This is here to keep vim syntax file from breaking :/ If I knew enough to fix it, I would. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE! HB: hal@foobox.net ]]> /********************************************************************* * * File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/doc/source/readme.sgml,v $ * * Purpose : README file to give a short intro. * * Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001-2007 the SourceForge * Privoxy team. http://www.privoxy.org/ * * Based on the Internet Junkbuster originally written * by and Copyright (C) 1997 Anonymous Coders and * Junkbusters Corporation. http://www.junkbusters.com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. * * The GNU General Public License should be included with * this file. If not, you can view it at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA * *********************************************************************/ This README is included with Privoxy &p-version;. See http://www.privoxy.org/ for more information. The current code maturity level is &p-status;. &p-intro; IMPORTANT CHANGES NEWS! November 2006, Privoxy 3.0.6 is released. This is a significant upgrade with many new and enhanced features, and many bugs fixed. It is also the first stable release in quite some time. There are fifteen new actions available, and several actions have enhanced capabilities. Multiple filter files are now supported as well. There are many improvements and refinements. See the "What's New" section and the "Upgrader's Notes" in the User Manual for details and specifics. Preliminary work on 3.0.7 is already underway. NEWS! September 2006, Privoxy 3.0.5 BETA is released. This is a significant upgrade with many new and enhanced features, and many bugs fixed. There was and will not be an official 3.0.4 release. This release cycle was used to gather our thoughts, play with some new ideas and refine some old ones. It will remain a development cycle with no actual release. 3.0.5 is the fruit of these efforts. NEWS! January 2004, Privoxy 3.0.3 is released. This is the another maintenance release of Privoxy which fixes more bugs, further refines the configuration and works around some known third-party problems. See the ChangeLog for complete details. Upgrading from 3.0.2 is recommended. INSTALL See the INSTALL file in this directory, for installing from raw source, and the User Manual, for all other installation types. RUN privoxy [——help] [——version] [——no-daemon] [——pidfile PIDFILE] [——user USER[.GROUP]] [——chroot] [config_file] See the man page or User Manual for an explanation of each option, and other configuration and usage issues. If no config_file is specified on the command line, Privoxy will look for a file named 'config' in the current directory (except Win32 which will look for 'config.txt'). If no config_file is found, Privoxy will fail to start. Or for Red Hat and Fedora based distributions: /etc/rc.d/init.d/privoxy start Or Debian: /etc/init.d/privoxy start CONFIGURATION See: 'config', 'default.action', 'user.action', 'default.filter', and 'user.filter'. 'user.action' and 'user.filter' are for personal and local configuration preferences. These are all well commented. Most of the magic is in '*.action' files. 'user.action' should be used for any actions customizations. On Unix-like systems, these files are typically installed in /etc/privoxy. On Windows, then wherever the executable itself is installed. There are many significant changes and advances from earlier versions. The User Manual has an explanation of all configuration options, and examples: http://www.privoxy.org/user-manual/. Be sure to set your browser(s) for HTTP/HTTPS Proxy at <IP>:<Port>, or whatever you specify in the config file under 'listen-address'. DEFAULT is localhost:8118. Note that Privoxy ONLY proxies HTTP (and HTTPS) traffic. Do not try it with FTP or other protocols for the simple reason it does not work. The actions list can be configured via the web interface accessed via http://p.p/, as well other options. All configuration files are subject to unannounced changes during the development process. ]]> DOCUMENTATION There should be documentation in the 'doc' subdirectory. In particular, see the User Manual there, the FAQ, and those interested in Privoxy development, should look at developer-manual. The source and configuration files are all well commented. The main configuration files are: 'config', 'default.action', and 'default.filter'. Included documentation may vary according to platform and packager. All documentation is posted on http://www.privoxy.org, in case you don't have it, or can't find it. CONTACTING THE DEVELOPERS, BUG REPORTING AND FEATURE REQUESTS &contacting;