Invalid Feedback Submission

When submitting your feedback please start with step 1.

"); exit; } /* * Cannot work on unknown problem: */ if (!isset($problem)) { echo ("Invalid Feedback Submission

Invalid Feedback Submission

You need to select the nature of the problem in step 1.

"); exit; } /* * Handle optional text fields: */ if (!isset($name)) { $name = "anonymous"; } /* * Open the logfile: */ $logfile = "feedback-data.txt"; $fp = fopen($logfile, "a"); if(!$fp) { echo ("Internal Script Error

Internal Script Error

This script was unable to open its logfile.

Please mail its owner!

"); exit; } /* * Write Head and remarks field: */ fwrite($fp, "#FEEDBACK TYPE $problem SEVERITY $severity FROM $name ON $REMOTE_ADDR\n"); if (isset($remarks)) { $lines = explode("\n", $remarks); foreach ($lines as $line) { fwrite($fp, "#REMARKS: $line\n"); } } /* * Depending on the type of problem reported, * we need to write additional data: */ switch ($problem) { case "P1": fwrite($fp, "#BLOCK-REFERRER: $referrer_url\n"); if (isset($num_images)) { for($i=0; $i < $num_images; $i++) { if (isset($block_image[$i])) { fwrite($fp, "#BLOCK-URL: $image_url[$i]\n"); } } } if (isset($manual_image_url) && ($manual_image_url != "")) { fwrite($fp, "#BLOCK-URL: $manual_image_url\n"); } break; case "P2": fwrite($fp, "#UNBLOCK-REFERRER: $referrer_url\n"); if (isset($manual_image_url) && ($manual_image_url != "")) { fwrite($fp, "#UNBLOCK-URL: image_url\n"); } break; } fclose($fp); ?> Privoxy Action List Feedback - Result

Privoxy Action List Feedback - Result

Thank you very much for taking the time to submit your feedback!

It will be reviewed by the developers and used to improve the distribution actions file.