Rename the --disable-acl-files switch to --disable-acl-support
[privoxy.git] / templates / edit-actions-for-url
1 ##############################################################################
2 #
3 # File        :  $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-for-url,v $
4 #
5 # Purpose     :  Template used to edit the actions associated with a
6 #                particular section in an actions file.
8 #
9 # Copyright   :  Written by and Copyright (C) 2001-2008 the SourceForge
10 #                Privoxy team.
11 #
12 #                Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster
13 #      
14 #
15 #                This program is free software; you can redistribute it 
16 #                and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
17 #                Public License as published by the Free Software
18 #                Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
19 #                your option) any later version.
20 #
21 #                This program is distributed in the hope that it will
22 #                be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
23 #                implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
24 #                PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
25 #                License for more details.
26 #
27 #                The GNU General Public License should be included with
28 #                this file.  If not, you can view it at
29 #      
30 #                or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
31 #                Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
32 #
33 ##############################################################################
34 #
35 # Browser support for the JavaScript on this page:
36 #   MS Internet Explorer 5.5 - Tested,   Yes
37 #   Netscape 6.0             - Tested,   Yes
38 #   Netscape 4.75            - Tested,   NO
39 #   Opera 5.12               - Tested,   NO
40 #   MS Internet Explorer 4+  - Untested, Yes
41 #   MS IE 3.x, NS3.x         - Untested, NO
42 #   Mozilla >=0.6            - Untested, Yes
43 #
44 # All browsers should work, you just might not get the pretty DHTML effects.
45 #
46 # The effects that only work under the browsers marked "Yes" above are:
47 #  - Text edit boxes that won't have any effect are disabled.
48 #  - Table rows containing additional settings are hidden if the feature in
49 #    question is disabled.
50 #
51 # There are major kludges to get around these problems with NS4, but they
52 # screw up the HTML too much for other browsers.  If anyone wants to try,
53 # here's some descriptions of the kludges:
54 #
55 #
56 #
57 # If you're favorite browser isn't listed, please test and add it.
58 #
59 #
60 #############################################################################
61 #
62 # Standard support:
63 #
64 # This file currently produces valid HTML 4.01 Strict.
65 #
66 # If you change it, please save the generated page from your web browser
67 # and then upload it to for checking.
68 #
69 #############################################################################
70 #
71 # Available variables include:
72 #
73 # action-name-y
74 # action-name-n
75 # action-name-x
76 #
77 # deanimate-gifs-param-first
78 # deanimate-gifs-param-last
79 # hide-from-param-block
80 # hide-from-param-custom
81 # hide-from-param
82 # hide-referrer-param-forge
83 # hide-referrer-param-block
84 # hide-referrer-param-custom
85 # hide-referrer-param
86 # hide-user-agent-param
87 # image-blocker-param-pattern
88 # image-blocker-param-blank
89 # image-blocker-param-custom
90 #
91 #
92 #############################################################################
93 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
94 <html>
96 <head>
97   <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
98   <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
99   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
100   <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
101   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="@default-cgi@send-stylesheet">
102   <link rel="shortcut icon" href="@default-cgi@favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
104   <title>Privoxy@@my-hostname@: Edit actions</title>
106 <style type="text/css">
107 td.action    { font-weight: bold;
108                font-style: italic;
109                white-space: nowrap       }
110 td.subaction { font-style: italic        }
111 th           { font-weight: bold;        }
112 # This is the key to the color names below:
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114 # 1=odd rows, 2=even rows, h=Table header
115 tr.hdr       { background-color: #999999 }
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118 td.dis1      { background-color: #ffdddd }
119 td.noc1      { background-color: #ddddff }
120 th.enh       { background-color: #99ff99 }
121      { background-color: #ff9999 }
122 th.noch      { background-color: #9999ff }
123 table.wide   { padding: 5px; }
124     { border: solid black 1px; background-color: #ddffdd; }
125 </style>
127 <!--
128 border-color: white;
129                border-style: solid;
130                border-left-width: 10px;
131                border-right-width: 10px;
132                border-top-width: 0px;
133                border-bottom-width: 0px  }
134 -->
136 <script type="text/javascript">
137 <!--
139 function hide_from_header_param_disable(tf)
140 {
141     if (document.getElementById) {
142         // NS6 or IE5
143         document.getElementById("hide_from_header_param").disabled = tf;
144     } else if (document.all) {
145         // IE4
146         document.myform.hide_from_header_param.disabled = tf;
147     }
148 }
150 function hide_referrer_param_disable(tf)
151 {
152     if (document.getElementById) {
153         document.getElementById("hide_referrer_param").disabled = tf;
154     } else if (document.all) {
155         document.myform.hide_referrer_param.disabled = tf;
156     }
157 }
159 function set_image_blocker_param_disable(tf)
160 {
161     if (document.getElementById) {
162         document.getElementById("set_image_blocker_param").disabled = tf;
163     } else if (document.all) {
164         document.myform.set_image_blocker_param.disabled = tf;
165     }
166 }
168 function show_add_header_opts(tf)
169 {
170     if (document.getElementById) {
171         target = document.getElementById("add_header_opts");
172     } else if (document.all) {
173         target = document.add_header_opts;
174     } else {
175         return;
176     }
177 = (tf ? "" : "none");
178 }
180 function show_deanimate_opts(tf)
181 {
182     if (document.getElementById) {
183         target = document.getElementById("deanimate_opts");
184     } else if (document.all) {
185         target = document.deanimate_opts;
186     } else {
187         return;
188     }
189 = (tf ? "" : "none");
190 }
192 function show_hide_from_header_opts(tf)
193 {
194     if (document.getElementById) {
195         target = document.getElementById("hide_from_header_opts");
196     } else if (document.all) {
197         target = document.hide_from_header_opts;
198     } else {
199         return;
200     }
201 = (tf ? "" : "none");
202 }
204 function show_hide_referrer_opts(tf)
205 {
206     if (document.getElementById) {
207         target = document.getElementById("hide_referrer_opts");
208     } else if (document.all) {
209         target = document.hide_referrer_opts;
210     } else {
211         return;
212     }
213 = (tf ? "" : "none");
214 }
216 function show_user_agent_opts(tf)
217 {
218     if (document.getElementById) {
219         target = document.getElementById("user_agent_opts");
220     } else if (document.all) {
221         target = document.user_agent_opts;
222     } else {
223         return;
224     }
225 = (tf ? "" : "none");
226 }
228 function show_set_image_blocker_opts(tf)
229 {
230     if (document.getElementById) {
231         target = document.getElementById("set_image_blocker_opts");
232     } else if (document.all) {
233         target = document.set_image_blocker_opts;
234     } else {
235         return;
236     }
237 = (tf ? "" : "none");
238 }
240 function show_limit_connect_opts(tf)
241 {
242     if (document.getElementById) {
243         target = document.getElementById("limit_connect_opts");
244     } else if (document.all) {
245         target = document.limit_connect_opts;
246     } else {
247         return;
248     }
249 = (tf ? "" : "none");
250 }
252 //-->
253 </script>
254 </head>
256 <body>
258 <!-- @if-one-form-only-start -->
259 <form method="GET" action="edit-actions-submit" id="myform" name="myform">
260 <!-- if-one-form-only-end@ -->
262   <table summary="" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="10" border="0" width="100%">
263     <tr>
264       <td class="title">
266 #include mod-title
268       </td>
269     </tr>
271 <!-- @if-unstable-start -->
272 # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
273     <tr>
274       <td class="warning">
276 #include mod-unstable-warning
278       </td>
279     </tr>
280 <!-- if-unstable-end@ -->
282 <!-- @if-one-form-only-start -->
283     <tr>
284       <td class="box">
285         <h2>Edit Actions
286           <input type="hidden" name="f" value="@f@">
287           <input type="hidden" name="v" value="@v@">
288           <input type="hidden" name="s" value="@s@">
289         </h2>
290       </td>
291     </tr>
293     <tr>
294       <td class="green" align="center">
295         <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit"></p>
296       </td>
297     </tr>
298 <!-- if-one-form-only-end@ -->
300 <tr><td class="wrapbox">
302 <!-- @if-multiple-forms-start -->
303 <form method="GET" action="edit-actions-submit" id="myform" name="myform">
304   <h2>Edit Actions (Section 1)</h2>
305 <!-- if-multiple-forms-end@ -->
307   <table summary="Action section 1" border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%" class="wide">
308     <tr class="hdr" align="left">
309       <th class="enh" align="center">Enable</th>
310       <th class="dish" align="center">Disable</th>
311       <th class="noch" align="center">No Change</th>
312       <th>Action</th>
313       <th>Description</th>
314     </tr>
315     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
316       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
317         name="add_header" id="add_header_y" value="Y" @add-header-y@
318         onclick="show_add_header_opts(true)"></td>
319       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
320         name="add_header" value="N" @add-header-n@
321         onclick="show_add_header_opts(false)"></td>
322       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
323         name="add_header" value="X" @add-header-x@
324         onclick="show_add_header_opts(false)"></td>
325       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@ADD-HEADER">add-header</a></td>
326       <td>Adds HTTP headers.</td>
327     </tr>
328     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="add_header_opts">
329       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
330       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
331       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
332       <td>&nbsp;</td>
333       <td>Editing the settings for this option, or turning
334         it on if it was off, is not yet supported using this web-based
335         editor.</td>
336     </tr>
337     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
338       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
339         name="block" value="Y" @block-y@
340         ></td>
341       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
342         name="block" value="N" @block-n@
343         ></td>
344       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
345         name="block" value="X" @block-x@
346         ></td>
347       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@BLOCK">block</a></td>
348       <td>Block the request.</td>
349     </tr>
350     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="block_opts">
351       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
352       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
353       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
354       <td>&nbsp;</td>
355       <td>Block reason to tell the user:<br>
356         <input type="text" name="block_mode" size="40" value="@block-param@">
357       </td>
358     </tr>
359     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
360       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
361         name="change_x_forwarded_for" id="change_x_forwarded_for_y" value="Y" @change-x-forwarded-for-y@
362         onclick="show_change_x_forwarded_for_opts(true)"></td>
363       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
364         name="change_x_forwarded_for" value="N" @change-x-forwarded-for-n@
365         onclick="show_change_x_forwarded_for_opts(false)"></td>
366       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
367         name="change_x_forwarded_for" value="X" @change-x-forwarded-for-x@
368         onclick="show_change_x_forwarded_for_opts(false)"></td>
369       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@CHANGE-X-FORWARDED-FOR">change-x-forwarded-for</a></td>
370       <td>Specifies whether to block or add X-Forwarded-For headers.</td>
371     </tr>
372     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="change_x_forwarded_for_opts">
373       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
374       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
375       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
376       <td>&nbsp;</td>
377       <td><input type="radio" name="change_x_forwarded_for_mode" value="block"
378         id="change_x_forwarded_for_mode_block" @change-x-forwarded-for-param-block@><label
379         for="change_x_forwarded_for_mode_block">Block the header.</label><br>
380         <input type="radio" name="change_x_forwarded_for_mode" value="add"
381         id="change_x_forwarded_for_mode_add" @change-x-forwarded-for-param-add@><label 
382         for="change_x_forwarded_for_mode_add">Add the header.</label><br>
383     </tr>
384     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
385       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
386       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
387         name="client_header_filter_all" id="client_header_filter_all_n" value="N" @client-header-filter-all-n@ ></td>
388       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
389         name="client_header_filter_all" id="client_header_filter_all_x" value="X" @client-header-filter-all-x@ ></td>
390       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@CLIENT-HEADER-FILTER">client-header-filter</a> *</td>
391       <td>Filter the client headers.
392         You can use the radio buttons on this line to disable
393         all client-header filters applied by previous rules, and/or
394         you can enable or disable the filters individually below.</td>
395     </tr>
396 @client-header-filter-params@
397     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
398       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
399       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
400         name="client_header_tagger_all" id="client_header_tagger_all_n" value="N" @client-header-tagger-all-n@ ></td>
401       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
402         name="client_header_tagger_all" id="client_header_tagger_all_x" value="X" @client-header-tagger-all-x@ ></td>
403       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER">client-header-tagger</a> *</td>
404       <td>Create tags based on the client headers.
405         You can use the radio buttons on this line to disable
406         all client-header taggers applied by previous rules, and/or
407         you can enable or disable the taggers individually below.</td>
408     </tr>
409 @client-header-tagger-params@
410    <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
411       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
412         name="content_type_overwrite" value="Y" @content-type-overwrite-y@
413         ></td>
414       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
415         name="content_type_overwrite" value="N" @content-type-overwrite-n@
416         ></td>
417       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
418         name="content_type_overwrite" value="X" @content-type-overwrite-x@
419         ></td>
420       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@CONTENT-TYPE-OVERWRITE">content-type-overwrite</a></td>
421       <td>Replace Content-Type header. By default it only applies to
422          text documents, but if you know what you're doing you
423          can enable force-text-mode to modify binary content types as well.</td>
424     </tr>
425     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="content_type_overwrite_opts">
426       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
427       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
428       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
429       <td>&nbsp;</td>
430       <td>New Content-Type:<br>
431         <input type="text" name="content_type_overwrite_mode" size="40"
432         value="@content-type-overwrite-param@"></td>
433     </tr>
434     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
435       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
436         name="crunch_client_header" id="crunch_client_header_y" value="Y" @crunch-client-header-y@
437         ></td>
438       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
439         name="crunch_client_header" value="N" @crunch-client-header-n@
440         ></td>
441       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
442         name="crunch_client_header" value="X" @crunch-client-header-x@
443         ></td>
444       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@CRUNCH-CLIENT-HEADER">crunch-client-header</a></td>
445       <td>Remove header(s) matching the supplied pattern.</td>
446     </tr>
447     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="crunch_client_header_opts">
448       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
449       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
450       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
451       <td>&nbsp;</td>
452       <td>Header string to suppress:<br>
453         <input type="text" name="crunch_client_header_mode" size="40"
454         value="@crunch-client-header-param@"></td>
455     </tr>
456     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
457       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
458         name="crunch_if_none_match" value="Y" @crunch-if-none-match-y@
459         ></td>
460       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
461         name="crunch_if_none_match" value="N" @crunch-if-none-match-n@
462         ></td>
463       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
464         name="crunch_if_none_match" value="X" @crunch-if-none-match-x@
465         ></td>
466       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@CRUNCH-IF-NONE-MATCH">crunch-if-none-match</a></td>
467       <td>Remove If-None-Match header. Useful for filter testing
468          and to make sure the header can't be used to track your visits.</td>
469     </tr>
471     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
472       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
473         name="crunch_incoming_cookies" value="Y" @crunch-incoming-cookies-y@
474         ></td>
475       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
476         name="crunch_incoming_cookies" value="N" @crunch-incoming-cookies-n@
477         ></td>
478       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
479         name="crunch_incoming_cookies" value="X" @crunch-incoming-cookies-x@
480         ></td>
481       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@CRUNCH-INCOMING-COOKIES">crunch-incoming-cookies</a></td>
482       <td>Prevent the website from setting HTTP cookies on your system.</td>
483     </tr>
484     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
485       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
486         name="crunch_outgoing_cookies" value="Y" @crunch-outgoing-cookies-y@
487         ></td>
488       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
489         name="crunch_outgoing_cookies" value="N" @crunch-outgoing-cookies-n@
490         ></td>
491       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
492         name="crunch_outgoing_cookies" value="X" @crunch-outgoing-cookies-x@
493         ></td>
494       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@CRUNCH-OUTGOING-COOKIES">crunch-outgoing-cookies</a></td>
495       <td>Prevent the website from reading HTTP cookies from your system.</td>
496     </tr>
497     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
498       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
499         name="crunch_server_header" id="crunch_server_header_y" value="Y" @crunch-server-header-y@
500         ></td>
501       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
502         name="crunch_server_header" value="N" @crunch-server-header-n@
503         ></td>
504       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
505         name="crunch_server_header" value="X" @crunch-server-header-x@
506         ></td>
507       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@CRUNCH-SERVER-HEADER">crunch-server-header</a></td>
508       <td>Remove server header(s) matching the supplied pattern.</td>
509     </tr>
510     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="crunch_server_header_opts">
511       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
512       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
513       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
514       <td>&nbsp;</td>
515       <td>Header string to suppress:<br>
516         <input type="text" name="crunch_server_header_mode" size="40"
517         value="@crunch-server-header-param@"></td>
518     </tr>
520     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
521       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
522         name="deanimate_gifs" id="deanimate_gifs_y" value="Y" @deanimate-gifs-y@
523         onclick="show_deanimate_opts(true)"></td>
524       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
525         name="deanimate_gifs" value="N" @deanimate-gifs-n@
526         onclick="show_deanimate_opts(false)"></td>
527       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
528         name="deanimate_gifs" value="X" @deanimate-gifs-x@
529         onclick="show_deanimate_opts(false)"></td>
530       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@DEANIMATE-GIFS">deanimate-gifs</a></td>
531       <td>Replace animated GIFs with their (first/last) frame.</td>
532     </tr>
533     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="deanimate_opts">
534       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
535       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
536       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
537       <td>&nbsp;</td>
538       <td>Use the <input type="radio" name="deanimate_gifs_mode"
539         value="first" id="deanimate_first" @deanimate-gifs-param-first@><label
540         for="deanimate_first">first frame</label>&nbsp;&nbsp; <input
541         type="radio" name="deanimate_gifs_mode" value="last" 
542         id="deanimate_last" @deanimate-gifs-param-last@><label
543         for="deanimate_last">last frame</label></td>
544     </tr>
545     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
546       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
547         name="downgrade_http_version" value="Y" @downgrade-http-version-y@></td>
548       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
549         name="downgrade_http_version" value="N" @downgrade-http-version-n@></td>
550       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
551         name="downgrade_http_version" value="X" @downgrade-http-version-x@></td>
552       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@DOWNGRADE-HTTP-VERSION"
553        >downgrade-http-version</a></td>
554       <td>Change HTTP/1.1 requests to HTTP/1.0.  Only change if you know
555         what you're doing!</td>
556     </tr>
557     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
558       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
559         name="fast_redirects" value="Y" @fast-redirects-y@
560         ></td>
561       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
562         name="fast_redirects" value="N" @fast-redirects-n@
563         ></td>
564       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
565         name="fast_redirects" value="X" @fast-redirects-x@
566         ></td>
567       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@FAST-REDIRECTS">fast-redirects</a></td>
568       <td>Bypass some click-tracking URLs.</td>
569     </tr>
570     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="fast-redirects_opts">
571       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
572       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
573       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
574       <td>&nbsp;</td>
575       <td>
576        <input type="radio" name="fast_redirects_mode"
577         value="simple-check" id="fast_redirects_simple_check" @fast-redirects-param-simple-check@><label
578         for="fast_redirects_simple_check">Simple check.</label>
579        <br>
580        <input type="radio" name="fast_redirects_mode" value="check-decoded-url" 
581         id="fast_redirects_check_decoded_url" @fast-redirects-param-check-decoded-url@><label
582         for="fast_redirects_check_decoded_url">Decode URL before checking.</label></td>
583     </tr>
584 <!-- @if-multiple-forms-start -->
585    </table>
586    <p>
587     <input type="hidden" name="f" value="@f@">
588     <input type="hidden" name="v" value="@v@">
589     <input type="hidden" name="s" value="@s@">
590     <input type="submit" value="Submit changes in Section 1" name="Submit">
591   </p>
592   </form>
593  </td></tr>
594  <tr><td class="wrapbox">
595   <form method="GET" action="edit-actions-submit" id="myform-2" name="myform">
596   <h2>Edit Actions (Section 2)</h2>
597   <table summary="Action section 2" border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%" class="wide">
598     <tr class="hdr" align="left">
599       <th class="enh" align="center">Enable</th>
600       <th class="dish" align="center">Disable</th>
601       <th class="noch" align="center">No Change</th>
602       <th>Action</th>
603       <th>Description</th>
604     </tr>
605 <!-- if-multiple-forms-end@ -->
606     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
607       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
608       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
609         name="filter_all" id="filter_all_n" value="N" @filter-all-n@ ></td>
610       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
611         name="filter_all" id="filter_all_x" value="X" @filter-all-x@ ></td>
612       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@FILTER">filter</a> *</td>
613       <td>Filter the website through regular expression
614         filters.  You can use the radio buttons on this line to disable
615         all filters applied by previous rules, and/or you can enable or
616         disable the filters individually below.</td>
617     </tr>
619 @content-filter-params@
621 <!-- @if-multiple-forms-start -->
622    </table>
623    <p>
624     <input type="hidden" name="f" value="@f@">
625     <input type="hidden" name="v" value="@v@">
626     <input type="hidden" name="s" value="@s@">
627     <input type="submit" value="Submit changes in Section 2" name="Submit">
628    </p>
629   </form>
630  </td></tr>
631  <tr><td class="wrapbox">
632   <form method="GET" action="edit-actions-submit" id="myform-3" name="myform">
633   <h2>Edit Actions (Section 3)</h2>
634   <table summary="Action section 3" border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%" class="wide">
635     <tr class="hdr" align="left">
636       <th class="enh" align="center">Enable</th>
637       <th class="dish" align="center">Disable</th>
638       <th class="noch" align="center">No Change</th>
639       <th>Action</th>
640       <th>Description</th>
641     </tr>
642 <!-- if-multiple-forms-end@ -->
643    <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
644       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
645         name="force_text_mode" value="Y" @force-text-mode-y@
646         ></td>
647       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
648         name="force_text_mode" value="N" @force-text-mode-n@
649         ></td>
650       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
651         name="force_text_mode" value="X" @force-text-mode-x@
652         ></td>
653       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@FORCE-TEXT-MODE">force-text-mode</a></td>
654       <td>
655        Enable filtering on documents whose Content-Type wasn't recognized as text.
656        Do think twice, nothing is alright.
657      </td>
658     </tr>
659     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
660       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
661         name="forward_override" id="forward_override_y" value="Y" @forward-override-y@
662         ></td>
663       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
664         name="forward_override" id="forward_override_n" value="N" @forward-override-n@
665         ></td>
666       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
667         name="forward_override" id="forward_override_x" value="X" @forward-override-x@
668         ></td>
669       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@FORWARD-OVERRIDE">forward-override</a></td>
670       <td>Override forward directives in the configuration file.
671           Note that the <a href="@user-manual@actions-file.html#FORWARD-OVERRIDE">parameter syntax</a>
672           isn't checked until the action is used. <strong class="warning">Syntax errors
673           will cause Privoxy to exit.</strong></td>
674     </tr>
675     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="forward_override_language_opts">
676       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
677       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
678       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
679       <td>&nbsp;</td>
680       <td>
681         Overriding forward directive:<br>
682         <input type="text" name="forward_override_param" 
683         id="forward_override_param" size="40"
684         value="@forward-override-param@"><br>
685      </td>
686     </tr>
687    <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
688       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
689         name="handle_as_empty_document" value="Y" @handle-as-empty-document-y@
690         ></td>
691       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
692         name="handle_as_empty_document" value="N" @handle-as-empty-document-n@
693         ></td>
694       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
695         name="handle_as_empty_document" value="X" @handle-as-empty-document-x@
696         ></td>
697       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@HANDLE-AS-EMPTY-DOCUMENT">handle-as-empty-document</a></td>
698       <td>
699        Block with an <em>empty</em> document instead of an Image or HTML message.
700        The <em>empty</em> document contains only a space and can safely be parsed
701        as JavaScript or Style Sheet. Use content-type-overwrite to specify the
702        Content-Type, default is <q>text/html</q>.
703      </td>
704     </tr>
705     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
706       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
707         name="handle_as_image" value="Y" @handle-as-image-y@
708         ></td>
709       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
710         name="handle_as_image" value="N" @handle-as-image-n@
711         ></td>
712       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
713         name="handle_as_image" value="X" @handle-as-image-x@
714         ></td>
715       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@HANDLE-AS-IMAGE">handle-as-image</a></td>
716       <td>Request is for an image (only useful in conjunction with the <i><b><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@BLOCK">block</a></b></i>
717         and <i><b><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@SET-IMAGE-BLOCKER">set-image-blocker</a></b></i> actions).</td>
718     </tr>
719     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
720       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
721         name="hide_accept_language" id="hide_accept_language_y" value="Y" @hide-accept-language-y@
722         onclick="show_hide_accept_language_opts(true)"></td>
723       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
724         name="hide_accept_language" id="hide_accept_language_n" value="N" @hide-accept-language-n@
725         onclick="show_hide_accept_language_opts(false)"></td>
726       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
727         name="hide_accept_language" id="hide_accept_language_x" value="X" @hide-accept-language-x@
728         onclick="show_hide_accept_language_opts(false)"
729         ></td>
730       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@HIDE-ACCEPT-LANGUAGE">hide-accept-language</a></td>
731       <td>Pretend to have different language settings. (Makes a fake User-Agent more believable,
732           but you may end up with content in the language you pretended to understand.)</td>
733     </tr>
734     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="hide_accept-language_opts">
735       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
736       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
737       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
738       <td>&nbsp;</td>
739       <td><input type="radio" name="hide_accept_language_mode" value="block"
740         onclick="hide_accept_language_param_disable(true)"
741         @hide-accept-language-param-block@ id="hide_accept_language_mode_block"><label
742         for="hide_accept_language_mode_block">Remove Accept-Language header without replacement.</label>
743         <br>
744         <input type="radio" name="hide_accept_language_mode" value="CUSTOM"
745         onclick="hide_accept_language_param_disable(false)"
746         @hide-accept-language-param-custom@ id="hide_accept_language_mode_set"><label
747         for="hide_accept_language_mode_set">Fake these language settings:</label><br>
748         <input type="text" name="hide_accept_language_param" 
749         id="hide_accept_language_param" size="40"
750         value="@hide-accept-language-param@"><br>
751      </td>
752     </tr>
753     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
754       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
755         name="hide_content_disposition" id="hide_content_disposition_y" value="Y" @hide-content-disposition-y@
756         onclick="show_hide_content_disposition_opts(true)"></td>
757       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
758         name="hide_content_disposition" id="hide_content_disposition_n" value="N" @hide-content-disposition-n@
759         onclick="show_hide_content_disposition_opts(false)"></td>
760       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
761         name="hide_content_disposition" id="hide_content_disposition_x" value="X" @hide-content-disposition-x@
762         onclick="show_hide_content_disposition_opts(false)"
763         ></td>
764       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@HIDE-CONTENT-DISPOSITION">hide-content-disposition</a></td>
765       <td>Block or overwrite the content-disposition header. Useful to view a document inside the browser,
766        even if you were supposed to save it first, or to change the suggested file name.</td>
767     </tr>
768     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="hide_content_disposition_opts">
769       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
770       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
771       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
772       <td>&nbsp;</td>
773       <td><input type="radio" name="hide_content_disposition_mode" value="block"
774         onclick="hide_content_disposition_param_disable(true)"
775         @hide-content-disposition-param-block@ id="hide_content_disposition_mode_block"><label
776         for="hide_content_disposition_mode_block">Remove content-disposition header without replacement.</label>
777         <br>
778         <input type="radio" name="hide_content_disposition_mode" value="CUSTOM"
779         onclick="hide_content_disposition_param_disable(false)"
780         @hide-content-disposition-param-custom@ id="hide_content_disposition_mode_set"><label
781         for="hide_content_disposition_mode_set">Overwrite content-dispostion header with:</label><br>
782         <input type="text" name="hide_content_disposition_param" 
783         id="hide_content_disposition_param" size="40"
784         value="@hide-content-disposition-param@"><br>
785      </td>
786     </tr>
787     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
788       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
789         name="hide_from_header" id="hide_from_header_y" value="Y" @hide-from-header-y@
790         onclick="show_hide_from_header_opts(true)"></td>
791       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
792         name="hide_from_header" value="N" @hide-from-header-n@
793         onclick="show_hide_from_header_opts(false)"></td>
794       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
795         name="hide_from_header" value="X" @hide-from-header-x@
796         onclick="show_hide_from_header_opts(false)"></td>
797       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@HIDE-FROM-HEADER">hide-from-header</a></td>
798       <td>Stop old web browsers from sending the user's e-mail address with
799         every request.</td>
800     </tr>
801     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="hide_from_header_opts">
802       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
803       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
804       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
805       <td>&nbsp;</td>
806       <td><input type="radio" name="hide_from_header_mode" value="block"
807         onclick="hide_from_header_param_disable(true);"
808         @hide-from-header-param-block@ id="hide_from_header_mode_block"><label
809         for="hide_from_header_mode_block">Remove completely</label><br>
810         <input type="radio" name="hide_from_header_mode" value="CUSTOM" 
811         onclick="hide_from_header_param_disable(false);"
812         @hide-from-header-param-custom@ id="hide_from_header_mode_set"><label
813         for="hide_from_header_mode_set">Fake e-mail address:</label><br>
814         <input type="text" name="hide_from_header_param" id="hide_from_header_param"
815         size="40" value="@hide-from-header-param@"></td>
816     </tr>
818    <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
819       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
820         name="hide_if_modified_since" value="Y" @hide-if-modified-since-y@
821         ></td>
822       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
823         name="hide_if_modified_since" value="N" @hide-if-modified-since-n@
824         ></td>
825       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
826         name="hide_if_modified_since" value="X" @hide-if-modified-since-x@
827         ></td>
828       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@HIDE-IF-MODIFIED-SINCE">hide-if-modified-since</a></td>
829       <td>Remove or randomize the If-Modified-Since header.</td>
830     </tr>
831     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="hide_if-modifed-since_opts">
832       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
833       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
834       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
835       <td>&nbsp;</td>
836       <td><input type="radio" name="hide_if_modified_since_mode" value="block"
837         onclick="hide_if_modified_since_param_disable(true)"
838         @hide-if-modified-since-param-block@ id="hide_if_modified_since_mode_block"><label
839         for="hide_if_modified_since_mode_block">Remove without replacement.</label>
840         Useful for filter testing.<br>
841         <input type="radio" name="hide_if_modified_since_mode" value="CUSTOM"
842         onclick="hide_if_modified_since_param_disable(true)"
843         @hide-if-modified-since-param-custom@ id="hide_if_modified_since_mode_set"><label
844         for="hide_if_modified_since_mode_set">Add random amount of seconds in the range of</label>
845         <input type="text" name="hide_if_modified_since_param" 
846         id="hide_if_modified_since_param" size="4"
847         value="@hide-if-modified-since-param@"> minute(s).
848         To appreciate this option a small amount of paranoia is required,
849         but at least in theory the If-Modified-Since header could be used
850         to keep track of your visits.
851      </td>
852     </tr>
853 <!-- @if-multiple-forms-start -->
854    </table>
855    <p>
856     <input type="hidden" name="f" value="@f@">
857     <input type="hidden" name="v" value="@v@">
858     <input type="hidden" name="s" value="@s@">
859     <input type="submit" value="Submit changes in Section 3" name="Submit">
860    </p>
861   </form>
862  </td></tr>
863  <tr><td class="wrapbox">
864   <form method="GET" action="edit-actions-submit" id="myform-4" name="myform">
865   <h2>Edit Actions (Section 4)</h2>
866   <table summary="Action section 4" border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%" class="wide">
867     <tr class="hdr" align="left">
868       <th class="enh" align="center">Enable</th>
869       <th class="dish" align="center">Disable</th>
870       <th class="noch" align="center">No Change</th>
871       <th>Action</th>
872       <th>Description</th>
873     </tr>
874 <!-- if-multiple-forms-end@ -->
875     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
876       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
877         name="hide_referrer" id="hide_referrer_y" value="Y" @hide-referrer-y@
878         onclick="show_hide_referrer_opts(true)"></td>
879       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
880         name="hide_referrer" id="hide_referrer_n" value="N" @hide-referrer-n@
881         onclick="show_hide_referrer_opts(false)"></td>
882       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
883         name="hide_referrer" id="hide_referrer_x" value="X" @hide-referrer-x@
884         onclick="show_hide_referrer_opts(false)"
885         ></td>
886       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@HIDE-REFERRER">hide-referrer</a></td>
887       <td>Helps prevent tracking by not sending the URL of the previous web
888         page.&nbsp;</td>
889     </tr>
890     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="hide_referrer_opts">
891       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
892       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
893       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
894       <td>&nbsp;</td>
895       <td><input type="radio" name="hide_referrer_mode" value="block"
896         onclick="hide_referrer_param_disable(true)"
897         @hide-referrer-param-block@ id="hide_referrer_mode_block"><label
898         for="hide_referrer_mode_block">Remove completely</label> (breaks images
899         on some free web hosts).<br>
900         <input type="radio" name="hide_referrer_mode" value="forge"
901         onclick="hide_referrer_param_disable(true)"
902         @hide-referrer-param-forge@ id="hide_referrer_mode_forge"><label
903         for="hide_referrer_mode_forge">Fake as the root directory of the
904         site</label> (fools checks for in-site links.)<br>
905         <input type="radio" name="hide_referrer_mode" value="CUSTOM"
906         onclick="hide_referrer_param_disable(false)"
907         @hide-referrer-param-custom@ id="hide_referrer_mode_set"><label
908         for="hide_referrer_mode_set">Fake as this web address:</label><br>
909         <input type="text" name="hide_referrer_param" 
910         id="hide_referrer_param" size="40"
911         value="@hide-referrer-param@"><br>
912         <input type="radio" name="hide_referrer_mode" value="conditional-block"
913         onclick="hide_referrer_param_disable(true)"
914         @hide-referrer-param-conditional-block@ id="hide_referrer_mode_conditional-block"><label
915         for="hide_referrer_mode_conditional-block">Remove completely if host has changed,
916         but don't touch in-site referrers.
917         Less suspicious than the options above.</label><br>
918         <input type="radio" name="hide_referrer_mode" value="conditional-forge"
919         onclick="hide_referrer_param_disable(true)"
920         @hide-referrer-param-conditional-forge@ id="hide_referrer_mode_conditional-forge"><label
921         for="hide_referrer_mode_conditional-forge">Forge referrer if host has
922         changed, but don't touch in-site referrers.</label><br>
923       </td>
924     </tr>
925     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
926       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
927         name="hide_user_agent" id="hide_user_agent_y" value="Y" @hide-user-agent-y@
928         onclick="show_user_agent_opts(true)"></td>
929       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
930         name="hide_user_agent" value="N" @hide-user-agent-n@
931         onclick="show_user_agent_opts(false)"></td>
932       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
933         name="hide_user_agent" value="X" @hide-user-agent-x@
934         onclick="show_user_agent_opts(false)"></td>
935       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@HIDE-USER-AGENT">hide-user-agent</a></td>
936       <td>Pretend to be using a different web browser.&nbsp; (May cause problems with broken web sites).</td>
937     </tr>
938     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="user_agent_opts">
939       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
940       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
941       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
942       <td>&nbsp;</td>
943       <td>User Agent string to send:<br>
944         <input type="text" name="hide_user_agent_mode" size="40"
945         value="@hide-user-agent-param@"></td>
946     </tr>
947     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
948       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
949         name="limit_connect" id="limit_connect_y" value="Y" @limit-connect-y@
950         onclick="show_limit_connect_opts(true)"></td>
951       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
952         name="limit_connect" value="N" @limit-connect-n@
953         onclick="show_limit_connect_opts(false)"></td>
954       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
955         name="limit_connect" value="X" @limit-connect-x@
956         onclick="show_limit_connect_opts(false)"></td>
957       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@LIMIT-CONNECT">limit-connect</a></td>
958       <td>Limit which ports are allowed in HTTP CONNECT requests. These requests are
959         used to tunnel SSL and other protocols through HTTP proxies.</td>
960     </tr>
961     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="limit_connect_opts">
962       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
963       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
964       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
965       <td>&nbsp;</td>
966       <td>Legal ports (comma separated, ranges allowed):<br>
967         <input type="text" name="limit_connect_mode" size="40"
968         value="@limit-connect-param@"></td>
969     </tr>
970     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
971       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
972         name="overwrite_last_modified" value="Y" @overwrite-last-modified-y@
973         ></td>
974       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
975         name="overwrite_last_modified" value="N" @overwrite-last-modified-n@
976         ></td>
977       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
978         name="overwrite_last_modified" value="X" @overwrite-last-modified-x@
979         ></td>
980       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@OVERWRITE-LAST-MODIFIED">overwrite-last-modified</a></td>
981       <td>Remove or randomize the Last-Modified header.</td>
982     </tr>
983     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="overwrite_last_modified_opts">
984       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
985       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
986       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
987       <td>&nbsp;</td>
988       <td><input type="radio" name="overwrite_last_modified_mode" value="block"
989         onclick="overwrite_last_modified_param_disable(true)"
990         @overwrite-last-modified-param-block@ id="overwrite_last_modified_mode_block"><label
991         for="overwrite_last_modified_mode_block">Remove without replacement.</label>
992         <br>
993         <input type="radio" name="overwrite_last_modified_mode" value="reset-to-request-time"
994         onclick="overwrite_last_modified_param_disable(true)"
995         @overwrite-last-modified-param-reset-to-request-time@
996          id="overwrite_last_modified_mode_reset-to-request-time"><label
997         for="overwrite_last_modified_mode_reset-to-request-time">Reset to the time of the request.</label>
998         <br>
999         <input type="radio" name="overwrite_last_modified_mode" value="randomize"
1000         onclick="overwrite_last_modified_param_disable(true)"
1001         @overwrite-last-modified-param-randomize@
1002          id="overwrite_last_modified_mode_randomize"><label
1003         for="overwrite_last_modified_mode_randomize">Overwrite with random value
1004         between original header value and the time of the request.</label>
1005      </td>
1006     </tr>
1008     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
1009       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1010         name="prevent_compression" value="Y" @prevent-compression-y@
1011         ></td>
1012       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1013         name="prevent_compression" value="N" @prevent-compression-n@
1014         ></td>
1015       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1016         name="prevent_compression" value="X" @prevent-compression-x@
1017         ></td>
1018       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@PREVENT-COMPRESSION">prevent-compression</a></td>
1019       <td>Disables compression.  Compressed web pages are faster to
1020         download, but cannot be filtered with <a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@FILTER"><b>filter</b></a>
1021         or <a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@KILL-POPUPS"><b>kill-popups</b></a>
1022         if your Privoxy version was build without zlib support.</td>
1023     </tr>
1024    <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
1025       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1026         name="redirect" value="Y" @redirect-y@
1027         ></td>
1028       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1029         name="redirect" value="N" @redirect-n@
1030         ></td>
1031       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1032         name="redirect" value="X" @redirect-x@
1033         ></td>
1034       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@REDIRECT">redirect</a></td>
1035       <td>Redirect to another address.
1036     </tr>
1037     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="redirect_opts">
1038       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
1039       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
1040       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
1041       <td>&nbsp;</td>
1042       <td>Static address or a single pcrs command to redirect to a rewritten version of the original URL:<br>
1043         <input type="text" name="redirect_mode" size="40"
1044         value="@redirect-param@"></td>
1045     </tr>
1047     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
1048       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
1049       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1050         name="server_header_filter_all" id="server_header_filter_all_n" value="N" @server-header-filter-all-n@ ></td>
1051       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1052         name="server_header_filter_all" id="server_header_filter_all_x" value="X" @server-header-filter-all-x@ ></td>
1053       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@SERVER-HEADER-FILTER">server-header-filter</a> *</td>
1054       <td>Filter the server headers.
1055         You can use the radio buttons on this line to disable
1056         all server-header filters applied by previous rules, and/or
1057         you can enable or disable the filters individually below.</td>
1058     </tr>
1059 @server-header-filter-params@
1060     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
1061       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
1062       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1063         name="server_header_tagger_all" id="server_header_tagger_all_n" value="N" @server-header-tagger-all-n@ ></td>
1064       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1065         name="server_header_tagger_all" id="server_header_tagger_all_x" value="X" @server-header-tagger-all-x@ ></td>
1066       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@SERVER-HEADER-TAGGER">server-header-tagger</a> *</td>
1067       <td>Create tags based on the server headers.
1068         You can use the radio buttons on this line to disable
1069         all server-header taggers applied by previous rules, and/or
1070         you can enable or disable the taggers individually below.</td>
1071     </tr>
1072 @server-header-tagger-params@
1073     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
1074       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1075         name="session_cookies_only" value="Y" @session-cookies-only-y@
1076         ></td>
1077       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1078         name="session_cookies_only" value="N" @session-cookies-only-n@
1079         ></td>
1080       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1081         name="session_cookies_only" value="X" @session-cookies-only-x@
1082         ></td>
1083       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@SESSION-COOKIES-ONLY">session-cookies-only</a></td>
1084       <td>HTTP cookies set by the website are changed to temporary
1085         ("per-session") ones, which only last until you close your web
1086         browser.  This will allow you to use sites that require cookies, but
1087         sites will not be able to track you across sessions.  For this to
1088         be useful, you should disable 
1089         <a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@CRUNCH-OUTGOING-COOKIES"><b>crunch-outgoing-cookies</b></a> and
1090         <a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@CRUNCH-INCOMING-COOKIES"><b>crunch-incoming-cookies</b></a>.</td>
1091     </tr>
1092     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top">
1093       <td class="en1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1094         name="set_image_blocker" id="set_image_blocker_y" value="Y" @set-image-blocker-y@
1095         onclick="show_set_image_blocker_opts(true)"></td>
1096       <td class="dis1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1097         name="set_image_blocker" value="N" @set-image-blocker-n@
1098         onclick="show_set_image_blocker_opts(false)"></td>
1099       <td class="noc1" align="center" valign="middle"><input type="radio"
1100         name="set_image_blocker" value="X" @set-image-blocker-x@
1101         onclick="show_set_image_blocker_opts(false)"></td>
1102       <td class="action"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@SET-IMAGE-BLOCKER">set-image-blocker</a></td>
1103       <td>Specifies how to block images.</td>
1104     </tr>
1105     <tr class="bg1" align="left" valign="top" id="set_image_blocker_opts">
1106       <td class="en1">&nbsp;</td>
1107       <td class="dis1">&nbsp;</td>
1108       <td class="noc1">&nbsp;</td>
1109       <td>&nbsp;</td>
1110       <td><input type="radio" name="set_image_blocker_mode"
1111         onclick="set_image_blocker_param_disable(true)"
1112         value="pattern" id="set_image_blocker_mode_pattern"
1113         @set-image-blocker-param-pattern@><label
1114         for="set_image_blocker_mode_pattern">Send a pattern (<img
1115         src="send-banner?type=p" width="12" height="12"
1116         alt="pattern">)</label><br>
1117         <input type="radio" name="set_image_blocker_mode" value="blank"
1118         onclick="set_image_blocker_param_disable(true)"
1119         id="set_image_blocker_mode_blank" @set-image-blocker-param-blank@><label 
1120         for="set_image_blocker_mode_blank">Send a 1x1 transparent GIF</label><br>
1121         <input type="radio" name="set_image_blocker_mode" value="CUSTOM"
1122         onclick="set_image_blocker_param_disable(false)"
1123         id="set_image_blocker_mode_set" @set-image-blocker-param-custom@><label
1124         for="set_image_blocker_mode_set">Redirect
1125         the browser to this image URL:</label><br>
1126         <input type="text" name="set_image_blocker_param" id="set_image_blocker_param"
1127         size="40" value="@set-image-blocker-param@"></td>
1128     </tr>
1129   </table>
1131 <!-- @if-multiple-forms-start -->
1132   <p>
1133    <input type="hidden" name="f" value="@f@">
1134    <input type="hidden" name="v" value="@v@">
1135    <input type="hidden" name="s" value="@s@">
1136    <input type="submit" value="Submit changes in Section 4" name="Submit">
1137   </p>
1138  </form>
1139 <!-- if-multiple-forms-end@ -->
1140 </td></tr>
1141 <!-- @if-one-form-only-start -->
1142     <tr>
1143       <td class="green" align="center">
1144         <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit"></p>
1145       </td>
1146     </tr>
1147 <!-- if-one-form-only-end@ -->
1148     <tr>
1149       <td class="box">
1150         <h2>More Privoxy:</h2>
1151         <ul>@menu@<li><a href="@user-manual@">Documentation</a></li></ul>
1152       </td>
1153     </tr>
1155     <tr>
1156       <td class="info">
1158 #include mod-support-and-service
1160       </td>
1161     </tr>
1163 <!-- @if-have-help-info-start -->
1164     <tr>
1165       <td class="info">
1167 #include mod-local-help
1169       </td>
1170     </tr>
1171 <!-- if-have-help-info-end@ -->
1173   </table>
1174 <!-- @if-one-form-only-start -->
1175 </form>
1176 <!-- if-one-form-only-end@ -->
1178 <script type="text/javascript">
1179 <!--
1181 if (document.getElementById) {
1182     // alert("Netscape 6 or IE5");
1183     document.getElementById("hide_from_header_param").disabled = !(document.getElementById("hide_from_header_mode_set").checked);
1184     document.getElementById("hide_referrer_param").disabled = !(document.getElementById("hide_referrer_mode_set").checked);
1185     document.getElementById("set_image_blocker_param").disabled = !(document.getElementById("set_image_blocker_mode_set").checked);
1187     show_add_header_opts    (document.getElementById("add_header_y").checked);
1188     show_deanimate_opts     (document.getElementById("deanimate_gifs_y").checked);
1189     show_hide_from_header_opts(document.getElementById("hide_from_header_y").checked);
1190     show_hide_referrer_opts (document.getElementById("hide_referrer_y").checked);
1191     show_user_agent_opts    (document.getElementById("hide_user_agent_y").checked);
1192     show_set_image_blocker_opts (document.getElementById("set_image_blocker_y").checked);
1193     show_limit_connect_opts (document.getElementById("limit_connect_y").checked);
1194     show_send_wafer_opts    (document.getElementById("send_wafer_y").checked);
1195 } else if (document.all) {
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1199     document.myform.set_image_blocker_param.disabled = !(document.myform.set_image_blocker_mode_set.checked);
1201     show_add_header_opts    (document.myform.add_header_y.checked);
1202     show_deanimate_opts     (document.myform.deanimate_gifs_y.checked);
1203     show_hide_from_header_opts (document.myform.hide_from_header_y.checked);
1204     show_hide_referrer_opts (document.myform.hide_referrer_y.checked);
1205     show_user_agent_opts    (document.myform.hide_user_agent_y.checked);
1206     show_set_image_blocker_opts (document.myform.set_image_blocker_y.checked);
1207     show_limit_connect_opts (document.myform.limit_connect_y.checked);
1208     show_send_wafer_opts    (document.myform.send_wafer_y.checked);
1209 } else if (document.layers) {
1210     // alert("Netscape 4");
1211 }
1212 //-->
1213 </script>
1216 </body>
1218 </html>