1. Introduction

Privoxy, as an heir to Junkbuster, is an Open Source project and licensed under the GPL. As such, Privoxy development is potentially open to anyone who has the time, knowledge, and desire to contribute in any capacity. Our goals are simply to continue the mission, to improve Privoxy, and to make it available to as wide an audience as possible.

One does not have to be a programmer to contribute. Packaging, testing, and porting, are all important jobs as well.

1.1. Quickstart to Privoxy Development

You'll need an account on Sourceforge to support our development. Mail your ID to the list and wait until a project manager has added you.

You will also need to have a cvs package installed, which will entail having ssh installed as well (which seems to be a requirement of SourceForge), in order to access the cvs repository. Having the GNU build tools is also going to be important (particularly, autoconf and gmake).

For the time being (read, this section is under construction), please refer to the extensive comments in the source code.