com/(?-i)PaTtErN.* will match - only documents whose path starts with PaTtErN in - exactly this capitalization.

8.5. Actions

All actions are disabled by default, until they are explicitly enabled - somewhere in an actions file. Actions are turned on if preceded with a - "+", and turned off if preceded with a "-". So a - +action means "do that action", e.g. - +block means "please block URLs that match the - following patterns", and -block means "don't - block URLs that match the following patterns, even if +block - previously applied."

- Again, actions are invoked by placing them on a line, enclosed in curly braces and - separated by whitespace, like in - {+some-action -some-other-action{some-parameter}}, - followed by a list of URL patterns, one per line, to which they apply. - Together, the actions line and the following pattern lines make up a section - of the actions file.

- There are three classes of actions:

8.5.3. content-type-overwrite

Typical use:

Stop useless download menus from popping up, or change the browser's rendering mode


Replaces the "Content-Type:" HTTP server header. -




Any string. -


The "Content-Type:" HTTP server header is used by the - browser to decide what to do with the document. The value of this - header can cause the browser to open a download menu instead of - displaying the document by itself, even if the document's format is - supported by the browser. -

The declared content type can also affect which rendering mode - the browser chooses. If XHTML is delivered as "text/html", - many browsers treat it as yet another broken HTML document. - If it is send as "application/xml", browsers with - XHTML support will only display it, if the syntax is correct. -

If you see a web site that proudly uses XHTML buttons, but sets - "Content-Type: text/html", you can use Privoxy - to overwrite it with "application/xml" and validate - the web master's claim inside your XHTML-supporting browser. - If the syntax is incorrect, the browser will complain loudly. -

You can also go the opposite direction: if your browser prints - error messages instead of rendering a document falsely declared - as XHTML, you can overwrite the content type with - "text/html" and have it rendered as broken HTML document. -

By default content-type-overwrite only replaces - "Content-Type:" headers that look like some kind of text. - If you want to overwrite it unconditionally, you have to combine it with - force-text-mode. - This limitation exists for a reason, think twice before circumventing it. -

Most of the time it's easier to enable - filter-server-headers - and replace this action with a custom regular expression. It allows you - to activate it for every document of a certain site and it will still - only replace the content types you aimed at. -

Of course you can apply content-type-overwrite - to a whole site and then make URL based exceptions, but it's a lot - more work to get the same precision. -

Example usage (sections):

+ +
# Check if www.example.net/ really uses valid XHTML
-{+content-type-overwrite {application/xml}}

+ Examples: +add-header{X-Fun-Header: Some + text} and +filter{html-annoyances} +

+ + + +

+ If nothing is specified in any actions file, no "actions" are taken. So in this case Privoxy would just be a normal, non-blocking, + non-filtering proxy. You must specifically enable the privacy and + blocking features you need (although the provided default actions + files will give a good starting point). +


+ Later defined action sections always over-ride earlier ones of the + same type. So exceptions to any rules you make, should come in the + latter part of the file (or in a file that is processed later when + using multiple actions files such as user.action). For multi-valued actions, the actions + are applied in the order they are specified. Actions files are + processed in the order they are defined in config (the default installation has three actions + files). It also quite possible for any given URL to match more than + one "pattern" (because of wildcards and + regular expressions), and thus to trigger more than one set of + actions! Last match wins. +


+ The list of valid Privoxy actions + are: +


+ 8.5.1. add-header +

+ Typical use: +

+ Confuse log analysis, custom applications +

+ Effect: +

+ Sends a user defined HTTP header to the web server. +

+ Type: +

+ Multi-value. +

+ Parameter: +

+ Any string value is possible. Validity of the defined HTTP + headers is not checked. It is recommended that you use the + "X-" + prefix for custom headers. +

+ Notes: +

+ This action may be specified multiple times, in order to + define multiple headers. This is rarely needed for the + typical user. If you don't know what "HTTP headers" are, you definitely don't + need to worry about this one. +


+ Headers added by this action are not modified by other + actions. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +
+# Add a DNT ("Do not track") header to all requests,
+# event to those that already have one.
+# This is just an example, not a recommendation.
+# There is no reason to believe that user-tracking websites care
+# about the DNT header and depending on the User-Agent, adding the
+# header may make user-tracking easier.
+{+add-header{DNT: 1}}

+ 8.5.2. block +

+ Typical use: +

+ Block ads or other unwanted content +

+ Effect: +

+ Requests for URLs to which this action applies are blocked, + i.e. the requests are trapped by Privoxy and the requested URL is never + retrieved, but is answered locally with a substitute page + or image, as determined by the handle-as-image, + set-image-blocker, + and handle-as-empty-document + actions. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ A block reason that should be given to the user. +

+ Notes: +

+ Privoxy sends a special + "BLOCKED" page for requests to + blocked pages. This page contains the block reason given as + parameter, a link to find out why the block action applies, + and a click-through to the blocked content (the latter only + if the force feature is available and enabled). +


+ A very important exception occurs if both block and handle-as-image, + apply to the same request: it will then be replaced by an + image. If set-image-blocker + (see below) also applies, the type of image will be + determined by its parameter, if not, the standard + checkerboard pattern is sent. +


+ It is important to understand this process, in order to + understand how Privoxy + deals with ads and other unwanted content. Blocking is a + core feature, and one upon which various other features + depend. +


+ The filter action can + perform a very similar task, by "blocking" banner images and other content + through rewriting the relevant URLs in the document's HTML + source, so they don't get requested in the first place. + Note that this is a totally different technique, and it's + easy to confuse the two. +

+ Example usage (section): +


+ + + + +
+{+block{No nasty stuff for you.}}
+# Block and replace with "blocked" page
+ .nasty-stuff.example.com
+{+block{Doubleclick banners.} +handle-as-image}
+# Block and replace with image
+ .ad.doubleclick.net
+ .ads.r.us/banners/
+{+block{Layered ads.} +handle-as-empty-document}
+# Block and then ignore
+ adserver.example.net/.*\.js$

+ 8.5.3. + change-x-forwarded-for +

+ Typical use: +

+ Improve privacy by not forwarding the source of the request + in the HTTP headers. +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes the "X-Forwarded-For:" + HTTP header from the client request, or adds a new one. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +
  • +

    + "block" to delete the + header. +

  • +
  • +

    + "add" to create the header + (or append the client's IP address to an already + existing one). +

  • +
+ Notes: +

+ It is safe and recommended to use block. +


+ Forwarding the source address of the request may make sense + in some multi-user setups but is also a privacy risk. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +

+ 8.5.4. client-header-filter +

+ Typical use: +

+ Rewrite or remove single client headers. +

+ Effect: +

+ All client headers to which this action applies are + filtered on-the-fly through the specified regular + expression based substitutions. +

+ Type: +

+ Multi-value. +

+ Parameter: +

+ The name of a client-header filter, as defined in one of + the filter files. +

+ Notes: +

+ Client-header filters are applied to each header on its + own, not to all at once. This makes it easier to diagnose + problems, but on the downside you can't write filters that + only change header x if header y's value is z. You can do + that by using tags though. +


+ Client-header filters are executed after the other header + actions have finished and use their output as input. +


+ If the request URI gets changed, Privoxy will detect that and use the + new one. This can be used to rewrite the request + destination behind the client's back, for example to + specify a Tor exit relay for certain requests. +


+ Please refer to the filter file + chapter to learn which client-header filters are + available by default, and how to create your own. +

+ Example usage (section): +


+ + + + +
+# Hide Tor exit notation in Host and Referer Headers

+ 8.5.5. client-header-tagger +

+ Typical use: +

+ Block requests based on their headers. +

+ Effect: +

+ Client headers to which this action applies are filtered + on-the-fly through the specified regular expression based + substitutions, the result is used as tag. +

+ Type: +

+ Multi-value. +

+ Parameter: +

+ The name of a client-header tagger, as defined in one of + the filter files. +

+ Notes: +

+ Client-header taggers are applied to each header on its + own, and as the header isn't modified, each tagger "sees" the original. +


+ Client-header taggers are the first actions that are + executed and their tags can be used to control every other + action. +

+ Example usage (section): +


+ + + + +
+# Tag every request with the User-Agent header
+# Tagging itself doesn't change the action
+# settings, sections with TAG patterns do:
+# If it's a download agent, use a different forwarding proxy,
+# show the real User-Agent and make sure resume works.
+{+forward-override{forward-socks5 .} \
+ -hide-if-modified-since      \
+ -overwrite-last-modified     \
+ -hide-user-agent             \
+ -filter                      \
+ -deanimate-gifs              \
+TAG:^User-Agent: NetBSD-ftp/
+TAG:^User-Agent: Novell ZYPP Installer
+TAG:^User-Agent: RPM APT-HTTP/
+TAG:^User-Agent: fetch libfetch/
+TAG:^User-Agent: Ubuntu APT-HTTP/
+TAG:^User-Agent: MPlayer/
+ +


+ + + + +
+# Tag all requests with the Range header set
+# Disable filtering for the tagged requests.
+# With filtering enabled Privoxy would remove the Range headers
+# to be able to filter the whole response. The downside is that
+# it prevents clients from resuming downloads or skipping over
+# parts of multimedia files.
+{-filter -deanimate-gifs}

+ 8.5.6. + content-type-overwrite +

+ Typical use: +

+ Stop useless download menus from popping up, or change the + browser's rendering mode +

+ Effect: +

+ Replaces the "Content-Type:" + HTTP server header. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ Any string. +

+ Notes: +

+ The "Content-Type:" HTTP server + header is used by the browser to decide what to do with the + document. The value of this header can cause the browser to + open a download menu instead of displaying the document by + itself, even if the document's format is supported by the + browser. +


+ The declared content type can also affect which rendering + mode the browser chooses. If XHTML is delivered as "text/html", many browsers treat it as + yet another broken HTML document. If it is send as "application/xml", browsers with XHTML + support will only display it, if the syntax is correct. +


+ If you see a web site that proudly uses XHTML buttons, but + sets "Content-Type: text/html", + you can use Privoxy to + overwrite it with "application/xml" and validate the web + master's claim inside your XHTML-supporting browser. If the + syntax is incorrect, the browser will complain loudly. +


+ You can also go the opposite direction: if your browser + prints error messages instead of rendering a document + falsely declared as XHTML, you can overwrite the content + type with "text/html" and have + it rendered as broken HTML document. +


+ By default content-type-overwrite + only replaces "Content-Type:" + headers that look like some kind of text. If you want to + overwrite it unconditionally, you have to combine it with + force-text-mode. + This limitation exists for a reason, think twice before + circumventing it. +


+ Most of the time it's easier to replace this action with a + custom server-header + filter. It allows you to activate it for every + document of a certain site and it will still only replace + the content types you aimed at. +


+ Of course you can apply content-type-overwrite to a whole site and + then make URL based exceptions, but it's a lot more work to + get the same precision. +

+ Example usage (sections): +


+ + +
+# Check if www.example.net/ really uses valid XHTML
+{ +content-type-overwrite{application/xml} }
 # but leave the content type unmodified if the URL looks like a style sheet

8.5.4. crunch-server-header

Typical use:

Remove a client header Privoxy has no dedicated action for.


Deletes every header send by the client that contains the string the user supplied as parameter. -




Any string. -


This action allows you to block client headers for which no dedicated - Privoxy action exists. - Privoxy will remove every client header that - contains the string you supplied as parameter. -

Regular expressions are not supported and you can't - use this action to block different headers in the same request, unless - they contain the same string. -

crunch-client-header is only meant for quick tests. - If you have to block several different headers, or only want to modify - parts of them, you should enable - filter-client-headers - and create your own filter. -


Don't block any header without understanding the consequences. -

Example usage (section):

+ +
# Block the non-existent "Privacy-Violation:" client header 
-{+crunch-client-header {Privacy-Violation:}}


+ 8.5.7. crunch-client-header +

+ Typical use: +

+ Remove a client header Privoxy has no dedicated action for. +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes every header sent by the client that contains the + string the user supplied as parameter. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ Any string. +

+ Notes: +

+ This action allows you to block client headers for which no + dedicated Privoxy action + exists. Privoxy will + remove every client header that contains the string you + supplied as parameter. +


+ Regular expressions are not supported and you can't use this + action to block different headers in the same request, + unless they contain the same string. +


+ crunch-client-header is only meant + for quick tests. If you have to block several different + headers, or only want to modify parts of them, you should + use a client-header + filter. +

+ + + + + + + +
+ Warning +

+ Don't block any header without understanding the + consequences. +

+ Example usage (section): +


+ + + + +
+# Block the non-existent "Privacy-Violation:" client header
+{ +crunch-client-header{Privacy-Violation:} }

+ 8.5.8. crunch-if-none-match +

+ Typical use: +

+ Prevent yet another way to track the user's steps between + sessions. +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes the "If-None-Match:" + HTTP client header. +

+ Type: +

+ Boolean. +

+ Parameter: +

+ N/A +

+ Notes: +

+ Removing the "If-None-Match:" + HTTP client header is useful for filter testing, where you + want to force a real reload instead of getting status code + "304" which would cause the + browser to use a cached copy of the page. +


+ It is also useful to make sure the header isn't used as a + cookie replacement (unlikely but possible). +


+ Blocking the "If-None-Match:" + header shouldn't cause any caching problems, as long as the + "If-Modified-Since:" header + isn't blocked or missing as well. +


+ It is recommended to use this action together with hide-if-modified-since + and overwrite-last-modified. +

+ Example usage (section): +


+ + + + +
+# Let the browser revalidate cached documents but don't
+# allow the server to use the revalidation headers for user tracking.
+{+hide-if-modified-since{-60} \
+ +overwrite-last-modified{randomize} \
+ +crunch-if-none-match}

+ 8.5.9. + crunch-incoming-cookies +

+ Typical use: +

+ Prevent the web server from setting HTTP cookies on your + system +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes any "Set-Cookie:" HTTP + headers from server replies. +

+ Type: +

+ Boolean. +

+ Parameter: +

+ N/A +

+ Notes: +

+ This action is only concerned with incoming HTTP + cookies. For outgoing HTTP cookies, use crunch-outgoing-cookies. + Use both to disable HTTP cookies + completely. +


+ It makes no + sense at all to use this action in conjunction + with the session-cookies-only + action, since it would prevent the session cookies from + being set. See also filter-content-cookies. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +

+ 8.5.10. crunch-server-header +

+ Typical use: +

+ Remove a server header Privoxy has no dedicated action for. +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes every header sent by the server that contains the + string the user supplied as parameter. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ Any string. +

+ Notes: +

+ This action allows you to block server headers for which no + dedicated Privoxy action + exists. Privoxy will + remove every server header that contains the string you + supplied as parameter. +


+ Regular expressions are not supported and you can't use this + action to block different headers in the same request, + unless they contain the same string. +


+ crunch-server-header is only meant + for quick tests. If you have to block several different + headers, or only want to modify parts of them, you should + use a custom server-header + filter. +

+ + + + + + + +
+ Warning +

+ Don't block any header without understanding the + consequences. +

+ Example usage (section): +


+ + +
+# Crunch server headers that try to prevent caching
+{ +crunch-server-header{no-cache} }

8.5.5. crunch-if-none-match

Typical use:

Prevent yet another way to track the user's steps between sessions.


Deletes the "If-None-Match:" HTTP client header. -




N/A -


Removing the "If-None-Match:" HTTP client header - is useful for filter testing, where you want to force a real - reload instead of getting status code "304" which - would cause the browser to use a cached copy of the page. -

It is also useful to make sure the header isn't used as a cookie - replacement. -

Blocking the "If-None-Match:" header shouldn't cause any - caching problems, as long as the "If-Modified-Since:" header - isn't blocked as well. -

It is recommended to use this action together with - hide-if-modified-since - and - overwrite-last-modified. -

Example usage (section):

# Let the browser revalidate cached documents without being tracked across sessions
-{+hide-if-modified-since {-1} \
-+overwrite-last-modified {randomize} \

8.5.6. crunch-incoming-cookies

Typical use:

Prevent the web server from setting any cookies on your system -


Deletes any "Set-Cookie:" HTTP headers from server replies. -




N/A -


This action is only concerned with incoming cookies. For - outgoing cookies, use - crunch-outgoing-cookies. - Use both to disable cookies completely. -

It makes no sense at all to use this action in conjunction - with the session-cookies-only action, - since it would prevent the session cookies from being set. See also - filter-content-cookies. -

Example usage:


8.5.7. crunch-server-header

Typical use:

Remove a server header Privoxy has no dedicated action for.


Deletes every header sent by the server that contains the string the user supplied as parameter. -




Any string. -


This action allows you to block server headers for which no dedicated - Privoxy action exists. Privoxy - will remove every server header that contains the string you supplied as parameter. -

Regular expressions are not supported and you can't - use this action to block different headers in the same request, unless - they contain the same string. -

crunch-server-header is only meant for quick tests. - If you have to block several different headers, or only want to modify - parts of them, you should enable - filter-server-headers - and create your own filter. -


Don't block any header without understanding the consequences. -

Example usage (section):

# Crunch server headers that try to prevent caching
-{+crunch-server-header {no-cache}}

8.5.8. crunch-outgoing-cookies

Typical use:

Prevent the web server from reading any cookies from your system -


Deletes any "Cookie:" HTTP headers from client requests. -




N/A -


This action is only concerned with outgoing cookies. For - incoming cookies, use - crunch-incoming-cookies. - Use both to disable cookies completely. -

It makes no sense at all to use this action in conjunction - with the session-cookies-only action, - since it would prevent the session cookies from being read. -

Example usage:


8.5.9. deanimate-gifs

Typical use:

Stop those annoying, distracting animated GIF images.


De-animate GIF animations, i.e. reduce them to their first or last image. -




"last" or "first" -


This will also shrink the images considerably (in bytes, not pixels!). If - the option "first" is given, the first frame of the animation - is used as the replacement. If "last" is given, the last - frame of the animation is used instead, which probably makes more sense for - most banner animations, but also has the risk of not showing the entire - last frame (if it is only a delta to an earlier frame). -

You can safely use this action with patterns that will also match non-GIF - objects, because no attempt will be made at anything that doesn't look like - a GIF. -

Example usage:


8.5.10. downgrade-http-version

Typical use:

Work around (very rare) problems with HTTP/1.1


Downgrades HTTP/1.1 client requests and server replies to HTTP/1.0. -




N/A -


This is a left-over from the time when Privoxy - didn't support important HTTP/1.1 features well. It is left here for the - unlikely case that you experience HTTP/1.1 related problems with some server - out there. Not all (optional) HTTP/1.1 features are supported yet, so there - is a chance you might need this action. -

Example usage (section):


8.5.11. fast-redirects

Typical use:

Fool some click-tracking scripts and speed up indirect links.


Detects redirection URLs and redirects the browser without contacting - the redirection server first. -




  • "simple-check" to just search for the string "http://" - to detect redirection URLs. -

  • "check-decoded-url" to decode URLs (if necessary) before searching - for redirection URLs. -


- Many sites, like yahoo.com, don't just link to other sites. Instead, they - will link to some script on their own servers, giving the destination as a - parameter, which will then redirect you to the final target. URLs - resulting from this scheme typically look like: - "http://www.example.org/click-tracker.cgi?target=http%3a//www.example.net/". -

Sometimes, there are even multiple consecutive redirects encoded in the - URL. These redirections via scripts make your web browsing more traceable, - since the server from which you follow such a link can see where you go - to. Apart from that, valuable bandwidth and time is wasted, while your - browser asks the server for one redirect after the other. Plus, it feeds - the advertisers. -

This feature is currently not very smart and is scheduled for improvement. - If it is enabled by default, you will have to create some exceptions to - this action. It can lead to failures in several ways: -

Not every URLs with other URLs as parameters is evil. - Some sites offer a real service that requires this information to work. - For example a validation service needs to know, which document to validate. - fast-redirects assumes that every URL parameter that - looks like another URL is a redirection target, and will always redirect to - the last one. Most of the time the assumption is correct, but if it isn't, - the user gets redirected anyway. -

Another failure occurs if the URL contains other parameters after the URL parameter. - The URL: - "http://www.example.org/?redirect=http%3a//www.example.net/&foo=bar". - contains the redirection URL "http://www.example.net/", - followed by another parameter. fast-redirects doesn't know that - and will cause a redirect to "http://www.example.net/&foo=bar". - Depending on the target server configuration, the parameter will be silently ignored - or lead to a "page not found" error. It is possible to fix these redirected - requests with filter-client-headers - but it requires a little effort. -

To detect a redirection URL, fast-redirects only - looks for the string "http://", either in plain text - (invalid but often used) or encoded as "http%3a//". - Some sites use their own URL encoding scheme, encrypt the address - of the target server or replace it with a database id. In theses cases - fast-redirects is fooled and the request reaches the - redirection server where it probably gets logged. -

Example usage:



8.5.12. filter

Typical use:

Get rid of HTML and JavaScript annoyances, banner advertisements (by size), do fun text replacements, etc.


All files of text-based type, most notably HTML and JavaScript, to which this - action applies, are filtered on-the-fly through the specified regular expression - based substitutions. (Note: as of version 3.0.3 plain text documents - are exempted from filtering, because web servers often use the - text/plain MIME type for all files whose type they - don't know.) -




The name of a filter, as defined in the filter file. - Filters can be defined in one or more files as defined by the - filterfile - option in the config file. - default.filter is the collection of filters - supplied by the developers. Locally defined filters should go - in their own file, such as user.filter. -

When used in its negative form, - and without parameters, filtering is completely disabled. -


For your convenience, there are a number of pre-defined filters available - in the distribution filter file that you can use. See the examples below for - a list. -

Filtering requires buffering the page content, which may appear to - slow down page rendering since nothing is displayed until all content has - passed the filters. (It does not really take longer, but seems that way - since the page is not incrementally displayed.) This effect will be more - noticeable on slower connections. -

This is very powerful feature, and "rolling your own" - filters requires a knowledge of regular expressions and HTML. -

The amount of data that can be filtered is limited to the - buffer-limit - option in the main config file. The - default is 4096 KB (4 Megs). Once this limit is exceeded, the buffered - data, and all pending data, is passed through unfiltered. -

Inadequate MIME types, such as zipped files, are not filtered at all. - (Again, only text-based types except plain text). Encrypted SSL data - (from HTTPS servers) cannot be filtered either, since this would violate - the integrity of the secure transaction. In some situations it might - be necessary to protect certain text, like source code, from filtering - by defining appropriate -filter sections. -

At this time, Privoxy cannot (yet!) uncompress compressed - documents. If you want filtering to work on all documents, even those that - would normally be sent compressed, use the - prevent-compression - action in conjunction with filter. -

Filtering can achieve some of the same effects as the - block - action, i.e. it can be used to block ads and banners. But the mechanism - works quite differently. One effective use, is to block ad banners - based on their size (see below), since many of these seem to be somewhat - standardized. -

Feedback with suggestions for new or - improved filters is particularly welcome! -

The below list has only the names and a one-line description of each - predefined filter. There are more - verbose explanations of what these filters do in the filter file chapter. -

Example usage (with filters from the distribution default.filter file). - See the Predefined Filters section for - more explanation on each:

+filter{js-annoyances}       # Get rid of particularly annoying JavaScript abuse

+filter{js-events}           # Kill all JS event bindings (Radically destructive! Only for extra nasty sites)

+filter{html-annoyances}     # Get rid of particularly annoying HTML abuse

+filter{content-cookies}     # Kill cookies that come in the HTML or JS content

+filter{refresh-tags}        # Kill automatic refresh tags (for dial-on-demand setups)

+filter{unsolicited-popups}  # Disable only unsolicited pop-up windows

+filter{all-popups}          # Kill all popups in JavaScript and HTML

+filter{img-reorder}         # Reorder attributes in <img> tags to make the banners-by-* filters more effective

+filter{banners-by-size}     # Kill banners by size

+filter{banners-by-link}     # Kill banners by their links to known clicktrackers

+filter{webbugs}             # Squish WebBugs (1x1 invisible GIFs used for user tracking)

+filter{tiny-textforms}      # Extend those tiny textareas up to 40x80 and kill the hard wrap

+filter{jumping-windows}     # Prevent windows from resizing and moving themselves

+filter{frameset-borders}    # Give frames a border and make them resizable

+filter{demoronizer}         # Fix MS's non-standard use of standard charsets

+filter{shockwave-flash}     # Kill embedded Shockwave Flash objects

+filter{quicktime-kioskmode} # Make Quicktime movies saveable

+filter{fun}                 # Text replacements for subversive browsing fun!

+filter{crude-parental}      # Crude parental filtering (demo only)

+filter{ie-exploits}         # Disable some known Internet Explorer bug exploits

8.5.13. force-text-mode

Typical use:

Force Privoxy to treat a document as if it was in some kind of text format.


Declares a document as text, even if the "Content-Type:" isn't detected as such. -




N/A -


As explained above, - Privoxy tries to only filter files that are - in some kind of text format. The same restrictions apply to - content-type-overwrite. - force-text-mode declares a document as text, - without looking at the "Content-Type:" first. -


Think twice before activating this action. Filtering binary data - with regular expressions can cause file damage. -

Example usage:


8.5.14. handle-as-empty-document

Typical use:

Mark URLs that should be replaced by empty documents if they get blocked


This action alone doesn't do anything noticeable. It just marks URLs. - If the block action also applies, - the presence or absence of this mark decides whether an HTML "blocked" - page, or an empty document will be sent to the client as a substitute for the blocked content. - The empty document isn't literally empty, but actually contains a single space. -




N/A -


Some browsers complain about syntax errors if JavaScript documents - are blocked with Privoxy's - default HTML page; this option can be used to silence them. -

The content type for the empty document can be specified with - content-type-overwrite{}, - but usually this isn't necessary. -

Example usage:

+ +
# Block all documents on example.org that end with ".js",
-# but send an empty document instead of the usual HTML message. 
-{+block +handle-as-empty-document}


+ 8.5.11. + crunch-outgoing-cookies +

+ Typical use: +

+ Prevent the web server from reading any HTTP cookies from + your system +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes any "Cookie:" HTTP + headers from client requests. +

+ Type: +

+ Boolean. +

+ Parameter: +

+ N/A +

+ Notes: +

+ This action is only concerned with outgoing HTTP + cookies. For incoming HTTP cookies, use crunch-incoming-cookies. + Use both to disable HTTP cookies + completely. +


+ It makes no + sense at all to use this action in conjunction + with the session-cookies-only + action, since it would prevent the session cookies from + being read. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +

+ 8.5.12. deanimate-gifs +

+ Typical use: +

+ Stop those annoying, distracting animated GIF images. +

+ Effect: +

+ De-animate GIF animations, i.e. reduce them to their first + or last image. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ "last" or "first" +

+ Notes: +

+ This will also shrink the images considerably (in bytes, + not pixels!). If the option "first" is given, the first frame of the + animation is used as the replacement. If "last" is given, the last frame of the + animation is used instead, which probably makes more sense + for most banner animations, but also has the risk of not + showing the entire last frame (if it is only a delta to an + earlier frame). +


+ You can safely use this action with patterns that will also + match non-GIF objects, because no attempt will be made at + anything that doesn't look like a GIF. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +

+ 8.5.13. + downgrade-http-version +

+ Typical use: +

+ Work around (very rare) problems with HTTP/1.1 +

+ Effect: +

+ Downgrades HTTP/1.1 client requests and server replies to + HTTP/1.0. +

+ Type: +

+ Boolean. +

+ Parameter: +

+ N/A +

+ Notes: +

+ This is a left-over from the time when Privoxy didn't support important + HTTP/1.1 features well. It is left here for the unlikely + case that you experience HTTP/1.1-related problems with + some server out there. +


+ Note that enabling this action is only a workaround. It + should not be enabled for sites that work without it. While + it shouldn't break any pages, it has an (usually negative) + performance impact. +


+ If you come across a site where enabling this action helps, + please report it, so the cause of the problem can be + analyzed. If the problem turns out to be caused by a bug in + Privoxy it should be fixed + so the following release works without the work around. +

+ Example usage (section): +


+ + + + +

+ 8.5.14. external-filter +

+ Typical use: +

+ Modify content using a programming language of your choice. +

+ Effect: +

+ All instances of text-based type, most notably HTML and + JavaScript, to which this action applies, can be filtered + on-the-fly through the specified external filter. By + default plain text documents are exempted from filtering, + because web servers often use the text/plain MIME type for all files whose + type they don't know.) +

+ Type: +

+ Multi-value. +

+ Parameter: +

+ The name of an external content filter, as defined in the + filter file. External + filters can be defined in one or more files as defined by + the filterfile option in the + config file. +


+ When used in its negative form, and without parameters, + all + filtering with external filters is completely disabled. +

+ Notes: +

+ External filters are scripts or programs that can modify + the content in case common filters aren't powerful + enough. With the exception that this action doesn't use + pcrs-based filters, the notes in the filter section + apply. +

+ + + + + + + +
+ Warning +

+ Currently external filters are executed with Privoxy's privileges. + Only use external filters you understand and trust. +


+ This feature is experimental, the syntax + may change in the future. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +

+ 8.5.15. fast-redirects +

+ Typical use: +

+ Fool some click-tracking scripts and speed up indirect + links. +

+ Effect: +

+ Detects redirection URLs and redirects the browser without + contacting the redirection server first. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +
  • +

    + "simple-check" to just + search for the string "http://" to detect redirection URLs. +

  • +
  • +

    + "check-decoded-url" to + decode URLs (if necessary) before searching for + redirection URLs. +

  • +
+ Notes: +

+ Many sites, like yahoo.com, don't just link to other sites. + Instead, they will link to some script on their own + servers, giving the destination as a parameter, which will + then redirect you to the final target. URLs resulting from + this scheme typically look like: "http://www.example.org/click-tracker.cgi?target=http%3a//www.example.net/". +


+ Sometimes, there are even multiple consecutive redirects + encoded in the URL. These redirections via scripts make + your web browsing more traceable, since the server from + which you follow such a link can see where you go to. Apart + from that, valuable bandwidth and time is wasted, while + your browser asks the server for one redirect after the + other. Plus, it feeds the advertisers. +


+ This feature is currently not very smart and is scheduled + for improvement. If it is enabled by default, you will have + to create some exceptions to this action. It can lead to + failures in several ways: +


+ Not every URLs with other URLs as parameters is evil. Some + sites offer a real service that requires this information + to work. For example a validation service needs to know, + which document to validate. fast-redirects assumes that every URL + parameter that looks like another URL is a redirection + target, and will always redirect to the last one. Most of + the time the assumption is correct, but if it isn't, the + user gets redirected anyway. +


+ Another failure occurs if the URL contains other parameters + after the URL parameter. The URL: "http://www.example.org/?redirect=http%3a//www.example.net/&foo=bar". + contains the redirection URL "http://www.example.net/", followed by + another parameter. fast-redirects + doesn't know that and will cause a redirect to "http://www.example.net/&foo=bar". + Depending on the target server configuration, the parameter + will be silently ignored or lead to a "page not found" error. You can prevent this + problem by first using the redirect action to + remove the last part of the URL, but it requires a little + effort. +


+ To detect a redirection URL, fast-redirects only looks for the string + "http://", either in plain text + (invalid but often used) or encoded as "http%3a//". Some sites use their own URL + encoding scheme, encrypt the address of the target server + or replace it with a database id. In theses cases fast-redirects is fooled and the + request reaches the redirection server where it probably + gets logged. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +
+ { +fast-redirects{simple-check} }
+   one.example.com
+ { +fast-redirects{check-decoded-url} }
+   another.example.com/testing

+ 8.5.16. filter +

+ Typical use: +

+ Get rid of HTML and JavaScript annoyances, banner + advertisements (by size), do fun text replacements, add + personalized effects, etc. +

+ Effect: +

+ All instances of text-based type, most notably HTML and + JavaScript, to which this action applies, can be filtered + on-the-fly through the specified regular expression based + substitutions. (Note: as of version 3.0.3 plain text + documents are exempted from filtering, because web servers + often use the text/plain MIME type + for all files whose type they don't know.) +

+ Type: +

+ Multi-value. +

+ Parameter: +

+ The name of a content filter, as defined in the filter file. Filters can be defined + in one or more files as defined by the filterfile option in the + config file. default.filter is the collection of filters + supplied by the developers. Locally defined filters should + go in their own file, such as user.filter. +


+ When used in its negative form, and without parameters, + all + filtering is completely disabled. +

+ Notes: +

+ For your convenience, there are a number of pre-defined + filters available in the distribution filter file that you + can use. See the examples below for a list. +


+ Filtering requires buffering the page content, which may + appear to slow down page rendering since nothing is + displayed until all content has passed the filters. (The + total time until the page is completely rendered doesn't + change much, but it may be perceived as slower since the + page is not incrementally displayed.) This effect will be + more noticeable on slower connections. +


+ "Rolling your own" filters + requires a knowledge of "Regular Expressions" + and "HTML". This is very + powerful feature, and potentially very intrusive. Filters + should be used with caution, and where an equivalent "action" is not available. +


+ The amount of data that can be filtered is limited to the + buffer-limit option in + the main config file. The default + is 4096 KB (4 Megs). Once this limit is exceeded, the + buffered data, and all pending data, is passed through + unfiltered. +


+ Inappropriate MIME types, such as zipped files, are not + filtered at all. (Again, only text-based types except plain + text). Encrypted SSL data (from HTTPS servers) cannot be + filtered either, since this would violate the integrity of + the secure transaction. In some situations it might be + necessary to protect certain text, like source code, from + filtering by defining appropriate -filter exceptions. +


+ Compressed content can't be filtered either, but if Privoxy is compiled with zlib + support and a supported compression algorithm is used (gzip + or deflate), Privoxy can + first decompress the content and then filter it. +


+ If you use a Privoxy + version without zlib support, but want filtering to work on + as much documents as possible, even those that would + normally be sent compressed, you must use the prevent-compression + action in conjunction with filter. +


+ Content filtering can achieve some of the same effects as + the block action, i.e. it + can be used to block ads and banners. But the mechanism + works quite differently. One effective use, is to block ad + banners based on their size (see below), since many of + these seem to be somewhat standardized. +


+ Feedback with suggestions for + new or improved filters is particularly welcome! +


+ The below list has only the names and a one-line + description of each predefined filter. There are more verbose + explanations of what these filters do in the filter file chapter. +

+ Example usage (with filters from the distribution default.filter file). See the Predefined Filters + section for more explanation on each: +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{js-annoyances}       # Get rid of particularly annoying JavaScript abuse.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{js-events}           # Kill JavaScript event bindings and timers (Radically destructive! Only for extra nasty sites).
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{html-annoyances}     # Get rid of particularly annoying HTML abuse.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{content-cookies}     # Kill cookies that come in the HTML or JS content.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{refresh-tags}        # Kill automatic refresh tags if refresh time is larger than 9 seconds.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{unsolicited-popups}  # Disable only unsolicited pop-up windows.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{all-popups}          # Kill all popups in JavaScript and HTML.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{img-reorder}         # Reorder attributes in <img> tags to make the banners-by-* filters more effective.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{banners-by-size}     # Kill banners by size.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{banners-by-link}     # Kill banners by their links to known clicktrackers.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{webbugs}             # Squish WebBugs (1x1 invisible GIFs used for user tracking).
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{tiny-textforms}      # Extend those tiny textareas up to 40x80 and kill the hard wrap.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{jumping-windows}     # Prevent windows from resizing and moving themselves.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{frameset-borders}    # Give frames a border and make them resizable.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{iframes}             # Removes all detected iframes. Should only be enabled for individual sites.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{demoronizer}         # Fix MS's non-standard use of standard charsets.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{shockwave-flash}     # Kill embedded Shockwave Flash objects.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{quicktime-kioskmode} # Make Quicktime movies saveable.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{fun}                 # Text replacements for subversive browsing fun!
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{crude-parental}      # Crude parental filtering. Note that this filter doesn't work reliably.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{ie-exploits}         # Disable some known Internet Explorer bug exploits.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{site-specifics}      # Cure for site-specific problems. Don't apply generally!
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{no-ping}             # Removes non-standard ping attributes in <a> and <area> tags.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{google}              # CSS-based block for Google text ads. Also removes a width limitation and the toolbar advertisement.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{yahoo}               # CSS-based block for Yahoo text ads. Also removes a width limitation.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{msn}                 # CSS-based block for MSN text ads. Also removes tracking URLs and a width limitation.
+ +

+ +

+ + + + +
++filter{blogspot}            # Cleans up some Blogspot blogs. Read the fine print before using this.

+ 8.5.17. force-text-mode +

+ Typical use: +

+ Force Privoxy to treat a + document as if it was in some kind of text format. +

+ Effect: +

+ Declares a document as text, even if the "Content-Type:" isn't detected as such. +

+ Type: +

+ Boolean. +

+ Parameter: +

+ N/A +

+ Notes: +

+ As explained above, Privoxy tries to only filter files + that are in some kind of text format. The same restrictions + apply to content-type-overwrite. + force-text-mode declares a + document as text, without looking at the "Content-Type:" first. +

+ + + + + + + +
+ Warning +

+ Think twice before activating this action. + Filtering binary data with regular expressions can + cause file damage. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +

+ 8.5.18. forward-override +

+ Typical use: +

+ Change the forwarding settings based on User-Agent or + request origin +

+ Effect: +

+ Overrules the forward directives in the configuration file. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +
  • +

    + "forward ." to use a direct + connection without any additional proxies. +

  • +
  • +

    + "forward" to + use the HTTP proxy listening at port 8123. +

  • +
  • +

    + "forward-socks4a + ." to use the socks4a proxy listening at + port 9050. Replace "forward-socks4a" with "forward-socks4" to use a socks4 + connection (with local DNS resolution) instead, use + "forward-socks5" for socks5 + connections (with remote DNS resolution). +

  • +
  • +

    + "forward-socks4a + proxy.example.org:8000" to use the socks4a proxy + listening at port 9050 to reach the HTTP + proxy listening at proxy.example.org port 8000. Replace + "forward-socks4a" with "forward-socks4" to use a socks4 + connection (with local DNS resolution) instead, use + "forward-socks5" for socks5 + connections (with remote DNS resolution). +

  • +
  • +

    + "forward-webserver +" to use the HTTP server listening + at port 80 without adjusting the request + headers. +


    + This makes it more convenient to use Privoxy to make + existing websites available as onion services as well. +


    + Many websites serve content with hardcoded URLs and + can't be easily adjusted to change the domain based on + the one used by the client. +


    + Putting Privoxy between Tor and the webserver (or an + stunnel that forwards to the webserver) allows to + rewrite headers and content to make client and server + happy at the same time. +


    + Using Privoxy for webservers that are only reachable + through onion addresses and whose location is supposed + to be secret is not recommended and should not be + necessary anyway. +

  • +
+ Notes: +

+ This action takes parameters similar to the forward directives in the + configuration file, but without the URL pattern. It can be + used as replacement, but normally it's only used in cases + where matching based on the request URL isn't sufficient. +

+ + + + + + + +
+ Warning +

+ Please read the description for the forward directives + before using this action. Forwarding to the wrong + people will reduce your privacy and increase the + chances of man-in-the-middle attacks. +


+ If the ports are missing or invalid, default values + will be used. This might change in the future and + you shouldn't rely on it. Otherwise incorrect + syntax causes Privoxy to exit. Due to design + limitations, invalid parameter syntax isn't + detected until the action is used the first time. +


+ Use the show-url-info CGI page to verify that + your forward settings do what you thought the do. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +
+# Use an ssh tunnel for requests previously tagged as
+# "User-Agent: fetch libfetch/2.0" and make sure
+# resuming downloads continues to work.
+# This way you can continue to use Tor for your normal browsing,
+# without overloading the Tor network with your FreeBSD ports updates
+# or downloads of bigger files like ISOs.
+# Note that HTTP headers are easy to fake and therefore their
+# values are as (un)trustworthy as your clients and users.
+{+forward-override{forward-socks5 .} \
+ -hide-if-modified-since      \
+ -overwrite-last-modified     \
+TAG:^User-Agent: fetch libfetch/2\.0$

+ 8.5.19. + handle-as-empty-document +

+ Typical use: +

+ Mark URLs that should be replaced by empty documents if they get + blocked +

+ Effect: +

+ This action alone doesn't do anything noticeable. It just + marks URLs. If the block action also + applies, the presence or absence of this mark + decides whether an HTML "BLOCKED" page, or an empty document will be + sent to the client as a substitute for the blocked content. + The empty document isn't literally empty, + but actually contains a single space. +

+ Type: +

+ Boolean. +

+ Parameter: +

+ N/A +

+ Notes: +

+ Some browsers complain about syntax errors if JavaScript + documents are blocked with Privoxy's default HTML page; this + option can be used to silence them. And of course this + action can also be used to eliminate the Privoxy BLOCKED message in frames. +


+ The content type for the empty document can be specified + with content-type-overwrite{}, + but usually this isn't necessary. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + +
+# Block all documents on example.org that end with ".js",
+# but send an empty document instead of the usual HTML message.
+{+block{Blocked JavaScript} +handle-as-empty-document}

8.5.15. handle-as-image

Typical use:

Mark URLs as belonging to images (so they'll be replaced by imagee if they get blocked)


This action alone doesn't do anything noticeable. It just marks URLs as images. - If the block action also applies, - the presence or absence of this mark decides whether an HTML "blocked" - page, or a replacement image (as determined by the set-image-blocker action) will be sent to the - client as a substitute for the blocked content. -




N/A -


The below generic example section is actually part of default.action. - It marks all URLs with well-known image file name extensions as images and should - be left intact. -

Users will probably only want to use the handle-as-image action in conjunction with - block, to block sources of banners, whose URLs don't - reflect the file type, like in the second example section. -

Note that you cannot treat HTML pages as images in most cases. For instance, (in-line) ad - frames require an HTML page to be sent, or they won't display properly. - Forcing handle-as-image in this situation will not replace the - ad frame with an image, but lead to error messages. -

Example usage (sections):

+ +
# Generic image extensions:


+ 8.5.20. handle-as-image +

+ Typical use: +

+ Mark URLs as belonging to images (so they'll be replaced by + images if they + do get blocked, rather than HTML pages) +

+ Effect: +

+ This action alone doesn't do anything noticeable. It just + marks URLs as images. If the block action also + applies, the presence or absence of this mark + decides whether an HTML "blocked" page, or a replacement image (as + determined by the set-image-blocker + action) will be sent to the client as a substitute for the + blocked content. +

+ Type: +

+ Boolean. +

+ Parameter: +

+ N/A +

+ Notes: +

+ The below generic example section is actually part of default.action. It marks all URLs + with well-known image file name extensions as images and + should be left intact. +


+ Users will probably only want to use the handle-as-image + action in conjunction with block, to block sources + of banners, whose URLs don't reflect the file type, like in + the second example section. +


+ Note that you cannot treat HTML pages as images in most + cases. For instance, (in-line) ad frames require an HTML + page to be sent, or they won't display properly. Forcing + handle-as-image in this situation + will not replace the ad frame with an image, but lead to + error messages. +

+ Example usage (sections): +


+ + +
+# Generic image extensions:
@@ -3756,2489 +3700,1762 @@ CLASS="SCREEN"
 # These don't look like images, but they're banners and should be
 # blocked as images:
-{+block +handle-as-image}
-# Banner source! Who cares if they also have non-image content?

8.5.16. hide-accept-language

Typical use:

Pretend to use different language settings.


Deletes or replaces the "Accept-Language:" HTTP header in client requests. -




Keyword: "block", or any user defined value. -


Faking the browser's language settings can be useful to make a - foreign User-Agent set with - hide-user-agent - more believable. -

However some sites with content in different languages check the - "Accept-Language:" to decide which one to take by default. - Sometimes it isn't possible to later switch to another language without - changing the "Accept-Language:" header first. -

Therefore it's a good idea to either only change the - "Accept-Language:" header to languages you understand, - or to languages that aren't wide spread. -

Before setting the "Accept-Language:" header - to a rare language, you should consider that it helps to - make your requests unique and thus easier to trace. - If you don't plan to change this header frequently, - you should stick to a common language. -

Example usage (section):

+ +
# Pretend to use Canadian language settings.
+{+block{Nasty banners.} +handle-as-image}


+ 8.5.21. hide-accept-language +

+ Typical use: +

+ Pretend to use different language settings. +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes or replaces the "Accept-Language:" HTTP header in client + requests. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ Keyword: "block", or any user + defined value. +

+ Notes: +

+ Faking the browser's language settings can be useful to + make a foreign User-Agent set with hide-user-agent + more believable. +


+ However some sites with content in different languages + check the "Accept-Language:" to + decide which one to take by default. Sometimes it isn't + possible to later switch to another language without + changing the "Accept-Language:" + header first. +


+ Therefore it's a good idea to either only change the "Accept-Language:" header to languages + you understand, or to languages that aren't wide spread. +


+ Before setting the "Accept-Language:" header to a rare + language, you should consider that it helps to make your + requests unique and thus easier to trace. If you don't plan + to change this header frequently, you should stick to a + common language. +

+ Example usage (section): +


+ + +
+# Pretend to use Canadian language settings.
 {+hide-accept-language{en-ca} \
 +hide-user-agent{Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; OpenBSD i386; en-CA; rv: Gecko/20060628 Firefox/} \

8.5.17. hide-content-disposition

Typical use:

Prevent download menus for content you prefer to view inside the browser.


Deletes or replaces the "Content-Disposition:" HTTP header set by some servers. -




Keyword: "block", or any user defined value. -


Some servers set the "Content-Disposition:" HTTP header for - documents they assume you want to save locally before viewing them. - The "Content-Disposition:" header contains the file name - the browser is supposed to use by default. -

In most browsers that understand this header, it makes it impossible to - just view the document, without downloading it first, - even if it's just a simple text file or an image. -

Removing the "Content-Disposition:" header helps - to prevent this annoyance, but some browsers additionally check the - "Content-Type:" header, before they decide if they can - display a document without saving it first. In these cases, you have - to change this header as well, before the browser stops displaying - download menus. -

It is also possible to change the server's file name suggestion - to another one, but in most cases it isn't worth the time to set - it up. -

Example usage:

# Disarm the download link in Sourceforge's patch tracker
-+content-type-overwrite {text/plain}\
-+hide-content-disposition {block} }

8.5.18. hide-if-modified-since

Typical use:

Prevent yet another way to track the user's steps between sessions.


Deletes the "If-Modified-Since:" HTTP client header or modifies its value. -




Keyword: "block", or a user defined value that specifies a range of hours. -


Removing this header is useful for filter testing, where you want to force a real - reload instead of getting status code "304", which would cause the - browser to use a cached copy of the page. -

Instead of removing the header, hide-if-modified-since can - also add or substract a random amount of time to/from the headers value. - You specify a range of hours were the random factor should be chosen from and - Privoxy does the rest. A negative value means - subtracting, a positive value adding. -

Randomizing the value of the "If-Modified-Since:" makes - sure it isn't used as a cookie replacement, but you will run into - caching problems if the random range is too high. -

It is a good idea to only use a small negative value and let - overwrite-last-modified - handle the greater changes. -

It is also recommended to use this action together with - crunch-if-none-match. -

Example usage (section):

# Let the browser revalidate without being tracked across sessions
-{+hide-if-modified-since {-1}\
-+overwrite-last-modified {randomize}\

8.5.19. hide-forwarded-for-headers

Typical use:

Improve privacy by hiding the true source of the request


Deletes any existing "X-Forwarded-for:" HTTP header from client requests, - and prevents adding a new one. -




N/A -


It is fairly safe to leave this on. -

This action is scheduled for improvement: It should be able to generate forged - "X-Forwarded-for:" headers using random IP addresses from a specified network, - to make successive requests from the same client look like requests from a pool of different - users sharing the same proxy. -

Example usage:


8.5.20. hide-from-header

Typical use:

Keep your (old and ill) browser from telling web servers your email address


Deletes any existing "From:" HTTP header, or replaces it with the - specified string. -




Keyword: "block", or any user defined value. -


The keyword "block" will completely remove the header - (not to be confused with the block - action). -

Alternately, you can specify any value you prefer to be sent to the web - server. If you do, it is a matter of fairness not to use any address that - is actually used by a real person. -

This action is rarely needed, as modern web browsers don't send - "From:" headers anymore. -

Example usage:

or -

8.5.21. hide-referrer

Typical use:

Conceal which link you followed to get to a particular site


Deletes the "Referer:" (sic) HTTP header from the client request, - or replaces it with a forged one. -




  • "conditional-block" to delete the header completely if the host has changed.

  • "block" to delete the header unconditionally.

  • "forge" to pretend to be coming from the homepage of the server we are talking to.

  • Any other string to set a user defined referrer.


conditional-block is the only parameter, - that isn't easily detected in the server's log file. If it blocks the - referrer, the request will look like the visitor used a bookmark or - typed in the address directly. -

Leaving the referrer unmodified for requests on the same host - allows the server owner to see the visitor's "click path", - but in most cases she could also get that information by comparing - other parts of the log file: for example the User-Agent if it isn't - a very common one, or the user's IP address if it doesn't change between - different requests. -

Always blocking the referrer, or using a custom one, can lead to - failures on servers that check the referrer before they answer any - requests, in an attempt to prevent their valuable content from being - embedded or linked to elsewhere. -

Both conditional-block and forge - will work with referrer checks, as long as content and valid referring page - are on the same host. Most of the time that's the case. -

- hide-referer is an alternate spelling of - hide-referrer and the two can be can be freely - substituted with each other. ("referrer" is the - correct English spelling, however the HTTP specification has a bug - it - requires it to be spelled as "referer".) -

Example usage:

or -

8.5.22. hide-user-agent

Typical use:

Conceal your type of browser and client operating system


Replaces the value of the "User-Agent:" HTTP header - in client requests with the specified value. -




Any user-defined string. -



This can lead to problems on web sites that depend on looking at this header in - order to customize their content for different browsers (which, by the - way, is NOT the right thing to do: good web sites - work browser-independently). - -

Using this action in multi-user setups or wherever different types of - browsers will access the same Privoxy is - not recommended. In single-user, single-browser - setups, you might use it to delete your OS version information from - the headers, because it is an invitation to exploit known bugs for your - OS. It is also occasionally useful to forge this in order to access - sites that won't let you in otherwise (though there may be a good - reason in some cases). Example of this: some MSN sites will not - let Mozilla enter, yet forging to a - Netscape 6.1 user-agent works just fine. - (Must be just a silly MS goof, I'm sure :-). -

This action is scheduled for improvement. -

Example usage:

+hide-user-agent{Netscape 6.1 (X11; I; Linux 2.4.18 i686)}

8.5.23. inspect-jpegs

Typical use:

To protect against the MS buffer over-run in JPEG processing


To protect against a known exploit -




N/A -


See Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-028. JPEG images are one of the most - common image types found across the Internet. The exploit as described can - allow execution of code on the target system, giving an attacker access - to the system in question by merely planting an altered JPEG image, which - would have no obvious indications of what lurks inside. This action - prevents unwanted intrusion. -

Example usage:


8.5.24. kill-popups

Typical use:

Eliminate those annoying pop-up windows (deprecated)


While loading the document, replace JavaScript code that opens - pop-up windows with (syntactically neutral) dummy code on the fly. -




N/A -


This action is basically a built-in, hardwired special-purpose filter - action, but there are important differences: For kill-popups, - the document need not be buffered, so it can be incrementally rendered while - downloading. But kill-popups doesn't catch as many pop-ups as - filter{all-popups} - does and is not as smart as filter{unsolicited-popups} - is. -

Think of it as a fast and efficient replacement for a filter that you - can use if you don't want any filtering at all. Note that it doesn't make - sense to combine it with any filter action, - since as soon as one filter applies, - the whole document needs to be buffered anyway, which destroys the advantage of - the kill-popups action over its filter equivalent. -

Killing all pop-ups unconditionally is problematic. Many shops and banks rely on - pop-ups to display forms, shopping carts etc, and the filter{unsolicited-popups} - does a fairly good job of catching only the unwanted ones. -

If the only kind of pop-ups that you want to kill are exit consoles (those - really nasty windows that appear when you close an other - one), you might want to use - filter{js-annoyances} - instead. -

Example usage:


8.5.25. limit-connect

Typical use:

Prevent abuse of Privoxy as a TCP proxy relay or disable SSL for untrusted sites


Specifies to which ports HTTP CONNECT requests are allowable. -




A comma-separated list of ports or port ranges (the latter using dashes, with the minimum - defaulting to 0 and the maximum to 65K). -


By default, i.e. if no limit-connect action applies, - Privoxy only allows HTTP CONNECT - requests to port 443 (the standard, secure HTTPS port). Use - limit-connect if more fine-grained control is desired - for some or all destinations. -

The CONNECT methods exists in HTTP to allow access to secure websites - ("https://" URLs) through proxies. It works very simply: - the proxy connects to the server on the specified port, and then - short-circuits its connections to the client and to the remote server. - This can be a big security hole, since CONNECT-enabled proxies can be - abused as TCP relays very easily. -

Privoxy relays HTTPS traffic without seeing - the decoded content. Websites can leverage this limitation to circumvent Privoxy's - filters. By specifying an invalid port range you can disable HTTPS entirely. - If you plan to disable SSL by default, consider enabling - treat-forbidden-connects-like-blocks - as well, to be able to quickly create exceptions. -

Example usages:

+ +
+limit-connect{443}                   # This is the default and need not be specified.


+ 8.5.22. + hide-content-disposition +

+ Typical use: +

+ Prevent download menus for content you prefer to view + inside the browser. +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes or replaces the "Content-Disposition:" HTTP header set by + some servers. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ Keyword: "block", or any user + defined value. +

+ Notes: +

+ Some servers set the "Content-Disposition:" HTTP header for + documents they assume you want to save locally before + viewing them. The "Content-Disposition:" header contains the + file name the browser is supposed to use by default. +


+ In most browsers that understand this header, it makes it + impossible to just view the document, without + downloading it first, even if it's just a simple text file + or an image. +


+ Removing the "Content-Disposition:" header helps to + prevent this annoyance, but some browsers additionally + check the "Content-Type:" + header, before they decide if they can display a document + without saving it first. In these cases, you have to change + this header as well, before the browser stops displaying + download menus. +


+ It is also possible to change the server's file name + suggestion to another one, but in most cases it isn't worth + the time to set it up. +


+ This action will probably be removed in the future, use + server-header filters instead. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +
+# Disarm the download link in Sourceforge's patch tracker
+{ -filter \
+ +content-type-overwrite{text/plain}\
+ +hide-content-disposition{block} }
+ .sourceforge.net/tracker/download\.php

+ 8.5.23. + hide-if-modified-since +

+ Typical use: +

+ Prevent yet another way to track the user's steps between + sessions. +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes the "If-Modified-Since:" + HTTP client header or modifies its value. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ Keyword: "block", or a user + defined value that specifies a range of hours. +

+ Notes: +

+ Removing this header is useful for filter testing, where + you want to force a real reload instead of getting status + code "304", which would cause + the browser to use a cached copy of the page. +


+ Instead of removing the header, hide-if-modified-since can also add or + subtract a random amount of time to/from the header's + value. You specify a range of minutes where the random + factor should be chosen from and Privoxy does the rest. A negative + value means subtracting, a positive value adding. +


+ Randomizing the value of the "If-Modified-Since:" makes it less likely + that the server can use the time as a cookie replacement, + but you will run into caching problems if the random range + is too high. +


+ It is a good idea to only use a small negative value and + let overwrite-last-modified + handle the greater changes. +


+ It is also recommended to use this action together with crunch-if-none-match, + otherwise it's more or less pointless. +

+ Example usage (section): +


+ + + + +
+# Let the browser revalidate but make tracking based on the time less likely.
+{+hide-if-modified-since{-60} \
+ +overwrite-last-modified{randomize} \
+ +crunch-if-none-match}

+ 8.5.24. hide-from-header +

+ Typical use: +

+ Keep your (old and ill) browser from telling web servers + your email address +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes any existing "From:" + HTTP header, or replaces it with the specified string. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ Keyword: "block", or any user + defined value. +

+ Notes: +

+ The keyword "block" will + completely remove the header (not to be confused with the + block action). +


+ Alternately, you can specify any value you prefer to be + sent to the web server. If you do, it is a matter of + fairness not to use any address that is actually used by a + real person. +


+ This action is rarely needed, as modern web browsers don't + send "From:" headers anymore. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +
+ or + + + + +

+ 8.5.25. hide-referrer +

+ +
+ Typical use: +

+ Conceal which link you followed to get to a particular site +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes the "Referer:" (sic) + HTTP header from the client request, or replaces it with a + forged one. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +
  • +

    + "conditional-block" to + delete the header completely if the host has changed. +

  • +
  • +

    + "conditional-forge" to forge + the header if the host has changed. +

  • +
  • +

    + "block" to delete the header + unconditionally. +

  • +
  • +

    + "forge" to pretend to be + coming from the homepage of the server we are talking + to. +

  • +
  • +

    + Any other string to set a user defined referrer. +

  • +
+ Notes: +

+ conditional-block is the only + parameter, that isn't easily detected in the server's log + file. If it blocks the referrer, the request will look like + the visitor used a bookmark or typed in the address + directly. +


+ Leaving the referrer unmodified for requests on the same + host allows the server owner to see the visitor's "click path", but in most cases she + could also get that information by comparing other parts of + the log file: for example the User-Agent if it isn't a very + common one, or the user's IP address if it doesn't change + between different requests. +


+ Always blocking the referrer, or using a custom one, can + lead to failures on servers that check the referrer before + they answer any requests, in an attempt to prevent their + content from being embedded or linked to elsewhere. +


+ Both conditional-block and forge will work with referrer checks, + as long as content and valid referring page are on the same + host. Most of the time that's the case. +


+ hide-referer is an alternate + spelling of hide-referrer and the + two can be can be freely substituted with each other. + ("referrer" is the correct + English spelling, however the HTTP specification has a bug + - it requires it to be spelled as "referer".) +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +
+ or + + + + +

+ 8.5.26. hide-user-agent +

+ Typical use: +

+ Try to conceal your type of browser and client operating + system +

+ Effect: +

+ Replaces the value of the "User-Agent:" HTTP header in client requests + with the specified value. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ Any user-defined string. +

+ Notes: +
+ + + + + + + +
+ Warning +

+ This can lead to problems on web sites that depend + on looking at this header in order to customize + their content for different browsers (which, by the + way, is NOT the right thing to do: + good web sites work browser-independently). +


+ Using this action in multi-user setups or wherever + different types of browsers will access the same Privoxy is not recommended. + In single-user, single-browser setups, you might use it to + delete your OS version information from the headers, + because it is an invitation to exploit known bugs for your + OS. It is also occasionally useful to forge this in order + to access sites that won't let you in otherwise (though + there may be a good reason in some cases). +


+ More information on known user-agent strings can be found + at http://www.user-agents.org/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_agent. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +
++hide-user-agent{Netscape 6.1 (X11; I; Linux 2.4.18 i686)}

+ 8.5.27. limit-connect +

+ Typical use: +

+ Prevent abuse of Privoxy + as a TCP proxy relay or disable SSL for untrusted sites +

+ Effect: +

+ Specifies to which ports HTTP CONNECT requests are + allowable. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ A comma-separated list of ports or port ranges (the latter + using dashes, with the minimum defaulting to 0 and the + maximum to 65K). +

+ Notes: +

+ By default, i.e. if no limit-connect action applies, Privoxy allows HTTP CONNECT requests + to all ports. Use limit-connect if + fine-grained control is desired for some or all + destinations. +


+ The CONNECT methods exists in HTTP to allow access to + secure websites ("https://" + URLs) through proxies. It works very simply: the proxy + connects to the server on the specified port, and then + short-circuits its connections to the client and to the + remote server. This means CONNECT-enabled proxies can be + used as TCP relays very easily. +


+ Privoxy relays HTTPS + traffic without seeing the decoded content. Websites can + leverage this limitation to circumvent Privoxy's filters. By specifying an + invalid port range you can disable HTTPS entirely. +

+ Example usages: +


+ + +
++limit-connect{443}                   # Port 443 is OK.
 +limit-connect{80,443}                # Ports 80 and 443 are OK.
 +limit-connect{-3, 7, 20-100, 500-}   # Ports less than 3, 7, 20 to 100 and above 500 are OK.
 +limit-connect{-}                     # All ports are OK
-+limit-connect{,}                     # No HTTPS traffic is allowed

8.5.26. prevent-compression

Typical use:

Ensure that servers send the content uncompressed, so it can be - passed through filters. -


Removes the Accept-Encoding header which can be used to ask for compressed transfer. -




N/A -


More and more websites send their content compressed by default, which - is generally a good idea and saves bandwidth. But for the filter, deanimate-gifs - and kill-popups actions to work, - Privoxy needs access to the uncompressed data. - Unfortunately, Privoxy can't yet(!) uncompress, filter, and - re-compress the content on the fly. So if you want to ensure that all websites, including - those that normally compress, can be filtered, you need to use this action. -

This will slow down transfers from those websites, though. If you use any of the above-mentioned - actions, you will typically want to use prevent-compression in conjunction - with them. -

Note that some (rare) ill-configured sites don't handle requests for uncompressed - documents correctly (they send an empty document body). If you use prevent-compression - per default, you'll have to add exceptions for those sites. See the example for how to do that. -

Example usage (sections):

+ +
# Set default:
++limit-connect{,}                     # No HTTPS/SSL traffic is allowed


+ 8.5.28. limit-cookie-lifetime +

+ Typical use: +

+ Limit the lifetime of HTTP cookies to a couple of minutes + or hours. +

+ Effect: +

+ Overwrites the expires field in Set-Cookie server headers + if it's above the specified limit. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ The lifetime limit in minutes, or 0. +

+ Notes: +

+ This action reduces the lifetime of HTTP cookies coming + from the server to the specified number of minutes, + starting from the time the cookie passes Privoxy. +


+ Cookies with a lifetime below the limit are not modified. + The lifetime of session cookies is set to the specified + limit. +


+ The effect of this action depends on the server. +


+ In case of servers which refresh their cookies with each + response (or at least frequently), the lifetime limit set + by this action is updated as well. Thus, a session + associated with the cookie continues to work with this + action enabled, as long as a new request is made before the + last limit set is reached. +


+ However, some servers send their cookies once, with a + lifetime of several years (the year 2037 is a popular + choice), and do not refresh them until a certain event in + the future, for example the user logging out. In this case + this action may limit the absolute lifetime of the session, + even if requests are made frequently. +


+ If the parameter is "0", this + action behaves like session-cookies-only. +

+ Example usages: +


+ + + + +

+ 8.5.29. prevent-compression +

+ Typical use: +

+ Ensure that servers send the content uncompressed, so it + can be passed through filters. +

+ Effect: +

+ Removes the Accept-Encoding header which can be used to ask + for compressed transfer. +

+ Type: +

+ Boolean. +

+ Parameter: +

+ N/A +

+ Notes: +

+ More and more websites send their content compressed by + default, which is generally a good idea and saves + bandwidth. But the filter and deanimate-gifs + actions need access to the uncompressed data. +


+ When compiled with zlib support (available since Privoxy 3.0.7), content that + should be filtered is decompressed on-the-fly and you don't + have to worry about this action. If you are using an older + Privoxy version, or one + that hasn't been compiled with zlib support, this action + can be used to convince the server to send the content + uncompressed. +


+ Most text-based instances compress very well, the size is + seldom decreased by less than 50%, for markup-heavy + instances like news feeds saving more than 90% of the + original size isn't unusual. +


+ Not using compression will therefore slow down the + transfer, and you should only enable this action if you + really need it. As of Privoxy 3.0.7 it's disabled in all + predefined action settings. +


+ Note that some (rare) ill-configured sites don't handle + requests for uncompressed documents correctly. Broken PHP + applications tend to send an empty document body, some IIS + versions only send the beginning of the content. If you + enable prevent-compression per + default, you might want to add exceptions for those sites. + See the example for how to do that. +

+ Example usage (sections): +


+ + + + +
+# Selectively turn off compression, and enable a filter
+{ +filter{tiny-textforms} +prevent-compression }
+# Match only these sites
+ .google.
+ sourceforge.net
+ sf.net
+# Or instead, we could set a universal default:
+{ +prevent-compression }
+ / # Match all sites
+# Then maybe make exceptions for broken sites:
-/ # Match all sites
+{ -prevent-compression }

+ 8.5.30. + overwrite-last-modified +

+ Typical use: +

+ Prevent yet another way to track the user's steps between + sessions. +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes the "Last-Modified:" + HTTP server header or modifies its value. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +

+ One of the keywords: "block", + "reset-to-request-time" and + "randomize" +

+ Notes: +

+ Removing the "Last-Modified:" + header is useful for filter testing, where you want to + force a real reload instead of getting status code "304", which would cause the browser + to reuse the old version of the page. +


+ The "randomize" option + overwrites the value of the "Last-Modified:" header with a randomly + chosen time between the original value and the current + time. In theory the server could send each document with a + different "Last-Modified:" + header to track visits without using cookies. "Randomize" makes it impossible and the + browser can still revalidate cached documents. +


+ "reset-to-request-time" + overwrites the value of the "Last-Modified:" header with the current + time. You could use this option together with hide-if-modified-since + to further customize your random range. +


+ The preferred parameter here is "randomize". It is safe to use, as long as + the time settings are more or less correct. If the server + sets the "Last-Modified:" header + to the time of the request, the random range becomes zero + and the value stays the same. Therefore you should later + randomize it a second time with hided-if-modified-since, + just to be sure. +


+ It is also recommended to use this action together with crunch-if-none-match. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +
+# Let the browser revalidate without being tracked across sessions
+{ +hide-if-modified-since{-60} \
+ +overwrite-last-modified{randomize} \
+ +crunch-if-none-match}

+ 8.5.31. redirect +

+ Typical use: +

+ Redirect requests to other sites. +

+ Effect: +

+ Convinces the browser that the requested document has been + moved to another location and the browser should get it + from there. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized +

+ Parameter: +

+ An absolute URL or a single pcrs command. +

+ Notes: +

+ Requests to which this action applies are answered with a + HTTP redirect to URLs of your choosing. The new URL is + either provided as parameter, or derived by applying a + single pcrs command to the original URL. +


+ The syntax for pcrs commands is documented in the filter file section. +


+ Requests can't be blocked and redirected at the same time, + applying this action together with block is a + configuration error. Currently the request is blocked and + an error message logged, the behavior may change in the + future and result in Privoxy rejecting the action file. +


+ This action can be combined with fast-redirects{check-decoded-url} + to redirect to a decoded version of a rewritten URL. +


+ Use this action carefully, make sure not to create + redirection loops and be aware that using your own + redirects might make it possible to fingerprint your + requests. +


+ In case of problems with your redirects, or simply to watch + them working, enable debug + 128. +

+ Example usages: +


+ + +
+# Replace example.com's style sheet with another one
+{ +redirect{http://localhost/css-replacements/example.com.css} }
+ example.com/stylesheet\.css
-# Make exceptions for ill sites:
+# Create a short, easy to remember nickname for a favorite site
+# (relies on the browser to accept and forward invalid URLs to Privoxy)
+{ +redirect{https://www.privoxy.org/user-manual/actions-file.html} }
+ a
+# Always use the expanded view for Undeadly.org articles
+# (Note the $ at the end of the URL pattern to make sure
+# the request for the rewritten URL isn't redirected as well)
+# Redirect Google search requests to MSN
+# Redirect MSN search requests to Yahoo
+# Redirect http://example.com/&bla=fasel&toChange=foo (and any other value but "bar")
+# to       http://example.com/&bla=fasel&toChange=bar

8.5.27. overwrite-last-modified

Typical use:

Prevent yet another way to track the user's steps between sessions.


Deletes the "Last-Modified:" HTTP server header or modifies its value. -




One of the keywords: "block", "reset-to-request-time" - and "randomize" -


Removing the "Last-Modified:" header is useful for filter - testing, where you want to force a real reload instead of getting status - code "304", which would cause the browser to reuse the old - version of the page. -

The "randomize" option overwrites the value of the - "Last-Modified:" header with a randomly chosen time - between the original value and the current time. In theory the server - could send each document with a different "Last-Modified:" - header to track visits without using cookies. "Randomize" - makes it impossible and the browser can still revalidate cached documents. -

"reset-to-request-time" overwrites the value of the - "Last-Modified:" header with the current time. You could use - this option together with - hided-if-modified-since - to further customize your random range. -

The preferred parameter here is "randomize". It is safe - to use, as long as the time settings are more or less correct. - If the server sets the "Last-Modified:" header to the time - of the request, the random range becomes zero and the value stays the same. - Therefore you should later randomize it a second time with - hided-if-modified-since, - just to be sure. -

It is also recommended to use this action together with - crunch-if-none-match. -

Example usage:

# Let the browser revalidate without being tracked across sessions
-{+hide-if-modified-since {-1}\
-+overwrite-last-modified {randomize}\

8.5.28. redirect

Typical use:

Redirect requests to other sites. -


Convinces the browser that the requested document has been moved - to another location and the browser should get it from there. -




Any URL. -


This action is useful to replace whole documents with your own - ones. For that to work, they have to be available on another server. -

You can do the same by combining the actions - block, - handle-as-image and - set-image-blocker{URL}. - It doesn't sound right for non-image documents, and that's why this action - was created. -

This action will be ignored if you use it together with - block. -

Example usage:

# Replace example.com's style sheet with another one

8.5.29. send-vanilla-wafer

Typical use:

Feed log analysis scripts with useless data. -


Sends a cookie with each request stating that you do not accept any copyright - on cookies sent to you, and asking the site operator not to track you. -




N/A -


The vanilla wafer is a (relatively) unique header and could conceivably be used to track you. -

This action is rarely used and not enabled in the default configuration. -

Example usage:


8.5.30. send-wafer

Typical use:

Send custom cookies or feed log analysis scripts with even more useless data. -


Sends a custom, user-defined cookie with each request. -




A string of the form "name=value". -


Being multi-valued, multiple instances of this action can apply to the same request, - resulting in multiple cookies being sent. -

This action is rarely used and not enabled in the default configuration. -

Example usage (section):


8.5.31. session-cookies-only

Typical use:

Allow only temporary "session" cookies (for the current - browser session only). -


Deletes the "expires" field from "Set-Cookie:" - server headers. Most browsers will not store such cookies permanently and - forget them in between sessions. -




N/A -


This is less strict than crunch-incoming-cookies / - crunch-outgoing-cookies and allows you to browse - websites that insist or rely on setting cookies, without compromising your privacy too badly. -

Most browsers will not permanently store cookies that have been processed by - session-cookies-only and will forget about them between sessions. - This makes profiling cookies useless, but won't break sites which require cookies so - that you can log in for transactions. This is generally turned on for all - sites, and is the recommended setting. -

It makes no sense at all to use session-cookies-only - together with crunch-incoming-cookies or - crunch-outgoing-cookies. If you do, cookies - will be plainly killed. -

Note that it is up to the browser how it handles such cookies without an "expires" - field. If you use an exotic browser, you might want to try it out to be sure. -

This setting also has no effect on cookies that may have been stored - previously by the browser before starting Privoxy. - These would have to be removed manually. -

Privoxy also uses - the content-cookies filter - to block some types of cookies. Content cookies are not effected by - session-cookies-only. -

Example usage:


8.5.32. set-image-blocker

Typical use:

Choose the replacement for blocked images


This action alone doesn't do anything noticeable. If both - block and handle-as-image also - apply, i.e. if the request is to be blocked as an image, - then the parameter of this action decides what will be - sent as a replacement. -




  • "pattern" to send a built-in checkerboard pattern image. The image is visually - decent, scales very well, and makes it obvious where banners were busted. -

  • "blank" to send a built-in transparent image. This makes banners disappear - completely, but makes it hard to detect where Privoxy has blocked - images on a given page and complicates troubleshooting if Privoxy - has blocked innocent images, like navigation icons. -

  • "target-url" to - send a redirect to target-url. You can redirect - to any image anywhere, even in your local filesystem via "file:///" URL. - (But note that not all browsers support redirecting to a local file system). -

    A good application of redirects is to use special Privoxy-built-in - URLs, which send the built-in images, as target-url. - This has the same visual effect as specifying "blank" or "pattern" in - the first place, but enables your browser to cache the replacement image, instead of requesting - it over and over again. -


The URLs for the built-in images are "http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=type", where type is - either "blank" or "pattern". -

There is a third (advanced) type, called "auto". It is NOT to be - used in set-image-blocker, but meant for use from filters. - Auto will select the type of image that would have applied to the referring page, had it been an image. -

Example usage:

Built-in pattern: -


Redirect to the BSD devil: -


Redirect to the built-in pattern for better caching: -


8.5.33. treat-forbidden-connects-like-blocks

Typical use:

Block forbidden connects with an easy to find error message.


If this action is enabled, Privoxy no longer - makes a difference between forbidden connects and ordinary blocks. -






By default Privoxy answers - forbidden "Connect" requests - with a short error message inside the headers. If the browser doesn't display - headers (most don't), you just see an empty page. -

With this action enabled, Privoxy displays - the message that is used for ordinary blocks instead. If you decide - to make an exception for the page in question, you can do so by - following the "See why" link. -

For "Connect" requests the clients tell - Privoxy which host they are interested - in, but not which document they plan to get later. As a result, the - "Go there anyway" link becomes rather useless: - it lets the client request the home page of the forbidden host - through unencrypted HTTP, still using the port of the last request. -

If you previously configured Privoxy to do the - request through a SSL tunnel, everything will work. Most likely you haven't - and the server will responds with an error message because it is expecting - HTTPS. -

Example usage:


8.5.34. Summary

Note that many of these actions have the potential to cause a page to - misbehave, possibly even not to display at all. There are many ways - a site designer may choose to design his site, and what HTTP header - content, and other criteria, he may depend on. There is no way to have hard - and fast rules for all sites. See the Appendix for a brief example on troubleshooting - actions.

8.6. Aliases

Custom "actions", known to Privoxy - as "aliases", can be defined by combining other actions. - These can in turn be invoked just like the built-in actions. - Currently, an alias name can contain any character except space, tab, - "=", - "{" and "}", but we strongly - recommend that you only use "a" to "z", - "0" to "9", "+", and "-". - Alias names are not case sensitive, and are not required to start with a - "+" or "-" sign, since they are merely textually - expanded.

Aliases can be used throughout the actions file, but they must be - defined in a special section at the top of the file! - And there can only be one such section per actions file. Each actions file may - have its own alias section, and the aliases defined in it are only visible - within that file.

There are two main reasons to use aliases: One is to save typing for frequently - used combinations of actions, the other one is a gain in flexibility: If you - decide once how you want to handle shops by defining an alias called - "shop", you can later change your policy on shops in - one place, and your changes will take effect everywhere - in the actions file where the "shop" alias is used. Calling aliases - by their purpose also makes your actions files more readable.

Currently, there is one big drawback to using aliases, though: - Privoxy's built-in web-based action file - editor honors aliases when reading the actions files, but it expands - them before writing. So the effects of your aliases are of course preserved, - but the aliases themselves are lost when you edit sections that use aliases - with it. - This is likely to change in future versions of Privoxy.

Now let's define some aliases...

+ +
 # Useful custom aliases we can use later.
+# The URL pattern makes sure that the following request isn't redirected again.
+# Add a shortcut to look up illumos bugs
+# Redirected URL = http://i4974/
+# Redirect Destination = https://www.illumos.org/issues/4974
+# Redirect remote requests for this manual
+# to the local version delivered by Privoxy
+ + +

+ +

+ 8.5.32. server-header-filter +

+ Typical use: +

+ Rewrite or remove single server headers. +

+ Effect: +

+ All server headers to which this action applies are + filtered on-the-fly through the specified regular + expression based substitutions. +

+ Type: +

+ Multi-value. +

+ Parameter: +

+ The name of a server-header filter, as defined in one of + the filter files. +

+ Notes: +

+ Server-header filters are applied to each header on its + own, not to all at once. This makes it easier to diagnose + problems, but on the downside you can't write filters that + only change header x if header y's value is z. You can do + that by using tags though. +


+ Server-header filters are executed after the other header + actions have finished and use their output as input. +


+ Please refer to the filter file + chapter to learn which server-header filters are + available by default, and how to create your own. +

+ Example usage (section): +


+ + + + +

+ 8.5.33. server-header-tagger +

+ Typical use: +

+ Enable or disable filters based on the Content-Type header. +

+ Effect: +

+ Server headers to which this action applies are filtered + on-the-fly through the specified regular expression based + substitutions, the result is used as tag. +

+ Type: +

+ Multi-value. +

+ Parameter: +

+ The name of a server-header tagger, as defined in one of + the filter files. +

+ Notes: +

+ Server-header taggers are applied to each header on its + own, and as the header isn't modified, each tagger "sees" the original. +


+ Server-header taggers are executed before all other header + actions that modify server headers. Their tags can be used + to control all of the other server-header actions, the + content filters and the crunch actions (redirect and block). +


+ Obviously crunching based on tags created by server-header + taggers doesn't prevent the request from showing up in the + server's log file. +

+ Example usage (section): +


+ + + + +
+# Tag every request with the content type declared by the server
+# If the response has a tag starting with 'image/' enable an external
+# filter that only applies to images.
+# Note that the filter is not available by default, it's just a
+# silly example.
+{+external-filter{rotate-image} +force-text-mode}

+ 8.5.34. session-cookies-only +

+ Typical use: +

+ Allow only temporary "session" + cookies (for the current browser session only). +

+ Effect: +

+ Deletes the "expires" field from + "Set-Cookie:" server headers. + Most browsers will not store such cookies permanently and + forget them in between sessions. +

+ Type: +

+ Boolean. +

+ Parameter: +

+ N/A +

+ Notes: +

+ This is less strict than crunch-incoming-cookies + / crunch-outgoing-cookies + and allows you to browse websites that insist or rely on + setting cookies, without compromising your privacy too + badly. +


+ Most browsers will not permanently store cookies that have + been processed by session-cookies-only and will forget about + them between sessions. This makes profiling cookies + useless, but won't break sites which require cookies so + that you can log in for transactions. This is generally + turned on for all sites, and is the recommended setting. +


+ It makes no + sense at all to use session-cookies-only together with crunch-incoming-cookies + or crunch-outgoing-cookies. + If you do, cookies will be plainly killed. +


+ Note that it is up to the browser how it handles such + cookies without an "expires" + field. If you use an exotic browser, you might want to try + it out to be sure. +


+ This setting also has no effect on cookies that may have + been stored previously by the browser before starting Privoxy. These would have to be + removed manually. +


+ Privoxy also uses the content-cookies + filter to block some types of cookies. Content cookies + are not effected by session-cookies-only. +

+ Example usage: +


+ + + + +

+ 8.5.35. set-image-blocker +

+ Typical use: +

+ Choose the replacement for blocked images +

+ Effect: +

+ This action alone doesn't do anything noticeable. If both block and handle-as-image + also + apply, i.e. if the request is to be blocked as an image, + then + the parameter of this action decides what will be sent as a + replacement. +

+ Type: +

+ Parameterized. +

+ Parameter: +
  • +

    + "pattern" to send a built-in + checkerboard pattern image. The image is visually + decent, scales very well, and makes it obvious where + banners were busted. +

  • +
  • +

    + "blank" to send a built-in + transparent image. This makes banners disappear + completely, but makes it hard to detect where Privoxy has blocked images + on a given page and complicates troubleshooting if + Privoxy has blocked + innocent images, like navigation icons. +

  • +
  • +

    + "target-url" to send a + redirect to target-url. You can redirect + to any image anywhere, even in your local filesystem + via "file:///" URL. (But + note that not all browsers support redirecting to a + local file system). +


    + A good application of redirects is to use special Privoxy-built-in URLs, which + send the built-in images, as target-url. This has the same + visual effect as specifying "blank" or "pattern" in the first place, but + enables your browser to cache the replacement image, + instead of requesting it over and over again. +

  • +
+ Notes: +

+ The URLs for the built-in images are "http://config.privoxy.org/send-banner?type=type", where type is either "blank" or "pattern". +


+ There is a third (advanced) type, called "auto". It is NOT to be used in set-image-blocker, but meant for use from filters. Auto will select the + type of image that would have applied to the referring + page, had it been an image. +

+ Example usage: +

+ Built-in pattern: +



+ + + + +
+ +

+ Redirect to the BSD daemon: +



+ + + + +
+ +

+ Redirect to the built-in pattern for better caching: +



+ + + + +

+ 8.5.36. Summary +


+ Note that many of these actions have the potential to cause a + page to misbehave, possibly even not to display at all. There are + many ways a site designer may choose to design his site, and what + HTTP header content, and other criteria, he may depend on. There + is no way to have hard and fast rules for all sites. See the Appendix for a brief example + on troubleshooting actions. +

+ +

+ 8.6. Aliases +


+ Custom "actions", known to Privoxy as "aliases", can be defined by combining other + actions. These can in turn be invoked just like the built-in + actions. Currently, an alias name can contain any character except + space, tab, "=", "{" and "}", but we strongly recommend + that you only use "a" to "z", "0" to "9", "+", and "-". Alias names are not case sensitive, and + are not required to start with a "+" or + "-" sign, since they are merely + textually expanded. +


+ Aliases can be used throughout the actions file, but they must be defined in a special + section at the top of the file! And there can only be + one such section per actions file. Each actions file may have its + own alias section, and the aliases defined in it are only visible + within that file. +


+ There are two main reasons to use aliases: One is to save typing + for frequently used combinations of actions, the other one is a + gain in flexibility: If you decide once how you want to handle + shops by defining an alias called "shop", you can later change your policy on shops in + one place, + and your changes will take effect everywhere in the actions file + where the "shop" alias is used. Calling + aliases by their purpose also makes your actions files more + readable. +


+ Currently, there is one big drawback to using aliases, though: + Privoxy's built-in web-based + action file editor honors aliases when reading the actions files, + but it expands them before writing. So the effects of your aliases + are of course preserved, but the aliases themselves are lost when + you edit sections that use aliases with it. +


+ Now let's define some aliases... +



+ + +
+ # Useful custom aliases we can use later.
  # Note the (required!) section header line and that this section
  # must be at the top of the actions file!
@@ -6248,222 +5465,205 @@ CLASS="SCREEN"
  # These aliases just save typing later:
  # (Note that some already use other aliases!)
- +crunch-all-cookies = +crunch-incoming-cookies +crunch-outgoing-cookies
- -crunch-all-cookies = -crunch-incoming-cookies -crunch-outgoing-cookies
- block-as-image      = +block +handle-as-image
- mercy-for-cookies   = -crunch-all-cookies -session-cookies-only -filter{content-cookies}
+ +crunch-all-cookies = +crunch-incoming-cookies +crunch-outgoing-cookies
+ -crunch-all-cookies = -crunch-incoming-cookies -crunch-outgoing-cookies
+ +block-as-image      = +block{Blocked image.} +handle-as-image
+ allow-all-cookies   = -crunch-all-cookies -session-cookies-only -filter{content-cookies}
  # These aliases define combinations of actions
  # that are useful for certain types of sites:
- fragile     = -block -filter -crunch-all-cookies -fast-redirects -hide-referrer -kill-popups
- shop        = -crunch-all-cookies -filter{all-popups} -kill-popups
+ fragile     = -block -filter -crunch-all-cookies -fast-redirects -hide-referrer -prevent-compression
+ shop        = -crunch-all-cookies -filter{all-popups}
  # Short names for other aliases, for really lazy people ;-)
  c0 = +crunch-all-cookies
- c1 = -crunch-all-cookies

...and put them to use. These sections would appear in the lower part of an - actions file and define exceptions to the default actions (as specified further - up for the "/" pattern):

+ +
 # These sites are either very complex or very keen on
+ c1 = -crunch-all-cookies
+ +

+ ...and put them to use. These sections would appear in the lower + part of an actions file and define exceptions to the default + actions (as specified further up for the "/" pattern): +



+ + +
+ # These sites are either very complex or very keen on
  # user data and require minimal interference to work:
- .nytimes.com
+ # Gmail is really mail.google.com, not gmail.com
+ mail.google.com
  # Shopping sites:
  # Allow cookies (for setting and retrieving your customer data)
- #           
+ #
  .worldpay.com   # for quietpc.com
- .scan.co.uk
+ mybank.example.com
  # These shops require pop-ups:
- {shop -kill-popups -filter{all-popups}}
+ {-filter{all-popups} -filter{unsolicited-popups}}
-  .overclockers.co.uk

Aliases like "shop" and "fragile" are often used for - "problem" sites that require some actions to be disabled - in order to function properly.

8.7. Actions Files Tutorial

The above chapters have shown which actions files - there are and how they are organized, how actions are specified and applied - to URLs, how patterns work, and how to - define and use aliases. Now, let's look at an - example default.action and user.action - file and see how all these pieces come together:

8.7.1. default.action

Every config file should start with a short comment stating its purpose:

# Sample default.action file <ijbswa-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>

Then, since this is the default.action file, the -first section is a special section for internal use that you needn't -change or worry about:

+ +
+  .overclockers.co.uk
+ +

+ Aliases like "shop" and "fragile" are typically used for "problem" sites that require more than one action to + be disabled in order to function properly. +


+ 8.7. Actions Files Tutorial +


+ The above chapters have shown which + actions files there are and how they are organized, how actions + are specified and applied to URLs, how patterns work, and how to + define and use aliases. + Now, let's look at an example match-all.action, default.action and user.action file and see how all these pieces come + together: +


+ 8.7.1. match-all.action +


+ Remember all actions + are disabled when matching starts, so we have to + explicitly enable the ones we want. +


+ While the match-all.action file only + contains a single section, it is probably the most important one. + It has only one pattern, "/", but this pattern matches all URLs. Therefore, + the set of actions used in this "default" section will be applied to all requests as a start. + It can be partly or wholly overridden by other actions files like + default.action and user.action, but it will still be largely + responsible for your overall browsing experience. +


+ Again, at the start of matching, all actions are disabled, so + there is no need to disable any actions here. (Remember: a "+" preceding the action name enables the + action, a "-" disables!). Also note + how this long line has been made more readable by splitting it + into multiple lines with line continuation. +



+ + + + +
+{ \
+ +change-x-forwarded-for{block} \
+ +hide-from-header{block} \
+ +set-image-blocker{pattern} \
+/ # Match all URLs
+ +

+ The default behavior is now set. +


+ 8.7.2. default.action +


+ If you aren't a developer, there's no need for you to edit the + default.action file. It is maintained + by the Privoxy developers and if + you disagree with some of the sections, you should overrule them + in your user.action. +


+ Understanding the default.action file + can help you with your user.action, + though. +


+ The first section in this file is a special section for internal + use that prevents older Privoxy + versions from reading the file: +



+ + +
 # Settings -- Don't change! For internal Privoxy use ONLY.

After that comes the (optional) alias section. We'll use the example -section from the above chapter on aliases, -that also explains why and how aliases are used:

+ +
+ +

+ After that comes the (optional) alias section. We'll use the + example section from the above chapter on aliases, that also + explains why and how aliases are used: +



+ + +
 # Aliases
@@ -6471,324 +5671,47 @@ CLASS="SCREEN"
  # These aliases just save typing later:
  # (Note that some already use other aliases!)
- +crunch-all-cookies = +crunch-incoming-cookies +crunch-outgoing-cookies
- -crunch-all-cookies = -crunch-incoming-cookies -crunch-outgoing-cookies
- block-as-image      = +block +handle-as-image
- mercy-for-cookies   = -crunch-all-cookies -session-cookies-only -filter{content-cookies}
+ +crunch-all-cookies = +crunch-incoming-cookies +crunch-outgoing-cookies
+ -crunch-all-cookies = -crunch-incoming-cookies -crunch-outgoing-cookies
+ +block-as-image      = +block{Blocked image.} +handle-as-image
+ mercy-for-cookies   = -crunch-all-cookies -session-cookies-only -filter{content-cookies}
  # These aliases define combinations of actions
  # that are useful for certain types of sites:
- fragile     = -block -filter -crunch-all-cookies -fast-redirects -hide-referrer -kill-popups
- shop        = -crunch-all-cookies -filter{all-popups} -kill-popups

Now come the regular sections, i.e. sets of actions, accompanied - by URL patterns to which they apply. Remember all actions - are disabled when matching starts, so we have to explicitly - enable the ones we want.

The first regular section is probably the most important. It has only - one pattern, "/", but this pattern - matches all URLs. Therefore, the - set of actions used in this "default" section will - be applied to all requests as a start. It can be partly or - wholly overridden by later matches further down this file, or in user.action, - but it will still be largely responsible for your overall browsing - experience.

Again, at the start of matching, all actions are disabled, so there is - no real need to disable any actions here, but we will do that nonetheless, - to have a complete listing for your reference. (Remember: a "+" - preceding the action name enables the action, a "-" disables!). - Also note how this long line has been made more readable by splitting it into - multiple lines with line continuation.

+ +
-# "Defaults" section:
+ fragile     = -block -filter -crunch-all-cookies -fast-redirects -hide-referrer
+ shop        = -crunch-all-cookies -filter{all-popups}
+ +

+ The first of our specialized sections is concerned with "fragile" sites, i.e. sites that require + minimum interference, because they are either very complex or + very keen on tracking you (and have mechanisms in place that make + them unusable for people who avoid being tracked). We will simply + use our pre-defined fragile alias + instead of stating the list of actions explicitly: +



+ + +
- { \
- -add-header \
- -block \
- -crunch-incoming-cookies \
- -crunch-outgoing-cookies \
- +deanimate-gifs \
- -downgrade-http-version \
- +fast-redirects \
- +filter{js-annoyances} \
- -filter{js-events} \
- +filter{html-annoyances} \
- -filter{content-cookies} \
- +filter{refresh-tags} \
- +filter{unsolicited-popups} \
- -filter{all-popups} \
- +filter{img-reorder} \
- +filter{banners-by-size} \
- -filter{banners-by-link} \
- +filter{webbugs} \
- -filter{tiny-textforms} \
- +filter{jumping-windows} \
- -filter{frameset-borders} \
- -filter{demoronizer} \
- -filter{shockwave-flash} \
- -filter{quicktime-kioskmode} \
- -filter{fun} \
- -filter{crude-parental} \
- +filter{ie-exploits} \     
- -handle-as-image \
- +hide-forwarded-for-headers \
- +hide-from-header{block} \
- +hide-referrer{forge} \
- -hide-user-agent \
- -kill-popups \
- -limit-connect \
- +prevent-compression \
- -send-vanilla-wafer \
- -send-wafer \
- +session-cookies-only \
- +set-image-blocker{pattern} \
- }
- / # forward slash will match *all* potential URL patterns.

The default behavior is now set. Note that some actions, like not hiding - the user agent, are part of a "general policy" that applies - universally and won't get any exceptions defined later. Other choices, - like not blocking (which is understandably the - default!) need exceptions, i.e. we need to specify explicitly what we - want to block in later sections.

The first of our specialized sections is concerned with "fragile" - sites, i.e. sites that require minimum interference, because they are either - very complex or very keen on tracking you (and have mechanisms in place that - make them unusable for people who avoid being tracked). We will simply use - our pre-defined fragile alias instead of stating the list - of actions explicitly:

 # Exceptions for sites that'll break under the default action set:
@@ -6796,243 +5719,168 @@ CLASS="SCREEN"
 { fragile }
 .office.microsoft.com           # surprise, surprise!

Shopping sites are not as fragile, but they typically - require cookies to log in, and pop-up windows for shopping - carts or item details. Again, we'll use a pre-defined alias:

+ +
# Shopping sites:
+ +

+ Shopping sites are not as fragile, but they typically require + cookies to log in, and pop-up windows for shopping carts or item + details. Again, we'll use a pre-defined alias: +



+ + +
+# Shopping sites:
 { shop }
 .worldpay.com   # for quietpc.com

The fast-redirects - action, which we enabled per default above, breaks some sites. So disable - it for popular sites where we know it misbehaves:

+ +
{ -fast-redirects }
+ +

+ The fast-redirects + action, which may have been enabled in match-all.action, breaks some sites. So disable + it for popular sites where we know it misbehaves: +



+ + +
+{ -fast-redirects }

It is important that Privoxy knows which - URLs belong to images, so that if they are to - be blocked, a substitute image can be sent, rather than an HTML page. - Contacting the remote site to find out is not an option, since it - would destroy the loading time advantage of banner blocking, and it - would feed the advertisers (in terms of money and - information). We can mark any URL as an image with the handle-as-image action, - and marking all URLs that end in a known image file extension is a - good start:

+ +
+ +

+ It is important that Privoxy + knows which URLs belong to images, so that if they are to be + blocked, a substitute image can be sent, rather than an HTML + page. Contacting the remote site to find out is not an option, + since it would destroy the loading time advantage of banner + blocking, and it would feed the advertisers information about + you. We can mark any URL as an image with the handle-as-image + action, and marking all URLs that end in a known image file + extension is a good start: +



+ + +
 # Images:
 # Define which file types will be treated as images, in case they get
 # blocked further down this file:
-{ +handle-as-image }

And then there are known banner sources. They often use scripts to - generate the banners, so it won't be visible from the URL that the - request is for an image. Hence we block them and - mark them as images in one go, with the help of our - block-as-image alias defined above. (We could of - course just as well use +block - +handle-as-image here.) - Remember that the type of the replacement image is chosen by the - set-image-blocker - action. Since all URLs have matched the default section with its - +set-image-blocker{pattern} - action before, it still applies and needn't be repeated:

+ +
# Known ad generators:
+{ +handle-as-image }
+ +

+ And then there are known banner sources. They often use scripts + to generate the banners, so it won't be visible from the URL that + the request is for an image. Hence we block them and mark them as images + in one go, with the help of our +block-as-image alias defined above. (We could of + course just as well use +block +handle-as-image + here.) Remember that the type of the replacement image is chosen + by the set-image-blocker + action. Since all URLs have matched the default section with its + +set-image-blocker{pattern} + action before, it still applies and needn't be repeated: +



+ + +
+# Known ad generators:
-{ block-as-image }
+{ +block-as-image }

One of the most important jobs of Privoxy - is to block banners. A huge bunch of them are already "blocked" - by the filter{banners-by-size} - action, which we enabled above, and which deletes the references to banner - images from the pages while they are loaded, so the browser doesn't request - them anymore, and hence they don't need to be blocked here. But this naturally - doesn't catch all banners, and some people choose not to use filters, so we - need a comprehensive list of patterns for banner URLs here, and apply the - block action to them.

First comes a bunch of generic patterns, which do most of the work, by - matching typical domain and path name components of banners. Then comes - a list of individual patterns for specific sites, which is omitted here - to keep the example short:

+ +
+ +

+ One of the most important jobs of Privoxy is to block banners. Many of these + can be "blocked" by the filter{banners-by-size} + action, which we enabled above, and which deletes the references + to banner images from the pages while they are loaded, so the + browser doesn't request them anymore, and hence they don't need + to be blocked here. But this naturally doesn't catch all banners, + and some people choose not to use filters, so we need a + comprehensive list of patterns for banner URLs here, and apply + the block action to them. +


+ First comes many generic patterns, which do most of the work, by + matching typical domain and path name components of banners. Then + comes a list of individual patterns for specific sites, which is + omitted here to keep the example short: +



+ + +
 # Block these fine banners:
-{ +block }
+{ +block{Banner ads.} }
 # Generic patterns:
@@ -7042,139 +5890,67 @@ count*.
 # Site-specific patterns (abbreviated):

You wouldn't believe how many advertisers actually call their banner - servers ads.company.com, or call the directory - in which the banners are stored simply "banners". So the above - generic patterns are surprisingly effective.

But being very generic, they necessarily also catch URLs that we don't want - to block. The pattern .*ads. e.g. catches - "nasty-ads.nasty-corp.com" as intended, - but also "downloads.sourcefroge.net" or - "adsl.some-provider.net." So here come some - well-known exceptions to the +block - section above.

Note that these are exceptions to exceptions from the default! Consider the URL - "downloads.sourcefroge.net": Initially, all actions are deactivated, - so it wouldn't get blocked. Then comes the defaults section, which matches the - URL, but just deactivates the block - action once again. Then it matches .*ads., an exception to the - general non-blocking policy, and suddenly - +block applies. And now, it'll match - .*loads., where -block - applies, so (unless it matches again further down) it ends up - with no block action applying.

+ +
+ +

+ It's quite remarkable how many advertisers actually call their + banner servers ads.company.com, or call the directory in + which the banners are stored simply "banners". So the above generic patterns are + surprisingly effective. +


+ But being very generic, they necessarily also catch URLs that we + don't want to block. The pattern .*ads. + e.g. catches "nasty-ads.nasty-corp.com" as + intended, but also "downloads.sourcefroge.net" or "adsl.some-provider.net." So here + come some well-known exceptions to the +block section above. +


+ Note that these are exceptions to exceptions from the default! + Consider the URL "downloads.sourcefroge.net": Initially, all + actions are deactivated, so it wouldn't get blocked. Then comes + the defaults section, which matches the URL, but just deactivates + the block action once again. Then + it matches .*ads., an exception to the + general non-blocking policy, and suddenly +block applies. And now, + it'll match .*loads., where -block + applies, so (unless it matches again further down) it ends up with no block + action applying. +



+ + +
 # Save some innocent victims of the above generic block patterns:
 # By domain:
-{ -block }
+{ -block }
 adv[io]*.  # (for advogato.org and advice.*)
 adsl.      # (has nothing to do with ads)
+adobe.     # (has nothing to do with ads either)
 ad[ud]*.   # (adult.* and add.*)
 .edu       # (universities don't host banners (yet!))
 .*loads.   # (downloads, uploads etc)
@@ -7186,230 +5962,182 @@ ad[ud]*.   # (adult.* and add.*)
 # Site-specific:
 www.globalintersec.com/adv # (adv = advanced)

Filtering source code can have nasty side effects, - so make an exception for our friends at sourceforge.net, - and all paths with "cvs" in them. Note that - -filter - disables all filters in one fell swoop!

+ +
# Don't filter code!
+ +

+ Filtering source code can have nasty side effects, so make an + exception for our friends at sourceforge.net, and all paths with + "cvs" in them. Note that -filter + disables all filters in one fell swoop! +



+ + +
+# Don't filter code!
-{ -filter }

The actual default.action is of course more - comprehensive, but we hope this example made clear how it works.

8.7.2. user.action

So far we are painting with a broad brush by setting general policies, - which would be a reasonable starting point for many people. Now, - you might want to be more specific and have customized rules that - are more suitable to your personal habits and preferences. These would - be for narrowly defined situations like your ISP or your bank, and should - be placed in user.action, which is parsed after all other - actions files and hence has the last word, over-riding any previously - defined actions. user.action is also a - safe place for your personal settings, since - default.action is actively maintained by the - Privoxy developers and you'll probably want - to install updated versions from time to time.

So let's look at a few examples of things that one might typically do in - user.action:

# My user.action file. <fred@foobar.com>

As aliases are local to the actions - file that they are defined in, you can't use the ones from - default.action, unless you repeat them here:

+ +
# Aliases are local to the file they are defined in.
+{ -filter }
+ +

+ The actual default.action is of course + much more comprehensive, but we hope this example made clear how + it works. +


+ 8.7.3. user.action +


+ So far we are painting with a broad brush by setting general + policies, which would be a reasonable starting point for many + people. Now, you might want to be more specific and have + customized rules that are more suitable to your personal habits + and preferences. These would be for narrowly defined situations + like your ISP or your bank, and should be placed in user.action, which is parsed after all other + actions files and hence has the last word, over-riding any + previously defined actions. user.action + is also a safe place for your personal settings, + since default.action is actively + maintained by the Privoxy + developers and you'll probably want to install updated versions + from time to time. +


+ So let's look at a few examples of things that one might + typically do in user.action: +



+ + + + +
+# My user.action file. <fred@example.com>
+ +

+ As aliases are local to + the actions file that they are defined in, you can't use the ones + from default.action, unless you repeat + them here: +



+ + +
+# Aliases are local to the file they are defined in.
 # (Re-)define aliases for this file:
-# These aliases just save typing later, and the alias names should 
+# These aliases just save typing later, and the alias names should
 # be self explanatory.
 +crunch-all-cookies = +crunch-incoming-cookies +crunch-outgoing-cookies
 -crunch-all-cookies = -crunch-incoming-cookies -crunch-outgoing-cookies
  allow-all-cookies  = -crunch-all-cookies -session-cookies-only
- allow-popups       = -filter{all-popups} -kill-popups
-+block-as-image     = +block +handle-as-image
+ allow-popups       = -filter{all-popups}
++block-as-image     = +block{Blocked as image.} +handle-as-image
 -block-as-image     = -block
 # These aliases define combinations of actions that are useful for
 # certain types of sites:
-fragile     = -block -crunch-all-cookies -filter -fast-redirects -hide-referrer -kill-popups
+fragile     = -block -crunch-all-cookies -filter -fast-redirects -hide-referrer
 shop        = -crunch-all-cookies allow-popups
 # Allow ads for selected useful free sites:
-allow-ads   = -block -filter{banners-by-size} -filter{banners-by-link}
+allow-ads = -block -filter{banners-by-size} -filter{banners-by-link} + +# Alias for specific file types that are text, but might have conflicting +# MIME types. We want the browser to force these to be text documents. +handle-as-text = -filter +-content-type-overwrite{text/plain} +-force-text-mode -hide-content-disposition +
+ +

+ Say you have accounts on some sites that you visit regularly, and + you don't want to have to log in manually each time. So you'd + like to allow persistent cookies for these sites. The allow-all-cookies alias defined above does exactly + that, i.e. it disables crunching of cookies in any direction, and + the processing of cookies to make them only temporary. +



+ + + + +
+{ allow-all-cookies }
+ sourceforge.net
+ .yahoo.com
+ .msdn.microsoft.com
+ .redhat.com

Say you have accounts on some sites that you visit regularly, and - you don't want to have to log in manually each time. So you'd like - to allow persistent cookies for these sites. The - allow-all-cookies alias defined above does exactly - that, i.e. it disables crunching of cookies in any direction, and the - processing of cookies to make them only temporary.

{ allow-all-cookies }

Your bank is allergic to some filter, but you don't know which, so you disable them all:

{ -filter }

Some file types you may not want to filter for various reasons:

+ +
# Technical documentation is likely to contain strings that might

+ Your bank is allergic to some filter, but you don't know which, + so you disable them all: +



+ + + + +
+{ -filter }
+ .your-home-banking-site.com
+ +

+ Some file types you may not want to filter for various reasons: +



+ + +
+# Technical documentation is likely to contain strings that might
 # erroneously get altered by the JavaScript-oriented filters:
@@ -7418,329 +6146,217 @@ CLASS="SCREEN"
 # And this stupid host sends streaming video with a wrong MIME type,
 # so that Privoxy thinks it is getting HTML and starts filtering:

Example of a simple block action. Say you've - seen an ad on your favourite page on example.com that you want to get rid of. - You have right-clicked the image, selected "copy image location" - and pasted the URL below while removing the leading http://, into a - { +block } section. Note that { +handle-as-image - } need not be specified, since all URLs ending in - .gif will be tagged as images by the general rules as set - in default.action anyway:

{ +block }

The URLs of dynamically generated banners, especially from large banner - farms, often don't use the well-known image file name extensions, which - makes it impossible for Privoxy to guess - the file type just by looking at the URL. - You can use the +block-as-image alias defined above for - these cases. - Note that objects which match this rule but then turn out NOT to be an - image are typically rendered as a "broken image" icon by the - browser. Use cautiously.

{ +block-as-image }

Now you noticed that the default configuration breaks Forbes Magazine, - but you were too lazy to find out which action is the culprit, and you - were again too lazy to give feedback, so - you just used the fragile alias on the site, and - -- whoa! -- it worked. The fragile - aliases disables those actions that are most likely to break a site. Also, - good for testing purposes to see if it is Privoxy - that is causing the problem or not.

{ fragile }

You like the "fun" text replacements in default.filter, - but it is disabled in the distributed actions file. (My colleagues on the team just - don't have a sense of humour, that's why! ;-). So you'd like to turn it on in your private, - update-safe config, once and for all:

{ +filter{fun} }
-/ # For ALL sites!

Note that the above is not really a good idea: There are exceptions - to the filters in default.action for things that - really shouldn't be filtered, like code on CVS->Web interfaces. Since - user.action has the last word, these exceptions - won't be valid for the "fun" filtering specified here.

You might also worry about how your favourite free websites are - funded, and find that they rely on displaying banner advertisements - to survive. So you might want to specifically allow banners for those - sites that you feel provide value to you:

{ allow-ads }

Note that allow-ads has been aliased to - -block, - -filter{banners-by-size}, and - -filter{banners-by-link} above.

user.action is generally the best place to define - exceptions and additions to the default policies of - default.action. Some actions are safe to have their - default policies set here though. So let's set a default policy to have a - "blank" image as opposed to the checkerboard pattern for - ALL sites. "/" of course matches all URL - paths and patterns:

{ +set-image-blocker{blank} }
-/ # ALL sites

The Main Configuration File Filter Files
\ No newline at end of file +stupid-server.example.com/ +
+ +

+ Example of a simple block + action. Say you've seen an ad on your favourite page on + example.com that you want to get rid of. You have right-clicked + the image, selected "copy image + location" and pasted the URL below while removing the + leading http://, into a { +block{} } + section. Note that { +handle-as-image } + need not be specified, since all URLs ending in .gif will be tagged as images by the general rules + as set in default.action anyway: +



+ + + + +
+{ +block{Nasty ads.} }
+ www.example.com/nasty-ads/sponsor\.gif
+ another.example.net/more/junk/here/
+ +

+ The URLs of dynamically generated banners, especially from large + banner farms, often don't use the well-known image file name + extensions, which makes it impossible for Privoxy to guess the file type just by + looking at the URL. You can use the +block-as-image alias defined above for these + cases. Note that objects which match this rule but then turn out + NOT to be an image are typically rendered as a "broken image" icon by the browser. Use + cautiously. +



+ + + + +
+{ +block-as-image }
+ .doubleclick.net
+ .fastclick.net
+ /Realmedia/ads/
+ ar.atwola.com/
+ +

+ Now you noticed that the default configuration breaks Forbes + Magazine, but you were too lazy to find out which action is the + culprit, and you were again too lazy to give feedback, so you just used the fragile alias on the site, and -- whoa! -- it worked. The + fragile aliases disables those actions + that are most likely to break a site. Also, good for testing + purposes to see if it is Privoxy + that is causing the problem or not. We later find other regular + sites that misbehave, and add those to our personalized list of + troublemakers: +

+ + + + +
+{ fragile }
+ .forbes.com
+ webmail.example.com
+ .mybank.com
+ +

+ You like the "fun" text replacements + in default.filter, but it is disabled + in the distributed actions file. So you'd like to turn it on in + your private, update-safe config, once and for all: +

+ + + + +
+{ +filter{fun} }
+ / # For ALL sites!
+ +

+ Note that the above is not really a good idea: There are + exceptions to the filters in default.action for things that really shouldn't + be filtered, like code on CVS->Web interfaces. Since user.action has the last word, these + exceptions won't be valid for the "fun" filtering specified here. +


+ You might also worry about how your favourite free websites are + funded, and find that they rely on displaying banner + advertisements to survive. So you might want to specifically + allow banners for those sites that you feel provide value to you: +

+ + + + +
+{ allow-ads }
+ .sourceforge.net
+ .slashdot.org
+ .osdn.net
+ +

+ Note that allow-ads has been aliased to + -block, -filter{banners-by-size}, + and -filter{banners-by-link} + above. +


+ Invoke another alias here to force an over-ride of the MIME type + application/x-sh which typically would + open a download type dialog. In my case, I want to look at the + shell script, and then I can save it should I choose to. +

+ + + + +
+{ handle-as-text }
+ /.*\.sh$
+ +

+ user.action is generally the best place + to define exceptions and additions to the default policies of default.action. Some actions are safe to + have their default policies set here though. So let's set a + default policy to have a "blank" image + as opposed to the checkerboard pattern for ALL sites. "/" of course matches all URL paths and patterns: +

+ + + + +
+{ +set-image-blocker{blank} }
+/ # ALL sites
+ + + + +