Privoxy: $title

Privoxy: $title


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\n"); exit; } /* * Cannot start with step 3: */ if (!isset($referrer_url)) { error_abort("invalid", "When submitting your feedback please start with step 1."); } /* * Cannot work on unknown problem: */ if (!isset($problem)) { error_abort("invalid", "You need to select the nature of the problem in step 1."); } /* * Don't accept unconfirmed URLs */ if (!isset($url_confirmed)) { error_abort("invalid", "When submitting URLs that this script can't retrieve, you need to check \"Yes, I'm sure\" step 2."); } /* * Handle optional text fields: */ if (!isset($name) || ($name == "")) { $name = "anonymous"; } /* * Open the logfile or fail: */ $fp = fopen($logfile, "a"); if(!$fp) { echo (" Internal Script Error

Privoxy: Internal Script Error

This script was unable to open its logfile.

Please mail its owner!

"); exit; } /* * Write Head (type, severity, user, client-ip) * and remarks field: */ fwrite($fp, "\n#FEEDBACK TYPE $problem SEVERITY $severity FROM $name ON $REMOTE_ADDR VERIFIED $url_verified TIME " . date("r") ."\n"); if (isset($remarks)) { $lines = explode("\n", $remarks); foreach ($lines as $line) { fwrite($fp, "#REMARKS: $line\n"); } } /* * Depending on the type of problem reported, * we need to write additional data: */ switch ($problem) { /* * Banner not blocked: */ case "P1": fwrite($fp, "#BLOCK-REFERRER: $referrer_url\n"); if (isset($num_images)) { for($i=0; $i < $num_images; $i++) { if (isset($block_image[$i])) { fwrite($fp, "#BLOCK-URL: $image_url[$i]\n"); } } } if (isset($manual_image_url) && ($manual_image_url != "")) { fwrite($fp, "#BLOCK-URL: $manual_image_url\n"); } break; /* * Innocent image blocked: */ case "P2": fwrite($fp, "#UNBLOCK-REFERRER: $referrer_url\n"); if (isset($image_url) && ($image_url != "")) { fwrite($fp, "#UNBLOCK-URL: $image_url\n"); } break; /* * All other problems: */ default: fwrite($fp, "#PROBLEM-URL: $referrer_url\n"); break; } fclose($fp); // now fill the tracker on sf with all the necessary values: // //
// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // we can either put everything in here (nicely formatted) .. // // // ... or attach a file (with the html header so it gets displayed // as if it is a html file // // // // // // // TODO: - set all variables above this point // - evaluate alternative: file attachment // // INFORMATION: // below this point, all variables _must_ be set (no checking is performed) // // need to switch the following statement for type of problem switch($problem) { case "P1": $sf_cat_id="412811"; $sf_summary="an advertisment was not blocked"; break; case "P2": $sf_cat_id="412810"; $sf_summary="an innocent image was blocked"; break; case "P3": $sf_cat_id="412812"; $sf_summary="the whole page was erraneously blocked"; break; case "P4": $sf_cat_id="412813"; $sf_summary="the page needs popups but they don't work"; break; case "P5": $sf_cat_id="412814"; $sf_summary="a problem occured"; break; default: $sf_cat_id="412814"; $sf_summary="AN UNPROCESSABLE PROBLEM OCCURED"; break; } // need to switch the following statement for action file version $sf_agroup_id="195870"; // assume 1.0 for the time being // this is always set to nobody $sf_assigned_to="100"; // need to set values from [1...9] switch($severity) { case "1": $sf_prio="1"; break; // low case "2": $sf_prio="5"; break; // medium case "3": $sf_prio="9"; break; // high default: $sf_cat_id="1"; break; } // here comes the beef $sf_trackertext="\n\n\nIt would be awesome if the links below were clickable :-)\n\n"; $sf_trackertext=$sf_trackertext . "This item was submitted by $name\n\n"; $sf_trackertext=$sf_trackertext . "Where did it happen?\n$referrer_url\n\n"; $sf_trackertext=$sf_trackertext . "What happened?\n$sf_summary (" . date("r") . ")\n\n"; switch($problem) { case "P1": $sf_trackertext=$sf_trackertext."These URLs are likely advertisements\n"; for($i=0; $i < $num_images; $i++) { if (isset($block_image[$i])) { $sf_trackertext = $sf_trackertext . "$image_url[$i]\n\n"; } } if ($manual_image_url != "") { $sf_trackertext=$sf_trackertext . "$manual_image_url"; } $sf_trackertext= $sf_trackertext . "\n\n"; break; case "P2": $sf_trackertext= $sf_trackertext . "The URL of the image that was incorrectly blocked:\n$image_url\n\n"; break; case "P3": $sf_trackertext= $sf_trackertext . "\n\n"; break; case "P4": $sf_trackertext= $sf_trackertext . "\n\n"; break; case "P5": $sf_trackertext= $sf_trackertext . "\n\n"; break; default: $sf_trackertext= $sf_trackertext . "\n\n"; break; break; } $sf_trackertext= $sf_trackertext . "Remarks:\n--------\n$remarks\n\n\n"; ?>

Privoxy Action List Feedback - Step 3 of 4.

Thank you. We have preliminary validated you input. Please click on "Submit" to transfer you feedback to our tracker.

The script will take you to Sourceforge where all submissions are collected.

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