X-Git-Url: http://www.privoxy.org/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=doc%2Fwebserver%2Fuser-manual%2Fcopyright.html;h=7be80d4e8e870bd4ac2f73865ce2f9b31a089736;hb=304265caf6f5074df69e69282e5f33bb8aedade5;hp=fa76b2e6a2aa8b2ade064d39b912dafdc44924c1;hpb=6de6bda5b29cbb5a8aef6863c1b5ca999ab4887b;p=privoxy.git diff --git a/doc/webserver/user-manual/copyright.html b/doc/webserver/user-manual/copyright.html index fa76b2e6..7be80d4e 100644 --- a/doc/webserver/user-manual/copyright.html +++ b/doc/webserver/user-manual/copyright.html @@ -3,55 +3,43 @@ Privoxy Copyright, License and History - - - + + + - + - +

12. Privoxy - Copyright, License and History


Copyright � 2001-2016 by Privoxy Developers <privoxy-devel@lists.privoxy.org>


Some source code is based on code Copyright � 1997 by Anonymous Coders - and Junkbusters, Inc. and licensed under the GNU - General Public License.


Privoxy is free software; you can - redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by - the Free Software Foundation and included in the next section.


12. Privoxy Copyright, License and History


Copyright © 2001-2019 by Privoxy Developers


Some source code is based on code Copyright © 1997 by Anonymous Coders and Junkbusters, Inc. and licensed + under the GNU General Public License.


Privoxy is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software + Foundation and included in the next section.


12.1. License


12.1. License

                     GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
                        Version 2, June 1991
  Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
@@ -343,8 +331,8 @@ to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
 convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
 the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -382,7 +370,7 @@ necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
   Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
   `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
-  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
   Ty Coon, President of Vice
 This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
@@ -396,47 +384,35 @@ Public License instead of this License.

12.2. History


A long time ago, there was the Internet - Junkbuster, by Anonymous Coders and Junkbusters Corporation. - This saved many users a lot of pain in the early days of web - advertising and user tracking.


But the web, its protocols and standards, and with it, the - techniques for forcing ads on users, give up autonomy over their - browsing, and for tracking them, keeps evolving. Unfortunately, the - Internet Junkbuster did not. Version - 2.0.2, published in 1998, was the last official release, available from - Junkbusters Corporation. Fortunately, it had been released under the - GNU GPL, which allowed further development by others.


So Stefan Waldherr started maintaining an improved version of the - software, to which eventually a number of people contributed patches. - It could already replace banners with a transparent image, and had a - first version of pop-up killing, but it was still very closely based on - the original, with all its limitations, such as the lack of HTTP/1.1 - support, flexible per-site configuration, or content modification. The - last release from this effort was version 2.0.2-10, published in - 2000.


Then, some developers picked up the thread, and started turning the - software inside out, upside down, and then reassembled it, adding many - new features along the way.


The result of this is Privoxy, - whose first stable version, 3.0, was released August, 2002.


As of 2012 the Junkbusters Corporation's website - (http://www.junkbusters.com/) has been shut down, but Privoxy is still - actively maintained.


12.2. History


A long time ago, there was the Internet Junkbuster, by Anonymous Coders and + Junkbusters Corporation. This saved many users a lot of pain in the early days of web advertising and user + tracking.


But the web, its protocols and standards, and with it, the techniques for forcing ads on users, give up + autonomy over their browsing, and for tracking them, keeps evolving. Unfortunately, the Internet Junkbuster did not. Version 2.0.2, published in 1998, was the last official + release, available from Junkbusters Corporation. Fortunately, it had been released under the GNU GPL, which allowed further development + by others.


So Stefan Waldherr started maintaining an improved version of the software, to which eventually a number of + people contributed patches. It could already replace banners with a transparent image, and had a first version of + pop-up killing, but it was still very closely based on the original, with all its limitations, such as the lack + of HTTP/1.1 support, flexible per-site configuration, or content modification. The last release from this effort + was version 2.0.2-10, published in 2000.


Then, some developers + picked up the thread, and started turning the software inside out, upside down, and then reassembled it, adding + many new features + along the way.


The result of this is Privoxy, whose first stable version, 3.0, was released + August, 2002.


As of 2012 the Junkbusters Corporation's website (http://www.junkbusters.com/) has been shut down, but Privoxy + is still actively maintained.


12.3. Authors


12.3. Authors

Current Privoxy Team:


-  Fabian Keil, lead developer

 Fabian Keil, lead developer
 David Schmidt
-  Hal Burgiss
 Lee Rian
 Roland Rosenfeld
 Ian Silvester

@@ -444,13 +420,14 @@ Public License instead of this License.

 Johny Agotnes
 Rodrigo Barbosa
 Moritz Barsnick
+  Hal Burgiss
 Ian Cummings
 Brian Dessent
 Jon Foster
 Karsten Hopp
 Alexander Lazic
 Daniel Leite
-  G�bor Lipt�k
+  Gábor Lipták
 Adam Lock
 Guy Laroche
 Justin McMurtry
@@ -460,14 +437,13 @@ Public License instead of this License.  Haroon Rafique
 Georg Sauthoff
 Thomas Steudten
-  J�rg Strohmayer
+  Jörg Strohmayer
 Rodney Stromlund
 Sviatoslav Sviridov
 Sarantis Paskalis
 Stefan Waldherr


Thanks to the many people who have tested Privoxy, reported bugs, - provided patches, made suggestions, donated or contributed in some - other way. These include (in alphabetical order):


Thanks to the many people who have tested Privoxy, reported bugs, provided patches, made suggestions, donated + or contributed in some other way. These include (in alphabetical order):

 Rustam Abdullaev
 Clint Adams
 Anatoly Arzhnikov
@@ -475,6 +451,7 @@ Public License instead of this License.  Natxo Asenjo
 Devin Bayer
 Havard Berland
+  David Binderman
 David Bo
 Gergely Bor
 Francois Botha
@@ -487,7 +464,7 @@ Public License instead of this License.  Sam Chen
 Ramkumar Chinchani
 Billy Crook
-  Fr�d�ric Crozat
+  Frédéric Crozat
 Matthew Daley
 Michael T. Davis
 Markus Dittrich
@@ -504,17 +481,18 @@ Public License instead of this License.  Danny Goossen
 Lizik Grelier
 Daniel Griscom
-  Felix Gr�bert
+  Felix Gröbert
 Bernard Guillot
 Jeff H.
 Tim H.
 Aaron Hamid
-  Basil Hussain
 Darel Henman
 Magnus Holmgren
 Eric M. Hopper
 Ralf Horstmann
+  Nedžad Hrnjica
 Stefan Huehner
+  Basil Hussain
 Peter Hyman
 Derek Jennings
 Andrew Jones
@@ -539,30 +517,35 @@ Public License instead of this License.  Angelina Matson
 Jonathan McKenzie
 David Mediavilla
-  J. Momberger
 Raphael Moll
+  J. Momberger
 Mathew Murphy
 Amuro Namie
 Mark Nelson
 Tobias Netzel
 Adam Piggott
-  Petr P�sar
+  Petr Písar
 Dan Price
-  Kai Raven
 Roberto Ragusa
-  F�lix Rauch
+  Félix Rauch
+  Kai Raven
 Marvin Renich
 Chris John Riley
 Maynard Riley
+  Ivan Romanov
 Andreas Rutkauskas
+  Sam
 Bart Schelstraete
 Gregory Seidman
 Atman Sense
 Chung-chieh Shan
+  Johan Sintorn
 Benjamin C. Wiley Sittler
+  DRS David Soft
 Simon South
 Dan Stahlke
 Oliver Stoeneberg
+  Václav Švec
 Rick Sykes
 Spinor S.
 Peter Thoenen
@@ -576,39 +559,33 @@ Public License instead of this License.  David Wagner
 Glenn Washburn
 Song Weijia
-  J�rg Weinmann
+  Jörg Weinmann
 Darren Wiebe
 Anduin Withers
+  Eduard Wulff
 Yang Xia
 Jarry Xu
 Oliver Yeoh
-  Jamie Zawinski
-  Eduard Wulff


Privoxy is based in part on code originally developed by Junkbusters - Corp. and Anonymous Coders.

+  Yossi Zahn
+  Jamie Zawinski


Privoxy is based in part on code originally developed by Junkbusters Corp. and Anonymous Coders.

Privoxy heavily relies on Philip Hazel's PCRE.


The code to filter compressed content makes use of zlib which is - written by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.


On systems that lack snprintf(), Privoxy is using a version written - by Mark Martinec. On systems that lack strptime(), Privoxy is using the - one from the GNU C Library written by Ulrich Drepper.


The code to filter compressed content makes use of zlib which is written by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark + Adler.


On systems that lack snprintf(), Privoxy is using a version written by Mark Martinec. On systems that lack + strptime(), Privoxy is using the one from the GNU C Library written by Ulrich Drepper.