This directory contains tests that leverage curl's test suite (cts). For details about curl see: Some temporary hints are below: From the parent directory of the directory with the Privoxy sources do: git clone cd curl git checkout -b before-cts-regressions 073268a6de3 # Build curl as described in GIT-INFO. Note that the configure # call needs to explicitly choose a TLS library. For example # by adding "--with-openssl". # Install stunnel # Test that curl's tests are working without Privoxy make test You can then cd back into privoxy/tests/cts and execute the tests by running: The script takes care of starting Privoxy with a configuration expected by the tests. Note that unlike it currently does not automatically check that Privoxy has been built with all the features required for the tests to work and simply tries to execute all tests. The tests are divided into multiple test scenarios. Each test scenario has its own subdirectory with a Privoxy configuration file called privoxy.conf and a data directory containing the test files. The tests are written using the "curl test suite file format" described at: One extension made is that a section is supported which will be used when checking the test results instead of using the section that would be used otherwise. This extension is supported by loading a custom perl library ( when running Loading the library is done with which also sets a couple of other required options and is normally called through