From: Ian Silvester Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 02:57:21 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Added entreaty to donate, improved clarity of sections and miscellaneous rewording X-Git-Url:;h=06e2ba5b1e1218a291ab73fed0704adbdbca6c2f;p=OSXPackageBuilder.git Added entreaty to donate, improved clarity of sections and miscellaneous rewording --- diff --git a/pkg content skeleton/Applications/Privoxy/readme.rtfd/TXT.rtf b/pkg content skeleton/Applications/Privoxy/readme.rtfd/TXT.rtf index 8d35d57..9fc1570 100644 --- a/pkg content skeleton/Applications/Privoxy/readme.rtfd/TXT.rtf +++ b/pkg content skeleton/Applications/Privoxy/readme.rtfd/TXT.rtf @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 -{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;\f1\fmodern\fcharset0 CourierNewPSMT;} -{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green19\blue25;} +{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f2\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande; +\f3\fmodern\fcharset0 CourierNewPSMT;} +{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green19\blue25;\red126\green0\blue20;\red126\green0\blue20; +\red10\green0\blue139;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww21240\viewh13460\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural @@ -32,13 +34,16 @@ and for Opera at:\ \ Opera > Preferences > Advanced > Network > Proxy Servers\ \ +All done! To test that you've set things up correctly please follow the instructions in the next section.\ \ \ - -\b\fs26 Checking that Privoxy is working for you -\b0\fs24 \ \ -Simply point your web browser here:\ +\pard\pardeftab720\sa240\ql\qnatural + +\f1\b\fs36 \cf3 Checking that Privoxy is working for you +\f0\b0\fs24 \cf0 \ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural +\cf0 Simply point your web browser here:\ \ \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf0}}\ @@ -56,12 +61,13 @@ If you see a page like the following screenshot then all is well and Privoxy is \ \b\fs26 \ -Known problems -\b0\fs24 \ +\pard\pardeftab720\sa240\ql\qnatural -\b\fs26 \ +\f1\fs36 \cf3 Known Problems +\f0\fs26 \cf0 \ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural -\b0\fs24 The OS X 'Mavericks' & 'Yosemite' releases have a bug that causes an intermittent problem for Privoxy that a simple upgrade install will not cure. If you have a persistent problem with Privoxy not starting (in your web browser you get a "Cannot connect to proxy server" error) then the best advice is to completely uninstall Privoxy (using the guide in the readme file at /Applications/Privoxy) then reinstall from scratch. Please ensure you take a copy of your config file and filters if you have made any customisations you do not want to lose.\ +\b0\fs24 \cf0 The OS X 'Mavericks' & 'Yosemite' releases have a bug that causes an intermittent problem for Privoxy that a simple upgrade install will not cure. If you have a persistent problem with Privoxy not starting (in your web browser you get a "Cannot connect to proxy server" error) then the best advice is to completely uninstall Privoxy (using the guide in the readme file at /Applications/Privoxy) then reinstall from scratch. Please ensure you take a copy of your config file and filters if you have made any customisations you do not want to lose.\ \ For the technically minded, the bug is that the _privoxy user & group cannot be reliably read from directory services at system startup time (there are suggestions that usernames with leading underscore are no longer properly supported), causing Privoxy to fail to load. Details can be found in these discussion threads:\ \ @@ -72,10 +78,34 @@ \ \ \ -Configuring Privoxy -\b0\fs24 \ -\ -You can access your Privoxy installation configuration at:\ +\pard\pardeftab720\sa240\ql\qnatural + +\f1\fs36 \cf4 Is there a particular feature from our TODO list you'd like to see implemented sooner rather than later? Would you like to donate in general?\ +\pard\pardeftab720\sa240\ql\qnatural + +\b0\fs24 \cf0 Donations are welcome, and you are free to discuss with us what your donation should be used for. Our {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf5 TODO list}} is rather long and being able to pay one (or more) developers to work on Privoxy would make a huge difference, even if it was only for a couple of weeks. Donations may also be used for Privoxy-related travel expenses (for example to attend conferences), for hardware used for Privoxy development and for hosting expenses etc.\ +Privoxy is an associated project of {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf5 Software in the Public Interest (SPI)}}, which allows us to receive tax-deductible donations in the United States. If you want to donate through SPI, please use {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf5 SPI's donation page}} to see what the options are.\ +You can also donate to Privoxy using a bank account managed by {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf5 Zwiebelfreunde e.V.}}:\ +\'a0Name\'a0on\'a0Account:\'a0Zwiebelfreunde\'a0e.V. +\f2 \uc0\u8232 +\f1 \'a0IBAN:\'a0DE95430609671126825604 +\f2 \uc0\u8232 +\f1 \'a0BIC:\'a0GENODEM1GLS +\f2 \uc0\u8232 +\f1 \'a0Bank:\'a0GLS\'a0Bank\ +Donations made through Zwiebelfreunde e.V. are tax-deductible in Germany and other countries that recognize German charitable clubs. Feel free to use the Subject field to provide a name to be credited and a list of TODO list items you are interested in the most. For example: Max Mustermann: #16, #1, #14.\ +If you have any questions regarding donations please mail to either the public user mailing list or, if it's a private matter, to {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf5 Fabian Keil}} (Privoxy's SPI liason) directly.\ +\pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural +\cf0 \ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural + +\f0\b\fs26 \cf0 \ +\pard\pardeftab720\sa240\ql\qnatural + +\f1\fs36 \cf3 Configuring Privoxy +\f0\b0\fs24 \cf0 \ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural +\cf0 You can access your Privoxy installation configuration at:\ \ \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf0}}\ @@ -89,22 +119,26 @@ Note that to make configuration changes here you first have to manually enable t \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \b\fs26 \cf0 \ -Merging an existing configuration -\b0\fs24 \ -\ -If you already had Privoxy installed prior to this installation, then your configuration is unchanged. It is possible however that the configuration files supplied with this new installation contain new options that your existing configuration files do not. If you wish to manually merge your settings into the new files you will find them all at /usr/local/etc/privoxy/\ +\pard\pardeftab720\sa240\ql\qnatural + +\f1\fs36 \cf3 Merging in an existing configuration +\f0\b0\fs24 \cf0 \ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural +\cf0 If you already had Privoxy installed prior to this installation, then your configuration is unchanged. It is possible however that the configuration files supplied with this new installation contain new options that your existing configuration files do not. If you wish to manually merge your settings into the new files you will find them all at /usr/local/etc/privoxy/\ \ \ \ +\pard\pardeftab720\sa240\ql\qnatural -\b\fs26 Starting and Stopping Privoxy\ -\ +\f1\b\fs36 \cf3 Starting and stopping Privoxy +\f0\fs26 \cf0 \ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural -\b0\fs24 Privoxy can be started and stopped using the two scripts in /Applications/Privoxy named and They must be run as sudo from an account that has administrative rights. To do this, open a Terminal window then enter the following commands:\ +\b0\fs24 \cf0 Privoxy can be started and stopped using the two scripts in /Applications/Privoxy named and They must be run as sudo from an account that has administrative rights. To do this, open a Terminal window then enter the following commands:\ \ \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural -\f1 \cf0 cd /Applications/Privoxy\ +\f3 \cf0 cd /Applications/Privoxy\ sudo ./\ \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural @@ -114,24 +148,24 @@ sudo ./\ \ \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural -\f1\b0 \cf0 sudo ./\ +\f3\b0 \cf0 sudo ./\ \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\b \cf0 \ \ \ +\pard\pardeftab720\sa240\ql\qnatural -\fs26 Uninstallation -\b0 \ - -\fs24 \ -To remove Privoxy once it has been installed, first of all reconfigure your web browser(s) not to use Privoxy as a proxy (see the top of this file for details). Once you're happy that you're not using Privoxy any more you can run its uninstall script.\ +\f1\fs36 \cf3 Uninstalling Privoxy +\f0\b0\fs24 \cf0 \ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural +\cf0 To remove Privoxy once it has been installed, first of all reconfigure your web browser(s) not to use Privoxy as a proxy (see the top of this file for details). Once you're happy that you're not using Privoxy any more you can run its uninstall script.\ \ To do this, open a Terminal window then enter the following commands:\ \ \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural -\f1 \cf0 cd /Applications/Privoxy\ +\f3 \cf0 cd /Applications/Privoxy\ sudo ./uninstall.command\ \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural @@ -140,19 +174,21 @@ You will be prompted for your password, since the script requires super-user pri \ \ \ +\pard\pardeftab720\sa240\ql\qnatural -\b Thanks\ - -\b0 \ -This installer is based on previous work done by Mark Miller, David Schmidt and John Daniels, to whom I am indebted. Thanks also to Fabian Keil for occasional technical and significant licensing guidance, and to Andrew Jones, Andreas Rutkauskas, Julien Joubert, Lizik Grelier and Steven Kolins for testing.\ +\f1\b\fs36 \cf3 Thanks +\f0\b0\fs24 \cf0 \ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural +\cf0 This installer is based on previous work done by Mark Miller, David Schmidt and John Daniels, to whom I am indebted. Thanks also to Fabian Keil for occasional technical and significant licensing guidance, and to Andrew Jones, Andreas Rutkauskas, Julien Joubert, Lizik Grelier and Steven Kolins for testing.\ \ \ \ +\pard\pardeftab720\sa240\ql\qnatural -\b Copyright and Licensing\ - -\b0 \ -All files that comprise this installation of Privoxy are written by and Copyright (C) 2001-2012 the Privoxy team.\ +\f1\b\fs36 \cf3 Copyright and licensing +\f0\b0\fs24 \cf0 \ +\pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural +\cf0 All files that comprise this installation of Privoxy are written by and Copyright (C) 2001-2012 the Privoxy team.\ \ \pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural \cf0 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\