We value your feedback. In fact, we rely on it to improve Privoxy and its configuration. However, please note the following hints, so we can provide you with the best support:
For casual users, our support forum at SourceForge is probably best suited: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=11118&atid=211118
All users are of course welcome to discuss their issues on the users mailing list, where the developers also hang around.
Please report all bugs only through our bug tracker: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=11118&atid=111118.
Before doing so, please make sure that the bug has not already been submitted and observe the additional hints at the top of the submit form.
Please try to verify that it is a Privoxy bug, and not a browser or site bug first. If unsure, try toggling off Privoxy, and see if the problem persists. The appendix of the user manual also has helpful information on action debugging. If you are using your own custom configuration, please try the stock configs to see if the problem is configuration related.
If not using the latest version, chances are that the bug has been found and fixed in the meantime. We would appreciate if you could take the time to upgrade to the latest version (or even the latest CVS snapshot) and verify your bug, but this is not required for reporting.
You are welcome to submit ideas on new features or other proposals for improvement through our feature request tracker at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=361118&group_id=11118.
Please send feedback on ads that slipped through, innocent images that were blocked, and any other problems relating to the default.action file through our actions feedback mechanism located at http://www.privoxy.org/actions/. On this page, you will also find a bookmark which will take you back there from any troubled site and even pre-fill the form!
New, improved default.action files will occasionally be made available based on your feedback. These will be announced on the ijbswa-announce list and available from our the files section of our project page.
For any other issues, feel free to use the mailing lists. Technically interested users and people who wish to contribute to the project are also welcome on the developers list! You can find an overview of all Privoxy-related mailing lists, including list archives, at: http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=11118.