Junkbuster Frequently Asked Questions $Id: faq.sgml,v 1.4 2002/02/24 14:34:24 jongfoster Exp $ By: Junkbuster Developers The FAQ document gives users and developers alike answers to frequently asked questions about the Internet Junkbuster. The Internet Junkbuster is an application that provides privacy and security to the user of the world wide web. You can find the latest version of the document at http://ijbswa.sourceforge.net/faq/. Please see the Contact section in the user-manual if you want to contact the developers. Feel free to send a note to the developers at ijbswa-developers@lists.sourceforge.net. Introduction Fillme. Frequently Asked Questions Installation Fillme. Configuration How can I make my Yahoo account work? Fillme. How can I make my Hotmail account work? Fillme. How can I make my GMX account work? Fillme. Misc I get the message 'Bad File Descriptor', why? Fillme. How do I chain Junkbuster with other proxies (e.g. squid)? Fillme. I would like to help you, what do I do? Well, helping the team is always a good idea. We welcome new developers, RPM gurus or documentation makers. Simply get an account on sourceforge.net and mail your id to the developer mailing list. Once we have added you to the team, you'll have write access to the CVS repository, and we'll find a suitable task for you together. Do you still maintain the blocklists? No. The format of the blocklists has changed significantly in the versions 2.9.x. Once we have released the new version, there will again be blocklists that you can update automatically. How can I submit new ads? As of now, please discontinue to submit new ad blocking infos. Once we have released the new version, there will again be a form on the website, which you can use to contribute new ads. How can I hide my IP address? You cannot hide your IP address with Junkbuster. What is the imagefile (simage.ini, etc.) for? Anytime the Junkbuster determines (with the help of the blocklist) that a URL contains an advertisement, it has to decide whether this advertisement is an image or not. The Junkbuster uses the imagefile for that purpose. Contact the developers Please see the user manual for information on how to contact the developers. Copyright and History Please see the user manual for information on Copyright and History. See also Please see the user manual for information on references.