11. HOWTOs

11.1. HTTPS-Inspection HOWTO

11.1.1. How TLS Certificates for websites work

The website owner generates a (private) TLS key and a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

The CSR is then sent to a Certification Authority (CA), which verifies that the owner is the actual owner of the website. This can be done by proving that the owner has technical write access to the site or the site's DNS, or by verifying the identity of the organization running the site using telephone and public databases.

If the verification is successful, the CA signs the CSR and creates a certificate that certifies that the private TLS key actually belongs to the website name and/or organization that owns the domain.

This TLS certificate is then added to the web server configuration, and when a browser accesses the website, it verifies that the TLS certificate presented to the browser is valid for that domain.

To do this, each browser has the certificates of multiple CAs in its trust store. Only if the certificate of the CA, that signed the web server is in the trust store, the browser will accept the certificate, otherwise the browser will complain about a broken certificate.

If this check passes, the browser sends a random number encrypted with the server's public key to the server, and both compute a shared secret using the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. Now server and browser can communicate, but no one else can break that communication because it's encrypted between them.

11.1.2. How HTTPS inspection works

When we try to inspect HTTPS traffic, we have to break the TLS encryption between browser and web server without being the browser or the web server. This is exactly what TLS tries to avoid, as it's a man-in-the-middle-attack.

To do this, Privoxy uses it's own (private) CA (let's call it "Privoxy CA"), which has to be added to the trust store of every single browser that should be used with Privoxy and HTTPS inspection.

Now Privoxy breaks the connection between browser and webserver by acting as a browser/client when talking to the webserver (including checking the webserver's TLS certificate against it's own trust store). Now Privoxy can read and modify the traffic from the webserver.

On the other hand, Privoxy itself encrypts the traffic it sends to the browser using an on the fly self-created TLS server certificate that is signed by Privoxy CA.

11.1.3. What happens, if the original certificate is invalid?

If Privoxy detects, that a TLS certificate is not valid, because the certificate is expired, doesn't match the hostname, is self signed or similar, Privoxy blocks the requests and returns an error message explaining the problem to avoid that the user/browser communicates over an insecure communication channel.

To check this behavior, simply go to https://badssl.com/

11.1.4. HTTPS inspection prerequisites

HTTPS inspection in Privoxy can only be used, if Privoxy is built with FEATURE_HTTPS_INSPECTION. You can check if this feature is enabled at http://config.privoxy.org/show-status in the "Conditional #defines" section.

If the feature is not enabled, you may need to build Privoxy from source to enable it. You can use either MbedTLS or OpenSSL. It's up to you, which one to use, they both behave the same for HTTPS inspection.

After installing the development libraries for either OpenSSL or MbedTLS, you can run ./configure with either the --with-openssl or --with-mbedtls option.

Check the output of ./configure, it must contain one of these the following two lines, otherwise HTTPS inspection will not work:

  configure: Detected OpenSSL. Enabling https inspection.
  configure: Detected mbedTLS. Enabling https inspection.

If you do not find any of these lines, the output of ./configure will tell you what went wrong.

You should then proceed with the source install. Finally, check the FEATURE_HTTPS_INSPECTION status in http://config.privoxy.org/show-status again.

11.1.5. Configuring HTTPS inspection in Privoxy

First, you need to create the private key and certificate for the "Privoxy CA". This can be done using openssl with the following command:

  openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout privoxy.pem -out privoxy.crt -days 3650

Here we have defined a CA validity of 10 years (3650 days). You should decide for yourself what is a good validity. A shorter validity makes your system more secure (it doesn't hurt that long if the key gets lost to an attacker), but if the certificate expires before you have replaced it with a new one in Privoxy and in all browsers, the communication will fail.

During the key generation you will be asked for a "pass phrase". This pass phrase will appear in the Privoxy config CGI, so don't reuse it elsewhere!

Then you will be asked for Country Name, State/Province, Locality, Orginzation Name, Common Name, and Email Address. You should add some useful data here, because these entries are shown by the browser as "Issuer Name" when you inspect a certificate from an https-inspection site. Especially the "Common Name" will be shown as the name of your CA, so it's good if you (and other users of your Privoxy instance) are able to identify this CA.

Copy the private key (privoxy.pem) and the CA certificate (privoxy.crt) into the ca-directory (defined in config).

Make sure that the private key (privoxy.pem in the above example) is only accessible to the user running Privoxy (usually named "privoxy"):

  chmod 600 privoxy.pem
  chown privoxy privoxy.pem

Now adjust your Privoxy configuration:

  ca-directory /etc/privoxy/CA # read-only
  ca-cert-file privoxy.crt     # in ca-directory
  ca-key-file privoxy.pem      # in ca-directory
  ca-password passphrasefromabove
  certificate-directory /var/lib/privoxy/certs
  trusted-cas-file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

certificate-directory contains the (on the fly) created webserver keys and certificates. It should only be readable by the privoxy user only:

  chown privoxy /var/lib/privoxy/certs
  chmod 700 /var/lib/privoxy/certs.

trusted-cas-file is the trust store containing the certificates of all CAs that should be accepted. Each browser comes with it's own trust store. Most Unix systems also ship with a truststore. Debian ships it's truststore in /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt, which is installed by the ca-certificates package and can be updated using update-ca-certificates(8). Alternatively, such a file (extracted from Mozilla) can be downloaded from https://curl.se/docs/caextract.html.

11.1.6. Browser configuration

As written above, each browser you use must now trust the newly created Privoxy CA certificate (privoxy.crt).

In Firefox you can do this by opening the preferences "Edit" -> "Settings" -> "Privacy & Security" or by typing about:preferences#privacy in the URL. Then go down to the "Certificates" section and click on "View Certificates". Click on the "Authorities" tab and "Import..." your privoxy.crt. In the "CA certificate trust settings" select "This certificate can identify websites".

In Chrome based browsers, go to the settings and select "Privacy and security" (chrome://settings/privacy). Click on "Security" and on the opened sub-page on "Manage certificates". Now go to the "Authorities" tab and import privoxy.crt and configure that you trust the certificate for website identification.

11.1.7. Enabeling HTTPS inspection

Currently no pages use HTTPS inspection, you need to enable this for some (or all) domains first using user.action (either by editing the file by hand or via the CGI (this requires enable-edit-actions to be enabled in config) at http://config.privoxy.org/show-status (click on user.action Edit button).

Here you can enable HTTPS inspection for individual sites:


You can add more individual sites or wildcards (one per line).

Alternatively, you can use a client-tag to dynamically enable/disable this feature via the browser, as described in the next chapter.

11.2. Client Tags HOWTO

Client-Tags are a mechanism to dynamically/temporarily enable/disable features in Privoxy per browser.

In our example, we use this for the following two use cases:

To use this feature, you must first define a tag name and a tag description for each client-tag in config, like this:

  client-specific-tag tor Use Tor anonymous proxy
  client-specific-tag https-inspection Enable https-inspection

Now you can open http://config.privoxy.org/client-tags or http://p.p/client-tags and can enable/disable the tag there (you may want to add a bookmark for this in your browser for quick access, but it's also available as a link at http://p.p).

It's also possible to temporarily enable a tag, which by default means 3 minutes (=180 seconds) (and can be changed via the client-tag-lifetime option in config).

But before this has any effect, you have to use the client tag in your user.action like this:

  {+forward-override{forward-socks5t .} }

This means, that if the "tor" client tag is enabled, all traffic is forwarded by Privoxy through socks5t to a locally installed tor proxy listening on port 9050.

Similarly, you can specify to use the https-inspection client tag to enable https-inspection:


The tag will be set for all requests coming from clients that have requested it to be set. Note that "clients" are distinguished by IP address, if the IP address changes, the tag must be requested again.