Catching up to Andreas and re_filterfile changes.
[privoxy.git] / templates / edit-actions-for-url
1 ##############################################################################
2 #
3 # File        :  $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-for-url,v $
4 #
5 # Purpose     :  Template used to edit the actions associated with a
6 #                particular section in an actions file.
8 #
9 # Copyright   :  Written by and Copyright (C) 2001 the SourceForge
10 #                IJBSWA team.
11 #
12 #                Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster
13 #      
14 #
15 #                This program is free software; you can redistribute it 
16 #                and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
17 #                Public License as published by the Free Software
18 #                Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
19 #                your option) any later version.
20 #
21 #                This program is distributed in the hope that it will
22 #                be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
23 #                implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
24 #                PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
25 #                License for more details.
26 #
27 #                The GNU General Public License should be included with
28 #                this file.  If not, you can view it at
29 #      
30 #                or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
31 #                Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
32 #
33 # Revisions   :
34 #    $Log: edit-actions-for-url,v $
35 #    Revision 1.11  2002/03/08 18:19:14  jongfoster
36 #    Adding +image-blocker{pattern} option to edit interface
37 #
38 #    Revision 1.10  2002/03/03 10:29:12  swa
39 #    point users to the right feedback forms,
40 #    not necessarily the developer list.
41 #
42 #    Revision 1.9  2002/01/23 00:26:45  jongfoster
43 #    Reducing length of URLs
44 #    Where encoded and unencoded versions of a string existed, removing
45 #    the unencoded one.
46 #
47 #    Revision 1.8  2002/01/17 21:33:00  jongfoster
48 #    Replacing all references to the URL of the config interface
49 #    with @default-cgi@
50 #
51 #    Revision 1.7  2002/01/17 21:21:03  jongfoster
52 #    DOS->Unix line endings
53 #
54 #    Revision 1.6  2001/11/22 21:58:41  jongfoster
55 #    Adding action +no-cookies-keep
56 #
57 #    Revision 1.5  2001/11/13 21:12:17  jongfoster
58 #    Added support for the following actions:
59 #    +downgrade, +limit-connect, +no-compression
60 #
61 #    Revision 1.4  2001/11/13 00:58:18  jongfoster
62 #    New version of actions file editor templates
63 #
64 #
65 ##############################################################################
66 #
67 # Browser support for the JavaScript on this page:
68 #   MS Internet Explorer 5.5 - Tested,   Yes
69 #   Netscape 6.0             - Tested,   Yes
70 #   Netscape 4.75            - Tested,   NO
71 #   Opera 5.12               - Tested,   NO
72 #   MS Internet Explorer 4+  - Untested, Yes
73 #   MS IE 3.x, NS3.x         - Untested, NO
74 #   Mozilla >=0.6            - Untested, Yes
75 #
76 # All browsers should work, you just might not get the pretty DHTML effects.
77 #
78 # The effects that only work under the browsers marked "Yes" above are:
79 #  - Text edit boxes that won't have any effect are disabled.
80 #  - Table rows containing additional settings are hidden if the feature in
81 #    question is disabled.
82 #
83 # There are major kludges to get around these problems with NS4, but they
84 # screw up the HTML too much for other browsers.  If anyone wants to try,
85 # here's some descriptions of the kludges:
86 #
87 #
88 #
89 # If you're favorite browser isn't listed, please test and add it.
90 #
91 #
92 #############################################################################
93 #
94 # Standard support:
95 #
96 # This file currently produces valid HTML 4.01 Strict.
97 #
98 # If you change it, please save the generated page from your web browser
99 # and then upload it to for checking.
100 #
101 #############################################################################
102 #
103 # Available variables include:
104 #
105 # action-name-y
106 # action-name-n
107 # action-name-x
108 #
109 # deanimate-gifs-param-first
110 # deanimate-gifs-param-last
111 # hide-from-param-block
112 # hide-from-param-custom
113 # hide-from-param
114 # hide-referer-param-forge
115 # hide-referer-param-block
116 # hide-referer-param-custom
117 # hide-referer-param
118 # hide-user-agent-param
119 # image-blocker-param-pattern
120 # image-blocker-param-logo
121 # image-blocker-param-blank
122 # image-blocker-param-custom
123 #
124 #
125 #############################################################################
126 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
127 <html>
129 <head>
130 <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
131 <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
132 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
133 <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
135 <title>JunkBuster: Edit actions</title>
137 <style type="text/css">
138 body         { font-family: Helvetica, Helv, Arial, Sans-Serif, sans-serif;
139                background-color: #ffffff;
140                color: #000000            }
141 td.action    { font-weight: bold;
142                font-style: italic;
143                white-space: nowrap       }
144 th           { font-weight: bold;        }
145 # This is the key to the color names below:
146 # bg=background, en="Enable", dis="Disable", noc="No Change", hdr=header
147 # 1=odd rows, 2=even rows, h=Table header
148 tr.hdr       { background-color: #999999 }
149 tr.bg1       { background-color: #eeeeee }
150 td.en1       { background-color: #eeffee }
151 td.dis1      { background-color: #ffeeee }
152 td.noc1      { background-color: #eeeeff }
153 tr.bg2       { background-color: #dddddd }
154 td.en2       { background-color: #ddffdd }
155 td.dis2      { background-color: #ffdddd }
156 td.noc2      { background-color: #ddddff }
157 th.enh       { background-color: #99ff99 }
158      { background-color: #ff9999 }
159 th.noch      { background-color: #9999ff }
160 table.wide   { border-color: white;
161                border-style: solid;
162                border-left-width: 10px;
163                border-right-width: 10px;
164                border-top-width: 0px;
165                border-bottom-width: 0px  }
166 td.light     { background-color: #eeeeee }
167 td.dark      { background-color: #dddddd }
168     { background-color: #ddffdd }
169 </style>
171 <script type="text/javascript">
172 <!--
174 function hide_from_param_disable(tf)
175 {
176     if (document.getElementById) {
177         // NS6 or IE5
178         document.getElementById("hide_from_param").disabled = tf;
179     } else if (document.all) {
180         // IE4
181         document.myform.hide_from_param.disabled = tf;
182     }
183 }
185 function hide_referer_param_disable(tf)
186 {
187     if (document.getElementById) {
188         document.getElementById("hide_referer_param").disabled = tf;
189     } else if (document.all) {
190         document.myform.hide_referer_param.disabled = tf;
191     }
192 }
194 function image_blocker_param_disable(tf)
195 {
196     if (document.getElementById) {
197         document.getElementById("image_blocker_param").disabled = tf;
198     } else if (document.all) {
199         document.myform.image_blocker_param.disabled = tf;
200     }
201 }
203 function show_add_header_opts(tf)
204 {
205     if (document.getElementById) {
206         target = document.getElementById("add_header_opts");
207     } else if (document.all) {
208         target = document.add_header_opts;
209     } else {
210         return;
211     }
212 = (tf ? "" : "none");
213 }
215 function show_deanimate_opts(tf)
216 {
217     if (document.getElementById) {
218         target = document.getElementById("deanimate_opts");
219     } else if (document.all) {
220         target = document.deanimate_opts;
221     } else {
222         return;
223     }
224 = (tf ? "" : "none");
225 }
227 function show_filter_opts(tf)
228 {
229     if (document.getElementById) {
230         target = document.getElementById("filter_opts");
231     } else if (document.all) {
232         target = document.filter_opts;
233     } else {
234         return;
235     }
236 = (tf ? "" : "none");
237 }
239 function show_hide_from_opts(tf)
240 {
241     if (document.getElementById) {
242         target = document.getElementById("hide_from_opts");
243     } else if (document.all) {
244         target = document.hide_from_opts;
245     } else {
246         return;
247     }
248 = (tf ? "" : "none");
249 }
251 function show_hide_referer_opts(tf)
252 {
253     if (document.getElementById) {
254         target = document.getElementById("hide_referer_opts");
255     } else if (document.all) {
256         target = document.hide_referer_opts;
257     } else {
258         return;
259     }
260 = (tf ? "" : "none");
261 }
263 function show_user_agent_opts(tf)
264 {
265     if (document.getElementById) {
266         target = document.getElementById("user_agent_opts");
267     } else if (document.all) {
268         target = document.user_agent_opts;
269     } else {
270         return;
271     }
272 = (tf ? "" : "none");
273 }
275 function show_image_blocker_opts(tf)
276 {
277     if (document.getElementById) {
278         target = document.getElementById("image_blocker_opts");
279     } else if (document.all) {
280         target = document.image_blocker_opts;
281     } else {
282         return;
283     }
284 = (tf ? "" : "none");
285 }
287 function show_limit_connect_opts(tf)
288 {
289     if (document.getElementById) {
290         target = document.getElementById("limit_connect_opts");
291     } else if (document.all) {
292         target = document.limit_connect_opts;
293     } else {
294         return;
295     }
296 = (tf ? "" : "none");
297 }
299 function show_wafer_opts(tf)
300 {
301     if (document.getElementById) {
302         target = document.getElementById("wafer_opts");
303     } else if (document.all) {
304         target = document.wafer_opts;
305     } else {
306         return;
307     }
308 = (tf ? "" : "none");
309 }
311 //-->
312 </script>
313 </head>
315 <body>
317 <form method="GET" action="edit-actions-submit" id="myform" name="myform">
319   <table cellpadding="20" cellspacing="10" border="0" width="100%">
320     <tr>
321       <td class="dark">
322         <p><b><big><big>This is the Internet 
323           J</big>UNK</big><i style="color: #ff0000">BUSTER</i><big><big>
324           @version@ on @my-hostname@ (@my-ip-address@),
325           port @my-port@, 
326           @if-enabled-display-then@Enabled@else-not-enabled-display@Disabled@endif-enabled-display@</big></big></b></p>
327       </td>
328     </tr>
330 <!-- @if-unstable-start -->
331 # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
332     <tr>
333       <td style="background-color: #ffdddd" >
334         <p><b>Please note that this <span style="color: #ff0000">@code-status@</span> release
335           of the proxy software is not intended for production systems!
336           <br>Use at your own risk. See the <a href="">license</a> for details.</b>
337         </p>
339         <p>
340 <h2>Support and Service via Sourceforge</h2>
341 <p>
342 We value your feedback. However, to provide you with the best support,
343 please note:
344 <ul>
345   <li>Use the <a href="">support forum</a> to get
346   help.</li>
347   <li>Submit bugs only thru our <a href="">bug
348       forum</a>. Make sure that the bug has not yet been submitted.</li>
349   <li>Submit feature requests only thru our <a
350       href="">feature request forum</a>.</li>
351 </ul>
352 </p>
353 <p>
354 For any other issues, feel free to use the <a
355 href="">mailing lists</a>.
356 </p>
357       </td>
358     </tr>
359 <!-- if-unstable-end@ -->
361     <tr>
362       <td class="light">
363         <h2>Edit Actions
364           <input type="hidden" name="f" value="@f@">
365           <input type="hidden" name="v" value="@v@">
366           <input type="hidden" name="s" value="@s@">
367         </h2>
368       </td>
369     </tr>
370   </table>
372   <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" class="wide">
373     <tr class="hdr" align="left">
374       <th>Action
375       </th>
376       <th>Description</th>
377       <th class="enh" align="center">Enable</th>
378       <th class="dish" align="center">Disable</th>
379       <th class="noch" align="center">No Change</th>
380     </tr>
381     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
382       <td class="action">+add-header</td>
383       <td>Adds HTTP headers.</td>
384       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
385         name="add_header" id="add_header_y" value="Y" @add-header-y@
386         onclick="show_add_header_opts(true)"></td>
387       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
388         name="add_header" value="N" @add-header-n@
389         onclick="show_add_header_opts(false)"></td>
390       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
391         name="add_header" value="X" @add-header-x@
392         onclick="show_add_header_opts(false)"></td>
393     </tr>
394     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="add_header_opts">
395       <td>&nbsp;</td>
396       <td colspan="4">Editing the settings for this option, or turning
397         it on if it was off, is not yet supported using this web-based
398         editor.</td>
399     </tr>
400     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top">
401       <td class="action">+block</td>
402       <td>Block the request</td>
403       <td class="en2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
404         name="block" value="Y" @block-y@
405         ></td>
406       <td class="dis2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
407         name="block" value="N" @block-n@
408         ></td>
409       <td class="noc2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
410         name="block" value="X" @block-x@
411         ></td>
412     </tr>
413     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
414       <td class="action">+deanimate-gifs</td>
415       <td>Replace animated GIFs with their (first/last) frame.</td>
416       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
417         name="deanimate_gifs" id="deanimate_gifs_y" value="Y" @deanimate-gifs-y@
418         onclick="show_deanimate_opts(true)"></td>
419       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
420         name="deanimate_gifs" value="N" @deanimate-gifs-n@
421         onclick="show_deanimate_opts(false)"></td>
422       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
423         name="deanimate_gifs" value="X" @deanimate-gifs-x@
424         onclick="show_deanimate_opts(false)"></td>
425     </tr>
426     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="deanimate_opts">
427       <td>&nbsp;</td>
428       <td colspan="4">Use the <input type="radio" name="deanimate_gifs_mode"
429         value="first" id="deanimate_first" @deanimate-gifs-param-first@><label
430         for="deanimate_first">first frame</label>&nbsp;&nbsp; <input
431         type="radio" name="deanimate_gifs_mode" value="last" 
432         id="deanimate_last" @deanimate-gifs-param-last@><label
433         for="deanimate_last">last frame</label></td>
434     </tr>
435     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top">
436       <td class="action">+fast-redirects</td>
437       <td>Bypass some tracking URLs.</td>
438       <td class="en2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
439         name="fast_redirects" value="Y" @fast-redirects-y@
440         ></td>
441       <td class="dis2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
442         name="fast_redirects" value="N" @fast-redirects-n@
443         ></td>
444       <td class="noc2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
445         name="fast_redirects" value="X" @fast-redirects-x@
446         ></td>
447     </tr>
448     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
449       <td class="action">+downgrade</td>
450       <td>Change HTTP/1.1 requests to HTTP/1.0.  Only change if you know
451         what you're doing!</td>
452       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
453         name="downgrade" value="Y" @downgrade-y@></td>
454       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
455         name="downgrade" value="N" @downgrade-n@></td>
456       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
457         name="downgrade" value="X" @downgrade-x@></td>
458     </tr>
459     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top">
460       <td class="action">+filter</td>
461       <td>Filter the website through one or more regular expression filters.</td>
462       <td class="en2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
463         name="filter" id="filter_y" value="Y" @filter-y@
464         onclick="show_filter_opts(true)"></td>
465       <td class="dis2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
466         name="filter" id="filter_n" value="N" @filter-n@
467         onclick="show_filter_opts(false)"></td>
468       <td class="noc2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
469         name="filter" id="filter_x" value="X" @filter-x@
470         onclick="show_filter_opts(false)"></td>
471     </tr>
472     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top" id="filter_opts">
473       <td>&nbsp;</td>
474       <td colspan="4">Editing the settings for this option, or turning
475         it on if it was off, is not yet supported using this web-based
476         editor.</td>
477     </tr>
478     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
479       <td class="action">+hide-forwarded</td>
480       <td>Block any existing X-Forwarded-for header, and do not add a new one.</td>
481       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
482         name="hide_forwarded" value="Y" @hide-forwarded-y@
483         ></td>
484       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
485         name="hide_forwarded" value="N" @hide-forwarded-n@
486         ></td>
487       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
488         name="hide_forwarded" value="X" @hide-forwarded-x@
489         ></td>
490     </tr>
491     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top">
492       <td class="action">+hide-from</td>
493       <td>Stop old web browsers from sending the user's e-mail address with
494         every request.</td>
495       <td class="en2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
496         name="hide_from" id="hide_from_y" value="Y" @hide-from-y@
497         onclick="show_hide_from_opts(true)"></td>
498       <td class="dis2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
499         name="hide_from" value="N" @hide-from-n@
500         onclick="show_hide_from_opts(false)"></td>
501       <td class="noc2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
502         name="hide_from" value="X" @hide-from-x@
503         onclick="show_hide_from_opts(false)"></td>
504     </tr>
505     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top" id="hide_from_opts">
506       <td>&nbsp;</td>
507       <td colspan="4"><input type="radio" name="hide_from_mode" value="block"
508         onclick="hide_from_param_disable(true);"
509         @hide-from-param-block@ id="from_mode_block"><label
510         for="from_mode_block">Remove completely</label><br>
511         <input type="radio" name="hide_from_mode" value="CUSTOM" 
512         onclick="hide_from_param_disable(false);"
513         @hide-from-param-custom@ id="from_mode_set"><label
514         for="from_mode_set">Fake e-mail address:</label><br>
515         <input type="text" name="hide_from_param" id="hide_from_param"
516         size="40" value="@hide-from-param@"></td>
517     </tr>
518     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
519       <td class="action">+hide-referer</td>
520       <td>Helps prevent tracking by not sending the URL of the previous web
521         page.&nbsp;</td>
522       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
523         name="hide_referer" id="hide_referer_y" value="Y" @hide-referer-y@
524         onclick="show_hide_referer_opts(true)"></td>
525       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
526         name="hide_referer" id="hide_referer_n" value="N" @hide-referer-n@
527         onclick="show_hide_referer_opts(false)"></td>
528       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
529         name="hide_referer" id="hide_referer_x" value="X" @hide-referer-x@
530         onclick="show_hide_referer_opts(false)"
531         ></td>
532     </tr>
533     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="hide_referer_opts">
534       <td>&nbsp;</td>
535       <td colspan="4"><input type="radio" name="hide_referer_mode" value="block"
536         onclick="hide_referer_param_disable(true)"
537         @hide-referer-param-block@ id="referer_mode_block"><label
538         for="referer_mode_block">Remove completely</label> (breaks images
539         on some free web hosts).<br>
540         <input type="radio" name="hide_referer_mode" value="forge"
541         onclick="hide_referer_param_disable(true)"
542         @hide-referer-param-forge@ id="referer_mode_forge"><label
543         for="referer_mode_forge">Fake as the root directory of the
544         site</label> (fools checks for in-site links.)<br>
545         <input type="radio" name="hide_referer_mode" value="CUSTOM"
546         onclick="hide_referer_param_disable(false)"
547         @hide-referer-param-custom@ id="referer_mode_set"><label
548         for="referer_mode_set">Fake as this web address:</label><br>
549         <input type="text" name="hide_referer_param" 
550         id="hide_referer_param" size="40"
551         value="@hide-referer-param@"></td>
552     </tr>
553     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top">
554       <td class="action">+hide-user-agent</td>
555       <td>Pretend to be using a different web browser.&nbsp; (Breaks many web
556         sites).</td>
557       <td class="en2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
558         name="hide_user_agent" id="hide_user_agent_y" value="Y" @hide-user-agent-y@
559         onclick="show_user_agent_opts(true)"></td>
560       <td class="dis2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
561         name="hide_user_agent" value="N" @hide-user-agent-n@
562         onclick="show_user_agent_opts(false)"></td>
563       <td class="noc2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
564         name="hide_user_agent" value="X" @hide-user-agent-x@
565         onclick="show_user_agent_opts(false)"></td>
566     </tr>
567     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top" id="user_agent_opts">
568       <td>&nbsp;</td>
569       <td colspan="4">User Agent string to send:<br>
570         <input type="text" name="hide_user_agent_mode" size="40"
571         value="@hide-user-agent-param@"></td>
572     </tr>
573     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
574       <td class="action">+image</td>
575       <td>Request is for an image (only useful in conjunction with the <i><b>+block</b></i>
576         and <i><b>+image-blocker</b></i> options).</td>
577       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
578         name="image" value="Y" @image-y@
579         ></td>
580       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
581         name="image" value="N" @image-n@
582         ></td>
583       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
584         name="image" value="X" @image-x@
585         ></td>
586     </tr>
587     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top">
588       <td class="action">+image-blocker</td>
589       <td>Specifies how to block images.&nbsp; Disable to always send a HTML
590         &quot;blocked&quot; page.</td>
591       <td class="en2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
592         name="image_blocker" id="image_blocker_y" value="Y" @image-blocker-y@
593         onclick="show_image_blocker_opts(true)"></td>
594       <td class="dis2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
595         name="image_blocker" value="N" @image-blocker-n@
596         onclick="show_image_blocker_opts(false)"></td>
597       <td class="noc2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
598         name="image_blocker" value="X" @image-blocker-x@
599         onclick="show_image_blocker_opts(false)"></td>
600     </tr>
601     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top" id="image_blocker_opts">
602       <td>&nbsp;</td>
603       <td colspan="4"><input type="radio" name="image_blocker_mode"
604         onclick="image_blocker_param_disable(true)"
605         value="pattern" id="image_blocker_mode_pattern"
606         @image-blocker-param-pattern@><label
607         for="image_blocker_mode_pattern">Send a pattern (<img
608         src="send-banner?type=p" width="12" height="12"
609         alt="pattern">)</label><br>
610         <input type="radio" name="image_blocker_mode"
611         onclick="image_blocker_param_disable(true)"
612         value="logo" id="image_blocker_mode_logo" @image-blocker-param-logo@><label
613         for="image_blocker_mode_logo">Send Junkbuster logo
614         (<img src="send-banner?type=l" alt="logo">)</label><br>
615         <input type="radio" name="image_blocker_mode" value="blank"
616         onclick="image_blocker_param_disable(true)"
617         id="image_blocker_mode_blank" @image-blocker-param-blank@><label 
618         for="image_blocker_mode_blank">Send a 1x1 transparent GIF</label><br>
619         <input type="radio" name="image_blocker_mode" value="CUSTOM"
620         onclick="image_blocker_param_disable(false)"
621         id="image_blocker_mode_set" @image-blocker-param-custom@><label
622         for="image_blocker_mode_set">Redirect
623         the browser to this image URL:</label><br>
624         <input type="text" name="image_blocker_param" id="image_blocker_param"
625         size="40" value="@image-blocker-param@"></td>
626     </tr>
627     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
628       <td class="action">+limit-connect</td>
629       <td>Specify which ports are allowed for SSL (HTTP CONNECT) access.
630         Note that this allows arbitrary tunnelling, so opening all
631         ports would be a security hole.</td>
632       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
633         name="limit_connect" id="limit_connect_y" value="Y" @limit-connect-y@
634         onclick="show_limit_connect_opts(true)"></td>
635       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
636         name="limit_connect" value="N" @limit-connect-n@
637         onclick="show_limit_connect_opts(false)"></td>
638       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
639         name="limit_connect" value="X" @limit-connect-x@
640         onclick="show_limit_connect_opts(false)"></td>
641     </tr>
642     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="limit_connect_opts">
643       <td>&nbsp;</td>
644       <td colspan="4">Legal SSL ports (comma separated, ranges allowed):<br>
645         <input type="text" name="limit_connect_mode" size="40"
646         value="@limit-connect-param@"></td>
647     </tr>
648     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top">
649       <td class="action">+no-compression</td>
650       <td>Disables compression.  Compressed web pages are faster to
651         download, but cannot be filtered with +filter or +no-popups.
652         This setting only affects the few web sites which support
653         compression.</td>
654       <td class="en2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
655         name="no_compression" value="Y" @no-compression-y@
656         ></td>
657       <td class="dis2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
658         name="no_compression" value="N" @no-compression-n@
659         ></td>
660       <td class="noc2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
661         name="no_compression" value="X" @no-compression-x@
662         ></td>
663     </tr>
664     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
665       <td class="action">+no-cookies-keep</td>
666       <td>Any cookies set by the website are changed to temporary
667         ("per-session") ones, which only last until you close your web
668         browser.  This will allow you to use sites that require cookies, but
669         sites will not be able to track you across sessions.  For this to
670         be useful, you should disable <b><i>no-cookies-read</i></b> and
671         <b><i>no-cookies-set</i></b>.</td>
672       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
673         name="no_cookies_keep" value="Y" @no-cookies-keep-y@
674         ></td>
675       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
676         name="no_cookies_keep" value="N" @no-cookies-keep-n@
677         ></td>
678       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
679         name="no_cookies_keep" value="X" @no-cookies-keep-x@
680         ></td>
681     </tr>
682     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top">
683       <td class="action">+no-cookies-read</td>
684       <td>Prevent the website from reading cookies.</td>
685       <td class="en2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
686         name="no_cookies_read" value="Y" @no-cookies-read-y@
687         ></td>
688       <td class="dis2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
689         name="no_cookies_read" value="N" @no-cookies-read-n@
690         ></td>
691       <td class="noc2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
692         name="no_cookies_read" value="X" @no-cookies-read-x@
693         ></td>
694     </tr>
695     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
696       <td class="action">+no-cookies-set</td>
697       <td>Prevent the website from setting cookies.</td>
698       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
699         name="no_cookies_set" value="Y" @no-cookies-set-y@
700         ></td>
701       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
702         name="no_cookies_set" value="N" @no-cookies-set-n@
703         ></td>
704       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
705         name="no_cookies_set" value="X" @no-cookies-set-x@
706         ></td>
707     </tr>
708     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top">
709       <td class="action">+no-popups</td>
710       <td>Filter the website through a built-in filter to disable JavaScript
711         pop-up windows.</td>
712       <td class="en2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
713         name="no_popups" value="Y" @no-popups-y@
714         ></td>
715       <td class="dis2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
716         name="no_popups" value="N" @no-popups-n@
717         ></td>
718       <td class="noc2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
719         name="no_popups" value="X" @no-popups-x@
720         ></td>
721     </tr>
722     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
723       <td class="action">+vanilla-wafer</td>
724       <td>If you use a jarfile, automatically adds a special wafer.</td>
725       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
726         name="vanilla_wafer" value="Y" @vanilla-wafer-y@
727         ></td>
728       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
729         name="vanilla_wafer" value="N" @vanilla-wafer-n@
730         ></td>
731       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
732         name="vanilla_wafer" value="X" @vanilla-wafer-x@
733         ></td>
734     </tr>
735     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top">
736       <td class="action">+wafer</td>
737       <td>Adds user-specified cookies.</td>
738       <td class="en2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
739         name="wafer" id="wafer_y" value="Y" @wafer-y@
740         onclick="show_wafer_opts(true)"></td>
741       <td class="dis2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
742         name="wafer" id="wafer_n" value="N" @wafer-n@
743         onclick="show_wafer_opts(false)"></td>
744       <td class="noc2" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
745         name="wafer" id="wafer_x" value="X" @wafer-x@
746         onclick="show_wafer_opts(false)"></td>
747     </tr>
748     <tr class="bg2" align="left" valign="top" id="wafer_opts">
749       <td>&nbsp;</td>
750       <td colspan="4">Editing the settings for this option, or turning
751         it on if it was off, is not yet supported using this web-based
752         editor.</td>
753     </tr>
754   </table>
757 <script type="text/javascript">
758 <!--
760 if (document.getElementById) {
761     // alert("Netscape 6 or IE5");
762     document.getElementById("hide_from_param").disabled = !(document.getElementById("from_mode_set").checked);
763     document.getElementById("hide_referer_param").disabled = !(document.getElementById("referer_mode_set").checked);
764     document.getElementById("image_blocker_param").disabled = !(document.getElementById("image_blocker_mode_set").checked);
766     show_add_header_opts    (document.getElementById("add_header_y").checked);
767     show_deanimate_opts     (document.getElementById("deanimate_gifs_y").checked);
768     show_hide_from_opts     (document.getElementById("hide_from_y").checked);
769     show_hide_referer_opts  (document.getElementById("hide_referer_y").checked);
770     show_user_agent_opts    (document.getElementById("hide_user_agent_y").checked);
771     show_image_blocker_opts (document.getElementById("image_blocker_y").checked);
772     show_limit_connect_opts (document.getElementById("limit_connect_y").checked);
773     show_wafer_opts         (document.getElementById("wafer_y").checked);
774 } else if (document.all) {
775     // alert("IE4");
776     document.myform.hide_from_param.disabled = !(document.myform.from_mode_set.checked);
777     document.myform.hide_referer_param.disabled = !(document.myform.referer_mode_set.checked);
778     document.myform.image_blocker_param.disabled = !(document.myform.image_blocker_mode_set.checked);
780     show_add_header_opts    (document.myform.add_header_y.checked);
781     show_deanimate_opts     (document.myform.deanimate_gifs_y.checked);
782     show_hide_from_opts     (document.myform.hide_from_y.checked);
783     show_hide_referer_opts  (document.myform.hide_referer_y.checked);
784     show_user_agent_opts    (document.myform.hide_user_agent_y.checked);
785     show_image_blocker_opts (document.myform.image_blocker_y.checked);
786     show_limit_connect_opts (document.myform.limit_connect_y.checked);
787     show_wafer_opts         (document.myform.wafer_y.checked);
788 } else if (document.layers) {
789     // alert("Netscape 4");
790 }
791 //-->
792 </script>
794   <table cellpadding="20" cellspacing="10" border="0" width="100%">
795     <tr>
796       <td class="green" align="center">
797         <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit"></p>
798       </td>
799     </tr>
801     <tr>
802       <td class="dark">
803         <h2>More Junkbuster:</h2>
804         <ul>@menu@</ul>
805       </td>
806     </tr>
808 <!-- @if-have-help-info-start -->
809     <tr>
810       <td class="light">
811         <h2>Local Junkbuster support:</h2>
813 <!-- @if-have-proxy-info-start -->
814         <p>You can consult the <a href="@proxy-info-url@">online documentation</a> for more information about this Junkbuster installation.
815 <!-- if-have-proxy-info-end@ -->
817 <!-- @if-have-adminaddr-info-start -->
818         <p>Address e-mail questions about this service to
819           <a href="mailto:@admin-address@"><code>@admin-address@</code></a>,
820           who will be glad to help you.
821 <!-- if-have-adminaddr-info-end@ -->
823         </p>
824       </td>
825     </tr>
826 <!-- if-have-help-info-end@ -->
828     <tr>
829       <td>
830         <small><small>Valid <a href="">HTML 4.01 Strict</a></small></small>
831       </td>
832     </tr>
834   </table>
835 </form>
837 </body>
839 </html>