[privoxy.git] / default.action.master
2 #MASTER# COMMENT:  Anyone adding specific rules to this file,
3 #MASTER# COMMENT:  wherever possible please include a *full* URL
4 #MASTER# COMMENT:  which can be used to verify the problem, and if
5 #MASTER# COMMENT:  the problem may not always be fully obvious, a
6 #MASTER# COMMENT:  brief explanation. Please also add tests for
7 #MASTER# COMMENT:  Privoxy-Regression-Test so we can automatically
8 #MASTER# COMMENT:  verify that your rules are effective. Thanks.
10 ######################################################################
11 #
12 #  File        :  $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/default.action.master,v $
13 #
14 #  $Id: default.action.master,v 1.231 2011/02/10 22:20:38 fabiankeil Exp $
15 #
16 #  Requires    :  This version requires Privoxy v3.0.11 or later due to
17 #                 syntax changes.
18 #
19 #  Purpose     :  Default actions file, see
20 #                 http://www.privoxy.org/user-manual/actions-file.html.
21 #                 This file is subject to periodic updating. It is
22 #                 not supposed to be edited by the user. Local exceptions
23 #                 and enhancements are better placed in user.action,
24 #                 the match-all section has been moved to match-all.action.
25 #
26 #  Copyright   :  Written by and Copyright (C) 2001-2010 the
27 #                 Privoxy team. http://www.privoxy.org/
28 #
29 #  Note: Updated versions of this file will be made available from time
30 #        to time. Check http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=11118
31 #        for updates and/or subscribe to the announce mailing list
32 #        (http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ijbswa-announce) if you
33 #        wish to receive an email notice whenever updates are released.
34 #
35 # We value your feedback. However, to provide you with the best support,
36 # please note:
37 #
38 #  * Use the support forum to get help:
39 #    http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=11118&atid=211118
40 #  * Submit feedback for this actions file only through the
41 #    SF actions file feedback tracker:
42 #    http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=11118&atid=460288
43 #  * Submit bugs only through our bug forum:
44 #    http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=11118&atid=111118
45 #    Make sure that the bug has not already been submitted. Please try
46 #    to verify that it is a Privoxy bug, and not a browser or site
47 #    bug first. If you are using your own custom configuration, please
48 #    try the stock configs to see if the problem is a configuration
49 #    related bug. And if possible please try the latest CVS sources.
50 #  * Submit feature requests only through our feature request forum:
51 #    http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=361118&group_id=11118&func=browse
52 #
53 # For any other issues, feel free to use the mailing lists:
54 # http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=11118
55 #
56 # Anyone interested in actively participating in development and related
57 # discussions can join the appropriate mailing list here:
58 # http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=11118. Archives are available
59 # here too.
60 #
61 # The current development version of this file is located:
62 # http://ijbswa.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/ijbswa/current/default.action.master
63 #
64 #############################################################################
65 # Syntax
66 #############################################################################
67 #
68 # A much better explanation can be found in the user manual which is
69 # part of the distribution and can be found at http://www.privoxy.org/user-manual
70 #
71 # To determine which actions apply to a request, the URL of the request is
72 # compared to all patterns in this file. Every time it matches, the list of
73 # applicable actions for this URL is incrementally updated. You can trace
74 # this process by visiting http://config.privoxy.org/show-url-info
75 #
76 # There are 4 types of lines in this file: comments (like this line),
77 # actions, aliases and patterns, all of which are explained below.
78 #
79 #############################################################################
80 # Pattern Syntax
81 #############################################################################
82 #
83 # 1. On Domains and Paths
84 # -----------------------
85 #
86 # Generally, a pattern has the form <domain>/<path>, where both the <domain>
87 # and <path> part are optional. The pattern matching syntax is different for
88 # each. If you only specify a domain part, the "/" can be left out, but it is
89 # required for the path part.
90 #
91 # www.example.com
92 #   is a domain-only pattern and will match any request to www.example.com
93 #
94 # www.example.com/
95 #   means exactly the same (but is slightly less efficient)
96 #
97 # www.example.com/index.html
98 #   matches only the document /index.html on www.example.com
99 #
100 # /index.html
101 #   matches the document /index.html, regardless of the domain
102 #
103 # index.html
104 #   matches nothing, since it would be interpreted as a domain name and
105 #   there is no top-level domain called ".html".
106 #
107 # 2. Domain Syntax
108 # ----------------
109 #
110 # The matching of the domain part offers some flexible options: If the
111 # domain starts or ends with a dot, it becomes unanchored at that end:
112 #
113 # www.example.com
114 #   matches only www.example.com
115 #
116 # .example.com
117 #   matches any domain that ENDS in .example.com
118 #
119 # www.
120 #   matches any domain that STARTS with www.
121 #
122 # .example.
123 #   matches any domain that CONTAINS example
124 #
125 #
126 # Additionally, there are wildcards that you can use in the domain names
127 # themselves. They work pretty similar to shell wildcards: "*" stands for
128 # zero or more arbitrary characters, "?" stands for one, and you can define
129 # character classes in square brackets and they can be freely mixed:
130 #
131 # ad*.example.com
132 #   matches adserver.example.com, ads.example.com, etc but not sfads.example.com
133 #
134 # *ad*.example.com
135 #   matches all of the above
136 #
137 # .?pix.com
138 #   matches www.ipix.com, pictures.epix.com, a.b.c.d.e.upix.com etc
139 #
140 # www[1-9a-ez].example.com
141 #   matches www1.example.com, www4.example.com, wwwd.example.com,
142 #   wwwz.example.com etc, but not wwww.example.com
143 #
144 # You get the idea?
145 #
146 # 2. Path Syntax
147 # --------------
148 #
149 # Paths are specified as full regular expressions, and are more flexible than
150 # the domain syntax above. A comprehensive discussion of regular expressions
151 # wouldn't fit here.
152 #
153 # Perl compatible regular expressions are used. See the pcre/docs/ direcory or
154 # man perlre (also available at http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html) for
155 # details. The appendix to our User Manual also has some detail.
156 #
157 # Please note that matching in the path is CASE INSENSITIVE by default, but
158 # you can switch to case sensitive by starting the pattern with the "(?-i)"
159 # switch:
160 #
161 # www.example.com/(?-i)PaTtErN.*
162 #   will match only documents whose path starts with PaTtErN in exactly this
163 #   capitalization.
164 #
165 # Partially case-sensitive and partially case-insensitive patterns are
166 # possible, but the rules about splitting them up are extremely complex
167 # - see the PCRE documentation for more information.
168 #
169 #############################################################################
170 # Action Syntax
171 #############################################################################
172 #
173 # There are 3 kinds of actions:
174 #
175 # Boolean (e.g. "handle-as-image"):
176 #   +name  # enable
177 #   -name  # disable
178 #
179 # Parameterized (e.g. "hide-user-agent"):
180 #   +name{param}  # enable and set parameter to "param"
181 #   -name         # disable
182 #
183 # Multi-value (e.g. "add-header", "filter"):
184 #   +name{param}  # enable and add parameter "param"
185 #   -name{param}  # remove the parameter "param"
186 #   -name         # disable totally
187 #
188 # The default (if you don't specify anything in this file) is not to take
189 # any actions - i.e completely disabled, so Privoxy will just be a
190 # normal, non-blocking, non-anonymizing proxy.  You must specifically
191 # enable the privacy and blocking features you need (although the
192 # provided default actions file will do that for you).
193 #
194 # Later actions always override earlier ones.  For multi-valued actions,
195 # the actions are applied in the order they are specified.
196 #
197 #############################################################################
198 # Valid actions are:
199 #############################################################################
200 #
201 # +add-header{Name: value}
202 #    Adds the specified HTTP header, which is not checked for validity.
203 #    You may specify this many times to specify many headers.
204 #
205 # +block{reason}
206 #    Block this URL. Instead of forwarding the request, Privoxy will
207 #    send a "block" page containing the specified reason.
208 #
209 # +change-x-forwarded-for{add}
210 # +change-x-forwarded-for{block}
211 #   Adds or blocks the "X-Forwarded-For:" HTTP header in client
212 #   requests.
213 #
214 # +client-header-filter{name}
215 #    All client headers to which this action applies are filtered on-the-fly
216 #    through the specified regular expression based substitutions.
217 #
218 #    Client-header filters predefined in the supplied default.filter include:
219 #
220 #     hide-tor-exit-notation: Removes the Tor exit node notation in Host and Referer headers.
221 #     privoxy-control:        Removes X-Privoxy-Control headers.
222 #
223 # +client-header-tagger{string}
224 #    Tag requests based on their headers. Client headers to which this
225 #    action applies are filtered on-the-fly through the specified regular
226 #    expression based substitutions, the result is used as a tag.
227 #    Client-header taggers are the first actions that are executed and their
228 #    tags can be used to control every other action.
229 #
230 #    Client-header taggers predefined in the supplied default.filter include:
231 #
232 #     image-requests:    Tags detected image requests as "IMAGE-REQUEST".
233 #     css-requests:      Tags detected CSS requests as "CSS-REQUEST".
234 #     client-ip-address: Tags the request with the client's IP address.
235 #     http-method:       Tags the request with its HTTP method.
236 #     allow-post:        Tags POST requests as "ALLOWED-POST".
237 #     complete-url:      Tags the request with the whole request URL.
238 #     user-agent:        Tags the request with the complete User-Agent header.
239 #     privoxy-control:   Creates tags with the content of X-Privoxy-Control headers.
240 #
241 # +content-type-overwrite
242 #    Replaces the "Content-Type:" HTTP server header, so that unwanted
243 #    download menus will not pop up, or changes the browser's rendering mode.
244 #
245 # +crunch-client-header{string}
246 #    Deletes every header sent by the client that contains the string the
247 #    user supplied as parameter.
248 #
249 # +crunch-if-none-match
250 #     Deletes the "If-None-Match:" HTTP client header.
251 #
252 # +crunch-server-header{string}
253 #    Deletes every header sent by the server that contains the string the
254 #    user supplied as a parameter.
255 #
256 # +deanimate-gifs{last}
257 # +deanimate-gifs{first}
258 #    Deanimate all animated GIF images, i.e. reduce them to their last
259 #    frame. This will also shrink the images considerably. (In bytes,
260 #    not pixels!)
261 #    If the option "first" is given, the first frame of the animation
262 #    is used as the replacement. If "last" is given, the last frame of
263 #    the animation is used instead, which propably makes more sense for
264 #    most banner animations, but also has the risk of not showing the
265 #    entire last frame (if it is only a delta to an earlier frame).
266 #
267 # +downgrade-http-version
268 #    Downgrade HTTP/1.1 client requests to HTTP/1.0 and downgrade the
269 #    responses as well. Use this action for servers that use HTTP/1.1
270 #    protocol features that Privoxy currently can't handle yet.
271 #
272 # +fast-redirects{check-decoded-url}
273 # +fast-redirects{simple-check}
274 #    Many sites, like yahoo.com, don't just link to other sites.
275 #    Instead, they will link to some script on their own server,
276 #    giving the destination as a parameter, which will then redirect
277 #    you to the final target.
278 #
279 #    URLs resulting from this scheme typically look like:
280 #    http://some.place/some_script?http://some.where-else
281 #
282 #    Sometimes, there are even multiple consecutive redirects encoded
283 #    in the URL. These redirections via scripts make your web browsing
284 #    more traceable, since the server from which you follow such a link
285 #    can see where you go to. Apart from that, valuable bandwidth and
286 #    time is wasted, while your browser asks the server for one redirect
287 #    after the other. Plus, it feeds the advertisers.
288 #
289 #    The +fast-redirects{check-decoded-url} option enables interception of
290 #    these requests by Privoxy, who will cut off all but the last valid URL
291 #    in the request and send a local redirect back to your browser without
292 #    contacting the intermediate sites. NOTE: Syntax change as of v.3.0.4.
293 #
294 # +filter{name}
295 #    All files of text-based type, most notably HTML and JavaScript, to which
296 #    this action applies, can be filtered on-the-fly through the specified
297 #    regular expression based substitutions. (Note: plain text documents are
298 #    exempted from filtering, because web servers often use the text/plain
299 #    MIME type for all files whose type they don't know.) By default,
300 #    filtering works only on the raw document content itself (that which can
301 #    be seen with View Source), not the headers. Repeat for multiple filters.
302 #    Use with caution: filters can be very intrusive.
303 #
304 #    Filters predefined in the supplied default.filter include:
305 #
306 #     js-annoyances:       Get rid of particularly annoying JavaScript abuse.
307 #     js-events:           Kill all JS event bindings and timers (Radically destructive! Only for extra nasty sites).
308 #     html-annoyances:     Get rid of particularly annoying HTML abuse.
309 #     content-cookies:     Kill cookies that come in the HTML or JS content.
310 #     refresh-tags:        Kill automatic refresh tags (for dial-on-demand setups).
311 #     unsolicited-popups:  Disable only unsolicited pop-up windows.
312 #     all-popups:          Kill all popups in JavaScript and HTML.
313 #     img-reorder:         Reorder attributes in <img> tags to make the banners-by-* filters more effective.
314 #     banners-by-size:     Kill banners by size.
315 #     banners-by-link:     Kill banners by their links to known clicktrackers.
316 #     webbugs:             Squish WebBugs (1x1 invisible GIFs used for user tracking).
317 #     tiny-textforms:      Extend those tiny textareas up to 40x80 and kill the hard wrap.
318 #     jumping-windows:     Prevent windows from resizing and moving themselves.
319 #     frameset-borders:    Give frames a border and make them resizable.
320 #     demoronizer:         Fix MS's non-standard use of standard charsets.
321 #     shockwave-flash:     Kill embedded Shockwave Flash objects.
322 #     quicktime-kioskmode: Make Quicktime movies saveable.
323 #     fun:                 Text replacements for subversive browsing fun!
324 #     crude-parental:      Crude parental filtering. Note that this filter doesn't work reliably.
325 #     ie-exploits:         Disable some known Internet Explorer bug exploits.
326 #     site-specifics:      Cure for site-specific problems. Don't apply generally!
327 #     no-ping:             Removes non-standard ping attributes in <a> and <area> tags.
328 #     google:              CSS-based block for Google text ads. Also removes a width limitation and the toolbar advertisement.
329 #     yahoo:               CSS-based block for Yahoo text ads. Also removes a width limitation.
330 #     msn:                 CSS-based block for MSN text ads. Also removes tracking URLs and a width limitation.
331 #     blogspot:            Cleans up some Blogspot blogs. Read the fine print before using this.
332 #
333 # +force-text-mode
334 #    Declares a document as plain text, even if the "Content-Type:" isn't detected
335 #    as such.
336 #
337 # +forward-override{forward .}
338 # +forward-override{forward}
339 # +forward-override{forward-socks4a .}
340 # +forward-override{forward-socks4a proxy.example.org:8000}
341 # +forward-override{forward-socks5 .}
342 # +forward-override{forward-socks5 proxy.example.org:8000}
343 #   This action overrules the forward directives in the configuration file.
344 #
345 # +handle-as-empty-document
346 #   This action alone doesn't do anything noticeable. It just marks URLs. If
347 #   the block action also applies, the presence or absence of this mark
348 #   decides whether an HTML "blocked"  page, or an empty document will be sent
349 #   to the client as a substitute for the blocked content.
350 #
351 # +handle-as-image
352 #    Treat this URL as an image.  This only matters if it's also "+block"ed,
353 #    in which case a "blocked" image can be sent rather than a HTML page.
354 #    See +set-image-blocker{} for the control over what is actually sent.
355 #
356 # +hide-accept-language{lang}
357 # +hide-accept-language{block}
358 #   Deletes or replaces the "Accept-Language:" HTTP header in client
359 #   requests.
360 #
361 # +hide-content-disposition{block}
362 # +hide-content-disposition{string}
363 #   Deletes or replaces the "Content-Disposition:" HTTP header set by some
364 #   servers. This can be used to prevent download menus for content you
365 #   prefer to view inside the browser, for example.
366 #
367 # +hide-from-header{block}
368 # +hide-from-header{spam@sittingduck.xqq}
369 #   If the browser sends a "From:" header containing your e-mail address,
370 #   either completely removes the header ("block"), or change it to the
371 #   specified e-mail address.
372 #
373 # +hide-if-modified-since{block}
374 # +hide-if-modified-since{-60}
375 #   Deletes the "If-Modified-Since:" HTTP client header or modifies its
376 #   value, preventing another way to track users.
377 #
378 # +hide-referer{block}
379 # +hide-referer{forge}
380 # +hide-referer{http://nowhere.com}
381 #    Don't send the "Referer:" (sic) header to the web site.  You can
382 #    block it, forge a URL to the same server as the request (which is
383 #    preferred because some sites will not send images otherwise) or
384 #    set it to a constant string.
385 #
386 # +hide-referrer{...}
387 #    Alternative spelling of +hide-referer.  Has the same parameters,
388 #    and can be freely mixed with, "+hide-referer".  ("referrer" is the
389 #    correct English spelling, however the HTTP specification has a
390 #    bug - it requires it to be spelt "referer").
391 #
392 # +hide-user-agent{browser-type}
393 #    Change the "User-Agent:" header so web servers can't tell your
394 #    browser type.  (Breaks many web sites).  Specify the user-agent
395 #    value you want - e.g., to pretend to be using Netscape on Linux:
396 #      +hide-user-agent{Mozilla (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i586)}
397 #    Or to identify yourself explicitly as a Privoxy user:
398 #      +hide-user-agent{Privoxy/1.0}
399 #    (Don't change the version number from 1.0 - after all, why tell them?)
400 #
401 # +limit-connect{portlist}
402 #
403 #    By default, i.e. if no limit-connect action applies, Privoxy
404 #    allows HTTP CONNECT requests to all ports. Use limit-connect
405 #    if fine-grained control is desired for some or all destinations.
406 #    The CONNECT methods exists in HTTP to allow access to secure websites
407 #    ("https://" URLs) through proxies. It works very simply: the proxy
408 #    connects to the server on the specified port, and then short-circuits
409 #    its connections to the client and to the remote server. This means
410 #    CONNECT-enabled proxies can be used as TCP relays very easily. Privoxy
411 #    relays HTTPS traffic without seeing the decoded content. Websites can
412 #    leverage this limitation to circumvent Privoxy's filters. By specifying
413 #    an invalid port range you can disable HTTPS entirely.
414 #
415 #    +limit-connect{443}                   # Only port 443 is OK.
416 #    +limit-connect{80,443}                # Ports 80 and 443 are OK.
417 #    +limit-connect{-3, 7, 20-100, 500-}   # Ports less than 3, 7, 20 to 100 and above 500 are OK.
418 #    +limit-connect{-}                     # All ports are OK
419 #    +limit-connect{,}                     # No HTTPS/SSL traffic is allowed
420 #
421 # +overwrite-last-modified{block}
422 # +overwrite-last-modified{reset-to-request-time}
423 # +overwrite-last-modified{randomize}
424 #    Removing the "Last-Modified:" header is useful for filter testing, where
425 #    you want to force a real reload instead of getting status code "304",
426 #    which would cause the browser to reuse the old version of the page.
427 #
428 #    The "randomize" option overwrites the value of the "Last-Modified:"
429 #    header with a randomly chosen time between the original value and the
430 #    current time. In theory the server could send each document with a
431 #    different "Last-Modified:" header to track visits without using cookies.
432 #    "Randomize" makes it impossible and the browser can still revalidate
433 #    cached documents.
434 #
435 #    "reset-to-request-time" overwrites the value of the "Last-Modified:"
436 #    header with the current time. You could use this option together with
437 #    hide-if-modified-since to further customize your random range.
438 #
439 # +prevent-compression
440 #    Prevent the website from compressing the data. Some websites do
441 #    that, which is a problem for Privoxy when built without zlib support,
442 #    since +filter and +gif-deanimate will not work on compressed data.
443 #    Will slow down connections to those websites, though.
444 #
445 # +server-header-filter{name}
446 #    All server headers to which this action applies are filtered on-the-fly
447 #    through the specified regular expression based substitutions.
448 #
449 #    Server-header filters predefined in the supplied default.filter include:
450 #
451 #     x-httpd-php-to-html:   Changes the Content-Type header from x-httpd-php to html.
452 #     html-to-xml:           Changes the Content-Type header from html to xml.
453 #     xml-to-html:           Changes the Content-Type header from xml to html.
454 #     less-download-windows: Prevent annoying download windows for content types the browser can handle itself.
455 #     privoxy-control:       Removes X-Privoxy-Control headers.
456 #
457 # +server-header-tagger{content-type}
458 #    Server headers to which this action applies are filtered on-the-fly
459 #    through the specified regular expression based substitutions, the result
460 #    is used as a tag. Server-header taggers are executed before all other
461 #    header actions that modify server headers. Their tags can be used to
462 #    control all of the other server-header actions, the content filters and
463 #    the crunch actions (redirect and block).
464 #
465 #    Server-header taggers predefined in the supplied default.filter include:
466 #
467 #     content-type:    Tags the request with the content type declared by the server.
468 #     privoxy-control: Creates tags with the content of X-Privoxy-Control headers.
469 #
470 # +session-cookies-only
471 #    If the website sets cookies, make sure they are erased when you exit
472 #    and restart your web browser.  This makes profiling cookies useless,
473 #    but won't break sites which require cookies so that you can log in
474 #    or for transactions.
475 #
476 # +set-image-blocker{blank}
477 # +set-image-blocker{pattern}
478 # +set-image-blocker{<URL>} with <url> being any valid image URL
479 #    Decides what to do with URLs that end up tagged with {+block +handle-as-image}.
480 #    There are 4 options:
481 #      * "-set-image-blocker" will send a HTML "blocked" page, usually
482 #         resulting in a "broken image" icon.
483 #      * "+set-image-blocker{blank}" will send a 1x1 transparent image
484 #      * "+set-image-blocker{pattern}" will send a 4x4 grey/white pattern
485 #        which is less intrusive than the logo but easier to recognize
486 #        than the transparent one.
487 #      * "+set-image-blocker{<URL>}" will send a HTTP temporary redirect
488 #        to the specified image URL.
489 #
490 #
491 # +crunch-outgoing-cookies
492 #    Prevent the website from reading cookies
493 #
494 # +crunch-incoming-cookies
495 #    Prevent the website from setting cookies
496 #
497 # +redirect{<URL>}
498 # +redirect{<pcrs command>}
499 #    Convinces the browser that the requested document has been moved to
500 #    another location and the browser should get it from the specified
501 #    URL.
502 #
503 #############################################################################
505 #############################################################################
506 # Settings -- Don't change.
507 #############################################################################
508 {{settings}}
509 #############################################################################
510 #MASTER# COMMENT: The minimum Privoxy version:
511 for-privoxy-version=3.0.11
513 #############################################################################
514 # Aliases
515 #############################################################################
516 {{alias}}
517 #############################################################################
518 #
519 # You can define a short form for a list of permissions - e.g., instead
520 # of "-crunch-incoming-cookies -crunch-outgoing-cookies -filter -fast-redirects",
521 # you can just write "shop". This is called an alias.
522 #
523 # Currently, an alias can contain any character except space, tab, '=', '{'
524 # or '}'.
525 # But please use only 'a'-'z', '0'-'9', '+', and '-'.
526 #
527 # Alias names are not case sensitive.
528 #
529 # Aliases beginning with '+' or '-' may be used for system action names
530 # in future releases - so try to avoid alias names like this.  (e.g.
531 # "+crunch-all-cookies" below is not a good name)
532 #
533 # Aliases must be defined before they are used.
534 #
536 # These aliases just save typing later:
537 #
538 +crunch-all-cookies = +crunch-incoming-cookies +crunch-outgoing-cookies
539 -crunch-all-cookies = -crunch-incoming-cookies -crunch-outgoing-cookies
540  allow-all-cookies  = -crunch-all-cookies -session-cookies-only
541  allow-popups       = -filter{all-popups} -filter{unsolicited-popups}
542 +block-as-image     = +block{Blocked image request.} +handle-as-image
543 -block-as-image     = -block
545 # These aliases define combinations of actions
546 # that are useful for certain types of sites:
547 #
548 fragile     = -block -crunch-all-cookies -filter -fast-redirects -hide-referer -prevent-compression
549 shop        = -crunch-all-cookies allow-popups
551 # Your favourite blend of filters:
552 #
553 myfilters   = +filter{html-annoyances} +filter{js-annoyances} +filter{all-popups}\
554               +filter{webbugs} +filter{banners-by-size}
556 # Allow ads for selected useful free sites:
557 #
558 allow-ads   = -block -filter{banners-by-size} -filter{banners-by-link}
560 ################
561 #
562 # Cautious settings -- safe for all sites, but offer little privacy protection
563 #
564 { \
565 +change-x-forwarded-for{block} \
566 +client-header-tagger{css-requests} \
567 +client-header-tagger{image-requests} \
568 +hide-from-header{block} \
569 +set-image-blocker{pattern} \
570 }
571 standard.Cautious
573 ################
574 #
575 # Medium settings -- safe for most sites, with reasonable protection/damage tradeoff
576 #
577 { \
578 +change-x-forwarded-for{block} \
579 +client-header-tagger{css-requests} \
580 +client-header-tagger{image-requests} \
581 +deanimate-gifs{last} \
582 +filter{refresh-tags} \
583 +filter{img-reorder} \
584 +filter{banners-by-size} \
585 +filter{webbugs} \
586 +filter{jumping-windows} \
587 +filter{ie-exploits} \
588 +hide-from-header{block} \
589 +hide-referrer{conditional-block} \
590 +session-cookies-only \
591 +set-image-blocker{pattern} \
592 }
593 standard.Medium
595 ################
596 #
597 # Advanced settings -- reasonable privacy protection but
598 # require some exceptions for trusted sites, most likely
599 # because of cookies or SSL. Also testing ground for
600 # new options.
601 #
602 # CAUTION: These settings can still be subverted by a
603 # misconfigured client that executes code from untrusted
604 # sources.
605 #
606 { \
607 +change-x-forwarded-for{block} \
608 +client-header-tagger{css-requests} \
609 +client-header-tagger{image-requests} \
610 +crunch-if-none-match \
611 +crunch-outgoing-cookies \
612 +crunch-incoming-cookies \
613 +deanimate-gifs{last} \
614 +fast-redirects{check-decoded-url} \
615 +filter{html-annoyances} \
616 +filter{content-cookies} \
617 +filter{refresh-tags} \
618 +filter{img-reorder} \
619 +filter{banners-by-size} \
620 +filter{banners-by-link} \
621 +filter{webbugs} \
622 +filter{jumping-windows} \
623 +filter{frameset-borders} \
624 +filter{quicktime-kioskmode} \
625 +hide-if-modified-since{-60} \
626 +hide-from-header{block} \
627 +hide-referrer{conditional-block} \
628 +limit-connect{,} \
629 +overwrite-last-modified{randomize} \
630 +set-image-blocker{pattern} \
631 }
632 standard.Advanced
634 #############################################################################
635 # These extensions belong to images:
636 #############################################################################
637 {+handle-as-image -filter}
638 #############################################################################
639 /.*\.(gif|jpe?g|png|bmp|ico)($|\?)
641 #############################################################################
642 # These don't:
643 #############################################################################
644 {-handle-as-image}
645 /.*\.(js|php|css|.?html?)
647 #############################################################################
648 # These belong to multimedia files of which Firefox occasionally only
649 # requests parts. #2816708
650 #############################################################################
651 {-filter -deanimate-gifs}
652 # Sticky Actions = -filter -deanimate-gifs
653 # URL = http://www.example.org/foo/bar.ogg
654 # URL = http://www.example.net/bar.ogv
655 /.*\.og[gv]$
657 #############################################################################
658 # Generic block patterns by host:
659 #############################################################################
660 {+block{Host matches generic block pattern.}}
661 ad*.
662 .*ads.
663 #MASTER# REMARKS: removed .ad. 2007-12-18 HB
664 #MASTER# REMARKS: Modifications per Actionsfile feedback item #1807613
665 .ad.?.
666 .ad.[a-ik-z][a-oq-z].
667 .ad.jp.*.
668 .ad.???*.
669 # Blocked URL = http://alternativos.iw-advertising.com/
670 .*advert*.
671 *banner*.
672 count*.
673 *counter.
674 #MASTER# PROBLEM URL: http://www.newegg.com
675 promotions.
676 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://tech.cybernetnews.com/
677 # Blocked URL = http://metrics.performancing.com/
678 metrics.
680 #############################################################################
681 # Generic unblockers by host:
682 #############################################################################
683 {-block}
684 # Sticky Actions = -block
685 adsl.
686 ad[udmw]*.
687 adbl*.
688 adam*.
689 adapt*.
690 adob*.
691 adrenaline.
692 adtp*.
693 adv[oia]*.
694 adventure*.
695 .*road*.
696 .olympiad*.
697 .*load*.
698 .*[epu]ad*.
699 county*.
700 countr*.
701 #MASTER# REMARKS: We still like tor
702 # URL = http://metrics.torproject.org/consensus-graphs.html
703 metrics.torproject.org/
705 #############################################################################
706 # Generic block patterns by path:
707 #############################################################################
708 {+block{Path matches generic block pattern.}}
709 /(.*/)?ad(\?|/|s|v|_?(image|se?rv|box)|cycle|rotate|mentor|click|f[ra]m|script|stream|fetch|log|space)
710 # Blocked URL = http://www.example.org/adimage
711 # Blocked URL = http://www.example.org/adspace
712 /phpads(new)?/
713 /(.*/)?(ad|all|nn|db|promo(tion)?)?[-_]?banner
714 /(.*/)?(publicite|werbung|rekla(me|am)|annonse|maino(kset|nta|s)?/)
715 /.*(count|track|compteur|(?<!relo)adframe|adse?rve?|banner)(er|run)?(\?|\.(pl|cgi|exe|dll|asp|php|cpt))
716 /(.*/)?clicktrack
717 /(.*/)?(full)?pop[-_]?(up|over|under|open(er)?)?s?(/|\.)
718 /(.*/)?((flash)?pop|live(cnt|count(er)?)).*\.(js|php|cgi)
720 #############################################################################
721 # Generic unblockers by path:
722 #############################################################################
723 {-block}
724 # Sticky Actions = -block
725 /.*ad(sl|v(i[cs]|o|an|ertencia|ent|.*search|erse)) # advice/advisories/advan*/advertencia (spanish) adverse
726 /.*(lo|thre|he|d|gr|l|ro|re|squ|class(ified)?)ads
727 /.*account
728 support./(.*/)?track
729 # URL = http://repo.or.cz/r/vlc.git/objects/ad/1d316efd83157217fdf9b5d417dddca54bbf41
730 /.*\.git/objects/
732 #############################################################################
733 # Exceptions for academia and non-profits
734 #############################################################################
735 .edu
736 .ac.*/
737 .uni-*.de
738 .tu-*.de
739 .gov
740 .hs-*.de
741 .fh-*.de
742 #MASTER# REMARKS: Try to avoid harmless names in non-commercial organizations. Added 10/24/06
743 # URL = http://www.gnu.org/graphics/gnu-head-banner.png
744 .org/.*(image|banner)
746 #############################################################################
747 # Catch-all for false-positives that are just TOO obvious to let go
748 #############################################################################
749 {+block{Catch-all block for false-positives.}}
750 #MASTER# REMARKS: Going for adsrv, adserve, adserver*.
751 .ads[erv][rv]*.
752 # Blocked URL = http://ads.facebook.com/ads/spreadshirt/banner120x600.jpg
753 .ads.
754 /(.*/)?ad(se?rv|click|stream|image|log|farm|script)
755 # Blocked URL = http://www.torrentportal.com/topad.html
756 #MASTER# REMARKS: Action tracker 1637648 and a bit of imagination. Added 2007-01-20.
757 #MASTER# REMARKS: Added "text" 20070730 as per http://www.pcworld.com/textad?Keywords=System Resources Tune-Up.&type=pcworld_downloads_search&count=3&ord=906010128&serveUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pcworld.com%2Fdownloads%2Ffile%2Ffid%2C7661-order%2C1-page%2C1-c%2Csystemresourcestuneup%2Fdescription.html Adam Piggott
758 /.*(top|bottom|left|right|text)_?ad
760 #############################################################################
761 # Catch-all exceptions
762 #############################################################################
763 {-block}
764 # Sticky Actions = -block
766 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #2933856  2010-01-17 16:59
767 #MASTER# REMARKS: Allow URLs containing DektopAdmin (matches .*top_?ad)
768 # URL = http://support.apple.com/downloads/DL985/en_US/RemoteDesktopAdmin332.dmg
769 /.*desktopadmin
771 #############################################################################
772 # Site-specific block patterns;
773 #############################################################################
774 {+block{Domain parking site}}
775 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.inetcat.org
776 # Blocked URL = http://www.sedoparking.com/www.inetcat.org
777 .sedoparking.com/
778 # Blocked URL = http://landing.trafficz.com/index.php?domain=www.inetcat.org
779 landing.trafficz.com/
780 # Blocked URL = http://www.searchnut.com/?domain=www.inetcat.org
781 .searchnut.com/\?domain
782 #MASTER# REMARKS: Verizon should know better
783 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.qwetyhjkl.com
784 # Blocked URL = http://wwwz.websearch.verizon.net/search?qo=www.qwetyhjkl.com
785 wwwz.websearch.verizon.net/search\?qo=
787 {+block{Site-specific block pattern matches.}}
788 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.brooksbrothers.com/ 10/18/06
789 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.autodesk.com/
790 # Blocked URL = http://www.hitbox.com/foobar
791 .hitbox.com
792 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.the-gadgeteer.com/palmos.html 10/18/06
793 # Blocked URL = http://www..the-gadgeteer.com/cgi-bin/getimage.cgi/
794 .the-gadgeteer.com/cgi-bin/getimage.cgi/
795 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://dest.travelocity.com/DestGuides/geo_frontdoor/0,,TRAVELOCITY,00.html?HPTRACK=icon_dest
796 # Blocked URL = http://dest.travelocity.com/website/destinations/images/partner_frommers.gif
797 # Blocked URL = http://dest.travelocity.com/website/destinations/images/travelex_logo.gif
798 dest.travelocity.com/website/destinations/images/partner_frommers.gif
799 dest.travelocity.com/website/destinations/images/travelex_logo.gif
800 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://us.imdb.com/Title?0110912 10/18/06
801 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.imdb.com/help/boards/markup
802 #MASTER# REMARKS: 2nd is for emoticons exception
803 i.imdb.com/Photos/CMSIcons/(?!buttons|emoticons)
804 rcm.amazon.com
805 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.nytimes.com/ 10/18/06
806 # Blocked URL = http://www.nytimes.com/adx/foo
807 .nytimes.com/adx/
808 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.sharereactor.com/ 10/19/06
809 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.popupad.net/
810 #www.popupad.net/ats/
811 .adtrak.net
812 .elitemediagroup.net
813 .popuptraffic.com
814 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.famousbabes.com/gabrielleR/grpics1.htm 10/19/06
815 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.hit-now.com/
816 .hit-now.com
817 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.pgpi.org/ 10/18/06
818 [a-v]*.valueclick.com
819 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://astalavista.box.sk/
820 #MASTER# REMARKS: Yea, all these at one site! 10/19/06
821 .cpays.com
822 .oxado.com
823 .adult*finder.com
824 #MASTER# DONT-VERIFY: Opera's list of banners to load (XML)
825 /scripts/cms/xcms.asp
826 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile tracker 1559740 09/16/06 See http://www.vibrantmedia.com/whatisIntelliTXT.asp
827 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.hartware.de/news_40795.html
828 /.*intellitxt/
829 .intellitxt.com
830 #MASTER# REMARKS: per Actions File tracker: #1597893 11/17/06, similar to intellitxt
831 .kontera.com
832 #MASTER# REMARKS: 2007-08-17 HB, similar to intellitxt
833 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/archive/index.php/t-533369.html
834 .tribalfusion.com/ctxt
835 #MASTER# REMARKS: Video advertizer, owned by doubleclick.net.
836 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.ign.com/ 09/17/06
837 .klipmart.com
838 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://gamespot.com 09/26/06
839 #MASTER# REMARKS: adlog.com.com and ads.com.com
840 ad*.com.com
841 #MASTER# REMARKS: used in redirects: dw.com.com 12/18/06
842 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://verizon.net 09/29/06
843 sales.liveperson.net
844 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: www.avclub.com/ 10/14/06
845 .iad.liveperson.net
846 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://homedepot.com 09/29/06
847 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://weather.com 11/03/06
848 .coremetrics.com/
849 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://wired.com 09/29/06
850 .realmedia.com/data/
851 #MASTER# REMARKS: webbugs, ads and user tracking js in many places.
852 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://washingtonpost.com & http://tomshardware.com 09/29/06
853 .revsci.net
854 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1073341,00.html 09/29/06
855 .clickability.com
856 /.*clickability(.com)?/
857 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://washingtonpost.com 09/29/06
858 stats.*.ihost.com
859 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://msnbc.com and many others 09/29/06
860 .2o7.net
861 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://microsoft.com 09/29/06
862 .webtrends.com
863 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://tomshardware.com 09/29/06
864 .tacoda.
865 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.torrentazos.com 10/04/06
866 ad.theadhost.com
867 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.stuff.co.nz 10/06/06
868 .adbureau.net
869 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://drudgereport.com 10/06/06
870 .adgardener.com
871 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.connected-media.com/riven/hints.htm 10/14/06
872 #MASTER# REMARKS: ads.kw.revenue.net/? etc
873 .revenue.net
874 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.geocities.com/the_sockman1/index.html 10/15/06
875 #MASTER# REMARKS: ..and any other page on geocities. Source of the obnoxious Geocities drop-in menu.
876 .geocities.com/js_source
877 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.google.com 09/28/06
878 .dartsearch.net
879 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://wunderground.com 11/02/06
880 .zedo.com
881 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://realtor.org 11/03/06
882 .trk.sodoit.com/
883 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.freenews.fr 11/23/06 Actionsfile feedback item #1597034
884 .espace.netavenir.com
885 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.powerdvd.com/ 12/28/06
886 .hitfarm.com
887 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.uk-businessdirectory.co.uk/
888 #MASTER# REMARKS: Action tracker 1616457. Added 2007-01-20.
889 .topnemo.com/engine
890 .top100categories.com/engine
891 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1647852 2007-01-30
892 #MASTER# REMARKS: Domain squatting onload pop-ups
893 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.memtest.com/
894 /(t|search)\.php\?uid=ws[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z0-9]+
895 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: via Yahoo groups
896 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile tracker 1645513 2007-01-26
897 .adinterax.com/(?!(.*)\.(js|gif|jpg))
898 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER:  http://www.weilpod.com
899 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1710951 2007-05-02
900 img.bluehost.com
901 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/57759.html
902 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1736213 at 2007-06-12
903 linuxinsider.com/images/sda/
904 #MASTER# REMARKS: 20070711 Adam Piggott Actionsfile feedback #1700692
905 #MASTER# REMARKS: Tracking JavaScript
906 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.hants.gov.uk/record-office/
907 [a-z].clickdensity.com
908 #MASTER# REMARKS: Obnoxious "widget" adverts
909 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.quickonlinetips.com/archives/2007/08/nokia-offers-free-bl-5c-battery-replacement-for-overheating/
910 .widgetbucks.com
911 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=559547&in_page_id=1770
912 # Blocked URL = http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/promo_boxes/groTime_promo.jpg
913 # Blocked URL = http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/promo_boxes/idealhome_promo.gif
914 img.dailymail.co.uk/i/promo_boxes/
915 #MASTER# REMARKS: Flash ad, Actionsfile feedback item #2003465 2008-07-01
916 # Blocked URL = http://cache.opt.fimserve.com/contents/325/84/84325/LIN728x90.swf?%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20clickTag=http%3A//delb.opt.fimserve.com/lnk/%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%3Fk%3DODk1ODc7Mzs0MDA7ODQzMjU7Zi44LjkuaHYuaGdseHBzbG9uaCBvem0uNzYuZkBAeHp5b3ZAQGxobmxAQCs4XzlAQHhsbnN2biBoZHZ3dm1AQGh2QEBmOzEyMTQ1MTE1MjgzMzA7Mjs7MTMxfDsxOzQ7NzIxODs4ODAyODc3NQ%3D%3Dhref%3Dhttp%3A//www.myspace.com/liveinnordics&clickTarget=_new
917 .fimserve.com
918 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #2004311 2008-07-01, are they all images?
919 # Blocked URL = http://static.lycos-europe.net/lea/se/pricerunner/040608_728x90_payback_digitalkamer.gif
920 static.lycos-europe.net
921 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #2005285
922 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://hitta.se
923 # Blocked URL =
925 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1888197 and #2975927.
926 #MASTER# REMARKS: Have a "go there anyway" link for clk.atdmt.com and view.atdmt.com.
927 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.networkworld.com/resourcelibrary/?tid=4&type=special%20report
928 # Blocked URL = http://clk.atdmt.com/
929 # Blocked URL = http://view.atdmt.com/action/mrtiwy_FY10Office2010BetaHomeandBiz1_1
930 .atdmt.com/
931 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #2723873 2009-04-01
932 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.news.software.coop/paralysed-perl-package-problem/602/
933 # Blocked URL = http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?s=123049&v=1983&q=80970&r=79561
934 .awin1.com
935 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://crooksandliars.com/
936 # Blocked URL = http://rotator.adjuggler.com/servlet/ajrotator/616245/0/vh?z=csm&dim=616028
937 .adjuggler.com/servlet/ajrotator/
938 #MASTER# Remark: nothing but "sponsored listings"
939 # Blocked URL = http://bcc.co.uk/
940 bcc.co.uk/
941 # Blocked URL = http://fusion.adtoma.com:80/125AFFE801/1DC59C7801.swf
942 # Blocked URL = http://fusion.adtoma.com/1254D5CC01/1E43C76801.jpg
943 fusion.adtoma.com/
944 #MASTER# Remark: Actionsfile feedback item #2975895 2010-03-24
945 # Blocked URL = http://ping.chartbeat.net/ping?h=uservoice.com&p=%2Fsuggestions%2Fping-chartbeat-net-sucks&u=3
946 .chartbeat.net/(.*/)?ping\?
947 # Blocked URL = http://s.atemda.com/Admeta.js
948 # Blocked URL = http://atemda.com/ClickThrough.ashx?pId=9616&mId=14484&tId=634102151426089505&opS=1&admetac=mR3sJ3%2b9yleq%2bHowITh0hw%3d%3d
949 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.startpagina.nl
950 .atemda.com/
951 #MASTER# Remark: 2o7.net and omtrdc.net are domains used by Omniture
952 # Blocked URL = http://ciscosystemsinc.tt.omtrdc.net/m2/ciscosystemsinc/mbox/standard?mboxHost=www.cisco.com&mboxSession=12
953 .omtrdc.net/
955 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
956 # Misc Web-bugs, JS and just plain Junk. Images here aren't normal images.
957 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
958 {+block{Might be a web-bug.} +handle-as-empty-document -handle-as-image}
959 #MASTER# REMARKS: signature for user tracking nytimes, cnn.com,latimes.com and many others. 10/06/06
960 /b/ss/.+
961 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,11071-10784,00.html
962 #MASTER# REMARKS: widespread hitbox signature 10/06/06
963 /HG\?hc=
964 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://macaddict.com 10/06/06
965 .visistat.com
966 #MASTER# REMARKS: See <http://www.google.com/analytics/> for user tracking.
967 #MASTER# REMARKS: There is a ssl.google-analytics as well.
968 .google-analytics./
969 #MASTER# REMARKS: Below Moved here from -handle-as-image 10/16/06 ##########
970 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://forums2.gardenweb.com/forums/orchids/ 09/25/06
971 #MASTER# REMARKS: Mostly JS and plain text stuff
972 .overture.
973 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.linuxtoday.com/
974 #MASTER# REMARKS: /adi has HTML snipplets for use in IFRAMEs 10/15/06
975 .doubleclick.net/adi
976 .doubleclick.net/(.*/)?adj/
977 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://maps.yahoo.com/
978 #MASTER# REMARKS: /AVE/iview has HTML snipplets for use in IFRAMEs 10/15/06
979 view.atdmt.com/(.*/)?iview/
980 #MASTER# REMARKS: Above Moved here from -handle-as-image 10/16/06 ##########
981 #MASTER# REMARKS: Generic, re: tracking.foxnews.com/HG? 10/01/06
982 tracking.
983 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://netcraft.com and many others 10/22/06
984 /(.*/)?adjs\.php\?
985 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/epdf/ 10/08/06
986 .bc.yahoo.com/b\?P=
987 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.motherboard.cz 10/30/06
988 x*.alexa.com
989 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://mplayernetwork.com 11/07/06
990 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://eetimes.com 09/26/06
991 /event.ng/
992 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.homedepot.com/ 11/08/06
993 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.williams-sonoma.com/ 11/08/06
994 /cm\?[tc]
995 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.snapfiles.com/feedback/ 12/13/06 SF tracker
996 .snapfiles.net/rotation/.*\.asp
997 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: not provided. SF tracker #1616034 12/16/06
998 #MASTER# COMMENT: JS pop-ups
999 spa.snap.com/
1000 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/914819.html 12/18/06
1001 #MASTER# COMMENT: user tracking, and run-away assorted 'junk'
1002 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://formwood.com 2007-11-12
1003 .insitemetrics.com/
1004 #MASTER# COMMENT: user tracking, and assorted 'junk'
1005 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://blogblog.com 2007-11-12
1006 .extreme-dm.com/
1007 #MASTER# COMMENT: user tracking, and assorted 'junk'
1008 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.schillmania.com 2007-11-12
1009 stats.reinvigorate.net/
1010 #MASTER# COMMENT: user tracking, and assorted 'junk'
1011 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://wordpress.com 2007-11-12
1012 .getclicky.com/
1013 #MASTER# COMMENT: user tracking, and assorted 'junk'
1014 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://infoworld.com 2007-11-12
1015 .quantserve.com
1016 # Blocked URL = http://media.adrevolver.com/adrevolver/trace?sip=123&cpy=123
1017 media.adrevolver.com/
1018 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #2975895 2010-03-24
1019 # Blocked URL = http://static.chartbeat.com/js/chartbeat.js
1020 .chartbeat.com/(.*/)?chartbeat\.js$
1021 # Blocked URL = http://js.adlink.net/js?lang=de&s=duesseldorf-international.de&z=home&d=1274103403564
1022 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.duesseldorf-international.de/
1023 js.adlink.net/
1024 # Blocked URL = nl.sitestat.com/rdw/rdw/s?www.nl.voertuigeigenaar.voertuigeigenaar&ns__t=1274099350343
1025 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.rdw.nl/nl/voertuigeigenaar/
1026 .sitestat.com/
1027 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.chip.de/artikel/c_artikelunterseite_10423683.html
1028 # Blocked URL = http://pagead.googlesyndication.example.com/foo/bar/baz.js
1029 pagead*.googlesyndication./.*\.js
1030 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.pcmag.com/ 11/22/06 per SF Tracker # 1601148
1031 /js/slider\.js
1032 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://floodle.net 2007-01-21 SF tracker
1033 scripts.chitika.net/.*\.js
1034 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: via Yahoo groups
1035 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile tracker 1645513 2007-01-26
1036 .adinterax.com/.*\.js
1037 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=privacy&db=*
1038 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile tracker 1650798 2007-02-02
1039 # Blocked URL = http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_service.js
1040 # Blocked URL = http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_ads.js
1041 # Blocked URL = http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/slotdata.js?callback=_GA_googleAdData.setAdSlotAttributes&client=ca-gam-lexico
1042 .googleadservices.com/gampad/.*\.js
1043 # Blocked URL = http://richmedia.yimg.com/js/123/personnals_banners/PER_happy_sara1_4_425x600/ad.js?q=123
1044 /.*/ad\.js\?
1045 # Blocked URL = http://i.cmpnet.com/shared/omniture/s_code_remote.js
1046 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.informationweek.de/
1047 /.*omniture.*\.js
1048 # Blocked URL = http://gadk.hit.gemius.pl/*/_1274097577014/rexdot.gif?l=30&id=..DlR.vCLZGB56RmfkYNSWZVLSqB3ueYOP.Oec5WWiv.h7&fr=1&fv=WIN%2010%2C0%2C45%2C2&tz=-120&href=http%3A//www.baadgalleri.dk/&ref=&screen=1440x900&col=32
1049 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.baadgalleri.dk/
1050 .gemius.pl/
1053 {+block{Might be a web-bug.} -handle-as-empty-document +handle-as-image}
1054 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://versiontracker.com and many others. 10/20/06
1055 /(.*/)?__utm.gif\?
1056 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://washingpost.com and others 10/25/06
1057 /.*\.gif\?D=DM
1058 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.washingtonpost.com/
1059 #stats.surfaid.ihost.com/(crc/)?images/(bounce/)?uc.GIF
1060 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.ibm.com 10/09/06
1061 #MASTER# REMARKS: Similar hostname and paths appear in multiple locations.
1062 # Blocked URL = http://stats.surfaid.ihost.com/crc/images/bounce/uc.GIF
1063 # Blocked URL = http://stats.surfaid.ihost.com/rc/images/bounce/uc.GIF
1064 stats./c?rc/.*/uc.gif
1065 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://priceline.com 10/20/06
1066 #MASTER# REMARKS: User tracking, webbug stuff
1067 /(.*/)?dcs.gif\?&?dcs
1068 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.msnbc.com 10/07/06
1069 #MASTER# REMARKS: And MANY others. Webbug stuff.
1070 /(.*/)?c(lear)?\.gif\?.
1071 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.investorguide.com 10/08/06
1072 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://foodnetwork.com, http://gardenweb.com 10/20/06
1073 #MASTER# REMARK: webbug type gif used in MANY places.
1074 #MASTER# REMARK: Too many false positives
1075 #/(.*/)?(clear|(trans_?1x|blank)?1).gif
1076 #MASTER# REMARK: Let's try this way.
1077 /(.*/)?(clear|blank|(trans_?|1x)?1).gif\?.
1078 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://actorstheatre.org 11/02/06
1079 stats./.*\.gif\?
1080 # Blocked URL = http://ad.yieldmanager.com/pixel?id=123456&t=2
1081 .yieldmanager.com/pixel\?
1082 # Blocked URL = http://a.analytics.yahoo.com/p.pl?a=1000226660965&js=no
1083 # Blocked URL = http://s.analytics.yahoo.com/fpc.pl?a=1000461640983&v=4.43&enc=utf-8&f=http%3A//www.zoover.nl/nederland/limburg/maasbracht/weer%23tabs&b=Het%20Weer%20in%20Maasbracht.%20Bekijk%20Weersverwachting%20van%20Maasbracht%20%7C%20Zoover%23tabs&flv=WIN%2010%2C0%2C45%2C2&d=Mon%2C%2017%20May%202010%2014%3A09%3A26%20UTC&n=-2&g=nl&h=Y&j=1440x900&k=32&l=true&ittidx=0&fpc=uP04C7j4%7ClaDQjglKaa%7Cfses1000461640983%3D%7CkbSSgv6Jaa%7CuP04C7j4%7Cfvis1000461640983%3DZj1odHRwJTNBLy93d3cuem9vdmVyLm5sLyZiPVpvb3ZlciUyMCU3QyUyMFZha2FudGllYmVvb3JkZWxpbmdlbiUyMHZvb3IlMjBlbiUyMGRvb3IlMjByZWl6aWdlcnM%3D%7C8sHTYo10oM%7C8sHTYo10oM%7C8sHTYo10oM%7CT%7C8sHTYo10oM%7C8sHTYo10oM
1084 .analytics.yahoo.com
1086 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1087 # JavaScripts and Texts for ad and popup generation
1088 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1089 #MASTER# REMARKS: broadening scope from a.tfag.de/js.ng/ 10/23/06
1090 # Blocked URL = http://a.tfag.de/js.ng/
1091 /js\.ng/
1092 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.britannica.com/ 10/23/06
1093 /popunder
1094 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.earthcore.com/ feedback item #1605385 12/14/06
1095 /t\.php\?cat=.*&kw=.*&sc=
1096 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile tracker #1674363 2007-03-05, text ads
1097 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/461489/30/0/threaded
1098 jlinks.industrybrains.com/
1099 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.linuxworld.com/news/2007/061307-brian-aker-interview.html
1100 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1736794 2007-06-13
1101 js.adsonar.
1102 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,1000000121,39209666,00.htm
1103 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1736879 2007-06-13, sponsored links. 2007-08-02, more hosts using this scheme, broadening scope.
1104 #bwp.zdnet.
1105 bwp.
1106 # Blocked URL = http://us.mc123.mail.yahoo.com/mc/stampNonJs
1107 .yahoo.com/mc/stampNonJs
1110 #############################################################################
1111 # Generic block-as-image patterns:
1112 #############################################################################
1113 {+block-as-image}
1114 # XXX: Should use "+block{Blocked image request.}", but Privoxy-Regression-Test
1115 # isn't smart enough to split that properly.
1116 # Sticky Actions = +block +handle-as-image
1117 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://experts-exchange.com/os2gen/
1118 /.*ad_?image\.(php|cgi)
1119 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://flashhentai.com/Tgp/28-09-2002/index4.html
1120 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.thughosting.com/www/ixix/a912/912s2.html
1121 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.fantasiegirl.com/cumshots/3/spunkpatrolgirl302.htm
1122 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.asianuncut.com/asian2/sep5628.html
1123 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.tatgirls.com/gals/redhot-2/kitty-carl/lb10.html
1124 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.cream-porn.com/1/hard/29/02.html
1125 /.*recips?/
1126 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.paroles.net/texte/10818
1127 /bandeaux/
1128 #MASTER# COMMENT: SF tracker 09/15/06
1129 /.*client_?ad\.(php|cgi)
1130 #MASTER# COMMENT: SF tracker 09/15/06
1131 /.*AIM_UAC.adp
1132 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.wunderground.com/ 2007-01-20
1133 #MASTER# COMMENT: banner at top of page http://server2.as5000.com/AS5000/adserver/click?ID=ADST-00015&C=0&T=1169332403
1134 /(.*/)?adserver/image
1135 #MASTER# COMMENT: Also from wunderground.com: http://icons-aa.wunderground.com/ads/images/TripAdvisor-Blinky.gif 2007-01-20
1136 # Blocked URL = http://icons-aa.wunderground.com/ads/images/TripAdvisor-Blinky.gif
1137 # URL = http://icons-aa.wunderground.com/ads/images/TripAdvisor-Blinky.gif
1138 /(.*/)?ads/images/
1139 # Blocked URL = http://ad.yieldmanager.com/st?ad_type=iframe&ad_size=728x90&site=123&section_code=123
1140 /.*\?ad_(type|size)=
1142 #############################################################################
1143 # Site-specific block-as-image patterns:
1144 #############################################################################
1145 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1146 # Banner farms:
1147 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1148 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.cnn.com/
1149 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.aol.com/
1150 #MASTER# COMMENT: There are at least ar.atwola and pr.atwola. 10/01/06
1151 # Blocked URL = http://ar.atwola.com/
1152 # Blocked URL = http://pr.atwola.com/
1153 ?r.atwola.com
1154 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.altavista.com/
1155 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.tecchannel.de/
1156 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.whowhere.lycos.com/
1157 #MASTER# REMARKS: Do NOT block /adj or /adi here since these are typically JS
1158 .[a-vx-z]*.doubleclick.net/(?!(.*/)?ad[ji])
1159 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.joecartoon.com/  10/17/06
1160 .*servedby.advertising.com
1161 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.yahoo.com/
1162 #.a.yimg.com/(?:(?!/i/).)*$
1163 #.a[0-9].yimg.com/(?:(?!/i/).)*$
1164 #.yimg.com/(.*/)?a/
1165 #.yimg.com/.*/(flash|java)/promotions
1166 #.yimg.com/a/.*/flash/
1167 #MASTER# REMARKS: The above replaced with below. Actions file tracker #1645616 2007-01-27
1168 .yimg.com/.*\.yimg\.com/a/
1169 #MASTER# REMARKS: Yahoo doesn't always have ".yimg.com/a/" in the URL for ads now 2010-02-28
1170 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: various yahoo pages
1171 # Blocked URL = http://l.yimg.com/a/a/1-/flash/promotions/l3/intl/100214/300x250mfeyap.jpg
1172 # Blocked URL = http://l.yimg.com/a/a/1-/flash/promotions/l3/intl/100219/300x250mfeya.gif
1173 .yimg.com/.*/flash/promotions/.*\.(gif|jpg)$
1174 bs*.gsanet.com
1175 bs*.einets.com
1176 .qkimg.net
1177 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://salon.com/ 10/19/06
1178 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://maps.yahoo.com/
1179 #MASTER# REMARKS: Banner farms; just exclude their corp. info
1180 #MASTER# REMARKS: and have a "go there anyway" link for clk.atdmt.com and view.atdmt.com
1181 #MASTER# REMARKS:   (Actionsfile feedback item #1888197 and #2975927)
1182 [abd-ux-z]*.atdmt.com/
1183 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/ 09/11/06
1184 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://stanford.facebook.com/home.php
1185 # URL = http://www.fastclick.net/
1186 .fastclick.net
1187 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.math.com/school/subject2/lessons/S2U3L6DP.html 09/11/06
1188 .casalemedia.com
1189 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.macnn.com/ 10/09/06
1190 kermit.macnn.com/
1191 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.globalseeker.com/freesamples/ 10/09/06
1192 quinst.com/images
1193 valuepage.com/images
1194 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.imdb.com/
1195 ia.imdb.com/.*\.swf
1196 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.dietngo.com/ 10/09/06
1197 .reactivpub.
1198 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://freemail.web.de/  10/17/06
1199 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/19/politics/19DEAN.html?ex=1069822800&en=dc82dfff0502faeb&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLE
1200 .as*.falkag.
1201 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.macnn.com/news/18944 10/17/06
1202 a.tribalfusion.com/
1203 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://reviews.infosyncworld.com/palmos/featured/index.html?start=1&offset=10 10/19/06
1204 .adserver.com/
1205 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://computers.cnet.com/hardware/0-1027-404-20857400.html?tag=rev
1206 #MASTER# REMARKS: Pointdexter
1207 .ru4.com/
1208 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.boursorama.com/infos/actualites/detail_actu_marches.phtml?news=1510287
1209 .smartadserver.com/
1210 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.chez.tiscali.fr/ 10/07/06
1211 admedia.
1212 #MASTER# REMARKS: Bannerfarm used by Morpheus file sharing software
1213 jmcms.cydoor.com/
1214 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.tech-report.com/etc/2003q2/3dmurk03/index.x?pg=7
1215 #MASTER# REMARKS: Netshelter.com farm
1216 #MASTER# REMARKS: Not found but leaving 10/07/06
1217 .adtrix.com
1218 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://discussion.brighthand.com/forumdisplay.php?s=fee44a5b2a6fc2e9e79d6472bc8fbe94&forumid=197 10/19/06
1219 *[0-9].tribalfusion.com/
1220 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actions file tracker 1547656 09/02/06
1221 #MASTER# REMARKS: Update pattern: Actionsfile feedback item #1698822, was opened at 2007-04-11 to catch https://secure.img-cdn.mediaplex.com/0....
1222 # Blocked URL = https://secure.img-cdn.mediaplex.com/0/7454/43775/YA3149_17566_728x90_FCR_07.gif
1223 .img*.mediaplex.com
1224 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.tomshardware.com/ 09/28/06
1225 #MASTER# REMARKS: There is adfarm and altfarm.mediaplex
1226 #MASTER# REMARKS: 20070711 Actionsfile feedback #1749013 /ad/fm/ appended, as click-throughs were being blocked. Could only find adverts being served from /ad/fm/
1227 a*farm.mediaplex.com/ad/fm/
1228 #MASTER# REMARKS: Support request 1312362 09/08/06
1229 #MASTER# DUPLICATED: adserver.itsfogo.com
1230 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback 09/11/06 http://matrix.mediavantage.de/mx.one?p=210&pa=1060&pb=1906&pd=10944&aid=399&x=120&y=240&ts=2005.
1231 # URL = http://matrix.mediavantage.de/mx.one?p=210&pa=1060&pb=1906&pd=10944&aid=399&x=120&y=240&ts=2005.
1232 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/61067
1233 matrix.mediavantage.
1234 #MASTER# REMARKS Ad generator, SF user tracker 09/11/06
1235 .cibleclick.com
1236 #MASTER# REMARKS: Ad generator 09/11/06  http://c1.netshelter.net/campaigns/ITTTech/itttech09_728x90.gif
1237 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.osnews.com/ 09/11/06
1238 .netracker.net
1239 #MASTER# REMARKS: ad generator domain per SF tracker 09/11/06
1240 .interclick.com
1241 #MASTER# REMARKS: Ad generator http://c4.maxserving.com/iserver/site=5314/area=ad728x90/aamfmt=normal/aamsz=banner/PageID=
1242 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000168/bio 09/12/06
1243 # URL = http://c4.maxserving.com/iserver/site=5314/area=ad728x90/aamfmt=normal/aamsz=banner/PageID=
1244 .maxserving.com
1245 #MASTER# REMARKS: Ad generator http://partner.gonamic.de/Affiliate/ViewCounter/index.cfm?trackingID=368232&bIsAffiliate=0
1246 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER:  http://torrent.to/torrent/ 09/12/06
1247 # URL = http://partner.gonamic.de/Affiliate/ViewCounter/index.cfm?trackingID=368232&bIsAffiliate=0
1248 .gonamic.de
1249 # URL = http://img.webads.nl/
1250 .webads.
1251 #MASTER# REMARKS: Ad generator http://media.adlegend.com/centrport/20060/511290/GM_emplyee_300x250.gif
1252 # URL = http://media.adlegend.com/centrport/20060/511290/GM_emplyee_300x250.gif
1253 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER:  http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=534&e=1&u=/ap/20050613/ap_on_he_me/cancer_research
1254 .adlegend.com
1255 #MASTER# REMARKS: Ad generator 09/12/06 http://dist.belnk.com//4/placement/1738/alt_offer/static.jpg
1256 # URL = http://dist.belnk.com//4/placement/1738/alt_offer/static.jpg
1257 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/louisianaandmardigra/messages/1?viscount=100
1258 .belnk.com
1259 .euros4click.
1260 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.planet3dnow.de/cgi-bin/newspub/viewnews.cgi?id=1129904195
1261 ads-*.quarterserver.
1262 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://adrian.adrian.org/ 10/07/06
1263 searchportal.information.com/
1264 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.nbc4.com/news/2672416/detail.html 10/17/06
1265 images.ibsys.com/
1266 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.rentalhouses.com/search_results.php?searchnew=1&citys_city=&citys_county=&citys_state=&ssubmit=Search&Szip=40205&keyword=&listingid=&strs_state=&strs_city=&strs_street= 11/05/06
1267 .lduhtrp.net/image
1268 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://floodle.net 2007-01-21 SF tracker
1269 scripts.chitika.net/.*\.(gif|png|jpg)
1270 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1648478 2007-01-30
1271 .projectwonderful.com/gen.php
1272 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.multimap.com/ (sporadic)
1273 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1665682 2007-02-21
1274 .akamai.net/.*\.adtech\.de/.*\.(gif|png)
1275 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: via Yahoo groups
1276 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile tracker 1645513 2007-01-26
1277 .adinterax.com/.*\.(gif|jpg)
1278 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.wotzon.com/profilepage.html?comp_id=1002310&CatID=2
1279 #MASTER# REMARKS: Ad generator per Actionsfile feedback item #1749870 2007-07-08
1280 # URL = http://img.directtrack.com
1281 img.directtrack.com
1282 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.thinkbroadband.com/news/3621-complaint-about-orange-broadband-advertising-upheld.html
1283 # URL = http://eas.apm.emediate.eu/media.5/1/1228/19193/ACT1215_120x600_v3.gif
1284 .emediate.eu/
1285 # URL = http://feedads.googleadservices.com/~a/dPlpGU767u4D4kVO8EGuUlnf1Q0/i
1286 # URL = http://feedads.googleadservices.com/~at/EpX-FnAXxwdaBSq-GRze37-rG0M/i
1287 .googleadservices.com/~
1288 #MASTER# REMARKS: Block yahoo email & ygroups banner ad
1289 # URL = http://ts.richmedia.yahoo.com/...hummingbird.jpg?adxq=NNN
1290 .richmedia.yahoo.com/.*\.(gif|jpe?g)\?ad
1291 # Blocked URL = http://this.content.served.by.adshuffle.com/p/a=/view.pxl
1292 .served.by.adshuffle.com/
1293 # Blocked URL = http://newsletter.adsonar.com/nwrss/imgs/nwr_123.PNG?placementId=123&plid=123&rotation=1&type=2&&url=NA
1294 .adsonar.com/.*/imgs/
1295 # Blocked URL = http://rtb.pclick.yahoo.com/images/nojs.gif?p=3
1296 .pclick.yahoo.com/images/
1297 # Blocked URL = http://rover.ebay.com/ar/1/2/3?mpt=123&adtype=1&size=728x90
1298 /.*\&adtype=
1299 # Blocked URL = http://resources.parfym.se/tradedoubler/250x360.swf
1300 /tradedoubler/.*\.swf
1301 # Blocked URL = http://hstse.tradedoubler.com/file/142609/440x220.swf
1302 hstse.tradedoubler.com/.*\.swf
1303 # Blocked URL = http://www.zdnetasia.com/2007/techguide/network/sponsor/i/logmein_mpu_whitepaper.gif
1304 # Blocked URL = http://www.zdnetasia.com/2007/techguide/network/sponsor/sidebar.gif
1305 www.zdnetasia.com/.*/sponsor/.*\.gif$
1306 # Blocked URL = http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/imgad?id=CPjtipDs9taquQEQoAEYwgQyCIvo2PNnQywb
1307 .googlesyndication.com/.*/imgad\?
1309 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1310 # Cross-site user tracking
1311 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1312 #MASTER# REMARKS: +block-as-image here
1313 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://os2.ru/ 10/07/06
1314 .*.*.spylog.com/
1315 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.dhtmlplanet.com/ 10/07/06
1316 statse.webtrendslive.com
1317 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.versiontracker.com/
1318 #MASTER# REMARKS: 1) Used on many sites 2) URLs don't _end_ in .gif, hence +imageblock
1319 spinbox.versiontracker.com/.*\.(gif|jpg)
1320 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://mycroft.mozdev.org/ 10/07/06
1321 stat.onestat.com
1322 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.meparecebien.com/noticias/discograficas/sinnamon-records/sinnamon-records-libera-a-sus-artistas-nacionales-para-el-mercado-digital-401/
1323 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1644583 2007-03-05
1324 imp*.tradedoubler.com
1325 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.sharepoint.boo.pl/
1326 #MASTER# REMARKS: Not found, but left 10/07/06
1327 stat.webmedia.
1328 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.asp-php.net/index.php 10/07/06
1329 log*.xiti.com/
1330 log*.hit-parade.com/
1331 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.msnbc.com/news/884810.asp?0si=-&cp1=1
1332 # URL = http://www.xml.eshop.msn.com/tracksponsorimpression.asp
1333 www.xml.eshop.msn.com/tracksponsorimpression.asp
1334 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.planetgamecube.com/ 10/07/06
1335 .imrworldwide.com
1336 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback 1555719 09/10/06, and Debian Bug report
1337 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.nrc.nl/ 09/12/06
1338 .clicktracks.com
1339 #MASTER# REMARK: Actionsfile tracker 1159072 09/12/06
1340 .etracker.
1341 #MASTER# REMARK: Actionsfile tracker 1243494 09/12/06
1342 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.spanked-slaves.com/movies14/bdsm14c.html
1343 .x-traceur.com
1344 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.aintitcool.com/ 10/05/06
1345 content.ipro.com
1346 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.weatherbug.com/default.asp 10/05/06
1347 .247realmedia.com
1348 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.samachar.com/ 10/05/06
1349 .sify.com
1350 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.nbc4.com/news/2672416/detail.html 10/06/06
1351 .searchignite.com
1352 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.sdtimes.com/ 10/07/06
1353 .statcounter.com
1354 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.dn.se/ 10/07/06
1355 .research-int.se/data
1356 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.chez.aliceadsl.fr/ 10/07/06
1357 .cybermonitor.com
1358 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://disney.go.com
1359 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://abcnews.com  10/15/06
1360 log.go.com/log
1361 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.care2.com 10/18/06
1362 stats.indextools.com
1363 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.techcrunch.com/ 12/16/06 #1616497 3 urls.
1364 tra*.measuremap.com
1365 .eurekster.com/sidebar
1366 tra*.mybloglog.com
1367 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER:  http://www.polymervision.com/
1368 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1629370 01/16/07
1369 .guesttrace.
1370 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://dictionary.com
1371 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #165078 2007-02-05
1372 insightxe./data/
1373 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER:  http://www.unitedairlines.com
1374 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1650797 2007-02-05
1375 .insightfirst.com
1376 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot
1377 # Blocked URL = http://rss.slashdot.org/~a/Slashdot/slashdot?i=ofbWqX
1378 # URL = http://rss.slashdot.org/~a/Slashdot/slashdot?i=ofbWqX
1379 rss.slashdot.org/~a/Slashdot/slashdot\?
1380 # Blocked URL = http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~4/102113044
1381 # URL = http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~4/102113044
1382 rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~4/
1383 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.isys.ucl.ac.be/bchi/research/Kwaresmi.htm
1384 #MASTER# REMAKRKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1849627 2007-12-12
1385 [a-z][0-9].nedstatbasic.net/
1386 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERER: http://feeds.feedburner.com/dilbertdailystrip/
1387 # Blocked URL = http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/DilbertDailyStrip/~4/274512747
1388 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERER: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PCLoadLetter
1389 # Blocked URL = http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/PCLoadLetter/~4/270448381
1390 #MASTER# REMAKRKS: This seem to be a common pattern for web bugs in feedburner feeds.
1391 feeds.feedburner.com/~r/.*/~4/
1392 # Blocked URL = http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DilbertDailyStrip/~4/y_kXD1z1HO0
1393 feedproxy.google.com/~r/.*/~4/
1394 # Blocked URL = http://feeds.feedburner.com/~a/DilbertDailyStrip?a=Ebzxel
1395 #MASTER# REMAKRKS: This looks like a pattern as well, maybe we should block feeds.feedburner.com/~a/ here.
1396 feeds.feedburner.com/~a/DilbertDailyStrip\?
1397 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERER: http://www.buch.de/
1398 # URL = http://track.webtrekk.de/471497967328727/wt.pl?p=177,de.buch.show.home,1,1024x768,24,1,1218816426275,0,884x653,0&enc1=%FC&enc2=iso-8859-1&st=view&la=en-US&np=Default%20Plugi
1399 track.webtrekk.de/
1400 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERER: https://sourceforge.net/
1401 # URL = http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p2?c1=2&c2=6035546&c3=&c4=&c5=&c6=&c15=&cj=1
1402 b.scorecardresearch.com/
1403 # URL = https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/
1404 sb.scorecardresearch.com/
1405 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ijbswa/
1406 # Blocked URL = http://b.collective-media.net/seg/cm/cm_aa_gn1
1407 b.collective-media.net/
1408 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.spiegel.de/
1409 # Blocked URL = http://spiegel.ivwbox.de/cgi-bin/ivw/CP/1001;/home/c-18/be-PB64-aG9tZXBhZ2UvY2VudGVy/szwprofil-1001
1410 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.heise.de/
1411 # Blocked URL = http://heise.ivwbox.de/2004/01/survey.js
1412  .ivwbox.de/
1414 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1415 # Specific counters (see above for generic patterns)
1416 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1417 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=linex 10/19/06
1418 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://floodle.net 2007-01-21 tracker  #1641102
1419 s*.sitemeter.com/(meter|js/counter.js)
1420 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://personales.mundivia.es/lbouza/ 10/19/06
1421 # URL = http://fastcounter.bcentral.com/
1422 fastcounter.bcentral.com/
1423 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://osnews.com/ 10/19/06
1424 # URL = http://bilbo.counted.com/
1425 bilbo.counted.com/
1427 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1428 # On-site ads and other single sources:
1429 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1430 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.travelocity.com/Vacations/0,,TRAVELOCITY||Y,00.html?HPTRACK=mpc_vac
1431 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://dest.travelocity.com/DestGuides/geo_frontdoor/0,,TRAVELOCITY,00.html?HPTRACK=icon_dest 10/07/06
1432 .travelocity./Sponsor_gifs/
1433 #MASTER# REMARKS: Referenced from HTML-Emails (not checked 10/08/06)
1434 # URL = http://foo.weather.com/creatives/
1435 # URL = http://bar.weather.com/web/services/email/
1436 .weather.com/creatives/
1437 .weather.com/web/services/email/
1438 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://gamespot.com/gamespot/filters/0,10850,6013548,00.html 10/08/06
1439 /.*/topslots/topslot
1440 .contextweb.com/
1441 .offermatica.com/
1442 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.jpost.com/ 10/08/06
1443 .adbrite.com
1444 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/A/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1038889003183
1445 .jpost.com/images/\d+/promos/
1446 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.infoempleo.com/ 10/08/06
1447 .infoempleo.com/(pop-up|images(/Nueva/|/motor))
1448 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.hardocp.com/ 10/08/06
1449 hera.hardocp.com/
1450 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://people.aol.com/ 10/08/06
1451 leadback.advertising.
1452 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://astalavista.box.sk/ 10/08/06
1453 .yieldmanager.com/
1454 .displayadsmedia.com
1455 # URL = http://astalavista.box.sk/adult.foo.jpg
1456 astalavista.box.sk/adult.*\.jpg
1457 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.bol.com.br/
1458 smartad.*.*.*
1459 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.dinside.no/ 10/08/06
1460 .dinside.no/annonsorer/
1461 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.heise.de/ 10/08/06
1462 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.spiegel.de/
1463 /RealMedia/ads/
1464 #MASTER# REMARKS: Variation 2007-11-12
1465 /RealMediaAds/
1466 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.powerdvd.com 12/28/06 per SF tracker
1467 /top\.php\?d=.*\.[a-z]{2,5}
1468 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1764161 2007-07-31
1469 #MASTER# BLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.webster.com/dictionary/revering
1470 .google.com/afsonline
1472 #############################################################################
1473 # Site-specific unblockers:
1474 #############################################################################
1475 {-block}
1476 # Sticky Actions = -block
1477 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.faqs.org/
1478 .faqs.org/banner\.html
1479 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://bannerblind.mozdev.org/
1480 bannerblind.mozdev.org
1481 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://advogato.org/
1482 advogato.org
1483 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.handelsblatt.com/
1484 ad*.vhb.de
1485 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.globalintersec.com/adv/sendtemp-2001021302.txt
1486 .globalintersec.com/adv
1487 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.wunderground.com/geo/BannerPromo/US/NY/New_York.html 10/08/06
1488 banners.wunderground.com/
1489 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.openoffice.org/ 10/09/06
1490 .openoffice.org/banners/
1491 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/130/ref=gw_br_dvd/102-9730978-3540926 10/09/06
1492 #MASTER# REMARKS: Part of site decoration
1493 .amazon.com/.*/banners/
1494 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A43890-2002Aug4.html
1495 #MASTER# REMARKS: Javascripts whose absence messes the page
1496 .washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/
1497 # URL = http://www.gnome.org/images/banner-gnomeis
1498 .gnome.org
1499 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.nycsubway.org/ 10/09/06
1500 .nycsubway.org/img/banner
1501 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.forgotten-ny.com/ADS/manhattanads/moremahnattan.html
1502 # URL = http://www.forgotten-ny.com/ADS/manhattanads/moremahnattan.html
1503 .forgotten-ny.com/ADS/
1504 # URL = http://counter.li.org
1505 counter.li.org
1506 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://adrian.adrian.org/ 10/09/06
1507 # URL = http://adrian.adrian.org
1508 adrian.adrian.org
1509 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://adela.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/ 10/09/06
1510 # URL = http://adela.karlin.mff.cuni.cz
1511 adela.karlin.mff.cuni.cz
1512 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.swcp.com/rtoads/printmag/issue3/neg_data.html 10/09/06
1513 .swcp.com/rtoads/
1514 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.privoxy.org/actions/index.php
1515 #MASTER# REMARKS: Don't block our own feedback process, even if the
1516 #MASTER# REMARKS: parameters contain block patterns
1517 # URL = http://www.privoxy.org/actions/index.php
1518 .privoxy.org
1519 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://sourceforge.net/help/tracker.php
1520 sourceforge.net/.*tracker
1521 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.brawnylads.com/
1522 # URL = http://www.brawnylads.com/
1523 .brawnylads.com
1524 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://adzapper.sourceforge.net/
1525 # URL = http://adzapper.sourceforge.net/
1526 adzapper.
1527 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://de.altavista.com/web/adv
1528 # URL = http://de.altavista.com/web/adv
1529 .altavista.com/web/adv
1530 # URL = http://rads.mcafee.com/rads/scripts/RADS.dll?QueryProduct2
1531 rads.mcafee.com/
1532 # URL = http://linuxfromscratch.org/cgi-bin/lfscounter.cgi
1533 linuxfromscratch.org/
1534 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://dv411.com/advc50.html
1535 # URL = http://dv411.com/advc50.html
1536 dv411.com/.*advc50
1537 # URL = http://www.freeswan.org/freeswan_trees/freeswan-1.98b/doc/adv_config.html
1538 .freeswan.org/
1539 # URL = http://www.arm.com/support/ads_faq?OpenDocument&ExpandSection=11
1540 www.arm.com/.*ads
1541 # URL = http://www.anybrowser.org/campaign/
1542 www.anybrowser.org/
1543 # URL = http://www.tads.org/
1544 www.tads.org/
1545 # URL = http://www.mbe.com/redir/packtrack.asp
1546 .mbe.com/redir/packtrack.asp
1547 .iship.com/trackit/
1548 # URL = http://www.esis.com.au/AdvSerialCards/Firewire.htm
1549 .esis.com.au/AdvSerialCards
1550 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.familysearch.org/ 10/11/06
1551 .familysearch.org/.*banner
1552 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://coder.com/ 10/11/06
1553 coder.com/creations/banner/
1554 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://arnolds.dhs.org/static/adv_tools.html 10/11/06
1555 # URL = http://arnolds.dhs.org/static/adv_tools.html
1556 arnolds.dhs.org/static/adv_tools.html
1557 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.gpl.org/
1558 .gpl.org/
1559 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://europa.eu.int/yourvoice/ 10/11/06
1560 .europa.eu.
1561 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.schooner.com/~loverso/no-ads/ 10/11/06
1562 # URL = http://www.schooner.com/~loverso/no-ads/
1563 .schooner.com/~loverso/no-ads/
1564 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://source.bungie.org/ 10/11/06
1565 source.bungie.org/
1566 # URL = http://adonthell.linuxgames.com/
1567 adonthell.linuxgames.com/
1568 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://news.bbc.co.uk/furniture/chinese/banner/bbccantonese_600.gif
1569 #MASTER# REMARKS: Banner-free site(s).
1570 .bbc.co.uk/
1571 # URL = http://adc.netlabs.org/
1572 adc.netlabs.org/
1573 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.tela.bc.ca/tads/authoring/multimedia-tads-docs/latin2.htm 10/11/06
1574 # URL = http://www.tela.bc.ca/tads/authoring/multimedia-tads-docs/latin2.htm
1575 .tela.bc.ca/tads/
1576 # URL = http://adbusters.org/information/
1577 adbusters.org/
1578 # URL = http://www.eads.com/
1579 # URL = http://www.eads.net/
1580 # URL = http://www.eads.de/
1581 .eads.*/
1582 # URL = http://brew.qualcomm.com/brew/en/developer/resources/ad/documentation.html
1583 .qualcomm.com/brew/en/developer/resources/ad/
1584 # URL = http://upgrade.bitdefender.com/update71/avx/Plugins/adsntfs.xmd.gzip
1585 /update\d\d/.*adsnt.*
1586 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://msdn.microsoft.com/ 09/11/06
1587 .microsoft.com/.*masthead
1588 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://indymedia.org adfree site 09/11/06
1589 .indymedia.org
1590 # URL = http://www.seanbaby.com/stupid/comicads05.shtml
1591 .seanbaby.com
1592 # URL = http://www.cels.org/db/keep-track.pl?cat:1
1593 .cels.org/.*track
1594 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.nic.ad.jp/ See http://jprs.co.jp/en/jpdomain.html 09/11/06
1595 #MASTER# REMARKS: 2007-10-04, increase scope per Actionsfile feedback item #1807613
1596 #.nic.ad.jp
1597 #MASTER# REMARKS removed .ad.jp per Actionsfile feedback item #1807613
1598 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=32594118&size=l 09/11/06
1599 #MASTER# REMARKS: creativecommons.org worthwhile organization 09/11/06
1600 /(.*/)?somerights20.gif
1601 .creativecommons.org
1602 # URL = http://www.ups.com/WebTracking/track?loc=en_US
1603 .ups.com/.*/track
1604 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://adju.st 09/12/06
1605 .adju.
1606 #MASTER# REMARKS: Ad-free art site 09/12/06
1607 .rubberslug.com
1608 .freebsd.org
1609 .fsf.org
1610 .gnu.org
1611 #MASTER# REMARKS: SF tracker 09/15/06, and #1750779 2007-07-09
1612 #MASTER# REMARKS: New home? http://adiumx.cachefly.net/Adium_1.0.5.dmg
1613 adium*.*.
1614 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://google.com 10/01/06
1615 #MASTER# REMARKS: This allows many (but not all) Google "Sponsored Links" to function.
1616 #MASTER# REMARKS: Presumably if someone clicks these they want to go there.
1617 .googleadservices./pagead/adclick
1618 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.garaget.org
1619 #MASTER# REMARKS: These are "ads" from individuals selling cars per tracker. 10/06/06
1620 .garaget.org/annonser/
1621 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.macworld.com/ 10/07/06
1622 #MASTER# REMARKS: Without the unblock, the page layout is horribly broken 10/08/06
1623 edge.macworld.com
1624 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http:// www.discovery.de  10/19/06
1625 #MASTER# REMARKS: These are promos relevant to the page content.
1626 .discovery./.*/topads/
1627 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://dawn.com
1628 #MASTER# REMARKS: SF Actionsfile tracker 10/19/06. These images are not ads.
1629 .dawn.com/.*/(9690dina|aurora_award)\.
1630 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://google.com/reader/
1631 #MASTER# REMARKS: Initial page does not load, per Support request 10/27/06
1632 .google.com/reader/
1633 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile Tracker 1587079 10/30/06
1634 .parcel2go.com/track
1635 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile Tracker #1612950 12/11/06
1636 .amazon.com/gp/gift-central/.*recip/
1637 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://yahoo.com 2007-01-27
1638 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile Tracker #1645501, this is a UI page element.
1639 .yimg.com/.*/themes/ad/
1640 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://mozilla.hongo.wide.ad.jp/pub/mozilla.org//thunderbird/releases/
1641 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1672918 2007-03-03
1642 # URL = http://mozilla.hongo.wide.ad.jp/pub/mozilla.org//thunderbird/releases/
1643 .ad.*/pub/mozilla.org/
1644 # URL = http://lads.myspace.com/mini/mini.swf?b=NDgwNzU1ODE=&o=NjQwNzIzMA==&d=MTE3NDI4ODcwNg==&i=MA==&a=VHJ1ZQ==
1645 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=5282733
1646 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://lads.myspace.com/videos/vplayer.swf
1647 #MASTER# REMARKS: MySpace videos caught by .*ads. The above profile.myspace.com link grabs the vplayer.swf file (which does not work when directly fetched)
1648 # URL = http://lads.myspace.com/videos/vplayer.swf
1649 lads.myspace.com
1650 #MASTER# REMARKS: 20070402 Adam Piggott first-party tracking. 20070411 Moved from generic unblockers by path to site-specific unblockers.
1651 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.shockwave.com/servlet/DownloadEcommTracker?sku=fizzball-pc&promoCode=SiteShockwaveLandingPage
1652 # URL = http://www.shockwave.com/servlet/DownloadEcommTracker?sku=fizzball-pc&promoCode=SiteShockwaveLandingPage
1653 .shockwave.com/servlet/DownloadEcommTracker
1654 #MASTER# REMARKS: 20070411 Adam Piggott fish4.co.uk is a popular UK advertising site for cars, properties and jobs and uses ad/advert all over the place, understandably.
1655 # URL = http://www.fish4.co.uk/iad/lettings/advert?adId=12389712&src=nestoria
1656 .fish4.co.uk/.*ad
1657 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1700037 2007-04-13 HB
1658 # URL = http://www.mp3.com.au/popup/popup.asp?id=110433
1659 .mp3.com.au/.*popup
1660 #MASTER# REMARKS Actionsfile feedback #1700915 2007-04-15
1661 # URL = http://www.svd.se/ego/339/http://www.e24.se/dynamiskt/reklam_media/did_15092793.asp
1662 # URL = http://www.e24.se/dynamiskt/reklam_media/did_15092793.asp
1663 /(.*/)?dynamiskt/reklam_media/did_
1664 #MASTER# REMARKS 20070710 Actionsfile feedback #1751020
1665 switch.atdmt.com/action/
1666 # URL = http://www.parcelforce.com/portal/pw/track?catId=7500082
1667 .parcelforce.com/.*track
1668 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: redirect from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?linkid=51093
1669 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1757121 2007-07-19
1670 .microsoft.com/.*/adschema/
1671 # URL = http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/ad/Picturecarnegie.jpg
1672 .wikimedia.org/
1673 # URL = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advertisement
1674 .wikipedia.org/
1675 #MASTER# REMARKS Actionsfile feedback item #2299717 2008-11-16
1676 # URL = http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/advertisement
1677 .wiktionary.org/
1678 # URL = http://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20070710.html
1679 .haxx.se/docs/adv_
1680 # URL = http://www.google.com/adsense/
1681 www.google.com/adsense/
1682 # URL = http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Advertisement
1683 # URL = http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/b/b5/Advertising-Dierentuin.jpg
1684 .encyclopediadramatica.com/
1685 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://lifehacker.com 2008-04-18 HB
1686 # URL = tags.gawker.com/assets/minify.php?files=/assets/base.v6/css/global.css,/assets/base.v6/css/header.css,/assets/base.v6/css/sidebar.css,/assets/base.v6/css/content.css,/assets/base.v6/css/images.css,/assets/base.v6/css/ads.css,/assets/base.v6/css/community.css,/assets/base.v6/css/comments.css,/assets/base.v6/css/messages.css,/assets/base.v6/css/ui.css
1687 tags.gawker.com/.*css$
1688 # URL = http://cgi.tnt.co.uk/TrackNTrace/quicktrack.asp
1689 .tnt.co.uk/TrackNTrace/
1690 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.supermediastore.com/trackorder.html
1691 # URL = http://secure.howtoburndvd.net/ups/track.php
1692 /ups/track\.php
1693 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #1886140  2008-02-04
1694 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://idonthateyouall.imeem.com/video/8zH0_f9i/kiley_rilo_pull_me_in_tighter_art_video/
1695 # URL = http://ad.doubleclick.net/crossdomain.xml
1696 ad.doubleclick.net/crossdomain\.xml
1697 #MASTER# REMARKS: Support request 2838390: 2009-08-16: nfl.com videos not working
1698 #MASTER# REMARKS: bbc.co.uk videos references ad.uk.doubleclick.net
1699 # URL = http://ad.doubleclick.net/879366/DartShell9_8.swf?adServerHost=http://ad.doubleclick.net
1700 # URL = http://ad.doubleclick.net/pfadx/DARTSHELLCONFIGXML;dcmt=text/xml;
1701 # URL = http://ad.doubleclick.net/879366/DartShellPlayer9_8_01_00.swf
1702 # URL = http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net/879366/DartShell7_7.swf?adServerHost=http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net
1703 .doubleclick.net/.*/DartShell.*\.swf
1704 .doubleclick.net/.*/DARTSHELLCONFIGXML
1705 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #2021509  2008-07-18
1706 #MASTER# REMARKS: Allow realplayer site help popup windows
1707 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://real.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/real.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=4512
1708 # URL = http://real.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/real.cfg/php/enduser/popup_adp.php
1709 real.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/real\.cfg/php/enduser/popup_adp\.php
1710 # URL = http://fritz.fonwlan.box/cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/de/help/popup.html&var:lang=de&var:pagename=hilfe_syslog&var:anker=24
1711 fritz.fonwlan.box/
1712 # URL = http://fritz.box/cgi-bin/webcm?getpage=../html/de/help/popup.html&var:lang=de&var:pagename=hilfe_syslog&var:anker=24
1713 fritz.box/
1714 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #2043327 2008-08-08
1715 # URL = http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=kb402747&sliceId=1
1716 .adobe.com
1717 # URL = http://qa.debian.org/popcon.php
1718 # URL = http://qa.debian.org/popcon-png.php?packages=privoxy&show_installed=on&want_legend=on&want_ticks=on&date_fmt=%25Y-%25m&beenhere=1
1719 qa.debian.org/popcon
1720 #MASTER# REMARKS: Support Requests item #2432535 2008-12-16
1721 # URL = http://www.mta.info/bandt/traffic/advmain.htm
1722 .mta.info/.*advmain.htm$
1723 #MASTER# REMARKS: We also use this as a light character class test, therefore the additional URL directives.
1724 # URL = http://www.proaurum.de/bannerA2/image/pro_master_r3_01_04.gif
1725 # URL = http://www.proaurum.de/bannerA1/image/limitorder2.gif
1726 # URL = http://www.proaurum.de/bannerA3/image/pro_master_r5_banken_01_01+.gif
1727 # URL = http://www.proaurum.de/bannerB2/image/pro_banner_mitte.gif
1728 # URL = http://www.proaurum.de/bannerB1_/image/pro_banner_links.gif
1729 # URL = http://www.proaurum.de/bannerC1/image/partner1.png
1730 .proaurum.de/banner[ABC]\d_?/
1731 # URL = http://www.goldmoney.com/en/images/home/banner_r4_c1.gif
1732 .goldmoney.com/
1733 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #2017126  2008-07-13
1734 #MASTER# REMARKS: The dutch newspaper site of Algemeen Dagblad (http://www.ad.nl) is blocked
1735 # URL = http://www.ad.nl/
1736 .ad.nl/
1737 #MASTER# REMARKS: yahoo groups self-promotion - and the page is uglier without it
1738 # URL = http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/yg/img/ads/bestofygroups.jpg
1739 .yimg.com/.*/ads/bestofygroups.jpg$
1740 #MASTER# REMARKS: NYT home page is messed up because .css files are blocked
1741 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.nytimes.com/
1742 # URL = http://graphics8.nytimes.com/css/0.1/screen/common/ads.css
1743 # URL = http://graphics8.nytimes.com/css/0.1/screen/homepage/ads.css
1744 .nytimes.com/.*/ads\.css$
1745 #MASTER# REMARKS: All hosted videos seemingly require this file.
1746 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/showbiz/2009/04/14/dcl.boyle.british.talent.show.cnn
1747 # URL = http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/js/2.0/video/xmp/AdServiceAdapter.swf
1748 .turner.com/cnn/.*/AdServiceAdapter.swf
1749 #MASTER# REMARKS: Tracker 2786745 : MySpace music player doesn't work
1750 #MASTER# UNBLOCK-REFERRER: www.myspace.com/bandofskulls
1751 # URL = http://lads.myspacecdn.com/videos/musicPlayerAssets.swf
1752 lads.myspacecdn.com/
1753 #MASTER# REMARKS: AF#2789653 iTunes download blocked
1754 # URL = http://a957.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/000/Music/ad/47/56/mzi.gnjsyarh.aac.a.m4p
1755 .phobos.apple.com/
1756 # URL = http://eas8.emediate.eu/eas?camp=114;ty=ct;EASLink=http://www.jp.dk
1757 .emediate.eu/.*EASLink=
1758 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionfile tracker ID: 2838501:  2009-08-16
1759 # URL = http://new.meteo.pl/advajax.js
1760 .meteo.pl/advajax\.js
1761 # URL = http://www.adressa.no/
1762 # URL = http://adressa.no/
1763 adressa.no/
1764 # URL = http://www.adresseavisen.no/
1765 # URL = http://adresseavisen.no/
1766 adresseavisen.no/
1767 # URL = http://apps.facebook.com/onthefarm/track.php?creative=&cat=friendvisit&subcat=weeds&key=a789a971dc687bee4c20c044834fabdd&next=index.php%3Fref%3Dnotif%26visitId%3D898835505
1768 .facebook.com/.*/track.php
1769 # URL = http://www.ifdb.tads.org/
1770 # URL = http://www.tads.org/
1771 .tads.org/
1772 # URL = http://adtoma.com/
1773 adtoma.com/
1774 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback 2859872  2009-09-16 09:58
1775 # URL = http://adactio.com/
1776 adactio.com/
1777 # URL = http://www.peereboom.us/adsuck/
1778 www.peereboom.us/adsuck/
1779 # URL = http://www.svd.se/template/ver1-0/css/ads.css?v=194
1780 .svd.se/.*\.css($|\?)
1781 #MASTER# REMARKS: [privoxy-users] Privoxy blocking Ebay item pictures Jan 31, 2010
1782 #MASTER# REMARKS: Ebay enlarge picture function doesn't work.
1783 # URL = http://include.ebaystatic.com/v4js/en_GB/e637i/SYS-LIGER_Omniture_e637i10177164_5_en_GB.js
1784 include.ebaystatic.com/.*omniture.*\.js
1785 #MASTER# REMARKS: Allow Yahoo news and mail javascipt pages
1786 # URL = http://l.yimg.com/d/combo?news/p/common/generic/news/p/common/generic/popular-searches-min-12622.js&news/p/common/generic/ads-min-11050.js&news/p/common/generic/foundation/popup-min-12622.js
1787 .yimg.com/d/combo\?
1788 #MASTER# REMARKS: Page formatting problems when .css files are blocked
1789 # URL = http://www.networkworld.com/includes/styles/adstyles.css
1790 # URL = http://www.sj.se/common/css/pop.css
1791 # URL = http://l.yimg.com/d/combo?news/p/common/generic/ads-min-24248.css&news/p/common/generic/widgets-min-10270.css
1792 # URL = http://news.zdnet.com/css/z/ads/hs.css
1793 /.*\.css$
1794 #MASTER# REMARKS:Actionsfile feedback item #2974204 2010-03-21
1795 # URL = http://adesklets.sourceforge.net/
1796 adesklets.sourceforge.net/
1799 #############################################################################
1800 # Site-specific special rules:
1801 #############################################################################
1803 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1804 # These sites are very complex (read: keen on your identity) and require
1805 # minimal interference.
1806 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1807 {fragile}
1808 .office.microsoft.com
1809 .windowsupdate.microsoft.com
1810 #MASTER# PROBLEM URL: http://metrics.apple.com 10/11/06
1811 # too broad: .apple.com
1812 www.apple.com
1813 store.apple.com
1814 images.apple.com
1815 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actions Tracker 1293057 09/02/06
1816 .update.microsoft.com
1817 #MASTER# REMARKS: Various reports 09/16/06. This site also requires pop-ups.
1818 mail.google.*
1820 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1821 # Shopping and banking sites - allow cookies and pop-ups
1822 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1823 #MASTER# REMARKS: This section not checked 10/11/06 HB
1824 {shop}
1825 .quietpc.com
1826 .worldpay.com   # for quietpc.com
1827 .jungle.com
1828 .dabs.com
1829 .overclockers.co.uk
1830 .db24.de
1831 .ebay.*
1832 .mobile.de
1833 www.fondationlejeu.com
1834 www.techtv.com
1835 .mywebgrocer.com
1837 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1838 # Subscription sites (with credible privacy policy) - allow permanent cookies
1839 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1840 {-session-cookies-only}
1841 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.nytimes.com/auth/login
1842 .nytimes.com/
1843 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.volkskrant.nl/
1844 .volkskrant.nl/
1846 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1847 # These sites require pop-ups, so don't use the unconditional filters.
1848 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1849 {allow-popups}
1850 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.aprilbarrows.com/discography.html
1851 www.aprilbarrows.com/discography\.html$
1852 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?PAGE=windows2000
1853 .nvidia.com
1854 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www15.chathouse.com/games/
1855 www*.chathouse.com/games/
1856 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.bild.de/
1857 .bild.t-online.de
1858 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.netflix.com/
1859 .netflix.com
1860 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://my.aol.com/
1861 my.aol.com
1862 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.cnn.com/
1863 #MASTER# REMARKS: Re-enable "Story Tools" i.e. printing, emailing etc.
1864 i.cnn.net/cnn/.*/clickability/button
1865 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.rosettaproject.org:8080/live/search/contribute/swadesh/view?ethnocode=SPN
1866 .rosettaproject.org
1867 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.quantum.com requires popups for downloads, etc. 09/11/06
1868 .quantum.com
1869 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.liberation.fr 11/23/06 Actions tracker
1870 .liberation.fr
1872 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1873 # Sometimes (i.e. often!) fast-redirects catches things by mistake
1874 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1875 #MASTER# REMARKS: This section NOT checked 10/13/06 HB
1876 {-fast-redirects}
1877 # Sticky Actions = -fast-redirects
1878 www.ukc.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wac\.cgi\?
1879 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.google.com/search?q=foo
1880 # URL = http://www.google.com/search?q=foo
1881 .google.*
1882 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://de.altavista.com/q?pg=q&q=foo&kl=XX&search.x=28&search.y=8&what=web
1883 .altavista.com/(.*(like|url|link):|trans.*urltext=)http
1884 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.speedfind.de/cgi-bin/search?q=foo&t=STANDARD
1885 .speedfind.de
1886 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.nytimes.com/
1887 .nytimes.com
1888 #MASTER# REMARKS: Disable fast-redirects for all of yahoo.com/.
1889 #MASTER# REMARKS: Apparently we can't keep up with maintaining more precise exceptions.
1890 # URL = http://login.yahoo.com/config/login?logout=1&.done=http://mail.yahoo.com&.src=ym&.intl=us
1891 #MASTER# REMARKS: Reported in support request #1635354.
1892 # URL = http://us.rd.yahoo.com/reg/login1/lisu/login/uk/ym/*http://edit.europe.yahoo.com/c onfig/login?.tries=1&.src=ym&.md5=&.hash=&.js=1&.last=&...kP=Y&.done=http://mail .yahoo.com&.pd=ym_ver=0&c=&login=XXX&passwd=XXX&.persistent =&.hash=1&.md5=1.yahoo.com/
1893 #MASTER# REMARKS: Reported in support request #1802365.
1894 .yahoo.com/
1895 # URL = http://validator.w3.org/check
1896 .w3.org
1897 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.ask.com/
1898 .directhit.com
1899 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.zagats.com/
1900 .zagats.com
1901 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.passport.com/Consumer/default.asp?lc=1033
1902 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.msn.com/
1903 # URL = http://www.passport.com/Consumer/default.asp?lc=1033&msppchlg=1&mspplogin=
1904 my.msn.com/passport/pp(consent|set)\.ashx\?msnru=
1905 www.passport.com/Consumer/default\.asp\?lc=[0-9]+&msppchlg=[01]&mspplogin=
1906 login.passport.com/logout\.(asp|srf)\?
1907 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.fileplanet.com
1908 download.com.com/redir\?
1909 www.fileplanet.com/redir\.asp\?
1910 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/filtering/china/test/
1911 .edu
1912 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://web.archive.org
1913 # URL = http://web.archive.org/web/19970715180251/http://www.gmd.de/
1914 .archive.org
1915 # URL = http://www.guenstiger.de/gt/link.asp?url=http://www.edv-supermarkt.de&source=produkt=238284&USID=00086443917155&hnr=2199&pnr=238284&ppr=158,00
1916 www.guenstiger.de
1917 # URL = http://anon.free.anonymizer.com/http://www.privoxy.org/
1918 .anonymizer.com
1919 # URL = http://www.mailtothefuture.com/public/logon?http://www.mailtothefuture.com/
1920 www.mailtothefuture.com
1921 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;en-us;q219110
1922 support.microsoft.com/
1923 # URL = http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?q=blogspot&url=http://www.blogalia.com
1924 .alexa.com
1925 # URL = http://www.translate.ru/url/tran_url.asp?lang=es&url=http%3A%2F%2Fos2progg.by.ru%2Findex.shtml&direction=rs&template=General&cp1=NO&cp2=NO&autotranslate=on&transliterate=on&psubmit2.x=68&psubmit2.y=12
1926 www.translate.ru/url/
1927 # URL = http://schneegans.de/sv/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.freebsd.org%2F&schema=%28Detect+automatically%29&encoding=%28Detect+automatically%29&htmlcomp=%28Detect+automatically%29
1928 schneegans.de/
1929 # URL = http://config.privoxy.org/edit-actions-submit?f=user..&redirect_mode=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.privoxy.org%2F
1930 config.privoxy.org/
1931 # URL = http://users.wsj.com/lmda/do/checkLogin?mg=evo-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB117313867582027623.html
1932 .wsj.com/lmda/do/checkLogin
1933 #MASTER# REMARKS: As we already have five other PROBLEM-URLs that contain '?url=',
1934 #MASTER# REMARKS: it might make sense to allow '/.*?url=' in general
1935 # URL = http://del.icio.us/url/check?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.privoxy.org
1936 del.icio.us/
1937 # URL = http://calgary.ctv.ca/servlet/RTGAMArticleHTMLTemplate/B/20070615/goexpo?brand=generic&hub=&tf=CFCNPlus/generic/hubs/frontpage.html&cf=CFCNPlus/generic/hubs/frontpage.cfg&slug=goexpo&date=20070615&archive=CFCNPlus&ad_page_name=&nav=home&subnav=fullstory&site_cfcn=http://calgary.ctv.ca
1938 .ctv.ca/.*&site_cfcn=http://
1939 # URL = http://memberservices.informit.com/checkLogin.ashx?partner=8&r=http%3a%2f%2fwww.informit.com%2farticles%2farticle.asp%3fp%3d766375%26seqNum%3d1
1940 .informit.com/.*&r=http%3a%2f%2f
1941 # URL = http://access.adobe.com/access/getStatus.do?jobid=&srcPdfUrl=http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2007/proceedings/p41_clark.pdf&convertTo=html&visuallyImpaired=preferhtml&preferHTMLReason=&platform=&comments=&starttime=1187362172109
1942 access.adobe.com/access/getStatus.do\?jobid=&srcPdfUrl=
1943 # URL = http://view.samurajdata.se/ps.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcups.cs.cmu.edu%2Fsoups%2F2007%2Fproceedings%2Fp41_clark.pdf&submit=View%21
1944 view.samurajdata.se/ps\.php\?url=
1945 # URL = http://www.blogger.com/navbar.g?targetBlogID=8919860543765866292&blogName=Kickin%27+the+Darkness&publishMode=PUBLISH_MODE_HOSTED&navbarType=BLUE&layoutType=LAYOUTS&homepageUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.kickin-the-darkness.com%2F&searchRoot=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.kickin-the-darkness.com%2Fsearch
1946 .blogger.com/navbar\.g
1947 # URL = http://editors.dmoz.org/editors/editurl.cgi?url=http%3a//www.example.de/&cat=World/Deutsch/Computer/Hardware/Speichermedien
1948 .dmoz.org/editors/editurl\.cgi
1949 # URL = http://offer.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?stockphotourl=http%3A%2F%2Fi16.ebayimg.com%2F02%2Fc%2F02%2F88%2F21%2F5b_6.JPG&MfcISAPICommand=BinConfirm&fb=1&co_partnerid=&item=123456789112&quantity=1&input_bin=
1950 # URL = http://offer.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?maxbid=15%2C01&MfcISAPICommand=MakeBid&fromPage=284&stockphotourl=http%3A%2F%2Fi14.ebayimg.com%2F02%2Fc%2F00%2Fe9%2Fe1%2F2a_6.JPG&fb=2&co_partnerid=&item=123456789112&input_bid=
1951 .ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI\.dll\?
1952 #MASTER# REMARKS: While this is a redirect, the token isn't part of the URL redirected to.
1953 # URL = http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html/ref=cm_plog_item_link/105-3659773-0844420?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fjoltawards.com%2F2007%2F&token=A07736D870C02EF10CB13BCC8A33C302F689BBBA
1954 .amazon.com/gp/redirect.html/.*location.*&token
1955 # URL = http://en.groundspring.org/EmailNow/pub.php?module=WebSignup&cmd=thankyou&gotoUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.freebsdfoundation.org&gotoText=Return+to+Home+Page&listNames=The+FreeBSD+Foundation+Mailing+List
1956 .groundspring.org/
1957 # URL = http://www1.landsend.de/pp/undefined/images/error.gif?onerr=true&ts=1227969386837&file=http%3A//s7.landsend.com/is-viewers/dhtml/include/sj_textloader.js%3Fver%3Dle.1&line=0&msg=Script%20error.&sid=
1958 .landsend.de/
1959 # URL = http://www.youtube.com/swf/l.swf?swf=http%3A//s.ytimg.com/yt/swf/cps-vfl68942.swf&video_id=2cpd6rHIfyA&rel=1&showsearch=1&eurl=&iurl=http%3A//i3.ytimg.com/vi/2cpd6rHIfyA/hqdefault.jpg&sk=5E3I2RCcOLknk1qyI_JgVVnb8FKwgpHzC&use_get_video_info=1&load_modules=1&fs=1&hl=en
1960 .youtube.com/swf/.*swf=
1961 # URL = http://redbot.org/?uri=http%3A//apache.org/
1962 .redbot.org/
1964 {+redirect{s@.*url=@http://@} -block}
1965 # Sticky Actions = +redirect -block
1966 # URL = http://go.eniro.dk/lg/ni/http:/eas8.emediate.eu/eas?camp=79;ty=ct;EASLink=http://www.bt.dk?http://redirect.metropol.dk/cgi-bin/redir.pl?url=www.bt.dk
1967 # URL = http://eas8.emediate.eu/eas?camp=79;ty=ct;EASLink=http://www.bt.dk?http://redirect.metropol.dk/cgi-bin/redir.pl?url=www.bt.dk
1968 # Redirected URL = http://go.eniro.dk/lg/ni/http:/eas8.emediate.eu/eas?camp=79;ty=ct;EASLink=http://www.bt.dk?http://redirect.metropol.dk/cgi-bin/redir.pl?url=www.bt.dk
1969 # Redirect Destination = http://www.bt.dk
1970 # Redirected URL = http://eas8.emediate.eu/eas?camp=79;ty=ct;EASLink=http://www.bt.dk?http://redirect.metropol.dk/cgi-bin/redir.pl?url=www.bt.dk
1971 # Redirect Destination = http://www.bt.dk
1972 go.eniro.dk/.*EASLink=http://.*url=(?!<=http:)
1973 .emediate.eu/.*EASLink=http://.*url=(?!<=http:)
1975 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1976 # No filtering for sourcecode or other automatically parsed content
1977 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1978 {-filter -prevent-compression}
1979 # Sticky Actions = -filter -prevent-compression
1980 # URL = http://ijbswa.cvs.sourceforge.net/ijbswa/current/
1981 .cvs.
1982 /.*(cvs(view|web)|viewcvs)
1983 #MASTER# REMARKS: The same for Subversion
1984 # URL = http://svn.sourceforge.net/
1985 .svn.
1986 .websvn.
1987 /(.*/)?svn/
1988 #MASTER# REMARKS: Jeez, could you please stay with one of them?
1989 # URL = http://liveupdate.symantec.com/ennlu.x86
1990 liveupdate.symantec.com
1991 liveupdate.liveupdatesymantec.com
1992 liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com
1993 # URL = http://www.bookmarklets.com/
1994 .bookmarklets.com
1995 # URL = http://www.squarefree.com/bookmarklets/
1996 .squarefree.com/bookmarklets/
1997 #MASTER# REMARKS: Used by Mac OSX's automatic software update feature
1998 swquery.apple.com
1999 swscan.apple.com
2000 #MASTER# REMARKS: These are various US DSL speed tests sites, where MIME is wrong
2001 # URL = http://atl.speakeasy.net/300k
2002 .speakeasy.net/\d+k
2003 # URL = http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=185033
2004 .debian.org
2006 #MASTER# REMARKS: Popular bug-tracking system - likely to contain code
2007 bugzilla.
2008 .tldp.org
2009 #MASTER# REMARKS: mail should not be filtered 09/18/06
2010 webmail.
2011 #MASTER# REMARKS: all the world is wikified 09/02/06. Generic wiki un-filterers.
2012 .wiki*.
2013 .*wiki.
2014 /.*wiki/
2015 #MASTER# REMARKS Actionsfile feedback item #2299717 2008-11-16
2016 # URL = http://en.wiktionary.org/
2017 .wiktionary.org/
2018 #MASTER# REMARKS: protect some google projects from accidental JS/HTML tampering, etc
2019 maps.google.
2020 .google.com/(calendar|reader)
2021 #MASTER# REMARKS: A lot of code and docs on these sites:
2022 code.
2023 developer.
2024 .mozdev.org
2025 .mozilla.org
2026 .perl.org
2027 .cpan.org
2028 .webdeveloper.com
2029 .ibm.com/developerworks
2030 .apache.org/docs
2031 .comptechdoc.org
2032 .webmonkey.com
2033 .webreference.com
2034 docs.sun.com
2035 java.sun.com
2036 .thescripts.com
2037 .php.net
2038 .phpdeveloper.org
2039 .oreillynet.com/pub
2040 .devshed.com
2041 .htmlgoodies.com
2042 .javascript.com
2043 javascript.internet.com
2044 .w3schools.com
2045 .devguru.com
2046 javascriptkit.com
2047 .xulplanet.com
2048 .perl.com/language/newdocs
2049 .freebsd.org
2050 .watson.org
2051 .netbsd.org
2052 .openbsd.org
2053 .dragonflybsd.org
2054 .freedesktop.org
2055 .gnu.org
2056 .fedoraproject.org
2057 .userscripts.org
2058 #MASTER# REMARKS: Bug trackers like Flyspray and Mailinglist interfaces like Mailman:
2059 /(.*/)?flyspray/
2060 /(.*/)?mail(man|archive|inglists?)/
2061 bugs.
2062 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile tracker 1555909 09/17/06, various problems with cpu and logging in.
2063 quoka.de
2065 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2066 # Innocent images in standard banner sizes found here:
2067 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2068 {-filter{banners-by-size}}
2069 # Sticky Actions = -filter{banners-by-size}
2070 # URL = http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=580330&zip_code=92840&found=1&ut=40a6c41f2c9d1244
2071 .pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php
2072 #MASTER# REMARKS: URL-based filtering is enough here. 120x90 content images
2073 # URL = http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/
2074 .cnn.com
2075 #MASTER# REMARKS: 120x90 content images
2076 # URL = http://gamespot.com/gamespot/filters/0,10850,6013054,00.html
2077 .gamespot.com/gamespot
2078 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.wral.com/ 10/14/06
2079 www.wral.com
2080 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/ 10/15/06
2081 .cartoonnetwork.com/
2082 # URL = http://www.anybrowser.org/campaign/
2083 .anybrowser.org
2084 # URL = http://images.google.de/images?q=cookie+monster&svnum=10&hl=de&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&start=40&sa=N
2085 images.google.
2086 # URL =  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/roadshow/series/highlights/2003/albuquerque/index.html
2087 .pbs.org/.*/roadshow/
2088 # URL = http://objects.povworld.org/cat/Food/
2089 objects.povworld.org/cat/
2090 # URL = http://www.xach.com/gimp/tutorials/tiles.html
2091 www.xach.com/gimp/
2092 #MASTER# REMARKS: The destination map at the bottom of the page.
2093 # URL = http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main.adp?go=1&do=nw&ct=NA&1y=US&1a=255+w+88+st&1p=&1c=&1s=&1z=10024&2y=US&2a=20+milltown+rd&2p=&2c=&2s=&2z=10509&lr=2
2094 .mapquest.com/directions/
2095 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.theonion.com/ 10/15/06
2096 #MASTER# REMARKS: A nasty "premercial" ad is required to enter this site.
2097 .theonion.com/content/
2098 # URL = http://www.pattilupone.net/gallery.html
2099 .pattilupone.net/gallery.html
2100 # URL = http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/evn/desktops.html
2101 .ambrosiasw.com/
2102 # URL = http://oca.microsoft.com/en/Welcome.asp
2103 .microsoft.com
2104 # URL = http://javabog.dk/ijk/
2105 javabog.dk/ijk/
2106 #MASTER# REMARK: Per Debian bug report #319025 09/09/06
2107 .w3.org
2108 # URL = http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/New_Zealand_Fail_Guy
2109 .encyclopediadramatica.com/
2110 # URL = http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/00103102
2111 .ikea.com/
2112 # URL = http://www.froscon.de/en/projects.html
2113 .froscon.de/
2114 # URL = http://www.fsfe.org/en/supporters
2115 .fsfe.org/
2116 # URL = http://www.couchsurfing.com/mapsurf.html
2117 .couchsurfing.com/
2118 # URL = http://www.couchsurfing.org/mapsurf.html
2119 .couchsurfing.org/
2121 {-filter{banners-by-link}}
2122 # Sticky Actions = -filter{banners-by-link}
2123 # URL = http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Advertisement
2124 .encyclopediadramatica.com/
2126 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2127 # These don't work without the referrer information:
2128 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2129 {-hide-referrer}
2130 # Sticky Actions = -hide-referrer
2131 #MASTER# REMARKS: This section NOT checked 10/18/06 HB
2132 #MASTER# REMARKS: These are movie clips, linked from http://us.imdb.com
2133 .totaleclips.com
2134 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actions Tracker 1313157
2135 # URL = http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer
2136 validator.w3.org/check\?uri=referer
2137 #MASTER# REMARKS: Fixes Debian Bug #250407
2138 # URL = http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi
2139 .petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi
2140 #MASTER# REMARKS: Tracker bug report 1107806 09/26/06
2141 .telia.se
2142 #MASTER# REMARKS: XML validator that actually works.
2143 # URL = schneegans.de/sv/?url=referer
2144 schneegans.de/sv/\?url=referer
2146 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2147 # These animated gifs are either useful or nice:
2148 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2149 {-deanimate-gifs}
2150 # Sticky Actions = -deanimate-gifs
2151 #MASTER# REMARKS: Wanted animations on ecards
2152 #MASTER# REMARKS: Leaving 10/18/06 though most animated seem flash now.
2153 # URL = http://www.care2.com/
2154 .care2.com
2155 .care-mail.com
2156 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://weather.chicagotribune.com/radar/station.asp?ID=LOT19&type=loop
2157 #MASTER# REMARKS: These are weather radar images. 10/18/06
2158 # URL = http://www.wunderground.com/radar/station.asp?ID=MPX19&type=loop&clutter=1
2159 .wunderground.com
2161 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.teamquest.com/html/gunther/laquiz.shtml
2162 .teamquest.com/gifs/gunther/
2163 #MASTER# REMARKS: 09/12/06 Art site, and ad-free
2164 .rubberslug.com
2165 #MASTER# REMARKS: Actionsfile feedback item #2040467, allow animated gifs from wikipedia.org
2166 .wikipedia.org/
2168 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2169 # The "site-specifics" filter has special cures for problems found here:
2170 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2171 #MASTER# REMARKS: This section NOT checked 10/15/06 HB.
2172 {+filter{site-specifics}}
2173 # Sticky Actions = +filter{site-specifics}
2174 # URL = http://www.spiegel.de/static/js/flash-plugin.js
2175 .spiegel.de/static/js/flash-plugin\.js
2176 # URL = http://www.quelle-bausparkasse.de/
2177 .quelle-bausparkasse.de/$
2178 # URL = http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/die-spinner/interrupt?st=2&ln=die-spinner&m=1&done=%2Fgroup%2Fdie-spinner%2Fmessage%2F416
2179 .groups.yahoo.com/group/
2180 # URL = http://www.nytimes.com/
2181 .nytimes.com/
2183 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2184 # Content under these TLDs is most probably in character sets which the
2185 # demoronizer filter would mess up
2186 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2187 {-filter{demoronizer}}
2188 .jp
2189 .cn
2190 .tw
2191 .ru
2192 .kr
2194 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2195 # Misc special rules:
2196 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2197 {-filter{content-cookies} -filter{webbugs}}
2198 # Sticky Actions = -filter{content-cookies} -filter{webbugs}
2199 #MASTER# REMARKS: Needs content-cookies for cookie test on index page; needs webbugs for storing profile(!)
2200 # URL = http://www.friendscout24.de/
2201 .friendscout24.de
2202 #MASTER# REMARKS: Explains how content cookies work
2203 # URL = http://www.webreference.com/js/column8/property.html
2204 .webreference.com/js/column8/property.html
2206 {-filter{fun}}
2207 # Sticky Actions = -filter{fun}
2208 #MASTER# REMARKS: Don't change the filter code with itself ;-)
2209 # URL = http://www.privoxy.org/user-manual/filter-file.html
2210 /(.*/)?user-manual/filter-file.html
2212 #{+filter{img-reorder} +filter{banners-by-link}}
2213 #MASTER# REMARKS: Temporarily decommissioning 10/15/06. Violates Cautious no filter policy. HB
2214 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.dn.se/
2215 #MASTER# REMARKS: Can't catch by size or location
2216 #www.dn.se
2218 {-filter{img-reorder}}
2219 # Sticky Actions = -filter{img-reorder}
2220 #MASTER# REMARKS: Google images don't show up with img-reorder on
2221 #MASTER# REMARKS: Also images on finance.google.com 09/25/06
2222 # URL = http://images.google.com
2223 .google.
2224 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://wired.com 09/23/06
2225 # URL = http://wired.com
2226 /.*wired(\.com)?/
2227 .wired.com/
2229 {-filter{js-annoyances}}
2230 # Sticky Actions = -filter{js-annoyances}
2231 #MASTER# REMARKS: No progress past main page without js-annoyances
2232 # URL = http://www.nasa.gov
2233 .nasa.gov
2234 #MASTER# REMARKS: Exclude per Debian bug report #377843
2235 # URL = http://www2.cnrs.fr/presse/communique/900.htm
2236 .cnrs.fr
2237 #MASTER# REMARKS: Exclude per Debian bug report #377843
2238 # URL = http://blogs.msdn.com/wga/archive/2006/07/16/667063.aspx
2239 blogs.msdn.com
2241 {-filter{unsolicited-popups}}
2242 # Sticky Actions = -filter{unsolicited-popups}
2243 #MASTER# REMARKS: Breaks Movable Type's admin interface (http://www.movabletype.org/)
2244 /.*mt.cgi$
2245 #MASTER# REMARKS: Exclude per Debian bug report #377843 09/17/06
2246 # URL = http://www2.cnrs.fr/presse/communique/900.htm
2247 .cnrs.fr
2248 #MASTER# REMARKS: Exclude per Debian bug report #377843 09/17/06
2249 # URL = http://blogs.msdn.com/wga/archive/2006/07/16/667063.aspx
2250 blogs.msdn.com
2252 {-filter{jumping-windows}}
2253 # Sticky Actions = -filter{jumping-windows}
2254 # URL = http://www.openstreetmap.org
2255 .openstreetmap.org
2257 {+fast-redirects{check-decoded-url} -block}
2258 # Sticky Actions = +fast-redirects{check-decoded-url} -block
2259 #MASTER# REMARKS: Yahoo search results. Added 2007-01-19 fk
2260 #MASTER# REDIRECT-REFERRER: http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=privoxy
2261 # URL = http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geuryczbBF._YAEmxXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB2b2gzdDdtBGNvbG8DZQRsA1dTMQRwb3MDMQRzZWMDc3IEdnRpZAM-/SIG=11b3qg40n/EXP=1169301276/**http%3a//www.privoxy.org/
2262 rds.yahoo.com/
2263 # Redirected URL = http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geuryczbBF._YAEmxXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB2b2gzdDdtBGNvbG8DZQRsA1dTMQRwb3MDMQRzZWMDc3IEdnRpZAM-/SIG=11b3qg40n/EXP=1169301276/**http%3a//www.privoxy.org/
2264 # Redirect Destination = http://www.privoxy.org/
2265 #MASTER# REDIRECT-REFERRER: http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/914819.html
2266 # URL = http://dw.com.com/redir?asid=0&astid=8&siteid=19&edid=107&destCat=33862&destURL=http%3A%2F%2Fdb.gamefaqs.com%2Fcomputer%2Fdoswin%2Ffile%2Fvampire_tmb_b.txt
2267 dw.com.com/redir\?
2268 # Redirected URL = http://dw.com.com/redir?asid=0&astid=8&siteid=19&edid=107&destCat=33862&destURL=http%3A%2F%2Fdb.gamefaqs.com%2Fcomputer%2Fdoswin%2Ffile%2Fvampire_tmb_b.txt
2269 # Redirect Destination = http://db.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/vampire_tmb_b.txt
2270 #MASTER# REMARKS: Action tracker 1593393. Added 2007-01-20.
2271 # URL = http://wzus.bloglines.com/r?t=a&d=us&s=bl&c=blen&ti=1&ai=51060&l=dir&o=0&sv=z6f537f5b&ip=971AC44B&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.skweezer.net%2Fbloglines%2Fskweeze.aspx%3F%26i%3Dd%26l%3Den%26r%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bloglines.com%252Fmyblogs_display%253Fsub%253D29302699%2526site%253D5382440%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpermalink.gmane.org%252Fgmane.linux.debian.devel.changes.unstable%252F97340
2272 # Redirected URL = http://wzus.bloglines.com/r?t=a&d=us&s=bl&c=blen&ti=1&ai=51060&l=dir&o=0&sv=z6f537f5b&ip=971AC44B&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.skweezer.net%2Fbloglines%2Fskweeze.aspx%3F%26i%3Dd%26l%3Den%26r%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bloglines.com%252Fmyblogs_display%253Fsub%253D29302699%2526site%253D5382440%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpermalink.gmane.org%252Fgmane.linux.debian.devel.changes.unstable%252F97340
2273 # Redirect Destination = http://www.skweezer.net/bloglines/skweeze.aspx?&i=d&l=en&r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bloglines.com%2Fmyblogs_display%3Fsub%3D29302699%26site%3D5382440&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpermalink.gmane.org%2Fgmane.linux.debian.devel.changes.unstable%2F97340
2274 .bloglines.com/r\?
2275 www.skweezer.net/bloglines
2276 # URL = http://media.fastclick.net/w/get.media?sid=4681&m=5&tp=6&url=http%3A//www.sciam.com/article.cfm%3FchanID%3Dsa003%26articleID%3DC7C87ECC-E7F2-99DF-39AEFF3D7D1A8CFB%26ref%3Drss
2277 # Redirected URL = http://media.fastclick.net/w/get.media?sid=4681&m=5&tp=6&url=http%3A//www.sciam.com/article.cfm%3FchanID%3Dsa003%26articleID%3DC7C87ECC-E7F2-99DF-39AEFF3D7D1A8CFB%26ref%3Drss
2278 # Redirect Destination = http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa003&articleID=C7C87ECC-E7F2-99DF-39AEFF3D7D1A8CFB&ref=rss
2279 .fastclick.net/w/get\.media\?
2280 # Redirected URL = http://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=2891&awinaffid=43305&clickref=&p=http://www.groupon.co.uk/
2281 # Redirect Destination = http://www.groupon.co.uk/
2282 .awin1.com/.*=http://
2284 {+block{Looks like an anti-leech trigger URL.}}
2285 #MASTER# COMMENTS: This section not checked 10/17/06 HB. Still out there?
2286 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.anti-leech.com/theft_example.html
2287 #MASTER# REMARKS: Lame attempt at banning ad-blockers. Used by other websites as well.
2288 /antitheft\.php
2290 {+filter{tiny-textforms}}
2291 .sourceforge.net/tracker
2293 {+downgrade-http-version}
2294 #MASTER# COMMENTS: This section not checked 10/17/06 HB
2295 #MASTER# REMARKS: This is work-around for CUPS http configuration.
2296 :631
2298 #MASTER# REMARKS: If Privoxy is disabled, requests for config.privoxy.org/
2299 #MASTER# REMARKS: reach privoxy.org and are redirected to privoxy.org/config.
2300 #MASTER# REMARKS: The instructions tell the user to reload the page with
2301 #MASTER# REMARKS: Privoxy enabled to reach the configuration webinterface,
2302 #MASTER# REMARKS: to make this work we have to intercept the request and revert
2303 #MASTER# REMARKS: the redirection.
2304 {+redirect{http://config.privoxy.org/}}
2305 # Sticky Actions = +redirect{http://config.privoxy.org/}
2306 # URL = http://www.privoxy.org/config
2307 # Redirected URL = http://www.privoxy.org/config
2308 # Redirect Destination = http://config.privoxy.org/
2309 .privoxy.org/config
2311 #MASTER# REMARKS: Privoxy's "unsafe" CGI pages check the referrer
2312 #MASTER# REMARKS: to make sure the user reached them intentionally.
2313 #MASTER# REMARKS: Disabling hide-referrer so there's a referrer left to check.
2314 #MASTER# REMARKS: Disabling fast-redirects because if CGI crunching gets
2315 #MASTER# REMARKS: enabled it could be leveraged to fool the referrer check.
2316 {-hide-referrer -fast-redirects}
2317 # Sticky Actions = -hide-referrer -fast-redirects
2318 # URL = http://p.p
2319 # URL = http://config.privoxy.org
2320 p.p/
2321 config.privoxy.org/
2323 #MASTER# REMARKS: Yahoo logout URLs need special treatment,
2324 #MASTER# REMARKS: the URL after "done=" is no fast-redirect. 2007-01-19 fk
2325 #MASTER# REMARKS: Reported in support request #1635354.
2326 {-fast-redirects +redirect{s@^.*\*(http://login\.yahoo\.com/.*)$@$1@i}}
2327 # XXX: Privoxy-Regression-Test currently doesn't allow backslashes.
2328 # Sticky Actions = -fast-redirects +redirect
2329 # URL = http://us.ard.yahoo.com/SIG=AAAAAAAAA/M=NNNNNN.NNNNNNN.NNNNNNN.NNNNNNN/D=mail/S=NNNNNNNNN:HEADR/Y=YAHOO/EXP=NNNNNNNNNN/A=NNNNNNN/R=N/SIG=AAAAAAAAA/*http://login.yahoo.com/config/login?logout=1&.done=http://mail.yahoo.com&.src=ym&.intl=us
2330 # Redirected URL = http://us.ard.yahoo.com/SIG=AAAAAAAAA/M=NNNNNN.NNNNNNN.NNNNNNN.NNNNNNN/D=mail/S=NNNNNNNNN:HEADR/Y=YAHOO/EXP=NNNNNNNNNN/A=NNNNNNN/R=N/SIG=AAAAAAAAA/*http://login.yahoo.com/config/login?logout=1&.done=http://mail.yahoo.com&.src=ym&.intl=us
2331 # Redirect Destination = http://login.yahoo.com/config/login?logout=1&.done=http://mail.yahoo.com&.src=ym&.intl=us
2332 .yahoo./.*http://login.yahoo.com/config/login.*http://
2334 #MASTER# REMARKS: The next two sections are to get flickr's Ajax interface working
2335 #MASTER# REMARKS: with default pre-settings. For more aggressive defaults they additionally
2336 #MASTER# REMARKS: need -crunch-incoming-cookies and -crunch-outgoing-cookies.
2337 #MASTER# REMARKS: They work with +session-cookies-only, though.
2338 {-block -filter}
2339 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.flickr.com/
2340 # Sticky Actions = -block -filter
2341 # URL = http://l.yimg.com/g/combo/1?event-custom/event-custom-min.js&event/event-min.js&j/.H-.K.A.vNKEa&j/.CP-.U-.DE.A.vKEJz&j/.J_.BR_.CA.A.vKYkg&j/.J_.DB.A.vPpBT&j/popup-login.A.vR53Z&dump/dump-min.js&datatype/datatype-xml-min.js&substitute/substitute-min.js&json/json-min.js&queue-promote/queue-promote-min.js&io/io-min.js&j/.J_.DS.A.vQa28&j/.FW-.FX-.GH.A.vP3XB&j/grease.A.vRktP&j/.CC.A.vNiA6&j/.C-.BL.A.vPPj2&j/.CE-.K.A.vNy32&attribute/attribute-base-min.js&base/base-min.js&anim/anim-min.js&cookie/cookie-min.js&j/.B-.C-.F.A.vQ7SZ&j/urls.A.vQtXp&j/.B-.BY.A.vQCXP&j/.H-.BY.A.vQXXx&j/.DS-value-conversions.A.vQpRt&j/.G-.BD.A.vNHSH&event/event-synthetic-min.js&j/.G-.BO.A.vNwR4&j/.CV-.CH.A.vPFSZ&j/.X-.W-.C-.F.A.vKPQa&j/.X-.W-.D.A.vQXXx&j/.Q-.BX-.K.A.vR1kt&j/.DL.A.vLPjD&j/.CF.A.vNC24&j/.CX-.CY.A.vP8ND&event-simulate/event-simulate-min.js&node/node-event-simulate-min.js&j/.B-.T-.CI-.C-.F.A.vPJPF&j/.CM/.BA_2.5.1-.D.A.vPzui&j/bo-.S-.C-.F.A.vNwWe&j/bo-.S-.D.A.vR6Hx&j/.BZ-.D.A.vNstB&j/.B-.L-.C-.F.A.vNxPX&j/.B-.L-.BH.A.vMdVB&j/.CN-.DD.A.vLjJ2&j/.B-.O-.C-.F.A.vPpcK&j/.BM.A.vKPmz&j/.B-.O.A.vQyHg&j/.B-.H-.BB-.C-.F.A.vQvrB&j/.CW-.CU.A.vQ7Rg&j/.Y-.C-.F.A.vNqGa&j/.Y.A.vLKiT&j/.B-.M-.C-.F.A.vQxDc&j/.U-.CG.A.vQ5Tt&j/.B-.M.A.vQXXx&j/.B-.Q-.BQ.A.vQvTt&j/.B-.N-.C-.F.A.vQaRp&j/.CL.A.vN4N6&j/.B-.CL-.BW.A.vPwkx&j/.DR-.DG.A.vMLJr&j/.B-.BE-.C-.F.A.vPHP4&j/.B-.BE-.D.A.vQLQH&j/.BV.A.vm3Uz&j/.Z-.DK-.D.A.vLQEe&j/.Z-.DJ-.BJ.A.vLQEe&j/.B-.I-.C-.F.A.vPKTK&stylesheet/stylesheet-min.js&j/.B-.I.A.vQvDF&j/.CM-.DO.A.vPboD&j/.B-.D.A.vRbv8&j/.B-.H-.BB.A.vQuhn&j/.B-.N.A.vR6Cn&j/.B-.L-.CZ.A.vQmzP&j/.B-.T-.CI.A.vQXXx&j/.B-.I-.CQ-.BK-.C-.F.A.vNwZF&j/.B-.I-.CQ-.BK.A.vLWQR&j/.B-.R-.C-.F.A.vPfwi&j/.B-.R.A.vRhND&j/.DN-.BB-.D-.C-.F.A.vQXZg&j/.DN-.BB-.D.A.vRcXB&j/.BF_.D-.C-.F.A.vPGYM&j/.BF_.D.A.vQxJn&plugin/plugin-min.js&cache/cache-min.js&j/.CB-.C-.F.A.vNwWe&j/.CB-.D.A.vQS6T
2342 .yimg.com/g/combo/1\?event-custom/
2344 {-block -filter{content-cookies}}
2345 #MASTER# PROBLEM-URL: http://www.flickr.com/
2346 {-filter{content-cookies}}
2347 # Sticky Actions = -block
2348 # URL = http://www.flickr.com/
2349 .flickr.com/
2352 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2353 # Sections that modify the action settings based on tags.
2354 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2356 #############################################################################
2357 # Depends on +client-header-tagger{image-requests}
2358 #############################################################################
2359 {-handle-as-empty-document \
2360  +handle-as-image \
2361 }
2364 #############################################################################
2365 # Depends on +client-header-tagger{css-requests}
2366 #############################################################################
2367 {+handle-as-empty-document \
2368  -handle-as-image \
2369 }
2372 #MASTER# set vi:nowrap